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AMC: Cady's Last AMC-related blog

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I'm so proud of Cady for speaking her mind like that. The woman is a total class act. The way she and Julia (and so many others before them) were treated was awful, but it's like they're getting even more pleasure than usual out of their treatment of Cady.

I'd love to see her do something totally away from daytime. Surely, Edie on Desperate Housewives has a younger sister, or Mark Sloan on Grey's has a pregnant girlfriend back in New York. I hope Cady turns up somewhere far away from daytime for awhile.

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I HAVE to agree with you here and you make a VERY interesting point. Carruthers, I believe, really does care about the genre. I do feel she is doing Frons/McTavish's dirty work just to keep her job. She can't be faulted for that.

I may have said bad stuff about Carruthers in the past, but she was SO hungry when she got the EP position at PC in 2000. She actually LISTENED to the fans of the show and went with her gut instinct about what the show needed. It appears she kept production costs low and, at the same time, made the show interesting in the process(by keeping most of the action in the hospital sets). She let Karen Harris write the show, rarely sticking her fingers in the pie.

PC just GELLED for a majority of 2000 and you can totally tell that the show was on a creative Renaissance before Jim Harmon Brown/Barbara Esenten took over to install the vampire/supersh!t on PC. I think 55% of that credit goes to Karen Harris and 45% of that credit goes to Carruthers, who made production cost-efficient and kept everything looking good and left the writers alone.

Shame that people notice Carruthers from vampire PC and AMC's worst years instead of noticing what she IS capable of.

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Absolutely it did and thank you so much for doing so. I thoroughly enjoyed the read. While I've never liked Dixie, my appreciation for Cady began late into her AMC run (2001 or so). I then fell in love with Cady on ATWT as Rosanna- deserved every bit of the Emmy she was awarded a year too late.

Her honesty is refreshing. I don't think she's being PC when she states that Julia wasn't fired BTW. She's not saying that from her POV, but rather, TPTB POV to emphasize that her complaints about Julia Barr fell on deaf ears anyway, since TIIC didn't consider her dismissal controversial in the first place. They couldn't have cared less about those that disagreed with the decision because in their minds, they did no wrong.

I also like that she emphasizes how well she's always gotten along with JHC. She doesn't do this to point out her friendship with JHC, but rather, to contrast MMT, with whom she claims no real relationship. Nice subtle dig, Cady. You're an excellent writer BTW.

And I must thank her for saying 'why would you bring someone back if you didn't have anything to write for them'? That's the $1,000,000 question of all this, isn't it?

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Wow! Kudos to Cady for being so honest and eloquent and still encouraging everyone to continue to watch AMC (even though I doubt I will be doing so for much longer - I skipped most of last week and don't feel like I missed anything). What an insult to tell her there was nothing left to write for Tad and Dixie. How about actually getting some clues and searching for Kate together, reuniting as a family and then having to deal with Krystal's baby and Adam's wrath? Seems easy enough.

MMT wrote great material for Tad and Dixie so I don't know why all of a sudden she has writers block. And I'm pissed as hell that she gave Dixie's story (and a lot of her personality) to Julia. I'll never accept her as Kate's mother or as a love interest for Tad. The same goes for Krystal. UGH!

I remain extremely unimpressed with JHC especially thinking back to all that crap she spouted about why they had to kill Dixie. She has overall responsibility for the show and it has really stunk for over a year. The three of them (Frons, Carruthers and MMT) need to go!

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