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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Meh. EE has had better promos. I don't understand the significance of Jane, Bobby, Stacy, or Martin in her promo. I would've preferred Sharon being slapped in there along with Ben, Jay, Louise, Billy, Ronnie, etc. 


Does anyone knows whether the rumblings that Mark's paternity is revealed are true?

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I think it's supposed to show life and life going on, Peggy looking over the whole Square and seeing good and bad. It's a bit cheesy (especially the whole walking while everyone else is in fast motion - so 1998), but I liked it. 


I wouldn't be surprised. I hope it doesn't happen though.

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Oh OK. It makes sense then. 



What did you think of tonight's episode? 


I knew that Jay would not last long in that job. I just knew he'd fired over something--that something being Les' crusty ass liking to cross dress. I hope he does decide to reveal it all, thus preventing Babe's hobbit ass profiting off him any longer. She seriously needs to go. 


Martin, Andy, and Kyle are stealing toilets? WTF?! How would they make money off of that? If the stall ain't helping Martin make enough, maybe he needs to go pick up a trade that does. I guess these people are supposed to be kitchen-sink realness but I grow tired of their financial woes when there are opportunities all over London. He should be all for the market coming into the Square. At least he'd get a set salary if hired. Stacy needs to find a job too. 


Plus, I am over Andy thirsting for Stacy. Again, can they give her something other to do rather than being lusted after by a plethora of men? This is why I never cared for Stacy. She was always too flat of character for my taste.

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I didn't think he'd last either, although I didn't think it would be a day. The lack of any roots for Jay is what makes me worry he'll be written out.


I thought the Coker stuff was good, and I'm glad they've gone back to the story (I also hope Babe is gone soon - please), but this is the second time that characters have compared grooming or having sex with a minor as being equivalent to being gay or trans. It's irresponsible. 


Linda was more animated about not being able to use the toilet than she is about almost anything else. 


Donna judging Jay and then playing victim with Claudette reminds me of another reason I don't like this stall story - I don't like any of the people involved. Why should I care if they want the supermarket to stay away? Even Denise has become unlikeable. It's just pointless to bother with. And such a waste of Kathy. 


I'm pretty sure Glenda and Danny set all this up with Roxy's attack to get money. I hope not, as I like Glenda and wish she'd stay around. The scenes with the "heavy" who looked like Varys from Game of Thrones were laughable.


I don't care about the toilets stuff. It's obvious Andy is up to no good. If they are dumb enough to not see it, then they deserve to be screwed over.

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He's so tone deaf. He gave some interview where he said that he had not a "gay agenda" but a "kindness agenda." The problem with that is that his stories are riddled with anti-gay stereotypes - the Ben story in particular. Where is the kindness in that? A liar and a cheater who trawls fu!k sites and gives his girlfriend an STD? They made him look sleazy as hell, clearly just for the "moment" where he got to come out publicly. And the character who was kind (Paul) was a plot device and is now on the way out. A year and a half of this trash, for one or two rushed scenes that were more about Johnny than anything else, given DTC's need to start Ben/Johnny up again.



Edited by DRW50
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I guess that ending with Andy was supposed to be a red herring and make us assume that Andy was possibly Kat's son? However, with photos out about Kat's son potentially being cast on the spinoff can already eliminate that. I'm thinking that maybe Andy has ties to Carl or Charlie and is the actual stalker of Ronnie. 


Ian is officially dead to me. I thought him using Lucy's death and the memory of his grandmother, Lou, to get these people to get off his back was utterly gross. I was cheering when Denise called him out on using Lucy. Of course, "good ole' Mick" was there to tell everyone to listen to Ian. :rolleyes: 


I wish that Tina or Buster would've just had a line where they called him out on not being loyal and toeing the line, but scolding others when they don't do it with him. Does he not realize his family suffers in this too? 


Only good thing about all of this is that Kathy and Buster kissed. I just hope they don't engage in an affair and Buster just drops Shirley before pursuing Kathy. 


Martin is an idiot. Who doesn't realize that products have serial numbers nowadays that can be tracked? They might as well return all those toilets to Jack's flat and be done. However, I am sure Stacey will come up with a stupid scheme, which will land Martin in deeper trouble. 


Roxy ... <_< As I said the other day, get rid of this character with her crackhead ass. Also, IDK why Glenda didn't take the money and still return to Ronnie's? What is Roxy gonna do? What a stupid way for her to put herself back in a bad spot with Ronnie. 


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Buster and Lee going to the house of the owner of CostMart was so stupid. That wasn't going to stop the man from going ahead with plan to open a store in Walford.


Plus, why does Carly have to lust after ugly ass Mick? I swear DTC is determined to make Mick the center of the universe. He's all-knowing, tough, a great 'dad' and husband, and now other women lust for him. So stupid. :rolleyes:


Good to see Peggy come back. Let's get this show on the road. 

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Belinda and her spouse, Neville, are creepy. Make sense now why Belinda is so overtly sexual as they are swingers, and Neville is 'fluid.' but why Linda and Mick? Those would be the last 2 I'd wanna swing with. 


I'll give credit where it is due. I thought EE had two powerful scenes tonight. One being Ronnie looking on as Sal and Peggy hugged each other. I think that it mirrored how Ronnie and Roxy should be. The second being the last scenes where Sonia and Peggy got their results back. We saw Sonia get a new lease on life while Peggy got a death warrant. Very powerful. Good job, DTC. One of the few things you got right.

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I'm one of the fans who actually likes the new Johnny a lot more than I thought I would, but I had to skip past those "court" scenes today. I'm all for everyday moments and, yes, love and warmth, but that type of thing always makes me feel embarrassed, especially with some of the gurning from Ma and Pa Carter. 

I did skip a bit and ended up coming to the part where Lee's stomach was showing when he lifted his arms, and Whitney smacked his stomach. That's one of those little couple moments I enjoy.

I enjoyed this episode more than I maybe should have, given the clumsy writing, as it gave a lot of focus to Buster and Buster's role in the Carter family. It was nice to see so much fleshed out - how stupid and useless he feels, how he doesn't know how to change that, how even the people who care about him like Shirley or Johnny or Mick just don't quite get it, and how Lee is similar to him. The natural drama someone like this brings to a family (even with idiotic schemes about breaking into an estate and stealing that I don't really believe he would have done) stands in stark contrast to the many other plot devices that have dragged this family down over and over again, and to ever-bitter Babe. I hope that SOC won't see Karl Howman as an easy axe, because I think he adds something different to the show.

The writing for Dot stunk. This is the self-parody Dot I have no time for, one who basically just speaks in funny lines. Dot doesn't have to hold her head and cry or spout Bible verses all the time, but she can be a human being. Today she was not. She also wouldn't have had such an odd reaction to Abi's pet.

The guy who plays Andy is turning out to be a much better actor than I'd expected. 

Ronnie almost seemed human today. 

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