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GH's 24...

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For the frist time in 8 years, I remained spoiler free for a good portion of sweeps and I gotta say, GH did an outstanding job with the hostage crisis. Of course, there were the never ending scenes with Spinelli yammering to Stone Cold and Jason just stares him down and why did it have to be JASON to rescue everyone? Why couldn't it have been Mac, ROBERT (Where the hell has he been?) or Luke/Lucky? As dramatic as sweeps has been, the show still sucks in the overall scheme of things. It still focuses on Sonny/Carly/Jason/Sam and with the exception of the most recent Q drama, there weren't that many people who got face time this sweeps. Sure, the entire contract cast got featured, but unless you are a Sonny/Carly, Jason/Sam, Nik/Emily and Patrick/Robin fan, there's really nothing different than the every old ordinary GH episode. But that's GH for you. It has good ideas but LOUSY execution.

I'd be SHOCKED if Carly actually goes through marrying Jax now. What a pathetic lame set up for an S&C reunion. And they really got to tone down Spinelli if they're going to keep him around. He is as agrravating as Georgie's whining.

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Still stuck at Wednesday (?) but the week has been very good so far. Looking forward to the rest...

Natalia was a riot. I was shocked that her co-stars kept so calm and ignored her because I burst out laughing. Man, this was some serious bad acting!

Kelly Monaco on the other probably impressed for the first time in like EVER. She was nearly good during the hostage drama.

But as Fee mentioned, the show has been good and very entertaining but it's still the same old sh*t - if you exclude the Qs this week. The whole hostage thing was about Sonny&Carly and they still speak the exact same dialogues since 2003... I didn't mind Jason as the rescuer - for once it made somehow sense - but it was really just another device to push favorites. I'm not sure if I'll continue watching now that Sweepstravagnza is over...

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That was a great episode. I didn't like those 2 until that very moment. Unfortunately, I highly doubt the same will be said about my feelings of Jason rescuing Elizabeth (He was the one carrying her out, right?). Nothing can ever convince me they are a couple of any proportion!

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I wasn't impressed with Friday's cliffhanger. It could have been me watching the TV with no glasses, but everything was just a blur, and that could have been because of the tear gas/no lights thing. Would have been much more dramatic without the choppy, film-like editing. If everything had moved in real time during those scenes, the way they teased us in the beginning of this story.

But this was a great sweeps stunt that apparently isn't over yet, judging by Monday's preview.

I just didn't want to see a big budget cliffhanger/explosion in slowmo. I mean, you spent the money already...

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