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The Office: Discussion Thread


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I love this show so much..Its quickly become one of my favorites...I'm so happy they are using the supporting cast more often..Kelly telling Ryan she's pregnant, then shaking her head at the camera was hilarious..And Jim and Pam are just adorable together, i'm so glad they are together..

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Kev, you're kidding, right? That's what I was pissed about! Jim and Pam JUST got together and, unless I missed something, they're over now. Last episode, didn't you see? The whole office found out about them so (their words), it's not fun anymore, and they called it quits in a very subtle, supposedly charming manner.

The whole thing made me SICK.

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Wha? I'm confused... because Jim and Pam are still together. They haven't broke up since they got together. They pranked Dwight together (funny!) and then they had a romantic moment on the roof.

I loved the Dwight/Angela/Andy thing yesterday! The end when Andy was singing to Angela, and looked like she smirked, cute. For once, I wasn't totally annoyed with her. I hope they don't drop it.

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Last night's episode was really good. I'm not suprised since Jennifer Celotta wrote it.

Jim/Pam were so cute in this episode. I love their pranks on Dwight. Pam was so sweet when she wrote that Dwight was the superior being.

Yay....the beginning of the triangle. I thought Andy's singing was kinda sweet and funny.

Michael "kidnapping" the pizza boy - classic Michael! :lol:

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Now I like Jim and Pam together, I have to say I'm loving Andy/Angela/Dwight. They are making the season for me so far. I did like the beet farm part, but that is because I find Dwight and Mose funny together. And Dwight and Jim's "talk" was nice, and Jim's kiss with Pam was cute.

I'm confused with Darrell and Kelly... does she really like him? At the end it look like that she was starting to like him. I would love to see Ryan running after Kelly, that would be interesting.

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  • 5 months later...
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Finally The Office is back..its been 5 long months without it..Last nights episode was terrific..I was cracking up so many times..So many great moments....Jan being jealous of Pam, Pam's reaction to the video camera next to Michael and Jan's bed...the revelation that Michael sleeps on a bench at the end of the bed...Michael's $200 plasma tv, Dwight crashing the party, Jim trying to escape the party but ultimately staying with Pam, the cops having to break up Jan and Michael's domestic dispute, and Angela smashing her ice cream cone on Andy's car after he licked it...I just love this show!!!

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So happy The Office is finally back!

Funny moments from "The Dinner Party":

Michael got 3 vasectomies??? OUCH!!!!

Michael "Snip, snap, snip, snap, snip, snap! You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!"

Hunter's song!! "That one night.....You took my hand.....And made me a man......." :lol:

Jan: "In Spain they don’t start eating until midnight"

Michael: "When in Rome."

Dwight: "It’s purely carnal, that’s all you need to know."

Michael: "Bonfire. James Bonfire."

Michael being so pround of his small plasma tv

The camera in Michael/Jan's bedroom and Pam's look of awkwardness

Angela, after Andy gives her flower: "What am I going to do with this?

Angela smashing the ice cream on the car door.

Michael ran through the sliding glass door? That is so Michael. LOL

The hand chairs!! That was so an Arrested Development shout out.

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I busted out laughing so much during this episode Im not sure if it was really funny or if I was just happy the show was back. I loved Angela smashing the ice cream on the car after Andy licked it. And the fact that Michael told Jan that he and Pam dated and Jans evil stares and snippy comments towards Pam and Jan trying to dance with Jim. The Office has the best characters and actors on television.

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Michael telling Jan that he and Pam dating was hilarious..Sucks we didn't get to see it..But it led to some great moments..Jan's jealousy over Pam and Pam worried that Jan might have poisoned her food..Such a great episode..Thanks for you quotes Toups..

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