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Melody Thomas Scott SOW interview

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This was posted on the SOC boards, so it had to be reworded.

SOW: Why don't you have a story?

MTS: Says she has no idea.

SOW: They ask if MTS just rolls with it?

MTS: Some actors make a scene and try to write their stories. She say that's not her job (to write), but she would love it to be- she can write. She says she's not an asskisser. She says she'll go off and do something else if they don't want to use her.

SOW: There's 2 more years on your contract.

MTS: hopes something will happen so she'll be content. There isn't anything worse than going to work and not being happy and then leave at the end of the day and think "Okay, that's over."

SOW: Nikki's addiction when she was injured- fans thought they would have revisited that.

MTS: Says she thought they were going in that direction and said so in an interview. Then the show said they didn't even consider doing that. She says you can't lie to the fans. She says the audience saw the scene where Nikki was taking too many pills. She says the show could have just said that they changed their mind instead of making it seem as though she was delusional.

SOW: What is Nikki doing lately?

MTS: says it seems like Nikki and Sharon have a lot of fights. She knows if it's a scene with Sharon then they'll be sniping because the fans of the show like that.

SOW: Is fighting with Sharon because Ashley is gone and Nikki can't be exchanging barbs with her anymore?

MTS: Says not to even bring that up - that it was heartbreaking. She says they're still upset. That is was terrible. She says Eileen was a core part of the show. She says Eileen was beautiful and a great actress and Eileen was always prepared for the job. She says others feel the same way.

SOW: Do you have a best friend on the show?

MTS: Says she is pretty close to Sharon, but can't pick out just one. She also says it's hard to feel satisfaction with "Come here, Noah, let's put on your snow suit." But having a job last 28 years- she says it's a miricle. She says she's frustrated but has no right to complain.

SOW: What story would you like?

MTS: says a new romance, to gets sparks between her and Victor. She says there has to be something other than wringing her hands and acting as a counselor to others. She doesn't know what it is - age, the new people in charge. She doesn't think TPTB want to hear her complain - "Why don't I have my story?!"

Everything sure ain't all peaches and cream at Y&R.

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Okay I have a question when MTS left last time, it seems as though it lasted 5 seconds, why did she come back in the first place when she more than likely knew her character would have no storyline? An man that Y&R cast is very vocal, if they tried this stuff on abc they would get fired ASAP.

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I remember her leaving maybe 2 or 3 years ago. Victor and Nikki had a scene together, that seemed to be a final moment for them and then she was gone. An it seemed as if she was back that next week, maybe she was holding out for her contract, I just remember it being really strange. Does anyone remember this?

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No things are not peaches and cream. It's funny that under Smith it was Braedan going to the press and demanding something. Now it is Scott under Latham.

What is really sad to me is that women the age of Scott all over daytime seem to getting the shaft. Ellen Dolan who is in that age range had to speak out to her fans - begging them to write the show on her behald.

Genie Francis was ridiculed by Frons about her age. She is near Scott's age.

And look at poor Julia Barr who is a little older.

And poor Hillary Bailey Smith and Catherine Hickland (in the same age group) have gotten zilch for over a year. They are getting something now but I ask really for how long.

Another actress in that age group Alex Neil is a great actress but her character is written as one of the most boring dish rags ever.

And poor Jacklyn Zeman is brought out only to prop the others on the show - sometimes in quite a few episodes a month like Scott is, but her stuff has no substance.

And the stuff could go on and on. Truthfully there are 40 something actresses who are getting story, and there are two 60-ish actresses who get story, but in all of soaps right now there is only 1 actress in her 50's (Kim Zimmer) that gets any kind of story material.

It seems to be a bad age for actresses for some reason.

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I feel Melody Thomas Scott here. This is like Kay Alden all over again for her. It SUCKS. This talented lady deserves a story worthy of her talents. Unlike Braeden Melody does not go on a rampage, and gets her point across in a good and clear manner.

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Oh it definitely is. Older actors in the movies stay popular and used more even into their 70's.

Soap actors in their 50's are doing pretty good.

Peter Reckell & Stephen Nichols are almost always seen more often than their female counterparts - Kristian Alfonso and Mary Beth Evans (who are both only in their 40's).

Tony Geary is in his 50's and is used a lot (when he's not on vacation). Frons has no problem using him but feels like fans don't want to see Genie Francis.

Peter Bergman is in his 50's and used lots more than Scott or Davidson on Y&R.

Even the actors in their 40's do lots better than the actresses in the same age group.

It is sad that soap operas now see actresses not viable after they reach a certain age - just like the Hollywood movie producers do.

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Why is it that all the writers have their heads stuck up Nick's ass, but Victor, Nikki and Victoria get no love? Joshua Morrow is such a dull actor, but the other three are pretty amazing when given stuff to do. Unfortunately the writers don't seem motivated to write for them.

I think Latham's stronger version of Nikki is great, BUT SHE DOES NOTHING! Why? Does she honestly think we want this awful reliquary dragged out so long and taking up so much screentime? Don Diamont cannot carry a story alone and he, Colleen and Adrian are the only actors being used there.

I hope more actors speak out! I'm especially glad to hear about Eileen Davidson. THAT was the dumbest move in Y&R history. Dumber that firing Davetta or making Katherine Jill's mother.

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