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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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No. She was still going to do the story. The difference is he was going to get the news directly, whereas here he initially is told he's clear. 

Yes, and Gordon. I think Matthew's done well so far. I hope they will write it to his strengths. I have a feeling they may do this to set up his relationship with Tracy. I'd rather a serious illness not be used for that purpose, but we'll see. I just hope they play the beats. They didn't with Diane because Kate Oates didn't care about the Sugden family. This needs to be a family story in the way that one, a plot device, was not.

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I think if done right he and Tracy could be a decent pairing (although I'd prefer Leyla or Carly), but it all seems one on top of the other - her feelings, his cancer, Jacob's anger. This show really needs to pace better and to learn to breathe. The sh!tfest with Robert and Andy/Chrissie (ugh) on top of Aaron's trial is another example. 

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Ugh. Don't get me started on Robert/Andy/Chrissie/Lawrence. 


I didn't care for Lawrence before but tonight's episode solidified my hatred for him. His daughter, I couldn't care less for. I blame her for everything. Andy annoys me but I still care for him. I don't appreciate that he was beaten up b/c Lawrence was worried that Bernice was possibly having an affair with him. If anything, he shouldn't care. He's gay! 


I just hope that this incident with Andy will blow up in the White family face. Plus, Bernice needs get out that family now!

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Seeing Andy get a sh!t-kicking was punishment for what he's put my eyes through as a viewer with this failure of a storyline. They have trashed his character and ruined an interesting relationship with Robert for that family of abusers. They will do anything to make this failure of a family have less of a stench. I don't buy it. I never will. I just wish Alicia had gotten in some kicks on that rape-enabling shrew, but unlike professional victim Chrissie, Alicia is actually a decent person.

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There's so much I could say about today's episodes, like how the Whites will never be a sympathetic or likeable family regardless of how big a bogeyman Robert is, like how the decision to try to make Lachlan a moral authority is one of the most disgusting in Emmerdale's 44 years, like how obvious it is that the show still wants Robert to be a one-note mustache-twirling plot device and resents that any fans wanted more for him, but I'll just say this instead:


I’m pretty sure one of the reasons they did that scene was as a homage to Kim Tate checking her lippy as she left her very estranged husband Frank to die of a heart attack 


it’s at the end of this episode - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6HpN711rno 


I hate when Eastenders does that (as they recently did when they had Phil give Sharon divorce papers a la Den and Angie, complete with ripping off the dialogue), and it’s not much better here. It’s too self-aware, too precious, and too unearned. 


Robert may be a sexy blonde, but he’s not Kim Tate, who was not only a far better written character, but had a slow, gradual decay, in both her moral outlook and her relationship with Frank, to act that way. 


The scene today would have been the equivalent of Kim leaving someone like Lady Tara to die - not a complete surprise, but completely pointless, and making her look like a bad campy joke and a plot device rather than a complex character. 


You were lucky with Ryan Hawley, Emmerdale, whether you know it or not - and Claire King - very wisely if today’s episode is any indication - will never come back. I don’t care how nice of a backside he has, Robert Sugden is not and will never, ever be Kim Tate, or anything close. 

Edited by DRW50
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I don't mind when soaps usually do a modern spin on historic events in the show's canon, but I agree that the Robert pulling a 'Kim Tate' was absolutely ridiculous. It's obvious they are trying to use Robert to gain sympathy for the Whites and I (too) and not falling for it. Not seeing as they've done heinous things since they came on the show. 


Chrissie going around despairing Robert's character was hilarious. Especially, coming from the same woman that caused a helicopter crash almost a year ago. I think she should NEVER question anyone's character seeing as she caused the deaths of many. 


Lawrence in that hospital bed acting like a big ass baby was funny. I wanted Bernice to smother his miserable ass with a pillow after a few seconds of him begging. I just think this whole thing is ludicrous. A grown ass gay man begging for a his straight wife to stick by side. :rolleyes:


On the lighter note, I did enjoy Leyla and David's scenes. Their friendship is one of the few bright spots on this show. I don't mind Gabby and Jacob either; however, I wish they'd make them friends instead of ushering them into some teen romance. We all know how they typically end--in teen pregnancy, which is something I don't wanna see in the near future. 

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Sorry if this has been discussed earlier (I've read posts from mid January now that I'm all caught up) but what is with Denise Black's right hand? It seems damaged and withered. It was very obvious in an episode a few months ago but she seems to keep it obscured most of the time. I've only been watching Emmerdale regularly since November. Has this been explained via Joanie's character? 

I know it's early days but I like Isobel Steele, who plays Liv. She has potential. She reminds me of Jodie Foster when she was her age. I'm curious how she does in the courtroom scenes.



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