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Poor Stuart Damon. He's gone on record saying that he extends himself to the new cast members with open arms, showing them the ropes and such. He and Alan are the show's patriarchs -- and this is how he's treated? If it wasn't for him and Alan, Leslie Charleson and Monica, Chris Robinson and Rick, Denise Alexander and Leslie, this show wouldn't have had the foundation it's had so all of these other newbies could stand on. There would be no Jason Morgan if Alan and Monica weren't around. At least Steve Burton acknowledged them on the Soap Net 40th Anniversary special four years ago.

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Oh what a dumb biyatch! LOL...that was my first thought at the end of the show. Seriously Sam, what were you thinking. Gotta love her though

Hated Monica today. I see they are gearing up for her to feud with Skye again. I was sickened when she said that she preferred Skye as a drunk. I get where she's coming from but that was an incredibly cruel thing to say especially knowing Skye's history

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The Monica line was understandable. Skye was self destructive when she was drunk, as opposed to now. Her actions, these days, are self-preservative -- which means everyone else, be damned! And considering that Monica and Skye NEVER got along, it's keeping in tradition that she'd say something cruel like that.

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GH is really doing a great job. I keep waiting for each episode to disapoint and it has not.

I really wanted to smack LuLu. I was like, "Stop yelling at Alan, the man is having a heart attack!"

It is so hard to believe that SD won't be on the show anymore. I am also glad that we did not have to be subjected to Maxie today.

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I know what you mean. The man is dying and she is shreiking at him. I wanted to smack her. It's not all about her.

I have a very strong suspicion that Rick Webber's killer will be Scott Baldwin which will royally piss me off.

Also happy that there was no Maxie or Sonny today.

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GH is great rightnow, i love it!!! I'm so happy that the Qs are having something to do. It is heartbreaking to know that SD will be off the show so soon, but he has good stuff to play until then.

I don't think Scotty killed Rick. I fear they make Lesley the Killer and if they do that i will hate them so much.

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Leslie would NEVER let Laura take the blame for something that she did. When Laura was a teenager, she was attacked by a man (I can't remember his name). She hit him with a candle stick, and Leslie took the blame to protect Laura.

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