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AMS we could be brothers when it concerns asking guys out.....lol. I would ask him out but I don't think it would work with him. I mean you want something real and it seems he just to want to whore around with his supposed friends. The whole threesome and sleeping around is a red flag. I do understand how you feel because I have felt the same way about a guy. I kept going back to him after a friend told me to just let it go and that he wasnt worthy of me. Did I listen?? Nope....until I finally realized what a jerk he was. He knew I liked him all along and was just playing with me and my emotions. Scott doesnt seem like that kind of guy but he has to know you have feelings for him. I mean you have given him more signs than I did my guy and he knew how I felt about him. I really dont know if you can just be friends with him because I tried that with the guy I liked and it wouldnt have worked. I am not one to give advice since my dating record is in the negative....lol....but I think you deserve better AMS. He might be a nice guy and all but he isnt ready for your type of love for him. He may say he is but his patterns say otherwise.

And for stories....sigh...I could tell you one or two....right now there is a guy I like but I think he only sees me as a sweet guy and nothing else. I remember taking with him about a week ago ro so and wondering what it would be like to kiss him. We are both the same height..he might be a slight bit shorter than me.

As for gays in general...most are sluts ...hoes....LOL....sorry but true....the good ones are either taken or married with a female but secretly gay....lol...

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AMS, I find your "just want my boys to be happy" thing very interesting. I wish I was that kind! :lol: Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of poeple who once I'm out of the relationship, I want to be happy. But when I am obsessing over someone, no, I do not want her to be happy with anyone else, I want her to be happy with MEEE! :lol: And God forbid another male is mentioned on her Facebook because my stomach drops and I turn into this information collecting robot figuring who in the hell out this dude is as I pray that I'm better looking than him whilst I do my research. #jealousasfuck.gov

But yeah, what do you think your "I just want them to be happy" thing is all about? Are you really just that great of a person? Are you kidding yourself, maybe just a little bit? Is it that the "project" is more important than the potential relationship? I'm honestly fascinated, because everyone is always telling me that I'm way too nice but this is a doozy even for me. :lol:

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You arent that nut on FB are you??...lol...haha

I have a friend(who btw loves Y&R) on FB that I have known for some time now and he got into a relationship with a guy. One day I posted something on his Facebook account and he deleted it. He private messaged me and apologized saying that his bf got jealousy when reading any posts by other guys....I was like wtf....Ive known you longer than him...well they broke up and my friend found out he was a total !@#$%^&*] and nuts so....lolol....wacko.....

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Oh my God, see, I couldn't stand being with someone that sensitive. One of my ex-gfs was upset that I kept a pic of my late female friend/ex in plain sight, which caused a huge argument, needless to say.

Yeah, I am very normal when in a relationship but I crush very hard, and when I feel like I'm being ignored or the feeling isn't mutual, I can be very nosy and jealous if I get the impression that they're feeling another guy. ♫When the one you love's in love with someone else... Don't you know it's torture, I mean it's a living hell...

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To be honest, I have absolutely no clue! I think it's because the gay male community in my part of the country isn't all that huge, visible, or accessible. In New Orleans, it's much easier to meet a variety of guys, but in this particular town/area, it's not so easy. Scott, Tommy, Andrew, Mark, and Keith really are the first gay male "friends" (associates? acquaintances?) I've ever really had, and if not for working at this one place, I wonder if I would have ever actually gotten to meet other gay guys. It's messed up.

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Bwhahaha....love that song...Rod Stewart rocks.....yeah....the guy told my friend that he had fucked slept with another guy......I remember my friend saying how nice he was...that didnt last...and then after telling him that he slept/cheated on him ...he told him that if he didnt come for his clothes he would throw it away or burn it....

I hear you AMS...same for me in my area...hard to find gay male community...

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IDK...I don't think he's a whore for the sake of being a whore. I think he sleeps around for deep-seeded reasons. He's very insecure about himself. When Tommy and Keith got together, according to Tommy (who can't be trusted, but I don't know why he'd lie to me about this), Scott actually asked them why. Was it because he was ugly? Boring? He honestly thought that having sex with them was going to keep them in his orbit, and I honestly think he makes this same mistake over and over again. My problem is that I want to be "the one" who shows him that he's worth more than that. He's my sweetheart, damn it!

Another thing that I don't know. I'm guessing it ties back into the "accept that this is your destiny" thing. I know that fate has me set up to always go after unattainable guys, therefore I'll always be alone, so...might as well hope they're happy. Maybe it's an effect of always falling for unattainable guys in the first place. The straight ones, at least. I knew I wasn't gonna have them, so I contented myself by wishing happiness for them. And now that continues with this guy, 'cept that it's not straightness that makes him unattainable, it's his attractiveness and my lack of confidence.

I'm like you with the Facebook thing too :lol: He has quite the little array of basic bitches who sniff around his statuses all the time. They like, they comment, each comment DRIPPING with desperation. These are all guys who live in other cities, though, and he's so clearly not into them at all. It gives me a little hope because these are extremely attractive guys with seemingly lots going for them, and he's not interested. But yes, I'm constantly like "Wow, is this f!cka really liking and commenting on every status 'Scott' posts today?" And then when a new one pops up, I'm like, "Okay, and who is this bitch?"

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Reminds of Rick who use to post here. He was from Toronto I believe. I bet he is happy with a guy now. I remember when he denied he was gay and asked how I knew I was gay. He went all wacko on me when he came out but I do miss him.

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No, not that Rick. This Rick was hot...lol....he joined SON either a bit before I did or at the same time. He was from Canada. The other Rick was from WV...blah....on him...lol.

Canada Rick and I use to spend hours on the playing field. That was the good old times..miss them.

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