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AMC: Monday (1/21) Discussion

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Awww Goldylicious you hate Zach that much to have him act OOC for the woman who almost killed one of his sons and caused the pre-mature birth of the other? LOL while we're at let's just pair up Babe & Bianca, what's a little kidnapping and baby maiming between friends ;)

You know something reeks when characters have to be written OOC for another, the Z/G is just another Zach/Dixie-LMAO, but worse, since Dixie NEVER hurt Zach's children

True that ;)

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Awww Goldylicious you hate Zach that much to have him act OOC for the woman who almost killed one of his sons and caused the pre-mature birth of the other? LOL while we're at let's just pair up Babe & Bianca, what's a little kidnapping and baby maiming between friends ;)

Nah, I just love Thorston enough that I want him in a fresh new pairing :)

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I am sort of to the point where we either need Zendall backburnered happy with their family or apart for a while. Zach and Kendall and the way the whole thing was wirtten with SLAVERY sucked the life out of this show, for me anyway so much so I had to turn the damn thing off! I still love Zendall at their core, but they totally have been screwed up!

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Angie told Tad that she is single - and she realized that she could never meet another person that matched Jesse and the standards he created. She mentioned that Cassandra is in Europe with Jacob. Cheap - you must have missed a few sengments.

The Maria/Julia mention was so cute - it was fun Julia and Maria were big-time 90's characters, and Angie still didn't know them. Tad thinking he's getting way too old! Haha - I loved the Liza "ran in different circles" comment! The Dixie talk was so sad.

I love me some Angie - her scream and crying over seeing Frankie in the hospital bed as her patient!!! OMG!

I'm so in love with the show right now. It was so refreshing to see Kendall, Aiden and somewhat Greenlee/Zach in the background. Their airtime was greatly reduced and it was so refreshing. I DO think Rebecca and Thorsten have some great great chemistry though! I love them as friends for sure! I am so happy Rebecca is back, bc her VOICE is so much easier to handle. Plus Rebecca is just a lot more calm and comfortable in her role it seems. That helps creates good chemistry...

Ryannie were hot - and I loved seeing Cam's asscrack! Haha...we usually only get Aiden's, but it was nice to see Cam's.

Ritchie was a little creepy today...I enjoyed the dark scenes with Corrina leaving Emma in bed, and Ritchie coming in. I thought the directing for those scenes was particularly good.

Dre is HOT :wub: I'm really looking forward to the Colby/Dre romance. Dre is too cute and Colby has grown so much as a character over the last year.

Bobbie Eakes :wub: For some reason - her performance today gave me chills. I know she didn't do anything spectacular, but the upclose shots of her yelling/almost-crying with Adam really got to me. Bobbie's acting makes me love Krystal - no matter how hypocritical she can be at times.

I'm surprised we haven't seen Erica in these last few episodes. You'd think old-time viewers coming back to see Angie/Jesse would wonder where Erica is, and want to see her! At least we've been getting Joe, Opal and mentions of Ruth, Liza, Dixie, etc...

Loving AMC :)

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The Departed Ryan

Wow it seems like Ryan has departed from his love for Annie and is now calling her Kendall. Then, on today's show, he seems to not be as interested in Annie even when they are making whoopie and doing whatever Dynamite Kiddo deed they happen to be doing. I just wonder when it will come down to splitsville for these two and, coming up with the Rylee promos, it looks like Annie is going to be out of this faster than a Dynamite Kiddo minute. Yep Ryan and the Green Butterfly are a match made in disgusting Heaven as well as the superhero couple that can put their capes in their buttcracks and, with a whiff of their cape out of the hole, they knock down their enemies with that god awful smell. Superman takes people out with his strength, Batman with his super duper utility belt, Spiderman with his web, Wonder Woman with her lasso of truth...but Dynamite Kiddo and the Green Butterfly can do it with a god awful stench. But I am sure that the smell also comes from Ryan being in the landfill because he has to, every now and then, find places where he is not out of place. He actually looks like he is in the right spot when he rolls around with the garbage and the chopped off fingers and lord knows whatever else. I just find it funny that Annie thinks this will all just last and what not but Ryan already seems to have his eyes on the Green Butterfly as they prepare to reunite and take out their enemies like Dr. Sperm, RamTheButtBo, Lucy Baloosie (her weapon of choice is her deadly breast milk), and lord knows whoever else this disgusting loathsome twosome takes on in the name of Dynamite Kiddo. I wonder what their codenames will be when they converse with one another. I say one be Idiot and the other be Dumber...there you go and we can all guess who would be dumber. Now, do not get me wrong, because I do like Greenlee but will NOT like her back with Dynamite Kiddo...if it happens. Heck Annie is a step above the Stepford Wife in Greenlee but it will be about puking and rolling around trying to get fleas off to have to deal with something like Rylee. So we depart from Ryannie and go to Rylee? Gag me!

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Love Thorsten too and want him, in a story that makes sense. Same with Lish. This story certainly doesn't, make any sense to me. I don't like seeing Zach and Kendall both taking steps backwards-him shutting down/her thinking the worse. It hurts.


Give me more Angie and Tad/Angie and Frankie scenes and I'll be semi-happy with AMC

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Oddly enough, I think that is what both Thorsten and Alicia would prefer as well. Poor Alicia has been worked like a dog for years. It's pretty sad that she has to beg TPTB for a day off on the occasion. Throw in that she will begin promoting that craptastic book somebody at ABC wrote and she won't have any free time at all. Thorsten said he would prefer them to work out their problems as a couple without any outside interferences. They want what we want.

But if Zendall is backburned in semi-happy or working things out bliss, than what will so many other characters do without their interaction? That's the problem. The writers have failed to develop certain characters to a point that they are unable to stand alone. If Zach and Kendall were backburnered for say... three months.... what would become of Greenlee and Aidan? Would people watch? Would they even care? Probably not. Ryan and Annie are just now out of Zendall's orbit. And who watches them? I only watch when Billy Miller is involved. Otherwise, I only see them through the blur of my fast forward.

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I like the history talk with Angie as well. HOWEVER, and this is a slight nitpick, the dialogue kept highlighting the fact that Angie hasn't been around in 20 years. BUT, Angie did come back in 1995 when Joe and Ruth rebuilt their house after the tornado. Furthermore, Angie lived in Corinth, which is the next town over. I'm sure she would have at least passed through Pine Valley at some point.

Nevertheless, this is the first episode that I have watched from start to finish in over a year and there were moments that I found entertaining, mostly the scenes with Debbi Morgan.

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Hmm I do not remember this

Just checked Wikipedia....yep she returned in 1995! What I think they meant was that she was not around in over 20 years for the long haul, so to say. A brief visit thirteen years ago, in their mind, does not constitute being around long enough to be considered just being there.

If that makes snese :)

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