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AMC: More on a possible new head writer

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Alden went Fi-Core for Brad Bell, I doubt she'll be leaving the B&B's fold, where she's reletively free of network interference. That's why many writers such as Kay and Patrick Mulcahey prefer to write for B&B than any other soap. I doubt Alden will want to be calling Frons her boss anytime soon. Remember when she criticized ABC's way of storytelling last year and said it wasn't for her?

Jack F. Smith could be a possibility too, but I don't think he is.

As Angie point out, the source isn't the most reliable out there. I think this is just a bunch of nothing.

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My first thought was Jack Smith seeing as Kay Alden is already occupied at B&B. Wasn't Smith consulting for ABC as well last year? If so, then there is already an established relationship with the higher-ups there. And with AMC having the only headwriters on the network to declare fi-core status, perhaps the remaining staff refused to work for people who crossed the picket lines to collect a paycheck.

I guess I give this rumor a lot of credibility simply because it seems to me there has been a significant change in the storytelling this week, not to mention how incredibly balanced the show is in comparison to how it was any time during E&B's reign.

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Everyone is just copying from everyone else which creates the impression of validity. SoapTown, the gossip column at Soapzone, Rav-n Bea--y and several others all do it. It's not much 10 people all reporting the same buzz which therefore must be true... it's more several sites copying and pasting just in case the person they're copying from is correct.

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The description sure sounds like Kay Alden but I agree with Y&RWorldTurner, I don't see her leaving the Bell fold anytime soon. Certainly Alden loves AMC, loves Nixon and would do a fabulous job at reinvigorating the show...however...she would also have to deal with that son of a bitch Brian Frons who 'tweaked' Kay's AMC bible to the point that she just gave up at ABC and went back to the Bells at B&B.

AMC, aside from the Bell shows, is the best soap suited to Kay Alden's style. I would be delighted if she were to headwrite AMC...but I just don't see how Alden would tolerate Frons...unless Nixon has, somehow, been able to completely remove Frons from the equation.

B&B offers Alden the freedom from network and production company interference which I'm sure she adores. That being said, I know in the past she has had a strong desire to write AMC, she nearly bolted from Y&R in 1997 when AMC was switching from Lorraine Broderick to Megan McTavish but of course Bill Bell rewarded her with the HW role at Y&R upon his retirement and the rest was history.

It could be Jack Smith...or even Sheffer (aside from the highly rated aspect). Although I'm suspect of this rumor I hope it's true, AMC is in desperate need of salvation.

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The rumor on the net was that Alden was offered the HW position, but turned it down. My guess is that she turned it down due to network interference. Since they offered her the position that means she already had a story bible in place. Maybe Nixon saw it, liked it and is going to fight for her to get what she wants in order to become HW.

Of course this is from SoapTownUSA so maybe we shouldn't take this too seriously. I just am dying to see AMC as the good show I hear it once was.

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I would love to see Kay Alden write for All My Children. However, if all these rumors are true about the writers not wanting to work with B&E b/c they went fi-core, will they have the same attitude towards Kay Alden since she essentially did the same?

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I hope this rumor is true as well. AMC needs a great writer like Jack Smith or Kay Alden. Hopefully they can get rid of NuBabe (hopefully with a good re-cast, maybe Martha Madison or Erin Hershey Presley), Richie, Ryan, Lily/Ava and Dixie's Ghost, and bring back Dixie from the dead, Brooke from her disappearance, get Bianca back permanently (even if they have to re-cast).

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I don't think it's Alden. That ship sailed awhile back. Hogan Sheffer is actually the person that first comes to mind. He seems to be very popular and much loved. As for the part about this person coming from one of the higher-rated shows, well, that could be just hyperbole. Besides Y&R and B&B, the other soaps pretty much play musical chairs week-by-week in the ratings. I'm not a huge fan of Hogan's writing from what I've seen at DAYS and ATWT and I'm not sure if Hogan taking over is a good or a bad thing, but I respect Nixon so much that if she thinks enough of him to be AMC's savior, then he climbs a few notches in my book. At this point, I'm so fed up with Jim and Babs. They need to go. The poor things went FiCore and effectively made it pretty impossible to get hired anywhere else. Oh well!

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