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AMC: Wednesday

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"The heavens and the angles are bursting with joy!" or whatever heinous bullsh!t he said when he saw her alive. :rolleyes: It's like this dumbass forgot that that whore destroyed both of his sons lives with her selfish sociopathic harebrained schemes.

Believe me. It ain't heaven that's happy Babe is still alive. <_<

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Sad about Erica/Jack!!! They shouldn't be divorcing!! Try again!

Now look like Jack's going to hook up with Barbara.

Adam and Janet could be fun...

I liked how Kendall stood up for Zoe today.

Hannah could be interesting w/ Zach.

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That's unfortunate. :angry:

This child is screwed with such bad role models for parents. My mom loves me but she'd never do half the stuff Krystal has done in Babe's behalf all in my name. She likes to rebuke me instead.

Tad is no better; just a self righteous egotist who gets off on burying people alive as if she were some God.

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Yeah - Rosie brought out the infant babies on The View the other day and introduced them as the babies on AMC. She saw them in the office building earlier that day and thought they were the cutest babies, so she wanted to bring them on. Anyway - the only baby taping on AMC right now has to be Krystal's baby.

Surely they won't go the Leora route with Charlotte. I don't want/need to see that.

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There is no honor in what Jamie is doing. Yeah, Adam has his issues but he is sane.

Amanda can burn in HELL for taking Jamie's side, as Adam said, playing the "St. Jamie" routine.

No man who pulls crap like THAT is a good man.

A good MAN treats others as he would want to be treated.

A good MAN knows that what goes around, comes around, so he lives and let lives.

A good MAN knows that vengeance is not his, but his creator's, if it's anyone's.

Jamie? You are NOT a good man.

Amanda? You are daytime's biggest FOOL.

I hope Adam makes your life AND Jamie's life MISERABLE.

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The Jack/Erica scenes are just KILLING me! I wasn't even a hardcore fan during this couple's heyday, but even I want them back together ASAP. Oh, divorce proceedings never are fun to watch on television. This is attempted MURDER, McTavish!! My life... I'm not strong enough...for this. :(:(:(

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Okay, am I the only one who felt gipped out of a key Barf scene?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the scene after Zoe said something like, "You know why I'm smiling" (or whatever) just segued to something else. It was like it never had happened.

Bianca and Zoe NEED to have "the" conversation after THAT kiss.

McTavish, you better NOT screw me over on this one! It's almost MANDATORY -- no, wait, sorry, it IS mandatory for two people to have "the" talk after a kiss like that changes EVERYTHING.

Bring it on already!!

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