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GHNS: Discussion Thread

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Karen was mentioned by Jagger in the first episode, but in a slightly different context, I think. NS 2 has been oblique about who is little Stone's mom -- or I've missed the part where Jagger talked about it! Maybe they are priming for some big reveal.

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This week's episode was the best of the season so far.

Everything seemed to flow very organically and the dialogue was top-notch. It felt more like GH (the GH of my rusty memories!) than ever and no wonder -- I RWed and Karen Harris wrote the script. Man, what I would give to see her try out the HW position on Original GH.

When they introduced the autism support group, I braced myself for some serious PSA. Especially considering that they used real parents of autistic kids for the group (according to Sara Bibel). None came. It was just parents talking about taking their kids to a baseball game, or one mother talking about her husband unable to deal with their 7-year old getting back onto diapers.

Throughout it all, the actress playing Saira kept it understated and low-key. Surprisingly, ASJ who is no actor, really stepped up to the plate. He had no dialogue but let his eyes do the talking. Jagger must have realized that this is what he had to "look forward to" now: two steps forward in some cases, three steps back in others.

And then Jagger and Saira had the big soap kiss and it was a great one! Soap actors don't kiss that lingeringly anymore, but ASJ is clearly a great soap kisser of the Old School. :lol:

Mac & Robert! It was so great seeing Mac support Robin and reunite with his bro. Although John J. York's Australian accent is appalling!

Robert & Robin scenes -- I cannot adequately put into words. They were funny and tender and heart-rending -- especially the end.

A lot of the other stuff was filler and Kyle and Claire are still B-story (and I still feel that the actress playing Claire is the weakest of all the cast) but enjoyable nonetheless. I like that the show didn't tie things up in a neat little bow at the end, either, although previews for next week look a little earnest and mawkish.

Anyhoo, just wanted to spread the NS love.

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I thought this week and last week's eps (loved the Moira/Sirus scenes, the charades, the proposal, the the last scene when she wouldn't open the door for him. Talk about caring for characters you barely even know! :( ) were excellent.

Karen Harris is just awesome. I also gotta give props to Sri Rao for writing the breakdowns and setting the tone for the show. I wouldn't mind if Karen, who has experience, and Sri, who is new blood, Co-Head Write GH.

Yeah, that was a great scene. GH:NS is doing such a better job than DAYS.

Azita Ghanizada (Saira) is a great find! She has beauty and talent. I hope Bob Guza doesn't get his hands on this character, or Claire or Kyle.

I loved the brothers scene talking about their young days. I'm so glad Sri brought Mac into this storyline. I can't wait to see Anna.

That last scene was heart breaking. It was so sad. :( Next week's scenes with Robin/Robert look touching/sad too.

I really liked the Claire and Ryan scenes. They were funny, joking around, they knew each other from high school. I want to see more of them.

Me too. NS is amazing. Sri Rao is da man!

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I am really getting into this show.

This surprises me, because I have long been removed from GH as a regular viewer.

What I am enjoying about it is (a) the hospital basis (which creates life-and-death stories)...but I have also been a fan of St. Elsewhere and ER (not so much Grey's Anatomy); (B) the familiar GH faces (a few...good ones) matched with returning veterans; © the commitment to emotional storytelling. I also like the weekly thing...it requires less commitment.

The show also shocks me (like this week's kiss between the blonde and Dr. Julian at the end)...not with explosions, but with relationship and emotional bursts. Robert's fighting of the "prodding"; the kiss; Jagger complimenting Patrick. Each of these were genuine "beats" that are the kind of thing that a REAL soap viewer wants to see.

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I watched again this week.

I found the show less interesting, but still pretty good.

It seemed they were setting up future story.

I liked that Robin expressed to Jagger her anxiety to her baby about her father's mortality, her baby's potential positive status, and her relationship with Patrick. I liked that there was an almost-kiss. I liked that Robin gave Jagger $$ and thought of herself as little Stone's aunt. All of that felt real and tugged at the heart strings.

I liked both Drs. Julian (both the senior one), and I find his relationship with his young resident adds some realistic complications.

I could do without Epiphany and Toussaint.

I am totally anxious with the number of

I am very, very, very worried they are going to kill Robert off...and I don't want that for anything.

I am not watching GH in daytime. Are they REMOTELY referencing any of this on the day show? Because it really seems like they ought to...both for plausibility (Robin is pregnant on both shows; Jagger and Robert were meaningful on both shows)...and for cross-promotion.

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^^ Yep. The robin and Robert scene brought tears to my eyes. I also really liked the Robert and Patrick confrontation. Sri really has a handle on Robin's relationship with both her daddy and babydaddy. I also liked the little exchange of looks between Robin and Jagger as they folded the sofa bed.

Can I just say that it is a crying SHAME that Kathleen Noone is not ona TV show at present? She excels as the slightly overbearing mother and matriarch. She was made for a role like this. I loved her as Patricia Julian and you could see Adam Grimes and Ethan Raines really connecting with her in their scenes. I forgot I was watching a soap, actually. And the punch Kyle threw at Leo in the restaurant -- I like how it was one punch, so simple and yet powerful enough. I don't know if that makes any sense. On GH, they'd be in a brawl and wrecking the sets!

Catharina Ledeboer wrote the script. I've never heard of her -- is she new? Is so, yay for some new blood because she crafted some great dialogue and good interplay between scenes. I wasn't bored once -- I even enjoyed Patrick stuck with Epiphany and Toussaint. :lol:

P.S.: Hot moment when Kyle and the Chad Allen character kept playing with each other's hands -- ahem, for medical purposes of course. An admirable lack of PSA or too much cliché in their dialogue, too.

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Last night's episode was another great one. The racism story was surprisingly not PSA, and I like how the father whose son has autism came back and was involved with trying to stop them. Good continuity.

I was SO SURPRISED by the last scene, though!

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