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ALL: I've given up DAYS, Need a new soap

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I really wish people would stick with DAYS. I get that the pace is a tad sluggish right now, but creatively, the show is better than it's been in YEARS. I say just give it some more time, but that's JMO.

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Every soap is raked over the coals here :lol:

Daytime is in fine shape ain't it?

So I guess the Hogan Honeymoon is over. I see more and more fans giving a thumbs down to his vision of DAYS with each passing day.

Does not bode well for 2009 does it... sad :( Not that I really have ever cared about DAYS but our little genre is dying and its sad :(

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I'm still a Hogie Ho! :D And damn proud of it! But we're not going to get into that because I don't want to get accused of "praising" DAYS or taking this into a DAYS discussion. :P

I would say try ATWT. I've been getting into it a lot more lately. People say that the show sucks, but I never was a fan and I'm finding myself attracted to Oakdale more now than I ever have. GL is great now, but you say you already watch. GH would be a great choice as well. You're guarenteed great stories at least 3 times a year.

Just say no to Y&R and The Hack!

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If I were going on my opinion alone, I think GL is currently the best soap on the air. There's some problems yes, but overall the quality is the better than it has been in years!

I'll do a little run down on the soaps, excluding the NBC soaps, which you're familiar with. These are obviously just my opinions.

AMC - Total trainwreck of epic proportions. Others soaps might be in bad shape, but not one of the touches the lows of AMC. The next head-writer has a lot of work to do before this show ever becomes somewhat watchable again.

ATWT - Just bad overall storytelling, too many of their stories are predictable and filled with too many plot holes. It doesn't help that the show seems to focus on the same damn characters all the time.

B&B - Well, B&B is just B&B. It has times where it can be truly great and times where you want to throw a hammer at your television set while watching it. Right now, the show is kind of boring, but Eileen Davidson is coming and she might spice things up, even if her storyline sounds beyond lame.

GH - They probably had the best sweeps of any show, but that's obviously a given. Since sweeps has now ended, we're back to most of the same old crap, with the same damn characters being pimped ever damn day.

GL - Better than the rest now, and this show possibly has the best cast of all of daytime. The writing has also gotten a lot better lately. I definitely consider GL the most watchable soap on the air.

OLTL - This show is better than it has been in a while, but still pretty uneven and definitely needs a lot more improvement. For the most part, the storylines are all pretty lame, but the show

more balance than it had last year.

Y&R - It's definitely not the old Y&R we loved. The storylines sound very good on paper, but are executed pretty unevenly on-screen. The pace is fast, but something just seems to be missing. It's more plot-driven now. It's definitely better than say AMC, OLTL, ATWT, and B&B, but the show is slowly losing it's identity. Y&R used to be beyond the other soaps in terms of quality, now it's barely so.

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I'd say the best writers in daytime currently are the ones who have yet to be hired :lol:

Every current HW has one time or another proven that they are a hack.

Hogan seems untouchable in terms of criticism by many here but I am breaking that rule.

Julia/Jack/Carly.... 2004-2005....... HACK!

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No you didn't.... and I was just making a comment. Yes I would pretty much agree compared to the other's he is pretty good because he still is somewhat fresh to the genre and hasn't been recycled as much as the rest.

ATWT was golden under Hogan for the majority of his run. Daytime needs to take chances on more writers like him. New to the genre. Which is why I was very disappointed when the Burton Armus rumors concerning AMC did not pan out.

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