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AMC: Friday

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Well today is part 1 of the Dixie/Babe funeral. I hope they include Dixie heavily...I'm sure they will.

I love that Janet is able to visit Wildwind! Amanda/Janet scenes are some of my favorite. LOL at Janet waving off Del like he's a nobody. She's on a day-pass and wanted to be at Dixie's funeral and be there for Amanda :) She still thinks Dixie is her best friend - I love it. haha

Liking the Jonathan/Annie scenes too.

Jeff/Erica - make me puke. I hope Bianca goes off on Erica forever if that's how long it takes for Erica to leave Jeff alone.

Bobbie Eakes is kicking a$$ again today. I have a newfound respect for her - I haven't seen her this good, as I have this week. She's truly a talented actress!

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I was just going to post about Bobbie Eakes. I am loving the scenes between her and JR. Loved her bonding with Colby as well. This week she has some great material to pick from for next years emmy's

I am so happy to see Janet. I was not expecting to see her for awhile, I love it when I am surprised by AMC. Loved Janet with Amanda and I even enjoyed Janet with Jonathan. LMAO when she waved at Del.

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So far my only complaint is not enough Dixie. This is the end of her story.

Bobbie Eakes is amazing. On B&B, she was always the one dying. She is such an amazing actress. I think she had more than prooven her worth in the last few weeks.

Watching episodes like this shows, the actors on this show are an amazing ensemble. They are not the problem. Something else must be done to save the show!

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The only one I really felt Sorry for is JR! I just find it soo dumb that he has to be blamed for everything, while "Mama" and "Babydoll" can continue to lie and cheat and do whatever! JR is the only one who looked truely remorseful for what KWAK had the NERVE to act all self-righteous with Tad & Adam present!

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Don't even get me started on that. <_<

I will say that Bobbie is carrying this show for me. Her and Micheal were the only two I felt really put in quality performences. Bobbie's been on fire all week. Micheal did a nice job and I felt Kelli did a good job too but she could have been better. Those three were the stand outs to me.

I have no clue what Jacob was trying to convey. All I got were empty stares and vacant eyes. :mellow:

I didn't care for Erica today nor did I care for Jenkins and Zendell is boring to me. I am happy for there fans but they don't do anything for me. I thought the Ryan/Jack convo was good. I thought there was a rather good balance of Dixie/Babe in the funeral. I know alot of fans felt Babe would over shadow her but I didn't feel that was the case. We got alot of Dixie today. We got to her Tad and Di both talk about Dixie. We got to here Del and co. talk about her and we got alot of balance for the two.

Awesome tie in for the final shot IMO. Babe waking up on the day of her funeral. I thought that bit was genius.

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Ok - well I just got to watch the last half, which was basically the funeral stuff.

First, I was happy with how the funeral played out - it was very equal with Dixie/Babe remembrance and overall screentime. Second, KUDOS to Bobbie Eakes, MEK, Kelli Giddish, and Jeffrey Carlson. Those four gave wonderful performances today. I felt for Krystal as she clung to Babe's casket and then Colby and Adam came to walk her away. Very sad. Also, MEK was amazing when he was talking about Dixie and spending the rest of his life with her - and then Di coming after and talking about how she wish she had more time to know her sister. Finally, Zoe and her singing at the end as everyone came to put flowers on the caskets. Jeffrey did an amazing job singing Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up". Also I was impressed with how Zoe looked - she looked more like a girl than she ever has with her hair up, black skirt, and black hooker boots. She almost looked like DI to me...did anyone else think that today???

Finally, it was really nice to see Marian, Stuart, Opal, Palmer, Dr. Joe, and Myrtle at the funeral today. Missing of course was Brooke, David, and Ruth. Even though Babe and Dixie didn't really like David there at the end, David would have showed up or made a special appearance to talk to their caskets alone...and there is no way Brooke wouldn't go to Dixie's funeral. So I'm a little upset they haven't even mentioned David or Brooke at all during this.

Anyway the end was actually VERY soapy - with the funeral ending and then a quick shot to Babe's face and her opening her eyes, and then BLACK. Very soapy - very Friday cliffhanger - you know if spoilers and internet were non-existant like they were about 15 years ago - this would have been a cliffhanger up there with the "Angelique is alive" reveal back in '92-93.

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I will watch today's episode as I do want to see Tad finally mourn Dixie.

I seriously doubt it will be as good as the Memorial Service for Dixie from May 2002, which was excellent with speakers such as Adam, Opal, Brooke, David and Tad and lots of extended flashbacks going back to the late 1980's, and of course the music video tribute song at the end. Did they even mention why Brooke and David were not there today?

Here is the episode with Dixie's Memorial Service scenes from five years ago if you want to see it (it's the second video on the link below):


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Everyone blames Zach.... its the "in" thing to do :rolleyes:

I can't wait to watch the show and I am surprised they revealed Babe is alive already (even though we all knew it). And you are rigtt Alex, if there were no spoilers it would have had much more affect. AMC has been having awesome Friday cliffhangers lately. Last week Babe is attacked, this week she's alive, and next week the Satin slayer will be revealed. I still have major major problems with this show but at least it has not been boring.

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Oh Darcy - it is NO where near as good as her 2002 funeral service. I would say that if you combined her death episode with all those flashbacks and crying mourners in the hospital and then had today's episode - it would maybe be as good....but today alone, almost 2 weeks later, is not as good at all. (i.e., no flashbacks).

But without trying to compare, it was still pretty good seeing everyone and having an actual character sing a song.

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