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May 1966 TV Picture Life

Bethel Leslie, now settled in New York, says it's a better town for divorcees than Hollywood. Likes having an apartment close to her studio, and the informality of New York apartment dinners and parties.

Adam Kennedy has oil paintings on exhibit at the Celebrity Art Show at Lincoln Center.

Jim Pritchett is taking vocal lessons, hoping that some day he can work in musical comedy.

Joan Anderson and Craig Huebing celebrating their fifth anniversary any minute now.

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I think this is August 1968 TV Picture Life

The Negro actor portraying a doctor on The Doctors is Conrad Roberts. He was recently in the TV series, Secret Agent, and had a cameo role in the movie, The Producers.

As for Terry Kiser, Dr. John Rice on The Doctors, he's been touring with the play, "Sweet Bird of Youth."

What happened to Gerald S. O'Laughlin, who used to be Pete Banas on The Doctors? writes Virginia Jelesnik, Salt Lake City. He is in the movie, In Cold Blood, and will be in the movie, The Riot. He now lives in Hollywood.

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September 1966 TV Picture Life

May 18 was Ann Williams' birthday, and Jim Pritchett and others of the cast didn't forget to phone her and wish her well. She's moved into a new apartment right on Central Park, so she can take her daughter out for fresh air daily.

Jim Pritchett took his wife Cynthia to England for a two-week "vacation" in June. He appeared with the play, "Phaedre," in London and Devenshire, during the two weeks.

"Did Liz Hubbard of The Doctors ever play parts in the movies under the name of Lucille Nomran?" asks Mrs. G. Smith of Warren, Ohio. Elizabeth tells us she's never been in the movies.

"You never write about James Pritchett," accuses Paula Brooks, Greenville, S.C. Answer: see story on Jim (and Liz Hubbard) in upcoming issue...

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October 1967 TV Picture Life

What happened to Pamela Toll? asks Marvin Sardi, Bronx. She took six weeks out to work in a Disney movie in Pennsylvania, and was replaced by Patricia McAneny.

October 1968 TV Picture Life

Laryssa Lauret (Dr. Werner), an immigrant from Warsaw, Poland, does weekly broadcasts on Radio Libert - poetry and dramatic readings - beamed into the Iron Curtain nations.

Pamela Toll (Liz Wilson) married Peter Gina back in December but she's still furning their mid-town New York apartment. "We ordered some custom made pieces, and we're still waiting for delivery," sighs Pam.

James Noble (Dr. Bill Winters) celebrated his 12th anniversary May 19 with a party. He is wed to actress Carolyn Coates, and they have one child, Jessica, 6.

Ann Whiteside (Ruth Winters) has been in scores of stage plays. One of her roles was Lady Macduff in Macbeth; but this is her first major TV role.

November 1967 TV Picture Life

James Noble (Dr. Bill Winters) once accompanied Judith Anderson to West Berlin in her famed production of "Medea."

Terry Kiser (Dr. John Rice) is doubling into the off-Broadway play, "Fortune and Men's Eyes." His stage role won for him an Obie and a Theater World award.

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I remember watching the hearings in the summer of 1973. I was getting ready to start high school and had started being interested in politics. It was pretty interesting at the time. If I'm recalling correctly, the networks started taking turns in airing the hearings so the programs weren't pre-empted on every channel, every day.

In the 60s, I remember the soaps being pre-empted for the return of various space capsules. I used to get mad because you really couldn't see much. It didn't seem worth it to interrupt the soaps, lol. I wasn't old enough to appreciate I was witnessing history (except for the moon landing, of course, which happened at night). The cameras couldn't get close and you could only see a little blip splashing in the ocean.

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I've often read that during the Watergate hearings, a lot of the soaps that DID air & weren't preempted often aired in a deliberately abbreviated form. I have to wonder if this is similar to how ABC handled the soaps in 1984 during the Olympics when GH, OLTL, & AMC continued to air (Edge, Loving, & RH were completely preempted) in a 20 minute (I *think*) format for those 2 weeks or so.

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Just when you think you can feel sorry for Karen, once again The Kooky Kraut does something that reminds you why you hate her! The storyline with Mrs. Anderson proves a point first explored by Agnes Nixon: the average 1960s housewife knew little about her own health and only visited the doctor when her period stopped for either pregnancy or menopause. Mrs. Anderson was the type to do everything for her husband, not even thinking of her own welfare. When Agnes Nixon did the now-legendary uterine cancer storyline on GL with Bert Bauer in 1962, a lot of women heard about the Pap test for the first time, saving lives. With the Anderson story, Rita Lakin is also addressing the state of women's health issues from that era.

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Variety April 3rd 1968 mentions Conrad Roberts.

His part In the Colgate soap, that of a medico back from the wars, incepted last week. As Roberts noted, his is the first three-dimensional black characterization featured on the serial

Some cast lists have Roberts playing Dr Simon Roberts while others including IMDB have Mel Winkler in that part.

In addition to P Jay Sidney,Clarissa Gaylor will play Mrs Stark.

Edited by Paul Raven
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