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ATWT - Suprising Sex Twist

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According to TVGuide, on June 27, Holden and Carly will begin to have an affair. The atcile says that 'the tryst will trigger the demis e of the soap's most beloved duo. "We're treading into dangerous territory here, "Hensley says "To berak up Holden and Lily, plus Jack and Carly, leaves our show with no main couple. It's a risky thing to do" Expect fireworks once word of the affair gets out, especially since Holden and Jack are cousins and best buddies. Carly and Lily are also very tight.

The new coupling is a real head scratcher: Holden is a grounded salt o' the earth kinda guy and Carly is a sneaky, demon driven mess. "They're a total mismatch - Holden has never even liked Carly all taht much, Hensley notes with a laugh. "But after 20+ years, there was really nowhere else for Holden and Lily to go. We've done every possible story"

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Well, I know Carjack's fans have been leaving...it's hard to gauge the Lilden fan base, especially now that Martha's gone.

Oooh...this sucks. And it's still a week and a half away.

The point is, there's NO couple on ATWT to really root for anymore. I can't root for Nuke or Bratie. Henry/V are never on. Ali and Aaron aren't even officially a couple. Parker/Liberty are just teens, and she's just annoying. Paul/Meg....oy vey. Casey/Em...feels like rooting for porn.

The show needs stability, and unfortunately only story Pissy knows is breaking up every couple about every three months. There's nothing to invest in, and not getting that "payoff" is driving viewers away.

I'd consider Holden/Carly a suicide move...it reeks of desperation, that's for sure. I don't see how pairing up your most dynamic actress (arguably) with a quiet-bump-on-a-log actor (not so arguably) is a strong, long term move. Carly's boring with Holden. You can feel the underlying confusion from the scriptwriters every time Carly and Holden have a "quiet" moment...like they don't have a clue what these people would say to each other, if the kids aren't around to spark a situation.

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It's not only risky but it's going to backfire on them!! I'd rather Lily and Holden left Oakdale if they didnt have a story for them. Talk about upsetting two fanbases. The sad thing is that it isnt even Martha playing Lily. This stinks anyway you say it. I cant believe JH said there was nowhere for Lily and Holden to go...MY GAWD....Really???? [!@#$%^&*] [!@#$%^&*] GMAB!!

Holden and Carly are just too stupid for words. The pairing is awful, awkward and dumb!! Seriously, I thought Jack was bad for cheating with Katie. But Holden is a [!@#$%^&*] loser!! I never thought I would say that about Holden.

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ATWT isn't really a couple-based show, though, never really has been. This isn't DAYS which has massive Jarlena and Bope fanbases. I think Jack & Carly's psycho fans are mainly confined to the posters at weloveatwt.com. Any hardcorde Lilden fans that were left were gone the minute Martha left.

I don't see the issue here at all. And honestly, I tend to agree that Jon Hensley isn't the acting bee's knees, but he seems rejuvenated in his scenes with nuLily and Carly.

And when did Jack "cheat" with Katie? Jack and Carly have been divorced for a longggg time.

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Jon Hensley is the same he's always been. A good actor. I don't think new screen mates make an actor any better.

And as for me, I'm always going to be a hardcore fan of MB/JH's Lilden. But right now, I'm a mix between a cold and a lukewarm fan of NB/JH's Lilden.

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I couldnt believe this when I read it and though tit was incredibly stupid. Prepare for another ratings drop. Even JH admits this is a complete mismatch. I would have never pictured Holden carrying on an affair with Carly of all people

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