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I guess I could understand Ian/Melanie (she felt sorry for Lucy) but Phil/Melanie was ludicrous.


Oh and I forgot Glenda had that awful "secret Mitchell brother" story too, with that pouting non-actor with the silly hair who stunk to high heaven. I bet that was a DTC special, given his work this time around. 

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I think that's done and dusted, but you never know. Some have said it's not about Ronnie and Roxy but I don't know. Some think Phil's father is still alive (and will return to fight the Hubbards, and is possibly Vincent's father) and that she will be a part of that reveal. I would say that's ludicrous, but these days...


Crazy fan theories on Digital Spy are often more believable that what is onscreen, other than the weird times they talk about the men who should have stories about being raped (I think Jay used to be a favorite for that).

Edited by DRW50
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Eww. I didn't know they were that bad at DS. I don't find rape stories cute at all. 


That aside, I hope someone else isn't revived. They just revived Kathy. It needs to be another 5-10 years before they consider bringing someone back from the dead. 


I just crazy how Americanized EE is becoming as a soap. It used to be my escape soap from US soaps but not anymore. I find myself throwing it to the wayside along with the US soaps. 


I'm just waiting for the day that DS drops a scoop of DTC penning a story that'll have Shirley possessed by Satan and I will be too done.

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I think that already happened a few years ago...


The "Americanized" element is why I didn't like Santer/DTC either - it felt too much like someone who watched the bad later seasons of Dallas too many times. And it's even worse now. 

Edited by DRW50
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I agree. 


EE started to emulate American soaps back around '06. I think the baby switch with Ronnie/Kat solidified it. 


I wouldn't even say they were copying Dallas. I'd say they were probably copying the ABC soaps all throughout the '00s. Someone over there has been studying AMC and OLTL (the horrible years) b/c it wreaks over there. 

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Oh @DRW50....


Looks like Jay has a big story coming up in 2016. At least that is what DTC declares....




ETA: Laurie Brett tried defending the Lucy murder plot and swearing the climax is worth it. :rolleyes:




Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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DTC is a liar. I have a feeling this will be about a romance with Louise, but we'll see. At least someone asked him.


What Laurie doesn't address is that the length of the story is not the problem, it's that the story is nonsensical and involves a wide variety of characters behaving in despicable ways in order to keep the plot going. And it's just not worth it. Look at the Linda rape plot. Can anyone say that story running a year and a half has been worth it? Does anyone give a damn?

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I'm gonna die of laughter if they put Jay with Louise for the simple fact I said the pairing in jest. I hope the story is otherwise b/c poor Jay needs a good story. 


I damn sure don't care about Linda's rape. I'm ready for it to wrap up and for them to deliver their comeuppance to Dean already. Matt DiAngelo isn't a great actor but I like him and once enjoyed Dean (his first stint). I still get pissed over how they made him a rapist. They should've just brought back Chelsea for him and went from there. 

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It's obvious they had no real idea or plan for the Linda story (in which she is now a bit player) and they just stretched it out to have a Christmas/New Year's plot. They stretched it out for an entire year for nothing but one or two episodes. It's just lazy and shows true contempt for viewers. They just stretch things out as long as possible for "event" episodes and they get nothing out of it, because the stories don't support the stretching and the climaxes aren't good enough (as shown in last year's Christmas episodes).


Now they're going to

as the next "shocking" plot and again this would not be necessary if they had any plans for these characters beyond DTC wuvving the Carters 5ever.


I saw a comment from him about how Christmas has to be miserable because that's what fans want, and it's another example of his failed pandering and his caring too much about winking and nodding at fans, rather than what made good drama. It may have been cute and good fun to wink at fans knowing there are too many back from the dead stories by having it at as a reason for no one on the Square to give a damn when Kathy came back, but where is the drama? And with Christmas, it doesn't matter if people are miserable if the material is garbage, as everyone saw last year. Why don't they know this?

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