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Desperate Housewives: Discussion Thread

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Heh I enjoyed Hagman as the nasty old rich man Lynette's mother married too bad they didn't keep him around for a few more eps. Eh so far this season has been okay with some interesting and good things. I don't think though the show has recovered from the crap that was Season 5.

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Yeah, this season hasn't been THAT great. Paul's return has been a dud. Gabby's storyline has been my favorite so far... Bree's storyline with washed out Mr. 90210 is bad and unbelievable. Why not use her kids?

Jill Larson did a GREAT job though - loved seeing her tonight!!! :)

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I miss Andrew. His homosexuality was a joke. Well it was treated like one. I was looking forward to seeing Bree welcome in Andrew's boyfriends. Her really coping with him being gay. Instead we have Bree with Mr. 90210....how boring. What about Bree's daughter and her grandchild???

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I thought tonight's episode was great. I'm glad Keith is finally gone though. And finally they actually use the twins instead of having them as wallpaper. Time to do something with Porter, too.

The promo was amazing! And yeah, obviously it'll be Beth to draw some juxtaposition with Paul's first wife also killing herself.

Oh, and for those wondering about Andrew,

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I think what the show needs right now is a restructuring. Maybe cutting a couple of characters. As much as I love and ADORE Terri Hatcher and Marcia Cross, I think the characters of Susan and Bree could go. Sorry, but while Vanessa is doing well in the role, she can go too.

Bring in some new blood. Bring in a relative of Gabby's, someone that holds a huge secret from her past. Let there be some good family blackmailing there. Let Andrew have a storyline. Something juicy. Push him and a boyfriend/husband to the frontburner.

Maybe even find a way to bring Edie black, her death having been faked as a masterplan by someone from the 'lane's past.

Give Tom and Lynette back their business. Let one of their kids get sick. Let one of them have an affair. Something to add some zing to that family.

Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE the show, but I feel like if they do another season they just need to do something BIG and just have the balls to do it. That's what put them on the map originally.

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True, but I think the show's heart lies within these four women and I can't see them killing any of them off. On the other hand, killing Mike, Tom or Carlos off would be pretty shocking at this point.

No problem. I have to wonder if Shawn made a deal with the show to get out of his series regular contract by agreeing to appear a few times throughout the season before having a season-ending consecutive episode arc. The same occurred with him vs. Rex's son last year.

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They were on earlier this season

Anywys, I still enjoy the show. IA with the Gabby love from earlier. Her story this season has been my favorite. I forgot to mention this from last week

"I love therapy. Its like a talk show where the only topic is me" LMAO! Classic Gabby line

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