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AMC: Monday (1/21) Discussion

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It was very refreshing to see all the history discussed between Angie and Tad, and when Angie told Colby she knew her mother and how she carefully said" we travelled in different circles" :lol: nice save Angie.

Debbi Morgan just simply put, is FIERCE! Its only been one full day and I am already salivating at the prospect of watching this woman day in day out for the next little while. When Angie saw Quentin was indeed Frankie, you felt Angie's excitement of seeing her son and also her being terrified that oh my god he is the one gravely ill. Debbi was flawless. Hasn't missed a beat.

I loved how Tad and her were arguing about her knowing Maria. LOL

The rest of the episode was "ok". I surprisingly am enjoying Thorsten and Rebecca's scenes together.... Rebecca is playing Greenlee so sheltered right now and very withdrawn.... its effective because she is fearful for her life and very sick. I am enjoying it. It's also nice to see when Greenlee winced in pain, it wasn't a painfully overacted scene, which I have become so used to from the Greenlee character.

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I thought today's show was great.

First of all, Debbi Morgan was AMAZING. She's only been on one day and yet I already love her. It felt like she never left and that she belonged. I loved when she ran over to Frankie to hug him, not even worrying about the fact that she didn't put on her mask or whatever Julia said to her. She turned into a mother at that moment instead of a doctor, and she did it so well. I loved her scenes with Tad. The history mentions were great - especially what she said to Colby about Liza. It was great hearing the Maria mention. Adam's reaction was priceless when he saw Angie. "Aren't you glad you came back!!" LOL

I liked Krystal today when she was talking to Adam. He was being so selfish when he said "What's in it for me?" instead of giving the info to Tad about Kate. He is Adam Chandler of course, but I still liked the way Krystal talked to him.

I'm definitely with you there. If it was Sabine (who I do like and respect) playing Greenlee, then I could only imagine how that scene would have been. *shudders* It's so great having Rebecca back.

For once a semi-break from all the Zendall, Aidan, Greenlee crap. I liked the balance today.

Ryannie: blech <_<

Again, great show. I hope it stays like this when B&E come back full time -- hey, I can dream, can't I?! :P

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I loved when Adam called her out on her hypocrisy preaching about how no one has the right to keep a child away from its parents.... Krystal was OWNED!!!!

Adam is a slimey son of a bitch, but he is Adam Chandler, and I love it! Adam will come out on top again, he always seems too :)

Angie and Tad talking about Dixie, I could have cried. Tad told her to stop before she said it because he knew exactly what she was going to say. Its almost a year since Black Tuesday :( In about a week.

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What Krystal - and Babe for that matter - did is IMO far worse than what Adam is doing. They are both wrong of course, but I don't want want to go down that road. and I loved how Krystal was like "I went to jail for it!" Yeah you went to jail honey, but for like 2 months!! Babe got Adam to pull some strings for you dear and got you out!!

The Dixie mentions were so sad! :( Has it been a year already! Damn you McTavish and Carruthers! :angry:

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Babe getting Adam to help her get Krystal out of jail is what started this tumulteous relationship what is Krystal and Adam.... oy vey. There is chemistry there but in all seriousness, what a majorly f-ed up pairing.

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Another weekly thread? <_< <_<

Angie was the ONLY good part about today. I really am loving Quentin/Frankie. Dre is a snoozefest and IMO serves NO purpose, I find him and Colby utterly boring.

Tad & Angie were great, I like it when we see more of MEK in Tad, it lightens the character up and makes him less sanctimonious and hypocritical

Ryannie: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Well last week did have the returns of 2 big actors, but I do prefer the daily threads! B)

And I forgot to mention this earlier...I've gotta give some props to ABC for advertising Angie and Jesse's return at the bottom of the screen like they did for Rebecca. Rebecca did get more promo, but I'm glad they're at least doing that fot Angie and Jesse too.

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I loved todays episode!

Ritchie! I am in love with him. All he has to do is take off the shirt. :P

Angie! Angie! Angie! Welcome back! She totally rocked today! I cannot wait to see her more! :D:wub:

I love Greenlee/Zack scenes. :D

Tad/Angie were great!

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