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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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To me it seems more even than say Hollyoaks which is starting to appear more campy in a lot of a ways and I don't like the constant darkness/evil factor that always seem to be around. Like Trevor and before him Grace's dad. Plus it doesn't hurt that the gay characters on this soap don't seem to be holier than thou one moment and then complete sluts the next.

Off-Topic: I have to say I was mildly shocked you used such colorful language DRW50 lol

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This Robert ahole is such a trickster/conundrum. I half believe he's falling (oh so fast and hard) for Aaron. And then on the other side I feel like he's just playing mental games and a gets a high off of how much he knows he can mess with Aaron and that he needs him.

Is that new woman who slapped the guy yesterday the long lost mother of those two boys? And they are so different to be brothers. The innocent younger one and the older mean bad boy type one.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Ross is the bad boy. Finn is the gay one. Pete is the one who played Gilly on Hollyoaks, and randomly yells, and who must have a big dick because otherwise I'm not sure why anyone would put up with that combo of tedium and aggro.

The Barton scenes were very good today, although I tend to feel like Emma can't be around long, as much as I hope she is. She's just...she's very damaged.

I have a feeling she's going to make a play for Cain, and I wouldn't be surprised if she sleeps with Adam and James (there are still clearly feelings on both sides), but if it were me, I'd have her win over Lawrence (she's a very lively, funny, exciting person, and based on Chrissie and Lachlan, I'd say the Mrs. must have had a bit of crazy in her, so that would be his type), and marry him. Can't you see her in Home Farm, clashing with Robert and Chrissie, waiting for Lawrence to keel over (as all Home Farm patriarchs do), and probably tormenting messed up Lachlan?

I must say I was annoyed when James blamed Ross' problems on her. He was a lousy father to Ross.

Moira was far more patient than I would have been. I think she knew that if she went on Emma's level, Emma would "win," (that and she's probably a little afraid of Emma), but Emma really got in some low blows.

The last scene is very soapy though (soapy in a good way).

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I love the Barton boys already...they're all so cute and different yet you can see similarities between them and at least how much Ross and Finn care about each other.

LMAO at your comment about Pete....it's probably true and he's hot as hell if I'm honest. Watching the episode now I hope Robert and Aaaron have one scene at least.

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They're very believable as brothers, and I like that most of the time they all care about each other. I like how protective they all are of Finn. I think last year Ross and Pete fought over Debbie, which I'm glad I missed. I prefer them as they are now.

There's a funny scene I saw on tumblr of the three of them at a wedding last year, and Ross and Pete start tickling Finn to get him to yell out during the "if anyone has any reason" part (they were just doing it to be brats, not to stop the wedding)

Anthony Quinlan's a handsome guy. I always forget he cut it in his last years as Gilly - I still associate Gilly with the long hair.

Speaking of Hollyoaks, does Andrew Moss (ex-Rhys) ever remind you of Alfie Allen/Theon? No wonder I forgave Rhys so much. I really do have a type.

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WOW at that ending...that's what soaps used to be all about. Characters confronting each other and making veiled threats/predictions about the future. REAL emotions based on long difficult ties.

This Emma lady looks unbalanced but at the same time I find myself rooting for her nonetheless. And I still like Moira (I love the name itself) and I feel bad for her cuz of the situation with Cain.

This show definitely has my attention.

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M-W, F - 1 half-hour episode (22 or 23 minutes with commercials)

Thursday - 2 half-hour episodes

Sometimes the hour-longs don't air on Thursday, depending on whether ITV wants to use it to disrupt another show (which I think they're doing early next week with Eastenders)

Edited by DRW50
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ED churn out random 1 hour episodes every so often for no reason at all other than to clash with EastEnders (it would seem). They used to do 1 hour episodes on rare occasions and they used to be special, but ITV went crazy with ED's episode order and scheduling several years ago (probably when ITV decided ED needed to air 6 episodes a week for some reason - which has been a detriment to the show's creativity ever since).

The Bartons as a family bore me. But, I love Ross, and I like Finn, and I love Moira/Adam's relationship right now; but throw in Pete and James and I'm just so bored, especially by James. Emma is interesting and damaged. I think she has potential, but she could easily burn out quickly, so I hope they keep her the right side of crazy.

I love your idea Carl, about Emma moving in on Lawrence and Home Farm. But, I'd tone her down just a little, as I can't imagine Emma getting a kick out of tormenting Lachlan for no reason. I think she'd either try to mother him in some twisted way, or ignore him. She'd deffo clash with Chrissie and enjoy pressing her buttons, while locking horns with Robert. The Bartons (particularly Ross) would take advantage of the opportunity to gate crash Home Farm whenever they want, lounging about, eating their food and drinking their beer, whilst irritating the Whites. A good mixture of drama and comedy.

I was glad they brought back Gemma to do the voice overs, as the story really needed to be seen from Belle's POV. I've not really cared much for the story until now, which is weird, as it's a very similar situation to what my cousin found herself in after her father's death.

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I think she'd try to mother Lachlan at first, and then when he won't let her, or undermines her, I think she'd snap. I agree that they may burn her out too fast, especially already letting us know what she did to Ross.

James just seems like an ass to me.

Belle's story is basically that she accidentally killed a friend of hers, went to prison after being convinced to cover it up, and has been disturbed ever since.

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