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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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Finally caught up! LOL Everything up to Calvin's murder was painful to watch, but after that, the show's been pretty good. Poor Steph...and poor Tom - everyone around him dies.

What's up with Loretta being a psycho now - it came out of nowhere.

Theresa being Calvin's murderer surprised me. Anyone know who the original murderer was before PM changed it?

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Has anyone seen this? It's a "where are they now?" segment on the original Hollyoaks cast, there's also character descriptions, and there's even an original cast picture on it.

It's funny how out of everyone, Tony is the only original character left on this show.

I wish more of the early years of this show were available, though, I've heard it took a few months for the show to really find its groove. I know the show aired in reruns for a time on now defunct UK cable channel Trouble, so surely, someone has some tapes of the early years...


Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Of all the people to introduce a new family I wouldn't have chosen weird and interfering Jem.

Carley is doing such an incredible job with this story, and poor little Tom was heartbreaking when he learned she had cancer. The whole family is doing a great job. I do wish Darren could be involved. Gemma Merna has also been doing wonderful work lately. I felt so awful for Carmel when she realized she wasn't pregnant.

Y&RWT thanks for the update. I never can remember who the originals are, as I thought there were a few others, like some girl who had psychic powers, and also Finn. It's interesting that even then the show was kind of sort of trying to include black characters but none of them have ever really broken through (unless you count Calvin, which I'd rather not as he annoyed me...).

You've probably all seen these already but these are some old clips with Tony and one of his first loves, Julie:


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Is it me or is Nancy just awesome.

Rae & Newt are somewhat a good couple,but they need a story and apparantly Rae is contacted till the end of the year so maybe she will "Die".

Steph is really handling this story well and maybe the only good thing going on after the aftermath of Calvin went pearshaped.

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It looks like Carley Stenson is leaving the show :(


So many wonderful characters are already gone and now Michaela and Steph are going too. Marquess's new characters may be a hit (it's hard to tell based on the descriptions, especially if it involves someone trying to be the new Katie Price), but losing these longtime faces is going to hurt. I wish they could bring back a few old names, besides Lee Hunter.

I also wonder what will be with Jack and Frankie. All their kids are going. Are they just going to raise Tom?

I'd rather they just have Tom go live with OB.

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Carley's leaving? :( If Steph dies, that's going to be hard to watch.

I hope Ellis Hollins doesn't leave too. He's such a good young actor. And if Hollyoaks is still on 5 years from now, there's a lot of story for teenage Tom.

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Carley's been hinting in recent interviews that she didn't know how long she was going to stay with the show, I guess she was planning to leave for a while now.

Still, this sucks, she's Hollyoaks longest serving female character in terms of being on the show consecutive years. The show won't be the same without her.

I don't think they'll get rid of Tom, Frankie and Jack will probably look after him IF Steph dies. I don;t know if they'll even kill her off, If they do, maybe they'll have Max come back to escort her to heaven (hey, it's Hollyoaks!).

I wonder what Carley will do now. I think she was always one of the strongest people on this show, and if she ever does another soap, I think she would be the perfect actress for Corrie. She can handle both comedy and drama well.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I wonder if any other soap would cast her, most Hollyoaks actors don't seem to end up on other soaps, with a few exceptions. Either they aim higher or they just don't get hired.

I'd like to see Gilly and Steph leave together for a new life. Or Steph leaves on her own for a new life. Or she reunites with Cameron, who was so dear to her.

I hope that they won't kill her off. The show has had so many depressing exits for longtime characters. The last "happy" exit for a main character that I can remember was that horribly rushed "Sunset Ending" which was on the back of John Paul's fiance being poisoned and gurgling and choking oncamera.

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