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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I also have to add, I like that they're writing Dot Cotton again, and not that Dot Branning crap. I think Kirkwood really gets Dot, and she's felt a lot like her old self lately.

Her goodbye scenes with Liz were so interesting to watch. Dot was obviously being cold towards Liz because she didn't want to lose her and be more alone than she already is.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I actually think that this is the first time that I think EE has had more than one or two hot guys in forever. Jack, Ryan, Christian, and Syed all totally do it for me. I don't find Max handsome, but his body is really nice to look at. Fatboy isn't bad looking at all.

I hope that with Liz's departure, the plan is to move Arthur into Dot's. She can use the company and the attention that he would lavish on her.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I thought those scenes were great, especially the last scene where Dot was working so hard not to let her emotions show. After losing Bradley, and that annoying Dotty, she just can't keep letting herself get emotional. I think it goes back to the old Dot, who, like Ethel, hid a lifetime of pain, and while I did enjoy Dot with Jim, I did not enjoy the weeping lady of sorrow she had become over the last few years.

I wonder how June feels about it. For all I know she hates the whole thing but I think these are some of Dot's most challenging scenes in many years, aside from the one-hander.

I think Patrick is very attractive too...

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You and I think alike here The only reason I didn't add Patrick was because of his age. He may not be "hot," but I find Rudolph Walker to be a very handsome older man. When last has EE had one of those? I would love for Kirkwood to give him a a story. It would be great if he came entranced by a much young woman who tried to fleece him for all his money, only for her to fall in love with him.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Patrick getting a story again would be great. They gave him more to do when Denise died, I hope that won't have to stop. There's still so much about Patrick to go into and he's never been with a woman, aside from a few moments with Pat, who wasn't trying to keep him in line.

I'd love to see Shabnam back but I don't know if it will ever happen. I think the family would be improved if she returns, and we would see more of their dynamics.

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Ben and I posted about the importance of Shabnam returning a couple days ago. The Masoods would definitely be stronger with her. She would be an ally for Tamwar and Syed and would help bring Masood and Zainab around about Syed faster.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I can see that story, about the brother.

I kind of would like a story where Shabnam returns from Pakistan very very conservative and that makes Zainab regret some of her own strident views, when she sees a mirror of them.

A few bits I enjoyed last night:

- Finally Bianca mentions that she was going to be a fashion designer. Bianca has been a lot more fun this week, I hope it lasts.

- I probably already mentioned this but I liked that Pat was there supporting Peggy, even when she wasn't sure about some of Peggy's decisions. I especially liked the scene where she casually took Phil's house keys out of Shirley's purse. For the first time pretty much ever I can believe the Pat/Peggy friendship. I think Kirkwood has done a great job so far with Pat and with Dot, two very difficult characters. I just hope this is the start of a good process...I've really missed seeing Pat written as more than a damn babysitter.

Edited by CarlD2
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