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ATWT week of June 23

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right, because someone has a diff view than you, they are stupid? and yes alln someone a viwer G&P love = stupid.

Maybe i find jant intersting because she has been over usedand over exposed. becase i dont feel the need o change the channel everytime she on. because she s a damaged screwed up woman who makes mistakes and is just trying to make it in life. because she is carly. because jlie pinson is the role. maybe itdoesnt mater why and i do.

Liberty is intersting. Here is this girl ho was stuck with Janet for a mother her entre life and that it. Now she has this insta famly, people from every direction telling her wher to go.

i also love kate and brad's relatinsip. that jack is away om that shrew carly.

not to mention psycho sofie is amazing. and i hope she gives it to paul good.

what i dont understand i why someone watch's something they find horrid. but then again i find that real life has a lot to offer, esp when tv has little...

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At first Liberty annoyed me, but she's growing on me. Her scenes with Parker always seem slightly sinister to me. She's flirty, but there is kind of a mean edge to it. It's kind of disturbing that someone so young is flaunting her sexuality. I'm not used to that on soaps. It'll be interesting to see if that leads anywhere down the road or if this is just the writer's way of making them antagonistically flirty. I just hope she doesn't end up pregnant.

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God, Silbermann is in a master-class of atrociously stiff acting. That boy has NO on-screen charisma AT ALL.

Also, I'm beyond sick of Hansis' "Look at me, I'm so cute and I'm acting" routine. The Luke character is beyond stifling and annoying these days.

I'm waiting for some Puke, I mean Nuke fan to come in here and tell me how wrong I am and what a homphobe I am. :rolleyes:

For all the hype those two get, there's nothing substantial there to back it up. Had they been a non-gay couple, people would've been calling for them to break-up a long time ago. Not only is the writing beyond pathetic for them, the acting choices those two make are bad and I don't really see any chemistry with them.

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Not a bad episode, excluding Noah and Luke. The reactions from the Hughes and Stewarts to the verdict were very good. Alison who I find barely tolerable did a good job telling off Chris. They have got to find something for Aaron to do besides panting after Alison. NuCasey is such a talented actor and a hottie. He should be having a wonderful summer romance with a young woman his age.

I usually ignore Luke and Noah, but I appreciated the laugh that Jake Silbermann gave me as I wasn't feeling particularly well today. When he screwed up his face to eke out a tear, I just about fell out. He is such a horrifically bad actor that I am embarrassed for ATWT.

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