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DAYS: Looks like the soap might be in trouble.

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And people should know this by looking at other soaps. Corday has no money. Well, neither do the other soaps. How long has GL been with no money? And look at how they overcame it. Ratings that are not much lower than other soaps and 4 emmy's for their actors.

ETA: And I think putting this all on Corday is coming from NBC so if and when they lower the ax on Days. We will put all the blame on Corday. I don't buy Corday has no money but I buy that NBC won't give him money to make Days better.

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I'm 99.9% certain that if Frons is at ABC when NBC drops the ax he will swoop in and pick up Days.

There was an article in the National Post (Canada) this past weekend where Frons was going on about what a great show Days is, how well it performs, and how his interest was peaked when he heard it might be cancelled.

He was raving about the competition. Days is AMC's main competitor! And in the same article AMC got an F on the "soaps report card".

Frons loved loves loves Days and he'll move heaven and earth (and cancel any show but GH) to get it.

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I've seen this story on several different boards and have never seen a credible source listed. When the original poster is asked for a source, no reply is given. I'm sure there are budget issues as NBC across the board has budget issues, and I'm also convinced NBC is not going to invest any more in DAYS than is required. However, like several others have already stated, I think a lot of things are being blown out of proportion. This week has been much better story-wise, with a nice mix of vets and newer actors. We know Drake had a personal situation arise that may have required him to take time off. KA was on a lot in 2006; she may be enjoying a much needed vacation. I think everyone needs to calm down and see how things play out long term instead of panicking because of an unsubstantiated story and a few not-so-great episodes. I'm considering staying completely out of some of these threads because it's too easy to get caught up in the insanity and lose my common sense! :)

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Yeah, Days4Life. I do think this Georgia person is scaremongering a bit.

The new deal was signed in June of last year. Since then, the show have axed 13 contract actors (many of them high earning veterans). Aside from Jay Johnson, the actors brought in have all been cheap newbies. While I'm sure the financial situation is far from comfortable, one would expect it to have at least slightly improved.

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I don't think the financial situation is AS bad as this is making it out to be. Obviously, NBC isn't doling out tons of cash to Corday/DAYS anymore, but I doubt they're totally broke yet. I don't buy them not being able to pay Drake, Deidre, etc. either. If that were true, we'd still be getting cuts, and we haven't heard of anything more (yet).

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AGREED, Ponz@!!!!!

I'm going to go out on a limb here, now, and in light of all the evidence, accuse these people posting rumors about "Days" SEVERE budget issues to be gutter-dwelling LIARS trying to stir up [!@#$%^&*].

WE know how contracts work. Unless there are overages and they air in more episodes than their contract, I can't see why vets would stay off screen to "save money."


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Uhm, imo you're wrong on quite a few points. And you're definitely wrong on Billy getting sacked. Billy Warlock wasn't fired, he asked to be let go > (source ) <.

I don't get it either(!!) because yes they are getting payed even if they're not on-screen. That's one of the differences between recurring and on contract.Ohh, my feelings exactly!!!
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Questionable source of this "story" or not, clearly NBC doesn't want daytime soaps on their network, period. I wouldn't be surprised if the network decided to drop DAYS before their contract expires in 2009.

And still they think an all day block of the Today Show will bring in ratings. :rolleyes:

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If this is true, NBC isn't gonna help Days. At all. I believe they just want Days off so they can have ANOTHER news or talk show. They might make it look like they are helping Days, and they might not even do that, but I just think they want to get rid of the last soap they have so they can finally, after over a decade, be rid of soaps. It makes me so angry and boil. They cancelled SB, the other SB (Sunset Beach), Another World, and Passions. Days is gonna get canned soon....possible even before 2009.

I am worried. Really worried. :( I don't think Louise or Joe are coming back now, mainly because Days is so broke.

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