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I just think it's incredibly dopey that Kathy would show up in The Arches without fears of being spotted by Ian or someone who knew her since she still looks exactly the same. It reminds me of when Sharon and Marcus Christie had those clandestine meetings at The Albert, just a short walk from where Phil worked and resided.

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What's with EE losing all the decent characters/actors? I feel like all of the interesting aspects of the show are slowly being erased. It's such a mess right now, devoid of creativity - all you have to do is look at how identikit every storyline is structured these days.


So, they got rid of Aleks, Lola, Cindy, and ruined Charlie, but continue with the dead wood. OK, then. I saw Fatboy randomly pop up the other day, seemingly real close to Roxy and Amy (since when). Why is he still on the show when he doesn't do anything? Donna is the same pointless character.


Ronnie is so random these days, with her regressed nature and totally ignoring her own baby crying who she never spends any time with. Now she thinks Charlie is so boring and dull all of a sudden. He is, but she never used to think that. It feels like they don't know what to do with Ronnie, so every few months they try on a different hat: evil bitch for 3 months; victim for another two; obsessive and controlling is the hat she's wearing now.

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I agree, Ben, this and Coronation Street are both treading water. Both are very, very bad right now.

So our first hint that Ronnie is unhappy being with Charlie is because he SNORES? If I had that dude in my bed I'd find a way to put up with it. And i am really fed up now with Samantha Womack's lazy, sloppy acting. Her upspeaking (ending statements with a question mark) drives me crazy for starters. Was Sam a fan of Neighbors when she was a kid? That bad habit of unspeaking is one of Australia's least attractive imports to the UK.

Edited by TimWil
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That reminds me of Caroline Rhea's old standup routine about her Australian agent who uptalked and always made bad news seem cheerful as a result. 


The show was often dull and plodding under DTC/Santer - I think people forgot because Santer was so good at hype. And now on his own DTC mostly has time for his pet projects - Carters, "hunks," bad camp, pregnancy galore. And the show is just aimless. 


I have no idea what they are even trying to do with Ronnie. I assume the original idea was a quad with Charlie/Ronnie/Roxy/Vincent, but then the fan backlash against Roxy/Charlie was too strong, so Dean was put into the story. It's just so dull and pointless. They had an obvious story with Ronnie learning to bond with her son, and they just ignored it, because a story like that would take effort. I also assume this will end with Ronnie killing Dean, to "protect" her dumbass sister yet again, and I'm sure some fans will crow over the brilliance of it, and say hey you haters, Dean paid after all, but it's been done about 3 times now. Do we need to see it again? And even if Dean is killed, it won't take away the year of garbage material that was likely just extended because Matt di Angelo looks good with his top off. 


We're also going to be getting more of that dirty-looking rat Tina's attempts to reconcile Mick and Shirley again soon - is the nation waiting with bated breath for that one? I've never bought their relationship. I was watching some of the Carter's early scenes around the time Johnny came out and it's all so damn contrived, absolutely no belivability or heart to it. The only way I tolerate them is if they aren't around each other much.

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I noticed the other day that Sam Womack's acting has become lazy; she sounds kinda bored these days. But, the dialogue for Ronnie/Roxy is quite lazy, too.


TBF: Americans also uptalk, too. And apparently, it began as part of Valley speak.


We've got more of the Ronnie/Vincent/Kim merry-go-round to look forward to, and it appears to be pretty much the same as what we've already seen so far: Vincent being torn between two women. Richard Blackwood hopes the viewers will be invested in that. I don't think so, dude.


Don't mention the Carters, Carl! I'm so bored of them whenever they appear on screen as a family. I'm all for the Mick/Shirley thing being resolved and moved forward, but DTC never ends any of his stories, so I don't hold out much hope. Someone needs to remind him that the third act exists for a reason, and it needs to be in play for most of the stories right now. I don't like Tina unless she's supporting someone in the café, so pretty much none of her stories and interactions interest me.


I'm glad the Carters have been off screen, too. The break was needed; shame they have to come back. One of the reasons why I dislike the Ronnie/Roxy stuff so much is b/c I'm fast losing interest in Ronnie and Roxy, and if I stop caring completely, there'll be nothing left. At least with the Masoods, I care about most of them, if not all, so they're a bright spot in the show for me.

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