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What soap moment did you cry the hardest during?

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SOOOO many times.

AMC (in order)

The very first time was Mona's Death on AMC. I had jut started watching the show and fell in love with it and all the flashbacks made me really connect with the show. By the time Livia started to sing and the coffin was carried out I was hysterical. Then Erica threw herself on the coffin. I'll never forget that one.

Edmund takes baby sam away from Maria and gives it back to Kelsey. Eva La Rue rocked that scene. Then the plane crash.

Bianca's coming out scene.

Gillians death was very sad because I didn't see it coming.

Leo's Death made me cry because I was just so in love with the actor and character.

Leora's Death and any of those scenes with Anna and David.

Recently all th slayer deaths, especially Dixie's death where I think I went a little hysterical.


Megan' Death on OLTL did it for me when I saw it on A Daytime to Remember. Something about the music and the romance novel feel of the couple.

Al's Death and the Al/Marcie montage that played soon after.


Reva at the church and so many times right before and after she pulled the plug on Richard


Ryan's Death: The Phelp's hate begins

Frankie's Death: Shock and disgust mixed with tears

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The #1 moment that made me cry was when Cassie died on Y&R. I was crying just as hard as Nick and Sharon. I just recently saw the clips from where Jack and Phyllis lost their baby and I cried too. John Abbott being taken off life support and Tracy asking Ashley "What are we gonna do!" just broke my heart. She was like a little girl all over again.

Laura fading back into her catatonia and the last thing she remembered was her and Luke's first wedding. That was just sooooo sad.

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Marlena's death in 1987, the fantasy scene when RoJohn is reading the letter she wrote and he has a fantasy in which Marlena tells him goodbye. Not only is Marlena saying goodbye when she walks away in that scene but so is Deidre. Deidre is phenominal is this scene.

Jack's death in 2003 was also very sad for me. Melissa Reeves was awesome and the girl who played Abby at the time was great too.

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