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DAYS: May Sweeps

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Ridge, I wish you were the head writer. Great ideas. I had heard so much about how fast Hogan's stories progressed, so it makes it even more disappointing how circular the stories have become. Sami/Lucas/EJ could have been so much more interesting if we weren't trapped in this endless WTD storyline. And Steve should have had a great, dramatic story recovering his past memories--all those years are being ignored now. I'm really surprised at the directions these stories have taken.

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When did they even have May on there? They have had June since even before these were posted. I doubt their credibility, but if she does end up staying then they need a definitive story for her. Each month, it's been something different. :lol: First she was a hooker that met Shawn, then she was Philip's partner in crime, then EJ's employee, then Nick's freind, and now she is supposedly getting involved with Max. It's getting too confusing! :lol:

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I sure hope that Claire turns out to be Phillip's and he takes her away from Shawn and Belle. Shawn couldn't care for a goldfish, much less a child and those cute White twins look more like Phillip than anyone. I don't like Willow still being in the spoilers, it looks like DAYS may have decided to keep the worthless ho, if they do, why can't they get rid of the pitiful, worthless Annie Burgstede, re-cast! with a brunette (IMHO), there's enough blondes on this show.

I don't like the "Hope stays home with the baby" thing either, c'mon give Kristian Alfonso(Hope) the story and airtime she deserves!

I'm already sick of the crazed, brainwashed Steve, and am now kind of wishing they would've never brought him back.

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And seriously what is the deal with Max? It is so annoying. He is an underdeveloped character as it is but they stick him with every possible female on the show. It gets kind of dumb. Stephanie, Chelsea, Mimi, Abby and now Willow???? It makes his character seem so dumb. The next thing you know he will have the hots for Belle over night.

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I used to be one of those people, until I finally got tired of swallowing all the bullshit. I guess 10 years of taking anything that was handed to me and making excuses for it has finally got the best of me. I may sound like a disgruntled and bitter fan, but I just want wants the best for my favourite soap. And for the past 3 months, I haven't gotten it, so I Bitch about it.

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And me and others said the same thing about Passions back in the Fall and you blasted us all for it and called us out for bashing.

I felt the same way about Passions but even when I harshly critiqued it I always tried to find the positive and mentioned it in my posts.

Soaps are all in trouble, especially Days. There is enough negativity going on. Being critical is fine but, in some cases, some are just not letting up...at all. These spoilers are very vague and not very detailed so I just don't think there is enough here where one could say that they are going to write off the entire month of May based on these. Peole are too quick to judge everything. I just wonder what ever happened to the mentality of waiting to hear more or waiting to judge until you see it onscreen. I guess that mentality is nonexistant nowadays.

I am not calling you out Rick or really anyone in particular. I just wanted to point that out and also try to raise this dark pall that is over the board every Thursday on ratings day.

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