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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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Emma Atkins and Jeff Hordley had some very well written scenes on the second Thursday episode. Carl, they are definitely a must see, IMO. It's scenes like this that keep me as a viewer.

And I hope they are going for Gennie/Nikhil. They make a lot of sense together, IMO. I think they could work, of course, it could just be that I want both character to have a story of their own.

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I don't think they will ever give Gennie or Nikhil a story, so if they are together it will likely be by default. Emmerdale would rather throw stories at dead weight like Katie and the Maceys and the 30 year old foster child, or overexposed, unpleasant bores like Aaron and Hazel. Nikhil and Gennie, who always bring their best to scenes and who are entertaining (and Nikhil is one of the most stunning men I've ever seen), just aren't good enough for Emmerdale.

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Spin spin spin. I don't buy for a minute that viewers somehow warmed to Jackson because of what happened to him. If anything it's just the opposite. Many viewers are sick of him and want him gone - and that is probably exactly what the show wanted. This story has done nothing for Aaron or Jackson or for the show, and has just been a soul-sucking and one-note misery designed to fill time and help hide Aaron's asexuality.

I also had to laugh at the idea of Ryan being overused! What November doesn't mention is that even in these "big" stories, Ryan was barely a part of them. He was almost always on the sidelines.

More laughs. Most of the original cast left by their own choice. It's a shame he feels the need to put them down, since the original Emmerdale is ten times better than what has been done to the show in the last few years.

So Viv HAD to go - while so much other dead weight is going nowhere - for the "refreshing" Maceys, the most unpopular new family the show has ever cast, and middle-aged, Tang-faced Amy?

I notice that even now the show is not making ANY effort to write for most of their new characters. The Barton stories are the same old crap. Now Adam is a one-note, miserable plot device the family frets over, instead of Holly. And now Declan/John is in the place of Cain/John for a feud. Why was this family created?

The show is a sour, plot-driven void, full of depressing, go-nowhere stories, just stumbling along to fill up six episodes a week. And aside from one or two things like a story for Victoria, the same seems to be happening in this interview.

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I thought Suzanne did a good job of playing the bitchy and quasi-sympathetic sides of Eve. She had some potential. It seems like besides the Chas/Carl stuff they had no plans for her. I would have kept her around to continue to be a good girl/bad girl, as the show has few of those or can't write for them.

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I did see those moments that you describe, but as you say, it feels like they had zero plans for the character after the Chas/Carl/Eve triangle. The show seems to have a load of good girl/bad girl roles already, that Eve is just getting lost in the crowd. I guess Alicia is supposed to fill that good girl/bad girl role, and then there's Amy, Charity, Nicola (although, she has been watered down a lot, to the point where I miss her bitchiness).

I like Eve's scenes with Kelly though. But considering they weren't even going to extend Kelly's contract after her bashing Jimmy, I have to wonder what they would've done with Eve during this time?

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I think Alicia and Amy are just so unpleasant (Amy is a ridiculous character to me, and the actress looks too old), whereas Eve had several sides.

What do you think of Kelly's return?I don't think it works without Viv.

I wish the show had gone further with John/Eve. They had fantastic chemistry and it was better than the generally miserable stories he's had since. He's a hot piece of ass and the show never does anything with this.

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I think they play up Kelly's badness too much. For a casual viewer, you'd be mistaken for thinking she was conning Jimmy completely, as they don't give her many scenes that showcase her genuineness. I know what you mean about Viv, but I've been surprised that they remember Bob and Marlon, and her past with Rodney, that it kinda works.

But, I'm not feeling this amnesia story at all. It's so cliché and stereotyped, and actually, quite boring. I've seen many amnesia stories, and I haven't been bored by one - until now. I know Nick Miles did his own research, but it feels like the writers haven't done much at all, and even Nick's research hasn't helped his acting choices, as it feels like he's just playing the same ol' Jimmy, just dumber.

At least John has a story - spare a thought for poor old Nikhil who gets nothing, but random running scenes. Has Declan always had this nasty streak? I don't get where it's come from, or why he's suddenly wanting to sell off everything just to turn a profit.

And it seems Ella is going to be seducing Adam...

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Declan always had a shark sense but he was more vulnerable and complex when Natasha was around. He was not this one-note monster until his awful family. Is Ella any less boring? The rare times I watch now I just skip that family.

It's nonsensical to me they never give Nikhil anything to do. He's a talented actor, a stunning man, and a popular character.

I don't understand the priorities with the show now, especially when they keep casting people like the weird farmhand.

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