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B&B: Week of March 03, 2008

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Interesting episode. Finally two storylines in an episode, and not one lol.

Always nice to see Felicia (and Bridget was sitting there in the background). On a shallow note, Flannery wore the first nice thing she has worn in years today--that black sweater at least had a shape!!!

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Somebody, anybody--- please open a can of whup-a ss on Nick. I never really like the character, but now he makes me want to spit.

Annnddd just when I thought Eric couldn't get any more pathetic he goes and out does himself. What in the he!! was that conversation with Donna all about??

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Oh Stephanie. She may not be able to compete with Donna physically but at least she's got style? :lol: The woman has many things but style hasn't been one of them for at least a decade.

I quite liked Nick's speech on the stand about how he thinks Taylor is mentally unstable. It was surprisingly rational for a B&B custody battle.

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James Warwick! Ian Buchanan needs to be put on contract, stat. He and HT have gads of chemistry without even saying a word, even if they work better as friends than as a couple.

Felicia and Stephanie are like two peas in a pod and even if they are just filler, I love their scenes together. Really want to see Thorne and Felicia start scheming, though. I loved it when they were bitching about having Donna in their lives. Especially with Thorne also having feelings for Katie at the same time.

Honey Bear is looking increasingly like Grandpa Bear! And Eric really believes that he can have his cake (Stephanie) and eat it (Donna), too.

JamesF, IA about Nick speaking rationally at the trial. In fact, this custody battle is prob the first time I have seen some heart in this baby/egg/switch SL. You can understand both Taylor and Nick's viewpoints.

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I didn't like the trial at all.

Thought it was insulting how freaking crazy Taylor behaved. Overall, I have serious porblems with B&B these days. It's a great show overall but does NOT feel like B&B. It's like Y&R back when it still was serious with some minor influences of camp to spice it up.

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I'm finding the show unwatchable right now. I hate all this crap with Taylor being unstable. Nick has talked out of both sides o his mouth through this whole ordeal. One second he tells Taylor she is Jack's mother and the next scene he is basically telling Brooke the same thing and that went on for weeks. I hate Nick right now. Erica and Donna are just gross. There isn't one thing compelling me to watch right now.

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It's a great show overall but does NOT feel like B&B. It's like Y&R back when it still was serious with some minor influences of camp to spice it up.

And that's bad? :lol:

I see that it's not like B&B, you are right.... But if Y&R can't be Y&R.... lol

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Oh my god.

What the frak was with the end of yesterday's episode? Taylor has collapsed in front of the judge's bench, with a big honking spotlight on her? Say WHAT???

I kid you not: for a minute there, I thought she was going to break into a Gershwin song.

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I was also wondering WTF happened at the end of the show. The entire room went black with only a spotlight on Taylor. Where the hell did that come from?

This is a shot of it. Mind you, there were still people in the courtroom sitting down watching this


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