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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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Elliot, Zak, Archie, and Kris found money stuffed in a roof or something. Archie was then kidnapped and demands for the money were made. But I think this was a ploy and Archie was working to try to get all the money for himself.

Newt is off his meds again and is a major suspect in the beating of Gaz, who is the nemesis of Theresa/Lauren/Anita/Newt.

Steph is dating Fernando but Gilly is in love with her.

Rhys was dating Zak's sister, Hayley, but her true feelings are for his brother Josh.

Cindy is trying to marry Tony for his money. Darren for some reason managed to get Hannah to marry him.

Sarah's girlfriend Lydia believes she still has feelings for Zoe.

Ravi was put in a coma after Ash hit him, Ash hit him even though he knew Ravi had an aneurysm. When Anita lashed out at him, he spitefully told her what the family had hidden all her life -- she had been adopted.

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Did you see some of the past few years? The show has had some ups and downs, but it's OK. I think 2006 and 2007 were their best years, of what I've seen. I haven't really seen anything before 2005, minus a few clips. I do miss some of the humor and the students they had in 2005. I also miss Jessica Harris. The current students, most of the current younger characters, don't do anything for me.

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Lucy Allan lacks in Characterisation and Storylines.We will settle down and be use to her eventully unless Bryan Kirkwood comes back.Hollyoaks won big at The Soap Awards was a shock to me back in 07.I hope we see more of Steph because she is my favourite.Hannah is another one of my favourite.

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Hollyoaks Later Series 2 - Review

Hollyoaks Later Series 1 had its good & bad moments.For Series 2 i was expecting pretty much for Series 1...boy This week i had the pleasure in watching some of the best TV of the year.

This 5 part series proved that Bryan Kirkwood should stay with Hollyoaks till the day he dies.Hollyoaks Later 2 was brilliant on many diffrent levels.I fully now consider HO a proper soap.

We start off with Story 1...the AShworhs.What turns into a fun week at a music festival turns into something more sinister.Emma Rigby was amazing in this and the drug characters really showed their dark side particully Kev.Someone i really liked was Imogen.The actress was terrific and showed a very dark character in a dark world.Blue annoyed me a lot thinking he was big while stuffing his face with dirty junk food.

Story 2 - The McQueens.This was funny and wonderful to watch.What turned into a fun trip to London turned into a chase to the altar.All the Mcqueens were golden as usual.Its a shame however that Jacqui never got Tony,however it would have been a nice twist.

Story 3 - The Wedding.This was great too.Darren was funny to watch and Cindy in her first wedding dress was stunning.Tony was great as always and Holly was cute too.Nicola Stapleton was great too and hope she returns.

Come the Big Story - The Skydive.Great performances from beginning to end.I was aware who was going and loved the entire tension between the 3 characters.At the end i was loving it.

Favourite story was...4 but 3 was close behind.1 & 2 were great too but had some tiny flaws.

I also want Savannah,Imogen,That Lawyer in Episode 5 and maybe Kingsley to join Hollyoaks.

Overall...great week not just for Hollyoaks but all Soaps...maybe Eastenders lacked.

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Just watched some clips surrounding Sarah's death. As one of her few fans, I was done as she briefly yelled for someone to help her before she hit the ground. Loui Batley is a great actress that I hope can succeed in a better role in the future.

To add, LYDIA MUST DIE! I was hoping she had killed herself with the wristcutting scene, the stupid psycho bitch.

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OMG! I just finished watching Hollyoaks Later (I'm so behind, I still haven't watch the October episodes of Hollyoaks yet). Sarah's death! :o That was stunning to watch, especially the scene where Lydia and Zoe start running to Sarah....the cinematography and directing was just amazing. I figured Lydia was going to set up Zoe but her committing suicide (or trying to if she's not dead) in the shower was also shocking.

I just love watching deaths of British soaps, they usually go all out and the location shoots really help. Death on American soaps are so lackluster.

Yeah, this story was really dark. Emma and Andrew Moss totally rocked this story. I hope we'll see these characters (except Blue) on the regular show. They could spice up the show.

I liked the humour on this story. The Bonnie Tyler "Holding Out For a Hero" dream sequence was hilarious! :lol:

This story was also funny. Emma is the Snow White costume and the 7 Dwarfs music.......naked Tony with the pigs.

I hope the show doesn't wait until the next (if there's one) to amp things up, because the past few months of the show was pretty boring.

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Bryan Kirkwood is coming to EastEnders in 2010, so for those of you who enjoyed his Hollyoaks and his recent installment of Later might want to give EastEnders a try next year, if you haven't already...


Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I stopped watching in April and I was thinking of starting back with Hollyoaks Later and episodes from there. I found the show to be really dull when I left. I worry about this new HW and how good she is. The only thing I've heard people raving about is Sarah's death and Kirkland wrote that! Right now is the show any good? Would it be worth it for me to come back full time?

I'm thinking if Hollyoaks isn't up to it maybe I'll pick up another soap like Eastenders or Coronation Street. Right now I feel like I need British soap in my life. Moreso just a good soap. Of the four, sometimes five US soaps I watch I only love one and I enjoy one other. With a good British soap I can at least go 3/3.

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The show is a bit inconsistent now, all over the place, mostly focused on young people. They are starting a hugely controversial new story soon.


I'm enjoying Emmerdale, although it's far from flawless. Hollyoaks still has some good moments too, it can just be hard to find them. Eastenders is very plot-driven and baby-obsessed now, so I have mixed feelings on that. Corrie still has some good points but overall is also too plot-driven and a bit too thin, as it's hard for them to transition from what they used to be to today's soap world.

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Emmerdale is such a mixed bag. Some of the stuff is just not good, other can be surprisingly real and on the mark. More than any other soap I watch it reminds me of what the American soaps used to be like, with a UK flavor.

Hollyoaks is like no other soap, and I really liked a lot of the stuff from even some of the not good periods, but now the show can be so dark and empty and the heart (OB and Max) is gone. They also suffer from a lack of any strong couples.

Edited by CarlD2
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Lucy Allan talks about 2009.


She seems a bit prickly, although with some of the criticism HO has had this year, no wonder. I did laugh when she said she got rid of Ash Roy because he was becoming "panto." If Anita isn't a bad caricature, or panto, these days, I'm not sure who is.

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