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AMC: Friday

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I can already tell that today's episode has Alden's influence all over it. Starting Wednesday, there has been a major change in the feel of AMC - and the maturity level is at the height of our Christmastime episodes. There is a nice blend of characters - yesterday no Babe/JR/Chandlers and now today there is no Zach/Kendall/Bianca/Zoe. It's just a nice mixture. Oh and did anyone else notice that we had 2 breakdown writers listed above the script writer? That hasn't been done before in a long time...

The Erica/Jack/Barbara scenes just had a mature feel about it. And when Josh turned on that TV and saw Erica - I actually felt like rooting for Josh/Erica to make amends, which might just be happening as I type this. It was nice to know that Erica had Bianca on her mind to run to first, but I'm actually enjoying these Josh/Erica scenes bc they aren't all about Babe and Josh is being tolerable.

The Adam/JR scenes in that boardroom were top notch! I love that Adam Chandler is back and I loved the way he chewed JR's a$$ out. JR looks so pathetic and ridiculous in front of the board of directors. I am rooting for Adam. Man great stuff by David Canary today. Oh and we've had a Hayley reference twice this week already!

Since yesterday, I've been getting this Dixie/JR vibe from Annie/Emma. The girls are really reminding me of a younger Dixie and child JR - and I can't say Ryan really reminds me of Tad - but Ryan is being tolerable. It is nice to see two parents and a child have just fun and loving scenes that are all character-driven and not plot-driven.

The only so-so scenes today are the Tad/Krystal/Babe scenes - but even those are tolerable. Mostly bc this isn't about Babe - nothing going on right now on AMC is about Babe really. The adults and parents are at the front and center, and Babe is just there as a supporting role.

Lily about Barbara: "She's so disorderly!!!" :)

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See, the fact that Erica runs to Josh or wants to lean on him, kills me. :( Not because he's the fetus, because that's all I wanted. I wanted Erica and her son. I wanted a relationship with him that was unlike anything she had with her daughters. I wanted something that made Erica feel like no matter what, someone was on her side. I wanted Josh and Erica to be mother and son, probably more then anyone. And I can't have them.

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Well she ran to find Bianca, but got Josh instead. But I know what you mean - and I'm hoping and thinking that maybe we're finally going to be getting that mother/son relationship you're talking about. I know they probably won't mess with re-writing the unabortion storyline, so hopefully this means they are doing their best to just make us enjoy what we have (if they plan on keeping Josh on).

Anyway - still a great episode. I'm loving the Adam/JR scenes. With all the Martin/Chandler rivalry talk today - it was a pleasant surprise to see that Dr. Joe Martin voted to keep Adam as the CEO. Nice to see that one of the Martins can be mature and logical.

We're getting Aiden/Lily scenes today! :) I always loved those two as friends. Nice to see that Aiden still cares about Lily and is checking up on her.

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Alden is back at AMC yay! I can't wait to watch this. I haven't really enjoyed AMC since like the last few weeks of December. For about 3 weeks the show was REALLY good, then it went back to the dribble we have been seeing. Can't wait to go home!

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Aww - Josh is beginning to love his mother - you could tell from his face as Erica left. :)

A month ago, these Jack/Barbara scenes would have come off as immature and flakey - but they are full of emotion and maturity - especially from Jack. Walt is doing such a great job today and I feel so bad for him bc you can tell he's hurting on the inside. Even Barbara really isn't acting like a total slut or anything - which is another reason I find the scenes mature.

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Awesome ending segment!!!!

Talk about HISTORY! I loved how Erica walked in on Jack/Barbara the next morning as a french maid. Didn't Erica act as a french maid back in like 1989 and flirt with Jack in his hotel room??? If I'm correct, then this is a wonderful tribute to Jack/Erica history - and I love how Erica is using this as a way to make Jack remember the good times they've had.

JANET escaped! And I love how the Wildwind gang were outside having breakfast and just enjoying each other as Derek walks in to tell Amanda about Janet.

I'm wondering why Colby was eating breakfast with Babe/Tad/Krystal since she hates them right now - BUT I loved how Adam and Josh just walk in. Good ending.

HELLO AVA! Looking good - and I love the preview for Monday with Ava kissing Aiden. Hot!!!! ;)

Great show today - and I can't wait for Monday!!!

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Oh no! That sucks - is there any way you can watch it anywhere else? I know of a couple websites that put up the episodes...I hope you can catch it. It was really good. I was curious to read your thoughts on it since it's been obviously been touched by Alden or someone else just as good.

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The show's definitely had a different feel most of this week. Save some of the Chandler/Martin antics. More grown up. I'm actually not hating any characters (well I'm not fond of Tad, Jaime and JR right now), not usual!

The JR/Adam scenes were very intense today. I enjoyed Adam's lines immensly ("busy-bed," haha), but the thing is I see them still trying to paint him as the baddest dude because he dares not hand his balls over to the Carey's no matter what - i.e. the subtle signs McTavish is still somewhere there but very smart dialouge (particuarly Adam's).

Ouch to Krystal's 2 minutes comment, lol.

Ava kissing Aidan in the preview...dammmn! But Leven still looked so young today, not during the preview kiss, but in that last scene.

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