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SOD: DAYS Summer Preview...

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Well someone has to go... I was wondering where they were getting all the money to pay for all those returns... :)

And I won't be sad to see Adrianne leave.. she might have been popular in the 80's, but today, I'm thinking not so much.. :D

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Also, no mention of Lucas... or Kate... or Billie... the Reeds have been evaporated! Sadly. :( They better give Kate something to do, damn it! She's my favorite part of the whole damn program! LoL

I'm thinking that I won't give two sh!ts about this summer, because it sounds like a clunker already. A few bright spots, but for the most part... ZZZZZ.

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Ugh, why did I know they would place Sami & Elvis at the centre of the "feud". Where the hell is her husband in all of this? Not even a mention.

And what is the "hopefully" supposed to me? That the romantic J&M/B&H scenes *might* survive the cutting room?

The rest of the stuff sounds like total snoozeville.

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It's a shame that Kate isn't being used... and no, I don't mean being used as someone's meddling mother, cause if they plan to use her like THAT, then please don't.

I don't know why they keep some of the people on contract anymore (Kate, Billie, Roman, Abe...) when they never use them anyway...

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Billie would be a wonderful supporting player in the Brady/DiMera story, because she's already been involved with EJ, and she's been affected by them when they faked Georgia... er, Chelsea's death. Instead, John/Marlena/Bo/Hope will be the supporting players, and Billie will be kicked off the map.

As for Kate, I was really hoping for a Kate/Tony/Anna triangle. From the sounds of things, though, we won't be seeing much of the fabulous Lauren Koslow anymore.

I think this summer will be a time of big change for Days. Who wants to see the important stories told if they're not going to be told with the characters you want to see? *sigh*

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My first question is: Where is Roman?! Of all people, despite currently Roman is Chris Kositchek to me, he deserves to be involved in this story. Roman, you brought back the son of two characters that hadn't been on since the early eighties shows you know Days' history!!!!

I was more wishing that they would have what happened in the eighties play a big factor. Originally the only reason Stefano messed with Roman was because he investigated him and the only reason B&H was because he thinks Hope killed his "golden girl". But it doesn't look that way.

I'll wait to judge on the vets and Sami ordeal, but it does look that way. However I can understand the "hopefully" because with an EP like Corday who knows what you'll be doing to the vets. :lol:

The teen stuff I don't care too much for.

I didn't want a Shawn/Belle/Philip triangle again but it could be interesting if a new woman comes in for Philip and her name is Lauren. Seems the surrogant is not forgotten. ;) It may finally be interesting because there are no crazy people pining for Shawn, actually there is a woman for Philip.

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Exactly. Stefano knew and cared nothing about the Brady's until Roman decided to investigate him. That's where the so-called "feud" really began.

This is such a blatant re-write of history. And perhaps I could tolerate it if the story was going to play out in a way I want to see with characters I'm interested in seeing, but all of this just for more Sami, Sami, Sami while J/M/B/H sit on the sidelines? Refund, please!

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Oh, you mean Doug and Julie getting "lots of play?"

They're going to be helping out Sami and EJ, along with the other couples of Salem.

Really though, there are no Hortons left! Alice won't be seen any longer, Mickey is MIA, Doug and Julie are barely featured... all we have left is Maggie, Nick (newly created), Lucas and Hope. What a shame. The show needs to quit bringing on pointless newbies and replenish the Horton family! And what's up with the 20-something cast being so bare? Bring back Carrie, Nicole and Eric!

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I do have to say these don't sound very good. If the show must rewrite history, it would make sense for them to write a great, overarching umbrella tale. My deepest, darkest fears have been realized: this DiMera influx was a last-minute ditch effort, and they clearly refuse to put in a few all-nighters to create a story worth watching. Sami and EJ?!? WTF?!

The Shelle stuff sounds interesting, if only for the fact they aren't ignoring history and are bringing Lauren back into the picture.

As usually, this all depends on how it's written. Even so-so plots can be very fulfilling with great breakdowns, scripts, editing and flow. Maybe they'll shape up.

As insane as she was, I can't help but wonder what the show would be like with [s.W.S.N.B.N.]. :P

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I'm not going to write off the summer yet. The May previews didn't sound all that great, but overall I thought May has been a good month. And the "hopefully, B/H and J/M will get some romance" line wasn't a quote from Hogan so I'm not going to get upset over it. I'll wait and see; DAYS has some talented writers, and they should be able to do some good things with these stories. Good to see Lauren mentioned as that seemingly dropped storyline has been a huge issue for a lot of people.

The only part of this preview I really hate is that Stephanie is part of them. I have grown to intensely dislike the character of Stephanie (the actress seems to be okay, she's just being given bad material) and am not optimistic about Jeremy and Jett. Why do all the leading young characters have to be "bad" and the nice kids like Abby and Nick fade into the woodwork? Abby's gone now and Nick is becoming such a sap with this Willow situation that I'm becoming very frustrated with him. Don't the writers realize that most people are complex, with good and bad traits? They have done a good job with Chelsea, who's managed to keep her edge while showing some character growth and maturity, but I have a feeling Stephanie will be leading her into trouble (again) this summer. Maybe I'm wrong, and we'll get an interesting story out of these newbies, but it's going to be a hard sell to take three brand new characters (they have changed Stephanie so much that I'm considering her as "new") and make the viewers care, while apparently splitting up a couple most fans liked (Chelsea and Nick).

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EXACTLY! I could handle this re-written sh!t if the resulting drama was worth it, but from the sounds of things, it's just going to be a giant mess and clusterfuck where balance remains a giant issue. I never thought I'd see the day where Sami Brady -- the brat who did nothing but obsess over Austin Reed and Brandon Walker for a decade -- leads the pack into uncovering the DiMera/Brady 'feud' while John, Marlena, Bo and Hope play the little helpers. If it really plays out the way it reads, we're in for an amazing disappointment.

Stephen and Mary Beth will be off contract by November, I'm betting.

I'm still amazed at the lack of Reeds! No Kate, Lucas or Billie even mentioned once? Let's hope that's just an oversight.

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