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American Idol: Discussion Thread


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Chris Richardson - he is hot - has a great smile. He is still too nervous though. He jumps around too much - he needs to control his stage performance, as in what he's doing with his body and how to pump up the crowd a little better. I think he'll go far.

I love Blake, Jared, and Chris Sligh too!

Sanjaya - now that was uncomfortable to watch! He sounds like Michael Jackson, and now with that hat and pulled back hair, he LOOKED like Michael Jackson last night. He needs to go...

I wouldn't mind seeing Brandon Rogers and Sanjaya leaving. Those were the two weakest IMO.

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February 27, 2007

American Idol Guys Prove They Have Talent

Ryan Seacrest kicked off the top ten guys American Idol performance show by congratulating Jennifer Hudson on her Oscar win. But Jennifer Hudson turned out to not be the only winner tonight, as the top ten American Idol guys rebounded from last week and actually proved that they are a talented bunch.

In an intro segment, Phil Stacy dedicated his performance to Navy Band Southeast. Phil Stacey sang “Missing You.” Randy Jackson said “That was hot, Philman.” Paula Abdul said “I can hear you right now on the radio.” Simon Cowell said “I think you have a completely unoriginal voice.”

Jared Cotter dedicated his performance to his mom and dad. Jared sang “Let’s Get It On.” Randy Jackson said “I loved that whole face move.” Paula Abdul said “You’re a good looking guy, you really are.” Simon Cowell said “It did remind me though of the Love Boat. I’m kind of imagining if they had a cabaret singer on the Love Boat, I think we would have seen something similar to that, because it was a bit corny in parts.”

A.J. Tabaldo dedicated his performance to his mom and dad. A.J. Tabaldo sang “Feeling Good.” Randy Jackson said “It was so much better than last week.” Paula Abdul said “I love seeing the change and you expanding in different areas.” Simon Cowell said “I have to say that was actually nearly very good.”

Sanjaya Malakar dedicated his performance to his grandfather. Sanjaya Malakar sang “Stepping Out.” Randy Jackson said “It was like a bad high school talent show.” Paula Abdul said “I think it would be great to pick songs that celebrate your youth.” Simon Cowell said “It was like some ghastly lunch, where after lunch your parents have asked the children to dress up and sing.”

Chris Sligh dedicated his performance to his wife. Chris Sligh sang “Trouble.” Randy Jackson said “It shows that you’ve got that big voice.” Paula Abdul said “I liked you to.” Simon Cowell said “Chris, the reason we put you through to this round is actually we thought you were a very good singer, and tonight you were a very good singer.”

Nick Pedro dedicated his performance to his girlfriend. Nick Pedro sang “You Give Me Fever.” Randy Jackson said “It was kind of nice, dude.” Paula Abdul said “I love the tone of your voice.” Simon Cowell said “I thought it was good. I think that when you’re going to attempt to pull a song like that off it’s as much about charisma, and I felt you lacked charisma on it.”

Blake Lewis dedicated his performance to his parents. Blake Lewis sang “Virtual Insanity.” Randy Jackson said “I like you, man.” Paula Abdul said “You’re smart with this, you’re making smart choices.” Simon Cowell said “Other than the middle section of the song, I actually didn’t see any originally from you this time. I actually saw a copycat performance.”

Brandon Rogers dedicated his performance to his grandmother. Brandon Rogers sang “Time After Time.” Randy Jackson said “It was kind of boring for me actually.” Paula Abdul said “I felt your heart, you don’t have to over sing.” Simon Cowell said “You have got to come out here Brandon when you’re as talented as you are and do what four or five of these girls did last week and make a wow impact.”

Chris Richardson dedicated his performance to his grandmother. Chris Richardson sang “Geek In The Pink.” Randy Jackson said “Chris is in it to win it tonight.” Paula Abdul said “I love that you dedicated that song to…does your grandmother know what Geek In The Pink is.” Simon Cowell said “For me, best tonight by a mile.”

Sundance Head dedicated his performance to his son. Sundance Head sang “Mustang Sally.” Randy Jackson said “Welcome back, Sundance.” Paula Abdul said “I didn’t know you had range like that.” Simon Cowell said “I’m glad that we’ve got the Sundance back that we really, really like.”

It’s tough to predict which two guys will be going home on Thursday, because all the guys improved from last week. Based on tonight’s performance, it would likely be Sanjaya Malakar and Brandon Rogers. However, they both have been very popular contestants among the viewers, and popularity plays into the voting. Our prediction is that it will be Nick Pedro and A.J. Tabaldo going home, based on a popularity vote.

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Bye bye Antonella. Time to go home. She just isnt that great

I thought Alaina was horrible last week but I thought she was a bit better this week. She wasnt as bad as the judges made her out to be

Melinda was amazing. Damn she wowed me. She owned the stage tonight.

Lakisha was alright but nowhere as good as last week. The whole time I was listening to her I was thinking of Paris singing that song last year and doing a much better job. The singing was alright but her performance was a bit bland

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I agree Cheap about Lakisha. All I could of think of was Paris singing the song. I love Lakisha and she's talented but that was the wrong song for her. It almost felt like she was holding back.

Melinda was by far the best tonight.

Gina did well as did Leslie.

Alaina and Haley? were okay but compared the other girls are lightyears behind them.

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I think the black girls have it this season! I loved them all and think they're the best!

I also like that first chick - Gina.

LMAO at Antonella telling Simon he got Jennifer Hudson wrong, so she's not sweatin' his opinion. She was bad though.

Oh I sort of hope that Stephanie changes her look a little - she completely reminded me of Fantasia tonight. Not sound, but look 100%.

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Gina: Pretty good. I like her. She hasn't wowed me but I like the personality and her singing has been pretty good.

Alaina: When she started out, I liked it. Simon was right-she did run out of steam. Halfway through the song, she went off-pitch and tried to force everything. It felt rushed. She was a bit better then last week but I think she is very vulnerable. Her looks could save her but I don't know.

Lakisha: Ok. Bad compared to last week. It was nothing special. To me she played it far too safe and I agree that Paris did much better with the song. We know she is good and this felt like a regression. She needs to not hold back and just go for it. We know she has it in her.

Jordin: I really like her. I think she is a dark horse. She is so young but she she keeps her youthful vibe even when she sings old songs. I think she is one of those that can get into the top 12 and make a big run and have one of those classic moments like Vonzell and a few others in years past.

Stephanie: Pretty good. I like her conviction and her voice. Reminds me alot of Latoya London. She is a major contender.

Melinda: She is the favorite right now. I thought that going into the top 24. She has experience and just owns the stage. She was amazing tonight and she is a lock for the top 5 IMO.

Antonella: I feel really bad for her with everything going on but that was horrible. She did the same thing with this Celine song that she did with that Aerosmith song last week (which was one of my favorite songs and it killed me to see it butchered) and that is she cut so much of the greatness out of the song. She clearly wants to avoid high notes and areas of songs that require range and you can't do that. She guts the songs and ruins them and all we are left with is mediocre. She should go home and I think the scandal could either put a final nail in her coffin or maybe make people feel bad and vote for her. I did like her telling off Simon about Jennifer Hudson.

Leslie: Love the personality but I feel she is lacking. I don't like the song she picked for herself and I just feel like she cuts off in the middle of her singing. It feel choppy at times. I just feel weird listening to her. She could go too.

Haley: The judges are being too hard on her. They were last week too. She hasn't been great but she tries and she stays in tune for most of her songs. They told her last week to be more youthful and now they still jump all over her. I just don't think they like her and have it out for her. She reminds me a little of Katherine from last year. I think she will be fine and I think we will see her in the top 12. I like her and I think she will only get better.

Sabrina: LOVE her. I don't know where Simon said she was shouting. I thought she was great. Definitely a major contender.

I think Alaina, Leslie, and Antonella are the ones to watch. I suppose Haley could go home too but I hope not. I think two of the three I said to watch will go home.

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After the boys outstanding performances last night, the girls weren't carrying off the show as quickly LOL....but still doing very well. Here is my line up.











I think Leslie, Antonella, Haley or Alaina could go tomorrow.

Melinda was clearly to me the best of the night.


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I had unexpected company last night and missed all the guys but 3. So can't comment on them.

I absolutely loved Melinda, Lakisha, and Gina tonight.

I hate that Antonella is going through a lot but based on the last 2 weeks she needs to go. 2 weeks now she has been bad, and that is what this should be based on is each performance and not how well they ahve done in the past.

As far as the guys I hope Sinjaya (sp???) goes. I did see his performance and he was awful.

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