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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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Without a single historical connection on that show (and no, MAB doesn't count)...and now these 'grand vision' men coming in to muck up the works (Sheffer, Rauch, Racina) I am terribly concerned.

Racina sounded nice on the podcast I listened...but not so emotionally involved.

The prep he was given was the LAST FEW MONTHS of scripts.

That is not history.

I will reserve judgment...I always do...and I always give Y&R the benefit of the doubt...but none of this bodes well AT ALL.

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Do you see me being satisfied by all this? No. So I don't know what to say to reassure you. Because, frankly, there is nothing to be said. With this type of management, the show will sink even further.

But I know you, Mark, you're the unshakeable Pollyanna. Always an optimist, full of youthful vigour. :P

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That's kinda shady. If you're gonna do it for Anna, you gotta to do it for Tomlin and Jeanne Ford too who were both credited before Anna.

How come nobody really checks? I mean, they don't have to check everyone, just those who joined close to the percentage. In this case, Anna wasn't even close, and that didn't raise a red flag to anyone? You have to accurate with this stuff! You can't just give someone an Emmy if they're not eligible!

So what am I suppose to do for my archives now? If I go by the official Emmy list, I gotta put an Emmy win for her, but I know she shouldn't be on the list. Grrr....

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I've decided I'm not gonna give her an Emmy in the profiles.....for now. I have do a little more investigating here. I would icky giving her one when it was so obvious she wasn't eligible.

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To win an Emmy is actually an emarrassment, not a praise-worthy feat.

The whole daytime industry is plagued with unfairness, one would be lost trying to straighten everything out.

And if you ever decide to give it to her, then you just have to put a note (possibly in bolded red letters) that she wasn't eligible, yet she won it. That's fair to me. ;)

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I thought they used to check, at least for actors. I remember back in 2005, Y&R gave Camryn Grimes a lot of flashbacks so that she'd have enough episodes to make the minimum, since she was just shy based on when Cassie died. Maybe the Academy feels it's too time consuming with the writing awards, with some of the "revolving door" writing teams that some soaps have in the course of a year, so they rely on the discretion of the shows to provide an accurate list? Not that it's much of an excuse, but that might be the way they think.

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That whole "special friend" thing was a joke. I'm not trying to start any rumors here.

Anna's first air show of 2007 was seriously in December of '07?

IF THAT'S TRUE, then yeah. It doesn't make any sense. That's like less than 10% of the 07's air shows.

Toups, is there a way to see if she's on the ballot for ATWT? She definitely wrote enough episodes there to be on their ballot.

ETA: Oh wait, you can't. ATWT wasn't nominated. LOL!

But I thought of something else. ATC may have gone on stage and back to the press room with the team, but that doesn't necessarily mean she has a statue. I know the writers' assistants on ATWT went on stage (and backstage) with the ATWT team the last two times they won (I think it was '03 and '04?), but obviously, they didn't get statues.

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