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Exactly, and I really can't get over the little heifer dogging her out with Snarly about her own decision to have an abortion even though Elizabeth cared enough to involve Carly in the first place so that she had someone to talk and Carly still told her basically the same thing Liz did, that they thought about it and it was their own decision not to have one.

I don't like Lulu. She's an idiotic brat, and her psuedo bravery gets on my nerves. She's proved herself the damned stupidest person in this hostage crisis. I wish Nikolas would hem her up and beat some sense into her.

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Lulu's the most stupid here and not Sam? LOL.. just messing with ya. I noticed the past 2 days, she's kept her mouth shut. She was on yesterday and I dont think she even said one line. I liked her with Elzibaeth today and thought what she did for her was sweet and big considering how they feel for each other. I still like Lulu, but she needs to take a chill pill and calm her ass down

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I'm not feeling 3, I think that it is his hair. There is something about it that I don't like. I think that he was sexier with the mask on, I mean those eyes and lips had me there. But when the mask was ripped off I was disappointed. He not ugly, its just his hair I guess.

Lulu is really stupid, what did she think she was going to do with that gun. I must say that I was pleased when she hugged Spinelli. I hope that she does not go back to Dillon.

Skye had better watch her back, because she is going to feel the wrath of the Q's. How I wish that the original Edward Quartermaine was still I alive to play this part. I miss him soo much. He was fantastic.

I thought that the show was good today.

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Haha - I sorta know what you mean. For me, I saw his eyes and lips through the mask and imagined this hot, tanned, short haired guy that would be HOT.

Then he took the mask off and I'm totally taken aback - and it was mostly the crazy hair - BUT now after the shock is over, I'm LOVING the guy.

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Well, if the moments are brilliantly acted, I love watching the other actors genuinely react. I will never forget seeing Robin Christopher watch Nancy Lee Grahn unfold during that historical funeral speech. When Alexis shoved the urn at Sonny, it fell and Alexis lost it completely, you can tell that she was moved and in the moment -- yet watching NLG burn the house down.

During Ms. Livingston's... um... "moment", they cut to Julie's Lulu and Kelly's Sam, and they were both like :blink::unsure: respectively. You know, after that part where she just started SCREEEEEECHING totally unintelligible words and her hair was looking like she was in an isolated hurricane, just blurring and whirring around? Yeah... that part.

Okay, first I have to admit, I rewound it a couple of times to laugh my ass off! But then, I also like watching actors "react" since that's an immense skill to have -- because there are times when your reactions as an actor can either help or hinder your scene partner's performance and change the whole dynamic of the scene. Well, watching Julie and Kelly just solidified the comedy... for me!

I know there are people out there who believe Natalia "Grimmacing" Livingston is the best thing to hit daytime since Judith Light.

Anyway, I have to, once again, commend Bob Guza. I am totally empathizing with the characters. I'm ready for this to be over. Not because I'm bored, but because I'm identifying. Sebastian Roache is sinfully delicious, but Mister Craig is getting on my last nerve. I'm at a point where I'm like, "Somebody, be a martyr and just go down in a hail of bullets as you kill this asshat!" I want Jason to save the day. I'm nervous for him -- and MY GAWD, that little yappy b!tch hitwoman is on my last nerve, too. I mean, it's great that she shoves guns in Lulu's face every five seconds, but come ON! But anyway, when I heard her say "what are you doing?" in that Valley Girl voice when she caught Jason lining up his shot, I was just like, "Jason, it's okay. Shoot her. Please! For me! Just do it!"

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