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AMC: Cameron Mathison is angling for Regis' job

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But the thing is, he wants all of these jobs, this exposure, these outlets and publicity -- but then when it gets to be too much, like on Dancing with the Stars... he cries about it. Literally. I'm all for him trying to do the hosting thing, because that's a lot less annoying than watching him attempt acting, but CALM DOWN, CAMERON!

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I like Cam, but I lurve Regis! I watch the show for him (and have been for over a decade) as he has great stories at times. I liked Kelly during the 1st year or so, but she's been grating on me recently with her constant yapping and always interrupting Regis (or trying to one up him)...but then again, that's just me.

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I think Cameron could do a good job. But he needs to calm down at times. lol

Actually he didn't cry about it, and certainly not literally. He talked about how his life was. Busy. What was he supposed do to, tell everyone he was chilling at the pool all day?

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No, he was supposed to suck it up and deal with it. You wanna be everywhere, do everything, get as much exposure as possible? Then put in the work and shut the hell up. Who the hell wants to hear how busy you are when you're the one who made yourself that busy? I got so damn tired of him "talking" about how many hours he'd have to rehearse and how many flights he had to catch and how many pages of dialog he had to memorize a day... And? You're not a mainstream star, Cam. Once you get out of the daytime arena, yeah... You're gonna have to work all over again from the ground up, Boo Boo. I dunno. Maybe it's just me. I have very little patience for people who want something, push for it, get it... and then whine, I mean cry, "talk" about how busy they are. I'm more impressed with people who make it seem easy.

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i disagree. He is asked that question and he knows what answer theyw ant. besides i am sure it is a lot, and it is prob exhasting, and he prob does wanna go to bed sometimes. But i have never seen him cry and bitch about it, everything he has ever said about it is the truth, and anything aside from its amazing he says tounge in cheek even tho its also true. and he always ends it with something along the lines of 'i love it'

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Take the jobs when they are being offerd, you never know when you will end up unemployed. I see no issue with him expressing his sadness about not being able to spend as much time with his family. Ali Sweeney says the same thing. People who work busy job say it. People who work more than one job say it. If he said he didnt miss his family thats one thing.

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"I'm grateful for being given these opportunities and I'm loving every minute! As fickle as this industry is, it's better to have too many jobs than none at all."

Period. End of statement.

Sorry, but he's just rubbing me the wrong way. He can't act. He whines about his busy schedule. He blatantly shouts how much he wants exposure and wants Regis' job before the dinosaur even retires... I can safely say he's becoming one of the few people I will NOT miss nor will I follow after they've left AMC.

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Cam, the Cam who's AMC and Frons' golden boy? I doubt he'll be unemployed, unless it's his choice.

Take outside jobs, I have NO problem with that, but to take this hosting job, this hosting job, and this other job, then do your main job, then talk about not getting to see your wife and kids doesn't make sense to me.

He doesn't need ten or twenty other jobs

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I've never watched AMC so I don't know what kind of actor Cameron is, but I once saw him hosting a show -- Daytime Emmys, maybe, or something else-- and he seemed to think his role as host was to shout as loud as he could. It was so painful to watch I actually felt embarrassed for him. I hope he's a better actor & continues to do act.

And if I were an All My Children fan, I think I'd be kind of disappointed in him for so being so vocal and so aggressive (this is only based on what I've read here) about wanting another job... doesn't he like being on AMC?

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