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June 2-6, 2008


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Friday: 1.4/1,751,000 :o

Say what you want....Look at pre-emptions and say that tennis or golf affected the show....but that is horrible on any scale. Less than two million viewers watching "Days Of Our Lives" in the United States is a travesty. It's not just a bad day, it's a sign of viewer apathy on a new level.

1.7-1.8 million viewers isn't accpetable on any day for a show that had almost three million viewers in early January. I'm worried about the show right now, because this year is it. 2009 approacheth, and I hear the huff beats.

There is nothing to hold viewers attention. There is no story hook. There is no relationship conflict that matters.

Sami/Lucas/EJ bore me. Why should I care where Paul knows Lucas from? Do we know Paul? Are we invested in him? Does Ava pose a real threat to John and Marlena...seriously? After Roman's return in 91, Kristen's manic meltdown in 96-97, and Jope sub sex, am I supposed to buy Ava can do them in....and Bo and Hope...maybe Dena should leave them alone after the bounty hunter fiasco of old..

No one cares that Phillip and Chloe are fecking. No one cares what a drunken Nicole has to say. This show is boring right now on every level. Valium couldn't be as effective as this crapfest. I literally fall asleep on lunchbreak...no exaggeration.

What pains me is the show was in the perfect place when she took it in February. The Dimeras were together and cohesive, with Stefano ready to use John again. Belle and Shawn were just trying to sort things out. John being a Dimera should have opened a can of worms for the whole ensemble. Just like the last time Dena got the helm, the show was workable and seemingly in tact. What she did in seven months in 2003, no one should do to a show. Say what you want about Reilly, but he revived it in his own sick way when he started killing off the cast. It took his sick vision to jump start this show again.

I see new lows, Corday pushing blame on Dena, or worse Ed Scott. I see Ed leaving if the show has the skid I'm thinking it's in for by August/Sept. I don't blame him. Why go down with it.I see the show possibly not recovering.

I just Hope Dena doesn't write the last three months of the show. I hope it goes out in style.

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How exciting to see Dena turn Max into her latest Rex Balsom - a dynamic young character who she blands into oblivion. I'm sure that's gone over great with people. I didn't think Rex could recover from DH, but he's flourished.

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Oh Ryan. I love you even more! But you probably know that already, right? *muah*

ATWT...Damn! I knew it was bad, but 1.9 bad? [!@#$%^&*]! Is it so wrong for me to be a little happy it fell so hard around the time Goutman gave that interview and Martha's exit? Maybe THIS is what ATWT needs so get rid of PTB.

So, what the frick happened last week? Have CarJackers given up the show now? I mean, that fall was so fast. WOW.

Days is boring as hell. I'm sick of everything, even the EJami/Ejicole/Lumi stuff. The stories aren't moving at all and that's one of the two stories (Phillip/Morgan/Chloe) I like on this show. Everything else is bad.

I like OLTL. I'm really new, but I find myself drawn to it now. I can't help it. Of course, it's so hard to catch it when flipping onto the commercials. Soapnet needs to cut down on commercials. How am I supposed to flip between and catch something?

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Wait till you and other carjack fans read the spoiler for June 25. I have a feeling ATWT is going to drop further down the ratings ladder.

Yes...Yes....Yes...Yes....Sorry Toups and Co...I had to go there. :lol:

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*sigh* Okay, I have to step in and defend EJami. I LOVED Sami/EJ's talk and rumble in the bed. What messed everything up was Sami immediately dumping EJ for Lucas and seeing Lumi duke it out AGAIN. What a huge disappointment! Needless to say, I was a huge LUMI fan who loves EJami now, but for some reason I understand Lucas' point. Lumi isn't as bad as last year. I can tolerate them again. So that part is fixed but the rest of the story went kaput. Instead of having Sami equally in love with EJ and Lucas, they drop the ball and the merry-go-round starts all over. I don't want to see slanted writing. I don't want to see last year's Lumi/EJami story. I liked EJami last year, but I admit the writing was so black and white (I blame you, Corday!). It's back to square one, except now I find myself rooting for EJ/Nicole.

Check out some of Days yesterday and just dumped it. I felt like I was watching garbage. Do I even want to talk about Max/Stephanie/Nick's retarded story? How can Max be that smart? Him vs. the Dean? Really? Then, there's Dr. Dan and Chelsea. Oh gawd. It's so wrong and gross I'm leaving it at that one sentence. Phillip and Chloe are ruined. I think Morgan is the new Chloe. I love Phloe and I'm liking Phillip/Morgan, but this story is dull.

Yet, the EJ/Nicole and Phillip/Chloe/Morgan stories are the only ones grabbing my attention. Funny, huh?

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