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The Aldrich marriage is falling apart bit by bit. I feel sorry for Carolee. She clearly loves Steve, but also respects his marriage to Karen. I read that Steve later gets her pregnant out of wedlock too. He must be some super stud to bed and impregnate all these young women.

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While I still have a lot of episodes to watch before I'm caught up to what's airing right now, I did notice that today's 2 shows included the Christmas 1968 episode. Even at a rate of 2 episodes per day most days, it's hard to believe we've gotten over a year's worth of late-60s episodes of this classic series so far.

Much credit to Retro TV for continuing to air it each day. I'll admit I was originally a bit skeptical about how long they would actually keep it on their schedule. Hopefully they will continue moving forward with the series for years to come, reaching the end of the run and then circling back to the pre-12/67 shows.

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I hope so too - have we heard if they've bought any more episodes? I guess the ratings must be OK if they're still airing two a day.

I'm somewhere around late August, still in disbelief over them having Maggie sing the Theme from The Graduate in her head.

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Now is the time Retro TV viewers should start writing letters and sending emails to the powers that be. As the program is now at the midpoint of its contracted episodes with SFM, I would imagine that Retro is beginning to contemplate their fall schedule and the possibility of purchasing another two years of episodes. I also feel that those of us who do not have access to Retro should also continue to contact them and express our interest in receiving the network because we want to see The Doctors. Such interest can only help.

I agree, Carl. The "Graduate" scene was bizarre and a bit uncomfortable to watch. However, it shows the program as being quite contemporary and edgy for that era. At that point, Lydia was still new and finding her way with Maggie. You are not there yet, but in the more recent episodes telecast, we have seen Lydia's Maggie develop a more playful and sexual relationship with Matt, and it is an absolute delight to watch. As much as I love Lydia, I do miss Bethel's amusing facial expressions and her wonderfully raspy voice. Viewers and the series alike were lucky to have had two disparate but excellent actresses for a matriarch.

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One of my YouTube viewers passed along some interesting information. He has been in contact with Barbara Morgenroth, final co-headwriter of The Doctors. Under a pseudonym, Barbara wrote a novel of her experience working on The Doctors. It is entitled "Soaped", written under the name Ari Robbins. It can be purchased for the remarkably reasonable price of $2.99 on Kindle.

On Retro, we are now officially in 1969, which will prove to be a year of significant change in front of and behind the cameras. Behind the scenes, Rita Lakin will depart as headwriter. Had Rita continued writing for The Doctors or other daytime soaps, I feel she would be regarded today as part of an illustrious group including Lemay, Slesar, Gordon Russell, etc.

We will see the onscreen departure of

I hope The Doctors sticks around Retro for 1970 and 1971.

Edited by saynotoursoap
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I love that shot of Ann Flood in your avatar. She was one of my favorites from EON, and I loved her on SFT as evil Ella, AW as Rose, although she didn't have a lot to do there, and AMC as bitter Bitsy. Thanks for your insights, I totally hope they continue through 1970-71 as well, it's the best daytime show currently airing(albeit in reruns), and watching it is the highlight of my day. It's a shame Lakin departs. I loved these stories so far, and I absolutely loved Flamingo Road when I watched it earlier this year.

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Thanks for reminding me. I might try to call my cable company again and try to contact Retro TV.

Even in the summer episodes I do notice a difference. I feel like Bethel and James had a more cool, old Hollywood type of chemistry - cracked ice and detachment. I could see them solving mysteries together.

Lydia is so much more vulnerable (although Bethel did well at that too) and earthy, and there's a lot more of things like her laying (lying?) on the bed, her head in Matt's lap. It feels like a real marriage, complete with crackup and fear and emotional distance. I loved the scene in his office when he told Maggie he'd spent weeks alone, only hearing from her if she needed to tell him how much she hated him, and that wasn't easy to get past emotionally.

I also like that she is a loving stepmother to Mike, instead of what we would get now - they'd sleep together, or she'd hate him and try to run him off.

I'm not sure what Mike was like the last time he was on the show (how old was he?), but I like Peter Burnell a lot. I also like that they reference the demonstrations and unrest in Europe in a way that is evenhanded and contemporary. There are moments that have real bite - like an angry Nick being sick of Althea's uneasiness about moving forward so he lists all the terrible things that happened that should keep them apart, including the deaths of RFK and MLK. This also feels very "real." I guess this must have been Lakin's influence?

I love Zaida Coles as Anna. The way her voice quavers (similar to Lydia Bruce in a way), and how she can project strength and fear at the same time. She's like no other woman on the show and she helps open it up. I really adored the scenes with Nick and Ed where she moved her hands and arms for the first time.

I guess the August episodes were when Pamela Toll left to make another Disney movie. You don't really notice Liz's absence too much. I tend to wonder how much longer she has before Toll left - the character feels pretty isolated.

If I had any complaint about these episodes it's only that Penny gets on my nerves somewhat fiercely.

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Oh, and I was surprised at just how quickly and efficiently David O'Brien slipped into junior leading man/antihero role. It was truly effortless. I guess Terry Kiser's departure helped him a great deal; I tend to wonder what his stories would have been if John had stayed around.

Does anyone know who played the man at the marriage bureau who kept talking and talking?

Edited by DRW50
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I, too, love Zaida Coles as Anna. I find her mesmerizing to watch.

We're now into early January 1969 and rest assured that Liz becomes prominent again. I also wonder how much longer Toll will be on, especially since she was in the premiere cast of Somerset in March 1970.

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