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DAYS: Friday Febaury 16.

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I got a different impression of Abby and Max today. I thought it was to bring out past feelings, form a mutual admiration society and then go on with their separate lives but knowing their intimate feelings at the time they were there. I thought it was excellent and did show a much more mature Abby who was given a part to show her off in her best light for a change. Loved it.

Bo was completely out of character. He would never have taken the word of Patrick LOCKHART over Chelsea. He was written harsh to shine the light on Hope changing from the "pod" Hope to the brilliant, loving Hope. She will bring her family back together and it will include Chelsea.

Julie Pinson has been so good as Billie lately. I love when she has something to do besides hanging on Bo. She is too good and needs more of her own stories, in my opinion.

Feeling for Nick and Chelsea. Sniff.

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Days really does have an excellent younger cast now with Max/Abby and Nick/Chelsea...i adore both of these couples...Today was really a great episode for max and abby fans..and abby fans in general..I'm so happy Hogan kept abby on board, because Ashley Benson is a delight to watch on the screen...and she's gorgeous...

I felt really bad for Chelsea today, bo was an ass..And i don't believe he'd take Patrick's word over Chelsea...But hopefully this gives Hope something to do...

My only complaint about todays show was the lack of a friday cliffhanger...fridays have been Days lowest rated day for a while now..I wish we could have got a big ending...at least the previews with ej look exciting..

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That's how much he pissed me off today.

He's a HORRIBLE father.

He deserves to DIE.

With any luck, Corday instructed Hogan to write Bo into such a HORSE'S [!@#$%^&*] ASS so that fans will hate him and won't care when he's killed off (thus, freeing up the budget). That's the only explanation I can think of because there is NO [!@#$%^&*] EXCUSE for him to be so insensitive!!

Oh, and if you think I'm NOT going to start a "kill Bo" campaign in my signature -- TONIGHT? THINK AGAIN!!

Now for other comments:

-I would bet an amount of money that when Darrin said "breakjob" he screwed up one of the takes and said "blowjob."

-Abby, miss princess, a grease monkey? A GIRL who can change oil? A car person?!! I DON'T THINK SO! Talk about your character assassination!

-Chelsea is a HYPOCRITE AND A [!@#$%^&*]. Not 20 minutes ago, Bo told her she's dead to him, that hurt her DEEPLY and she's gonna say the same thing to Nick?!! HYPOCRITE!!

Back to Bo, though.

Who's with me?

Who wants to help plot to KILL BO BRADY?!!!

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Please... Patrick has nothing to gain? Um, ruining Bo's daughter is nothing to gain?

Bo, go back to the corner you went to every other time you acted like an ass.

Yes, Chelsea wanted a man she's like never met to die. Phuleeze.

Max and Abby... aww, I had this major grin on my face the entire time I was watching this. So he regrets not taking a chance on Abby... here we go dudes, no more Maybe Mabby! It's defiently on! The staring, the admittance of crushes... Chemistry, my friends. Max is fed up with Mimi's drama, and there's this innocent, beautiful young girl who respects him... it's so on.

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Thank God for Hope. She will be the one who will get through to this ass. Chelsea has really grown on me, and it says something about her maturity to finally really admit that what she did to others has come back to bite her in her backside. I'm glad that Hope is the one to tell Mr. Perfect that he is wrong.

I also seem to remember a long-haired rebel who gave his brother and new sister-in-law a stolen microwave as a wedding present when he was young. I wonder what Chelsea would say to her father if anyone ever told her that one.

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