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Some results of the SOD focus group poll

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Jennifer Lenhart: I pitched "Digest's Focus Group" after reading some complaints online from fans who felt their opinions weren't reflected in the magazines. And while I'm not sure that our majority-rules results are what they had in mind, I do know that I and the other editors here read every single one of the thousands of responses we got — which didn't make the idea too popular during that overwhelming week of counting. (I think I owe GH editor Tom Stacy and my boss Stephanie Sloane, who covers DAYS, a drink or something, because they were deluged, and just before Emmy week, no less!). As for ATWT, the show I cover, I was delighted to read the wide range of passionate opinions: the fan who started watching for Sarah Brown (ex-Julia) and fell in love with Henry; the one who gave up every single show on TV (including prime-time) except for ATWT; the outpouring of Luke love (which was so heartwarming I wanted to tell his portrayer Van Hansis — along with all of the ATWT powers-that-be — right away!). Your comments were so insightful that I'll be putting some of the ones that I couldn't fit into the magazine in an upcoming Web site feature. There were a few surprises, including the top answers to "Which character would you watch every day?" My personal vote would be either Barbara or Margo (because they're both fabulous and because they could interact with a lot of different people in pretty much every storyline, ensuring variety), but fans didn't agree. See what you collectively love and hate on all the shows in the new issue.

I will try to post the results from the magaizine when I get it :)

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Angela posted these at the Zendall board for AMC:

Character you'd most like to see back? Julia Barr's Brooke bested Dixie and David. [i'd love her back]. One fan wanted Nico Kelly back [Maurice].

What story are you most likely to FF-wd through? The Lavery brothers can't seem to catch a break, as the Ava/Jonathan and Annie/Ryan/Greenlee yarns had our respondents tied up in the biggest knots. "At this point, I don't give a hoot about what happens to these characters," summarizes A.S.

What character would you watch every day? By a landslide, Zach racked up the most votes; runners-up were Kendall and Tad. Raves "Zen" fan S.B., "They turn all their scenes into must-see TV," while L.L. describes Tad as "always entertaining and the heart of the show."

What couple would you most like to break up? Though A.T. cracks that she "can't pick from the two AMC has," fans advocating a Jamie/Julia split have already gotten their wish. Ryan and Annie came in second, trailed by Daidan.

Worst episode ever? Dixie's death by tainted breakfast won the category by an overwhelming margin. The silver medal went to "the unaborting of Erica's fetus," aka the episode where Josh was revealed to be Erica's son.

What was the best episode ever? The Kane clan made a strong showing here: Bianca getting her baby back on Christmas 2004, which E.R. lauds as "the greatest example of a storyline payoff," came in first, followed by Kendall and Zach's declaration of love on NYE 2005 and Erica's 2005 wedding to Jack.

What other shows do you watch? Who cares? I mean it says the other ABC shows and Y&R got the most votes.

Final Grade: Devotees gave the show a 6.5 out of 10.

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YOU didn't adore Kirkadoodle!!!!!!????? OMG!?!?!?!?

I think TIIC are shortchanging Trent by not making Henry a full-rounded character. Trent could easily carry a dramatic story, instead of getting to dress up in drag and playing Katie's sidekick.

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Loved who they would like to see come back...John and Andy Dixon.....And what they ff....Gwen and Cleo....LOL......surprised Vienna is that high in the poll with Henry as well. Glad Lucinda...is up there too!

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