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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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The most nonsensical part is when I see fans going on about how of course he was bisexual and it was so brave and honest of the show to just never discuss his sexuality. You know, aside from when he was nailing sisters...


I'm sorry. I know what it's like to lose your favorite characters. 

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I'm with @DRW50 in that I don't want Janine back either. All her stories ended in doom and gloom as if Janine couldn't contribute anything else. I would prefer for Janine to return only under a writer that isn't gonna have her remain as a constant black widow on the Square. 


@TimWil, do you honestly believe that Michael French would return again? Without Carole or Bianca would there be a reason for him to return? 

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Thanks @DRW50.


I would like to see Janine again but I don't think she should be brought back, there's no reason for her to return to the Square. I don't think Charlie Brooks would agree to it anyway.


Not sure how Whitney and the Carters as well as Kim, Sonia and Robbie have outlived

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Max is a joke now though.


The EP's on EE always seem really arrogant with their decisions. They seem to take pleasure out of axing big characters. This kind of thing wouldn't happen at Coronation St as far as I can tell.

Edited by Edward Skylover
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But with Coronation Street, it should happen. They have a strong handful of characters that need to be rested, which is what I think this exit is. If John Yorke can see the Branning sisters need a break, someone who was always a major champion of the Branning family (hence my earlier question) I think it could only mean that he is looking at the show objectively.


As for Janine, I only started with Kirkwood so I found her story to always be consistently well written until her exit under DTC. I do agree to a fear that she could be ruined under a future regime, but I loved everything they did with her since I started watching.

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I'm actually quite happy with those two getting the axe as it's what I've been hoping for all year long sitting through their go nowhere scenes, and I think Lauren is a good character and actress but when I see those two, I don't really see their purpose for the future. If Ronnie & Roxy could be dumped like that, two sisters that are far inferior, spending their time being bored, boring, sharing men, and being unpleasant no less, could go. Steven was the only thing that breathed life in their material, and I'm quite unhappy with what they've done with him but I'm a month behind and it's such a chore to watch the show. I was shocked they did a Mick/Linda episode. Those two need to go as well, and I wasn't thrilled to see Whitney return, she's sleep inducing. Much like the Branning sisters, there was definitely something in her before but it's gone. I wouldn't mind Bianca coming back as I do miss her but I don't know how popular her last stint chasing after Liam was.

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Janine was ruined by Kirkwood IMO. Setting her up with that awful Michael Moon is what made me stop watching for years, they'd ruined my favourite character. Then making her kill Michael (that is what happened, right?).


I do agree there needs to be more people axed on Coronation St, but the right ones. Coronation St wouldn't axe its best characters over the most mediocre ones. What are Kim, Vincent, Robbie, Sonia, Carmel, Kush etc still doing there? Is it because they're bland and boring so easier to write for?

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Janine's in the small club of characters I would actually define as "iconic." I think EastEnders needs a good troublemaker and she serves that function extremely well. 


I'm not too sure about this casting development:



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I guess that tweet somewhat confirms suspicions. 


At this point, I feel like they might as well get rid of them. As aforementioned, the writing is on the wall with Max. I don't see Jake Wood being spared either. With Jane being kept alive, Max is gonna have to be punished.


I think Jack will be the only Branning to remain, and he's always been a Mitchell to me seeing as he was more in their orbit than he was with his family. You only saw him with the Brannings when he was scolding Max. 


If EE is gonna clean house then I say go all out. Get rid of the Taylors and Carters too. Some of the Mitchells (Phil) need to go too. 


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