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All: February - How did you show do?

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I forgot to grade Days. I give it a low D-.

Also, I forgot to mention two huge holes that Hogan left. Judy Evans and Farah Fath are leaving today and there was no closure for all that money Bonnie paid the surrogate for the Phimi baby....just left hanging and that is completely wrong. She stole from her son and hocked her business for that baby. Suddenly, that is not important OMG. And, Bo and Hope's baby was born the end of December, fans waiting to hear her named and here it is all the way to March 1 and we have not heard her name one time. Somebody pinch Hogan and wake him up.

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You're right, Jean. I honestly thought Hogan was going to address the baby issue before Evans and Fath left. That disappointed me. It was like, after Evans was fired from the show, they dropped the storyline. They could have easily had Lauren go off with Bonnie some place to give birth to the child so no one in Salem would get suspicous.

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ATWT: B-. With the exception of Katie Peretti and Brad Snyder the show is very watchable and entertaining.

I'm really enjoying Emily's prostitute storyline and I LOVE that my girl Jade is back to stir the pot and treat Gwen like the piece of filth she is.

DAYS: F. And it'll keep getting this grade as long as EJ is spamming the screen. Everytime he says "Eh?" I want to shoot my screen.

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I love EJ in the DiMera story with Stefano and Steve but hate his other storylines, especially with Sami and Lucas. Can't stand his smirking face. It's just so silly to think this complex man would be remotely interested in Sami Brady. If they gave him a sophistocated female replicate, then I could maybe get interested. This is just ridiculous.

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All My Children- B+

I still think this show is far from what I can be but the sheer excitement and entertainment value of this Satin Slayer storyline has made AMC the best its been in ages. Its fast paced, something happens pretty much everyday and the cliffhangers have been true soap cliffhangers. I am jumping for joy that McTavish is gone but her final storyline certainly wasn't her worst. Its thrilling and captivating which at the very least is what I ask a soap to do for me.

The Young and the Restless- C+

This show is all over the place. The only thing worth watching was Kevin and Colleen.

I hope Lynn's 2nd arc is much better than this first one she gave us. It stunk!

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I would've given it a D, but script writer Joanna Cohen and the conclusion of the Satin Slayer salvaged it. If the SS storyline went on into this month with us STILL not knowing who it was, then... UGH! But they pulled out the identity in the eleventh hour.



Phenomenal. The whole company took an ambitious approach, took chances, and gave us a great pay off, IMO. They definitely came to play during Sweeps.

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GL: A-

As a Jammy fan, I was so sure that the show would immediately start tanking after Pelphrey & Gatschet left but was impressed by the overall direction and production of the show. I'm glad I was proven wrong. It is great to finally see other actresses besides Kim Zimmer (namely Nicole Forester, Beth Chamberlin, and Beth Ehlers) finally taking center stage. I love how the aftermath of Tammy's death became an umbrella story. I've taken points away for the continual borefest that is Ava and her torrid romances. Really, who cares? I don't really care about Dinah's money problems, either, and while the show as a whole been entertaining in being both gut-wrenchingly sad and funny, it has taken the latter a little too far to the point where things have become too campy as of late.

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Dixie got a horrible funeral, too much Babe propping, lame end to the Satin Slayer, Zoe is hit or miss, and the rest was dull.


Getting better slowly.


Hit or miss, hate Lowder as Rick, way too much Rick/Phoebe, don't care for Taylor/Nick, some things I like and some I don't.


Not bad. Quality is there so I can't give it lower then what I gave it based on that. The acting is fine but the balance was off and there wasn't enough movement. I like Shelle, Chick, and Maby. The on the run thing needs to end soon. The show had too many weeks where it had 2-3 days of things happening and 1-2 days of very little or nothing. That needs to improve. I was happy with it but it was not enough for sweeps.


The highest grade I have ever given for a GH sweeps stune. It would be higher had the hostage thing not slowed down for awhile and if not for the Sonny/Carly/Sam/Jason pimping. The beginning and end of the hostage crisis was superb. The Q's being front and center was great (too bad it won't last). I do not like Robert and Anna not being there. I also hated how drawn out Alan's death was. It was overkill and almost like torture for SD and his fans. I would rather he had just got shot or something, said goodbye to everyone, and that was it. Way too much. I hate that they killed him still and it sucks it took killing him to get the vets onscreen.


They get the highest grade. Everything was character-driven drama and simple. The Jammy stuff and Alan being shot...I loved it. There was no big explosion or fire. Good drama was all it was. Good job to them.


Much better. They are the only ABC soap I have alot of hope for right now since GH will likely go back to normal now. The balance is getting better and I am starting to get interested in the stories again. I hope it continues to improve.


Not bad but still way too much character destruction for my tastes. I am into the Night Stalker stuff a bit when it's about murder and blackmail and not always about rape. The male/female thing is somewhat interesting but a tad disgusting. The Chad reveal disappointed but Rae's death was pretty good. The Fox/Kay/Miguel story still really hurts the show. Scissor Sisters were good.


A little better but I still couldn't give a rat's behind about the reliquary or this crap with Carmen's murder or Jada. The Dru angle is good only because of Rowell and her performance. Katherine/Jill interests me somewhat but I have a hard time getting on board with that because of the history. I also hated the Pheila arc and hated the ending, despite it being suspenceful.

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The pacing has picked up a little, but the show is still boring to me. I, for one, don't like the Adam mystery, despite the fact that it heavily features Tom and Margo. It's just too character destructive-y for me. Carly's absence isn't helping. Emily as a prostitute is just more of the same schlok from Passanante. Austin Peck as Brad...well, I won't even get into that.


The quality of the show is good, but the pacing this month has been all wrong. The show was basically all about Nick/Chelsea, Steve/Kayla and Shawn/Belle this month, and there wasn't even enough movement. Feb. sweeps could, and by all rights, should have been much better, but I digress. I'll still take it anyday over JER.

GL: A-

The show has been on fire so far in 2007, and February sweeps was no exception. The aftermath of Tammy's death has been great, and I love the Who Shot Alan? storyline, especially since it encompasses the majority of the cast. Right now, the only real weak point for me is the lack of a good storyline for Dinah, but other than that, I have thoroughly enjoyed the show lately.


And that's being generous. All the violence, especially towards Fancy, has turned me off of the show. The whole tone of the show has been dark (not in a good way), depressing and mean-spirited. Character destruction all around (hello, Sheridan), and don't even get me started on the ongoing Fox/Kay/Miguel debacle. I'm not happy with the show at all right now.

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Days - D. No momentum, pacing is whacked, it affects all other aspects of the show for me.

Y&R - B. Solid, though I think coasting on its past glory. In other words I'm not sure if I'll like where things are going even though I'm kind of okay now.

GH - A-. I know it won't last, but for a month GH was pretty darn neat. Fun, fast, and so many characters, so many relationships and interactions. Still too much Jason for me and I hate that Alan is dead, I hate hate hate it. But I was excited about being a soap fan, for once in such a long old time.

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I couldn't bear to watch regularly because the stories have gotten so bad between the Babe-propping, the incredibly stupid ending to the serial killer story, Erica sleeping with Jeff who saved the wrong victim, Dixie's shoddy funeral, Krystal having the gall to taunt JR about her sleazy lie, Ryan doing the nasty with Blandie, Bianca becoming attracted to the still annoyingly flighty Zarf/Zoe, and the emphasis on the boring Zendall. This was the first time in 27 years that I stopped watching daily.

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***This is how I saw it! I am disappointed that Hogan failed to offer the viewers a HOOK to reel them in during a sweeps month but the wayward viewers lost out IMO. Cause everyday there was always something on that amused or intrigued me. There has been nothing on the show that has insulted my intellegence and made me feel stupid for watching it. (This is how I used to feel after watching AMC so I have stopped watching it.)


Thank you, thank you very much! :P

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