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DAYS: Friday's Episode

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YAY! I get to do it!

Classic Clip of the Day!

Ernesto Toscano and Hope Brady die in the dreaded Cruise of Deception in 1990.

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On the Previous Episode of 'Days of our Lives...

Jerry Springer gave love advice to a strung-out Nick.


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I don't see how anyone can be bored with today's episode. It moved very fast and worked as a great Friday cliffhanger IMO.

The Vegas crew was good today with Max getting in deep and Stephanie starting to wise up. Good cliffhanger with Max too. Jett/Chelsea/Nick was good and I love China Lee. She is fun. Nick is so amusing this way. I hope he never recovers :lol:

It was great seeing Lexie involved again, along with J&M and Tony. I am glad they had a chance at some romance towards the end. Their fans want that. Good seeing Bo and he is looking good with his haircut. The Sami airplane scenes had a nice tension to them and I loved how JM played his role today. Bart was funny too. He always seems to get hit during the dirty work :lol: . I loved EJ and Lucas working together too and everyone coming together to help Sami.

Monday looks very good and I think next week will be much better this this one, which was very slow overall IMO. It was an ok look but Days needs fantastic weeks right now and this week was the slowest IMO since May. The Vegas crowd needs a break big time IMO.

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Even though today's episode featured most of my favorites, I have to say it was quite depressing to watch thinking about the overall Brady-DiMera feud storyline and how much more amazing it could have been had they executed it much better. Not that I don't think this thing has had some flashes of brilliance here and there and I still like this much better than what we got from Jan-April, but there's just... something... missing.

Mainly I'm thinking about this as I see Lexie back on my screen for the first time in what seems like forever and I remember how AWESOME her return was and how excited I was for the show when they ripped off her mask and she was growling and I realize that was like six weeks ago and this is maybe the fifth episode we've seen her in all summer and we STILL haven't seen her share one scene with another DiMera nor do we know why she was locked in the tunnel and we probably never will.

Just like we'll never know why Anna was so shady about her return to Salem in sneaking garbage into Sami's apartment with a bomb-like clock that contained some voice distorted DVD telling them to meet her at the docks. I mean Anna has been totally willing to help the Bradys at every turn since she showed up at the pub so why did they make her reentrance to Salem so elaborate and DiMera-like? I wanted to believe there was something more to the story, but sadly I now think that, just like so many things in this storyline, are nothing more than cheap stunts and melodrama serving individual episodes rather than the greater umbrella story.

And while it was nice seeing Stefano and I guess his soliloquy stuff was OK... I just don't get it or him right now. Why did he like Colleen so much that he is going to all this trouble to avenge her for his father when she was a Brady? And why does the fact that Sami is Marlena's daughter never come into play with anything? Even if I'm glad they don't have Stefano so obsessed with Marlena this storyline centers around her being kidnapped again for the billionth time I just feel like the Stefano-Marlena thing is such a huge elephant in the room that the writers are ignoring when it comes to Stefano's scenes with Sami and his whole thoughts on the Sami-EJ relationship.

I found Marlena and John quite possibly the most nauseating I've ever found them in that at the beginning of the episode Marlena is a total wreck worried about her daughter but then John shows up and she totally forgets she has even one care in the world because she can think of nothing but following up his vulgar slap of her ass with quickie car sex. This is just like the way they wrote Sami earlier this year at the cabin in total anguish over thinking she had burned EJ alive and then what couldn't have been more than a couple hours later and in the same episode she was slurping away with Lucas all hot and bothered. These women aren't sociopathic sex fiends, Hogan, so stop writing them like that. That is NOT romantic.

Still loving Nick's head wound personality change so much that I almost hope it's permanent, but I am sooooooooo over Nick and Chelsea and it's depressing because I did really used to like them. So bummed I don't think I'm getting my Vegas plane crash anymore. Chelsea just sucks right now. Stephanie is pathetic. Jeremy is repulsive. Jett is boring. Max is OK I guess... but mainly I'm just annoyed with this storyline because they got me sort of excited about it when they revealed the DiMera tie to it in that one episode and I just hate that we haven't gotten any more to the story of how Jeremy came to be involved with the DiMeras since that point.

Barf at "an amazing father to Will."

At least the previews appear exciting.

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i actually liked seeing chelsea look when Nick introduced China to her. When nick was fawning over her, chelsea was doing the exact same thing, she was a little jealous. Kinda gave china the evil look. I really see this storyline sending china over to jett-chinett!

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I liked today's show overall. Yes, there are a lot of problems with consistency and events going unexplained like IMissAremid said, but I think that's something we're going to have to just try to overlook. At least I am, because otherwise I get too frustrated. At least most of the show is interesting most of the time.

I like this version of Nick and hope he stays around and we never see mopey Nick again. The little scam he and China ran on Chelsea was cute and fun. I also like that they didn't have him get involved with Jeremy--he may have a head wound, but he's still got his brain! Jeremy looks much better with his hair cut, but I'm still not liking him and wish they would get this Vegas storyline resolved. I will admit he seemed sincerely concerned about Ilsa, and that has me wondering if Jeremy is more of a complex character than he appears--maybe this whole TTS business is an undercover sting involving him and Jett working together? I don't know; I just want it to end.

When Tony walked into Lucas and Sami's apartment--how do they know that was Tony and not Andre masquerading as Tony? They really need to have a code word or something.

It was nice to see Stefano struggling with his conscience a little bit. They need scenes like this to show he's still human, not a cartoonish and over the top super-villain like has happened in the past with the Dimeras.

I thought the preview for Monday looked very good. And since I surrendered to the dark side and read spoilers for next week, I know some stuff coming up and am looking forward to seeing it play out.

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Raise alot of money and send it to Corday because it's clear JM is not one to return for less money so they probably can't afford him being on more then once or twice a week. I knew that coming in. It's just the way it is. It's better to have a little then none at all and I like Stefano being used like this. Him being on everyday or even more then 3 times a week will water him down. He was never on like that in the 80's and I think this works much better. I am also happy he is not obsessed with Marlena. That started taking him down the cartoonish path. Sure, they should make mention of it but it's not necessarily relevant to this IMO. Stefano is focused on staying alive. If and when he is cured, I am sure the obsession might come back up or he will at least go back to focusing on getting back at his enemies.

In regards to Anna and Lexie, Anna knew that Tony had changed and she was worried that he or Stefano would come after her. She had the letters and if they somehow learned she had them she could be in danger. Plus, if they knew she was in town, they would intercept her. Part of me thinks she wanted to prove her worth to the Brady's so she could get back in Roman's good graces in an effort to win Tony back, even if she knew "Tony" had changed. Making it seem like she was in danger would fit in to that. As for Lexie, Celeste made the point clear to Stefano that she wanted nothing to do with her family. She may want to interact with Tony but that's about it. They told us Andre had Lexie locked away and Stefano already confronted him about it. Lexie probably blames Stefano in a way too, figuring he knew about it. Stefano is ill and doesn't have the energy right now to go after Lexie to beg her forgiveness. It all makes logical sense to me. Once Abe returns, I am sure Lexie's part in the story will be expanded. I think Hogan just needed Abe for something in the story.

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Pretty good show today with Stefano being the highlight. Those plane scenes had a very creepy yet compelling vibe about them. I too liked to see him struggling with his conscience. Also enjoyed the Marlena/Tony(Andre?) and Roman/Lucas/EJ scenes. The Vegas stuff is so tedious and the amount of airtime devoted to it makes the show really drag.

We need more Joe Mascolo.

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I really loved today's show. It's the first time I remember Stefano questioning himself and revealing his inner thoughts and concern for Sami. He was tender and not sure he was doing the right thing for a change asking himself if he were sacraficing his place in heaven for just a little long here on earth. I wondered if we are to get a reformed Stefano, too. Just strange scenes for him and liked it even though puzzled by it.

China Lee is dazzling only she appears more like 45 than 28. I think she is more like for Roman Brady than Jett who looks like a kid beside her.

It seems to me now that Jeremy is the brains of this operation and Jett is just following orders. This is now my favorite storyline because I can actually see it becoming worthwhile and interesting. The previews were really gripping with Max getting beat up on.

J&M were nauseating. This is not the J&M show so the fanbase can just disappear or get them their own show. They are gross together. They lose their brains and become one huge comedic advertisement for the blue pill.

On the other hand Nick and Chelsea are so cute, totally interesting and have real chemistry.

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