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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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The problem with the story for me is it came out of nowhere - she was barely seen for a very lengthy period of time. And Ryan was supposed to be heavily addicted to cocaine, to the point where he would frequently leave the room to go get high in a bathroom. He was magically cured offcamera.

I don't think soaps need to be realistic, but if they're going to introduce these stories, the stories need a resolution.

If you're enjoying it, I'm happy for you.

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Thanks Carl, and I hope over time, the show can get back to what you want from it too. Also who knows, maybe after I watch a few more episodes, my feelings will fade.

I saw the cast was like 50-some-strong (for a 30-minute soap, which by the way suggests PP does have room for bigger casts in terms of story for AMC/OLTL, though maybe they wouldn't be able to afford it). So I'm not surprised that some characters are in the background a lot before their story is picked up. Something is happening in their lives even when they aren't shown though.

I agree they should have addressed more how Ryan got over his addiction if it wasn't addressed. Katy did mention the cocaine though to his new girlfriend, along with his ex Tracy Barlow having murdered someone, and that scared the new girlfriend off. I thought the scene where the new girlfriend probed Ryan about his cocaine use and stealing with some kind of family business or something seemed realistic enough, along with being humorous. He was trying to plead that it was in his past and "I'm alright once you get to know me," but she wasn't having it, LOL.

Edited by jfung79
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For me Katy barely being seen actually made it seem realistic, as all she was doing was being at home looking after Joseph.

So wanting to have a job and some 'me' time was believable. Then having a good looking guy say nice things understandable she'd behave how she has.

I do think Corrie did it as they want to make her its next 'hot young thing' As they did same with Maria split her & Tyrone up and sexed her up with hot new love intrests.

I wonder if they'll ever mention onscreen again about Ryan not being Michelle's biological son ( he was swapped as a baby) or if there gonna pretend it never happened.

I still don't like Stella being Leanne's mum, even as a young girl Stella would never go near Les Battersby lol

jfung79- If they have the Tracey Barlow story online where she killed Charlie, I recommend it. Was really good as she faked being physically abused by him in order to claim self defense

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IA with you about the Katy/Ryan story, but I also get where Carl is coming from, too. I think Katy cheating on Chesney with Ryan is the most believable affair this show has done in a long time; it totally makes sense from a character point of view, and is in fact character driven. However, the story should have been done last year. Katy and Chesney have had zero development for several years now, and are generally given dialogue that is meant for 40 year old's, not 20 year old's, and all this impacts on the story, as it feels like they've been given this story purely b/c they haven't had anything to do for a very long time. It also doesn't help that this comes off the back of other affairs, and sadly it gets tarnished with the inevitability of being yet another affair. But it's more than that. Katy is old before her time, and is only attracted to Ryan b/c he has the fun, carefree lifestyle that she so graves; she regrets the decision to have a baby so young, and that decision is like a noose around her neck. And Ryan actually showed genuine feelings for her, but what knocked back by Michelle's terrible parenting. I missed the fallout, but from I can gather, her family told her to stick with Chesney, who seems to have some random 1950's attitude, and while I think Owen would be all 'I told you so', I think Anna would kind of understand. If this has lasting repercussions then I'll know that it was more than just a plot to give them something to do.

This story has depth if developed right, and it could actually make Ryan a sympathetic character. Carl is right about his drug addiction - it was dealt with really badly. His addiction was so bad, it caused Sophie to be mowed down and paralysed for a few weeks, and this made him give it up. Just like that. I think he had a week of cold turkey and was all better. I don't think they ever intended to make this a serious story.

I think the sets suck; they are worse than EE. Everything about them is so dated and miserable. No-one would live in a house like the Barlow's.

jfung, I think your posts are very insightful, and you do seem to see things that other don't. I've read some of your Days posts, and I think "is this the same show I no longer can stand?" "Are these the same terribly written characters that I hate?" You have the ability to see past a lot of the issues that I and a lot of people have with whatever show, and that's refreshing. I definitely enjoy reading your posts.

This is what bugged me about the story as well. Alison King did a phenomenal job, but the overall message was really bad. I think whenever doing these kinds of social stories, the end message should always be positive and give viewers who are going through the same thing encouragement and hope. I don't care if it's unrealistic that rape cases don't have a decent outcome, b/c the viewers should feel that they can report their own crime, not feel they shouldn't bother b/c the cops won't take them seriously, or they will be made to feel like they asked for it. This is the problem I have with the domestic abuse story: it doesn't have a positive message. If I was experiencing what Tyrone is going through and I watched this, I wouldn't feel like I should report the abuse as the cops wouldn't believe me; it doesn't give out any hope, and men have it grained in to us by society how stronger we should be than women, and I think this story gives out the wrong message to other male domestic abuse victims. Tyrone has been beaten, and now he's being accused of being the abuser and is currently waiting trial. How does any of this give a guy encouragement to speak up and not suffer in silence?

Edited by Ben
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Now watched both episodes that aired in the UK on Friday March 15th, the Friday before the big Rovers fire ... So that's five episodes total I've watched so far on Hulu, since I started last week with the two episodes that originally aired Monday March 11th.

From Friday the 15th, loved the community coming together in candlelight in the darkened pub that had lost power, and the people happy for Jason getting a job as a barman (possibly as a prelude to he and Stella committing together, and him becoming landlord) while Karl stood off fuming ... Rita, Emily, Dennis, Sylvia, Deirdre, Tommy (charming young guy joining along amidst all these older characters singing), and others singing "The White Cliffs of Dover" and "We''ll Meet Again" ... Emily invoking the spirit of the Blitz while Sylvia said she hated nostalgia ... Ah .... American soaps wouldn't be able to get away with this multigenerational, community singing thing, I think. Warm and fuzzy, interspersed with cutaways to more harsh goings-on like Chesney/Katy talking and Chesney telling Katy to "pack your bags and go", Karl's jealousy consuming him as he had lost his girlfriend and his pub, and Gloria being snarky ... while there was humor from Eileen trying to recruit for the fireman's stripping thing for charity.

So brilliant, and captivating. Corrie is the soap I rush to watch every night now on Hulu. But Hulu is up to Monday the 18th now, and I haven't watched it. I'm scared of the fire i know is coming. I already care so much about these characters and don't want to see them unhappy.

Thanks for the kind words, Ben, and for explaining some of your own and Carl's issues with the show further.

I haven't seen the Kirsty and Tyrone story on screen yet, but in theory, I don't see anything wrong with it. It doesn't discourage men who are abused from coming forward to show that there can be people who wouldn't believe them while there are others who would believe them. The abuser could well turn it around and claim to be abused themselves, and bring the law down. That initial disbelief from the law is a reflection of reality and increases the ability of the story to be something that someone can relate to. Ultimately as long the story ends well, with Tyrone vindicated and Kirsty stopped, it doesn't send the wrong message. In a somewhat similar vein, gays coming out on a soap can face parental rejection at first, and women accusing their rapists can face people who don't believe them -- and these are believable, relatable elements; it's what happens in the end that matters most for the "message."

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Hulu is up to Sunday March 24th now, so my comments are as of that episode:

Jason is being stubborn that he checked the electrics, which is the truth, but given what the other characters know, he's coming off whiny and self-centered. Gloria is being less mean to him then I thought she would be, assuring him no one blames him. Paul can barely talk to him. Then Dev attacks him at the end about Sunita struggling to hang on to life because of the fire he supposedly caused ("I will kill you"), and Jason looks super guilty and sad. Love it!

Also like Chesney and Katy being mature about sharing time with Joseph.

Finally saw Roy, Hayley, Marcus, Maria, and Ken Barlow. I sympathized with what Sylvia was feeling about not wanting to be shunted off before her time.

Eileen seems really sympathetic and warm, she is the center of the show for me right now. Paul is wracked with guilt over Toni's death.

It's a pretty convincing meltdown so far for Kirsty as a newly single mother at her wit's end, turning on her friends, maintaining she can cope, even without any of this other context of her having attacked Tyrone repeatedly and falsely accused him.

Dev was great with the kids. Also great scene between Dev and the hospital worker. ('If you're suggesting ..., I will drag this hospital to every court." "I'm not suggesting anything.")

I can't with Karl ... What a scumbag. The thing is I know he may have some genuine feelings of concern -- I believed those tears -- but he left Sunita to die in that fire. And having read some of what is to come, it's just awful. Ugh, I feel icky just thinking about this character.

Edited by jfung79
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I finally caught up to when you posted this, so I have some reactions.

It was indeed weird how Tommy and Tina walked around the corner and Tommy looked shocked. I rationalized it that maybe he hadn't seen how bad the fire really was until that point.

I liked Gail agreeing to move back in and her semi-reconciliation with Kylie while insisting she will keep an eye on Kylie. Kylie is hoping that it's David's baby -- which means it probably won't be but she really wants to try. I don't think I've seen David yet by the way. Lots of Nick though. I liked Leanne telling Nick she had been making fun of Jason being a toyboy but she could see how much he cares for Stella.

I think the Kirsty actress is good enough. I'm buying her meltdown over the baby.

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Now up to both episodes that aired in the UK on April 1st. Sunita's showing signs of waking up. Jason walked out on Stella at the bistro because she was asking for "space." Earlier Stella had kissed Karl (WTF!), unbeknownst to Jason. Tyrone has been found not guilty and has forgiven Julie and Eileen for believing Kirsty at a welcome-home party that Tommy and Tina organized for him. Eileen tried to get Dr. Carter to help see if Paul was doing okay after Toni's death but Paul was angry at her for doing so.

My main reactions right now about the show beyond what I've posted before are

* I like Eileen's fire and directness in addition to her compassion. She marched right over to Tyrone's party to apologize, and did so with humility, but didn't grovel like Julie. The way I've seen her command at the taxi place with Steve and Lloyd is also awesome.

* I love some of the elements of humor, such as the weed brownies being sold to Rita accidentally.by Anna, and Sylvia having to get them back. Sylvia's proud attitude is also amusing.

* I am more annoyed than amused by gossiping Mary and Norris, but I do still find them funny as well. Glad Dev told them not to come to his shop again when Norris was trying to get Sophie to spill about the evidence against Sunita for the arson. I also liked Rita putting Mary and Norris in their place when they were whining about what Dev did to them.

* Chesney is getting on my nerves with his self-pitying and his constantly badgering his friends to go out and have a drink with him. Beth was very nice to allow Kirk to do so yet again the other day.

* Fiz seems really self-righteous and harsh, both with Katy and with Eileen/Julie.

* Jason is that rare macho straight guy on a soap who I can still like ... He has a temper and is prone to stunts like knocking the mirror off Karl's car, but I saw how he apologized to Nick for threatening Norris with violence the other day at the bistro when Norris was implying Jason might have started the Rovers fire by accident. He doesn't seem proud of thuggery like the Mitchell brothers on EastEnders or self-righteous American soap he-men. He's also got some brains to him despite his image -- I hope Jason will continue to be suspicious of Karl's role in the fire, despite the evidence against Sunita.

* I like how Jason and Sean seem to be friends, especially considering Jason was apparently homophobic way back when his brother Todd came out. I don't know how Sean came to be living with Eileen but the straight guy/gay guy dynamic under one roof is great. I don't like how the show had Sean acting scared to wait for the police at Kirsty's and being lazy about making a bacon sarnie though - rather caricatured, offensive portrayal implying gays are unreliable and quick to panic. That Sean is so super-flaming is what makes it all the better though that Jason is friends with him.

* I've only seen a little of the Kamaras and Lloyd, but they seem okay. I like what little I've seen of Sophie and Jenna's lesbian relationship too, including use of Sophie's continued Christian faith.

* I feel like Gary has feelings for Tina beyond her being a surrogate for him and Izzy. He better not cheat on Izzy after how mad he was at Ryan and Katy! Also, I can't help but still find Ryan charismatic despite his being a homewrecker.

As an overall statement, I seem to like anything Grimshaw-related (including Eileen, son Jason, sister Julie Carp and Julie's academic husband Brian Packham, and also distantly related Dennis Tanner and his wife Rita) the best ... Something about the decency and the layers of the characters in that family, even though they don't even interact together all that much. And the whole show is still entertaining, amusing, and impressing me!

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The Grimshaws are definitely one of the show's brightest spots in the last ten years. Though I hated what they did with Todd's brief return a few years ago, I want him back so so so much. I think they might be the last "classic" family introduced on the show, meaning that they had/have that true Corrie spirit about them, when written well.

Edited by All My Shadows
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