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GH's 24...

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Ok does anyone else think that Maxie is locked in with her newest love interest? I can tell that guy underneath the mask is pretty hot...and they sure are getting close. I bet you anything he turns good and he'll end up being a hero and get saved. Then Maxie has a new love interest.

This is sad seeing Alan just being tortured pretty much as he is dying :( Ok I'm surprised that Emily would want Robin saved before Alan!

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Yes, I was thinking the same thing. That guy does seem hot under his mask. I only hope when the mask comes off that we are not disappointed.

I think Emily picked Robin because she was the safe choice. She didn't want to be put in the position of choosing between Alan and Liz. IMO

I think that Jason would want Emily to choose Liz over Alan, which I don't like.

I'm looking forward to Spinelli helping Sonny. I really like that kid.

I thought that today was good. I know that a lot of people are getting bored with GH. However GH's 12 hour standoff is much better than what is happening on AMC and OLTL IMO.

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criticize natalia livingston all you want....

but stuart damon and kimberly mccollough (sp) are NO better.

it's a disaster to drop alan/stuart damon from the cast, but these dying scenes are pathetic and painful to watch. his acting is horrendously weak.

robin/kimberly m. looks like a 15 year old with a bad stomach ache -- not believing her, either. it's one wretched performance.

this whole hostage thing has already gone on FAR TOO LONG. i feel like i'm watching frickin "groundhog day," for god's sake.

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I think Stuart Damon is just pissed that he's getting the shaft, and maybe it's affecting his performance. Also, I think everything surrounding his death is pretty weak. He isn't turning in a masterpiece performance, but it isn't horrible either.

Kimberly McCollough has been annoying. I like Robin's relationship with Patrick, but her limitations as an actress has been coming through lately.

The 24/arc is missing ANGST and HIGH EMOTION. For awhile it somewhat had it, but now it's completely gone.

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Except Ric did the same thing. Sure, he talked about saving everyone, but when it came down to it, he tried to make a deal to get Liz out yesterday. Just as Lucky is also fixated on Liz. Lulu, too, but more Liz because of the baby, IMO.

So it doesn't bother me.

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Yeah, Stuart Damon is getting the shaft big time. One thing I do hope for is they give him the biggest and best funeral ever! I want flashbacks and eulogies and Edward so upset that he almost loses it himself. I want a big tribute! This man deserves it! I know SOD mentioned that Lynn Herring may be back for the funeral and I also hope that Wally Kurth will be there.

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