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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Yes, he is, which is why I hate myself for sympathizing with him today. Jake Wood is too good. Still, I yearn for the day he bangs the wrong woman and gets himself castrated. Peter and Lauren referring to him as a dirty old pervert was right on the money. I wonder if the writers would ever go down the sex addict route with him because they need to do something if I'm ever to believe in him having a real relationship with someone.

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David's awesome, so I'm sad that he's leaving.

I'm very disappointed, I guess, if they have David run away, again, as it will undo all the character development he's had. I feel like David leaving makes his entire return pointless - unless he dies, of course.

I'm not fussed about the Spraggins, even though Nikki is kinda interesting. Maybe if she stays with TJ and Rosie, something can be done with her, but I can't see Terry leaving without his kids. When Bianca leaves, she needs to take her kids with her (at least the ones that are too young to live without her) to make it realistic. Hopefully she doesn't get another prison sentence, as that would be tedious and boring. I guess there is some mileage in TJ and Cindy's pregnancy, even if Cindy is basically recurring, who spends 90% of her time off screen. So far, her pregnancy story has been pointless.

ITA with all those that feel there are too many Carters. There hasn't been any time to develop any of them, before another one arrives with a big secret in toe that never really gets resolved.

In fact, the pacing is too slow that none of the storylines are going anywhere fast enough, and are treading water in many ways. Nancy has random epileptic fits, but nothing is ever done about them. Is she on medication? Does she need medication? Is she intolerant to the medication? Nancy is a very underdeveloped character. The Johnny/Linda story hasn't been developed at all since he came out; Shirley continues on her cycle of misery and torment, with the randomly unnecessary story about her trying to drown Mick when he was a baby. The Charlie Cotton mystery is so badly paced that I forget he even exists half the time, as he only appears 2-3 times every other month to rehash the same mysterious behaviour that leaves all the characters involved in the same place they were two months previously. Does anyone really care about this character? Even the non-start of Abi/Jay/Lola triangle retreads the same scenes once a month.

The only story that is paced just right has been the aftermath of Lucy's murder, and more specifically the fallout for Denise and Ian. Denise has been refreshed thanks to this story.

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So, Mick is Shirley's son! (A fact that escaped me when I wrote the above post.)

And, I thought her trying to drown him as a baby was unnecessary, now this twist takes it all to convoluted levels of outlandishness. rolleyes.gif

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It just feels like a terrible attempt to humanize Shirley and to make her more sympathetic. At least the Zoe stuff was built in and hinted at during Kat's introduction, this was just made up because DTC has some sort of weird agenda to push with Shirley and the Carter's.

The unfortunate thing is that Shirley doesn't need this type of push, those who liked the character liked her for the messed up and unapologetic mess she was/is. The fact that it feels like she's on every f.ucking episode and seems to be part of every storyline is turning me off her character and the whole Carter family to be honest.

I know they want us to believe Shirley is some modern-day version of Pat, but she'll never be that IMO. Pat's evolution on the show was done in a very organic and diligent way.

Edited by BetterForgotten
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The Ian-Max dust-up at Lucy's funeral service in the church was wince-inducing. I did enjoy Tamwar's "Only in Walford" retort, though. Only in Walford, indeed.

All good points, Ben. I remember Jack Ryder (Jamie) giving an unfortunate interview in a Sunday paper where he said "If you're not a Slater, see you later." The same could very well apply to the Carters-"If you're not a Carter, gettin' camera time will be harder."

I actually like the Carters. I agree about Nancy being an underdeveloped character but ironically the sole British Soap Award for EastEnders last night was for Hill as Best Newcomer. I find her very intriguing. She reminds me both of Jemima Kirke (the Brit in Girls) and Minnie Driver!

Edited by TimWil
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I'm watching in reverse, but I'm surprised they remembered that Stacey and Sharon know one another during that quick scene when Kat and Stacey were walking around the square.

In fact, it's hard to believe now, but Stacey was one of the most unpopular characters on the show when she first arrived. I remember how much the forums hated her and how she was labeled as both a Janine and Kat rip-off/younger interpretation. It was her unique, almost brother/sister relationship/friendship with Dennis Rickman that got people to start liking her, and this was propelled by the time they first introduced Jean to make her a more sympathetic character and explain why she was the way she was.

Sarah Phelps, who was one of the show's best writers deserves a lot of the credit for making Stacey as a character work after the rather brisk reception she initially got. In fact, it was Phelps who coined the now catchy "Stacey Slater, ice skater" line of dialogue...

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Why do they have to break my David and Carol loving heart? Great soap and completely unexpected way to keep their journey tragic. But f*ck.
They also popped out another unannounced return (short term) tonight. Were any of you a fan of hers before? This is my first time seeing her.
And in news that warms the cockles of my cold heart, Dexter has been suspended from the show for a few months, just like Fatboy. #smalljustice
Edited by Bright Eyes
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Honey's departure with Janet is actually one of the main reasons writer Tony Jordan left the show after many years. He was extremely angry that the BBC decided not to show a child with Downs Syndrome growing up on the Square. I know this because he told me so himself.

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I miss Tony Jordan, no one wrote better for a great deal of these characters more than he did. I wonder how much better characters like Sharon, Phil, Kat, Alfie, Stacey, Dot, Bianca, Carol, and David would be written if he was still there.

As for Carol and David, there seems to be a hell of a lot retconning going on with their relationship. Those two have always been toxic together and apart, and judging by the backstory that was told in the 90's, they were mere kids fooling around when Carol got knocked up with Bianca. I think Pat even said something to the effect that Carol was pretty loose with her sexuality as a teen at one point (Pat of all people would know). I don't understand this Romeo & Juliet-esque story we're now led to believe. The only man I've ever bought Carol with was Alan, actually.

Speaking of Pat, I did enjoy Ian and David talking about her yesterday, and how Ian said Pat would know what to say in a situation like his. She would, and I miss her. Janine still owns Pat's house right? I wonder if she's charging Bianca and Carol rent, given that she couldn't give two [!@#$%^&*] about them. I miss her too, and I hope she returns soon.

Also, Sharon was shown at her best on Tuesday's episode with both Ian and David. I liked them remembering Pat again, and Sharon's definite through about Dennis and not getting a second chance.

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This is how I felt about Honey, too. I was disappointed when they axed her, as she worked so well with Billy; it was a shame they ruined a good thing just b/c they couldn't think of any storylines for Honey or for them as a couple. I've always thought that when Billy leaves (if he ever does), that he should reunite with Honey. Seeing their scene reminded me this. I think Billy's character has run his course anyway, and a positive exit would be of him leaving to be with his family.

Edited by Ben
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I actually would prefer Billy leave with Little Mo. I don't think he's going anytime soon, though. I agree that Billy's storyline usefulness has run its course.

I wonder how the upcoming World Cup will figure in the show. I would hope they'll send Dexter off to Brazil and he never returns.

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