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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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Ugh...folks are always ripping on poor Austin.

He is not Lane Davies. I get that. He's not even Thorsten Kaye.

But, he is now matched with the right role...or, said more correctly....the role of Brad has been well fitted to him. As a consequence, we have this goofy, likeable guy...who is plausible in the romantic and lightly comedic stories he is given. He is a more entertaining part of the ATWT canvas than almost anyone else.

What are people not digging about him NOW? He is miles ahead of his Days days, and he brightens his otherwise tragically miserable show.

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I played that clip a lot.

I'm pretty sure she was being sarcastic. In other words, she DID NOT expect the victory. Political bloc voter that she is, she probably figured it would go to a CBS show...or to OLTL (which had won writing and directing).

So, when she got it, she was TRYING to convey humble irony with "this was expected" MEANING "this was unexpected". But she has a dry, forceful delivery...she said it relatively unsmiling...and so all the misinterpretations spin off.

Maybe I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt, but I don't think so.

For all the demonization of her that goes on (and she HAS overseen some AWFUL things), she is widely seen as capable. On most of the shows she has gone to (certainly GL, AW) production values and energy go up instantly. Storytelling gets hurt when she brings in FOJ, and she kills legacy characters...so I'm not suggesting I want her at Y&R or anything.

Still, even Marcy Walker (when she was pissed off about the Tangie debacle at GL) STILL called JFP "one of the best line producers I have ever worked with". Others here have quoted Harding Lemay's laudatory stories. On GH, the show still LOOKS good, even as budget is hacked away.

Why assume the worst? The things people are hating on GH these days are almost certainly more due to Frons (budget mandates, actor mandates) and Guza (dark dark dark dark evil dark dark dark dark). JFP is just keeping the boat floating.

But I digress :-). She was just being sarcastic, I think.

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I don't know for sure.

But I doubt Pratt's material will air that soon. He officially started on June 23rd. So I would guess he probably won't be credited a month later on July 24th - even though "Taylor McBride" is a Pratt creation. I know, it's weird. :huh:

Maybe Rain or Soaplvr knows?

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Hopefully Michael Logan's upcoming Pratt piece (which should be interesting, one way or the other) will clear up when his material will start. It's definitely too soon unless he tossed out weeks of material that was already in the can (which I wish he had but they probably wouldn't waste money like that). I'm guessing it'll be closer to August 5th when Taylor was originally supposed to start, although even that is rather quick.

I hope SOD's tidbit about Adam & Erica also indicates they did an interview with Pratt.

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Beth Milstein wasn't credited on Friday's Y&R episode in Canada. It was just Maria followed by Minardi/Hamner followed by script/breakdown. Is this a minor bug or has something changed?

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I know this is... like... two pages ago... but I feel like I need to defend myself. :)

I *AGREE* that Austin Peck has FINALLY found a role that "fits" him better than Austin Reed EVER did.

I was certainly NOT putting him down as Brad.

Don't get me wrong., I have MAJOR issues with what CG and JP did to Brad (the established character) to shoehorn this actor into the role. But that's certainly NOT the actor's fault.

And Austin Peck is doing things as Brad I NEVER thought he was capable of in all the years he played Austin Reed.

That wasn't where my silly joke came from.

I just thought it was really funny that our Sylph... the post-er we all look up to/argue with/are offended by... the post-er who always looks at everything from a perspective of great literary and intellectual viewpoints... who has used avatars of a Bell heir and a top-notch BBC-'artist'... suddenly switched to the actor who (whether said actor liked it or not) front-burnered the unanimously mocked Garden of Eden story on Days.

It was chuckle-worthy. But no offense was meant towards the actor, OR to Sylph.

That is all.


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You're not the only one, lol. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Brad Snyder I remember from before was not only older, but less of a meathead, too. Frankly, given how well AP has turned out on ATWT, I don't mind him being there...but I'd much prefer if they had brought him on as a brand-new character.

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I feel bad that Brimike felt the need to defend himself...I really didn't mean to offend. My apologies.

The way I see it, these actors are not to blame that the soaps often cast men and women as eye candy. Of course, I wish for more....but the soaps relentlessly give us these pretty people.

I cannot blame these performers, then, for taking these jobs. And I admire the incredible discipline it takes to look the way they do. At least they work hard for the money. I'll even confess to enjoying watching these big chested people in states of undress.

Occasionally, these pretty people rise above sheer prettiness. So it is with Austin on ATWT. He has played his "big doofus" so likeably, I am won over--in ways I never was with his ultra serious, ultra stupid Austin on DOOL.

I don't actually know what I'm trying to say here :-). Except I hate it when we cast aspersions on these people because they are pretty....

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Actors like Austin Peck highlight how important writing actually is...while some actors can just rise above their material (like Jess Walton) or play their characters as themselves (like Eric Braeden) some actors really need writing that 'fits' them. Austin Peck is one of those actors...I never minded him on DAYS, Austin Reed was a dull character who was basically a prop and I thought Austin Peck did a decent job. Then, when he hit ATWT, almost instantly, he won me over. I think he's terrific as Brad even though the character is basically an entirely new character (just like Joan Collins when she played Alexandra on GL, she was great but the character was totally different)...so kudos to Austin Peck, good actor and a helluva nice guy.

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I think it helps that ATWT actually cares about actors performances and gives them a chance to improve. At DAYS acting wasn't a priority for many years, so how was Austin Peck or Jason Cook or Kirsten Storms going to improve? Notice that off the show or now with Ed Scott people are improving all around.

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