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AMC: Cady's Last AMC-related blog

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I think that is exactly what she is saying. Kate was supposed to be Emma.

I think there were alot of factors at work here. They fired Vincent in September.... so I am sure this is when the re-write occurred regarding Emma and then I am sure shortly after Megan dreamed up this Dixie dies scenario as probably the satin slayer arc was being finalized around that time too.

I still wonder though if Dixie's death wasn't planned until much after all of this occurred.... perhaps Emma being Emma and Kathy coming on had nothing to do with Dixie's exit. I still think it was a last minute decision.

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LOL Emma would have hardly been a shocker. The minute Annie and Emma were cast, practically everyone assumed Emma was Kate. And then when it was revealed Annie and Madden had a connection.

It was painfully obvious that Emma was most likely Kate. For what ever reason they re-wrote it at the last second. Whether it was to facilitate Vincent's exit or the death of Dixie, it was a quick re-write.

I thought it was a good twist and Megan actually didn't go the predictable route for a change when Emma was revealed not to be Kate.... but that's a moot point now.

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Oh, I enjoyed the way it played out. And I agree that it's better this way (with Kathy as Kate). Even when I was 'lurking' at AMC, testing the waters, I thought Emma might be Kate. So I agree, that was kind of predictable. Wasn't she the only right-aged kid, too, at the time? So you're right. That wasn't so shocking. Honestly, I'm sure that's why I enjoyed the Kathy reveal so much (partly). Because I knew it was either Emms or Kathy-cakes but didn't know which one -- and then...the SHOCKER!!

I guess I'm more SHOCKED that it was a rewrite, and that Cady blew the lid off that. what a revelation!!! Has any other fired actor deliberately spoken out about rewrites?!

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Cady just confirmed what most of us already pretty much assumed.

I am glad she blew the lid off it. I think the original plan was to have Kate back with Tad and Dixie by November sweeps, or at least them find out who she is. Well Emma's identity was revealed in November, but she wasn't Kate.

Personally the whole finding Kate story is so tainted and useless now that Dixie is gone. For me anyway. I will get no payoff now. The payoff would have been for Dixie finally to place Kate back in Tad's arms and bring Tad and Dixie full circle again. That will never happen now.

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Ok guys this is easy -

Emma was supposed to be Kate.

Annie and Ryan were supposedly popular to focus groups. Frons loved Annie. So he decided he needed a way to tie Annie to Pine Valley for good - and of course that is with a Lavery.

They decided since Annie needs to stay, and Emma isn't Kate anymore, then David is not needed. Vincent is fired to save money.

Then they decided to get another girl that is tied to Madden, Julia, and Jamie -- and finally give Tad/Dixie their reunion that all fans wanted -- but then something happened and an immediate Dixie-is-dead story is created.

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A couple of things that I am aware of: Cameron Mathison was telling fans at a fan event on August 19 that he didn't think Emma was going to be Kate but that she was going to be his daughter. I didn't believe it (probably because I didn't want to). So, the decision to not make Emma be Kate was made pretty early if even Cam knew about it in mid-August and was telling fans about it at a PA. Also at the AMC Focus Group at SSW with a group of 19 - 26 year olds, not one person liked Ryan and Annie together. Not one. Zendall were the most popular couple, followed by Tad and Dixie. And everyone was disappointed that Emma was not Kate.

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I was never a big fan of Cady's but I am now!!! I love how she basically says that McTavish has lost her creativity. What was the purpose of pursuing her only to tell her they ran out of story. I think an eight year could figure out more story for her than what McTrash could.

And I think it is pretty classy of her to tell her fans to keep watching the show. She could be bitter and tell everyone to boycott AMC which a lot of people are doing anyway. I just wonder if TIIC are surprised about how strong the reaction has been to Cady's firing. Not that they care anyway.

And I think AMC twists the focus groups to suite there needs. I haven't seen hardly any support or much reaction to the Ryan/Annie pairing. But if Frons loves them, he will push them.

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