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Blog Entries posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Carrie is sitting in the hospital bed, still crying over loosing her child. Anna comes in.
    Anna: Hi honey.
    Carrie: Why did this happen mom? She was just a baby!
    Anna: She?
    Carrie turns over, and starts crying more.
    Carrie: I found out yesterday. I was going to tell everyone during a dinner I had planned.
    Anna: Sweetie, I believe everything happens for a reason.
    Carrie: What reason is that? It's not fair that people like Eric get to live while a little innocent baby has to die!
    Anna hugs Carrie.

    Carly is sitting in her room, rubbing her neck. EJ comes in the door with Alexis in his arms.
    EJ: Hi Belle, I heard- Oh your not Belle are you?
    Carly laughs.
    Carly: No I'm not.
    EJ: I'm sorry. How are you?
    He walks in closer.
    Carly: I'm ok. My neck just hurts a bit. Wow she's so beautiful. I wish Sami was here to see her daughter grow up.
    EJ: So do I.
    Carly: Wheres Johnny?
    EJ: He's not feeling too good.
    Carly: So how are you doing?
    EJ: Me?
    Carly looks around.
    Carly: Theres nobody else in the room.
    EJ smiles.

    Shawn walks into Belle's room.
    Shawn: Hey. How are you?
    Belle: I'm ok. Thanks. Where's Claire?
    Shawn: The doctor won't let her in because of that cold.
    Belle: Then why did you come?
    Shawn: I wanted to see you.
    Belle: Why?
    Shawn: I'm sick of not being with you. I love you, Belle.
    Cathy walks in.

    Carrie wipes her tears.
    Carrie: How is everybody else?
    Anna: Everyone else has woken up execpt for Jeannie and Jennifer.
    Carrie: I hope their ok.
    Eric walks in the room.
    Eric: Hi Carrie. How are you?
    Carrie starts crying. Eric hugs her.
    Anna: I'll leave you two alone.
    Anna leaves.

    EJ: Why would you ask? I've just been brainwashed, and confused about my identity.
    Carly: And you lost the mother of your children.
    EJ: Lucas is the father of Alexis.
    Carly: Oh please! Where the hell has he been? You've been taking care of these kids for most of their lives! He can rot in hell!
    EJ: A little harsh, Carly.
    Carly: Sorry, but it's true.
    EJ: This is going to come from nowhere, but I'm just going to ask. When you get out of this place, do you want to go have some coffee?
    Carly: Come on, EJ DiMera can do better than coffee.
    EJ: Fine, a full course meal at Chez Rouge.
    Carly: I'd like that.
    EJ: Well, I'll see you. Take care of yourself.
    EJ leaves, and Carly smiles.

    Cathy: Oh, so your going to go back to the woman who ripped your heart out?
    Shawn: Cathy, get out! I already told you our marriage was an accident, and it's getting taken care of!
    Cathy: Well, I promise, it won't be a picnic divorcing me.
    Cathy leaves, and bumps into EJ.
    EJ: I'm sorry.
    Cathy: Oh, you don't want to go in there. The two lovers are reuniting.
    Cathy walks away, and EJ looks as she leaves.

    Eric sits beside Carrie.
    Eric: I'm so sorry about your baby.
    Carrie wipes her eyes.
    Carrie: The baby was going to be a girl. Oh God Eric! I only had four months left. Why did this have to happen?
    Eric hugs her.
    Carrie lies back, and holds her face with her hands.

    All The Days of Their Lives

    Dora walks into the DiMera mansion. Tony comes out of the living room.
    Tony: Who invited you in?
    Dora: I need to talk to you. Is anybody here?
    Tony: Anna's at the hospital. I'm alone today. Well, execpt for Bello.
    Dora: Bello?
    Bello runs into the foyer, and meows at Dora. Dora smiles.
    Dora: Ok, lets get some drinks, and discuss something.
    Tony: Discuss what?
    Dora: The bomb.

    Carly is dressed in her hospital room, ready to go. Kimberly walks in.
    Carly: Any change with Jeannie?
    Kimberly: No. I'm so worried about her.
    Carly: She'll be ok.
    Kimberly: So what do you have planned for tonight?
    Carly: Just going to stay home with Alex. And tomorrow I have a date.
    Kimberly: Really? With who?
    Carly: EJ DiMera.

    Carrie is ready to go in her room. She holds her flat stomach, and tears form in her eyes. Roman comes in. Carrie turns, and starts crying.Roman hugs her.
    Roman: I'm so sorry honey.
    Diane walks into the room.
    Diane: Mr. Brady, can I talk to to you outside please?
    Roman: Sure.
    He kisses Carrie, and goes outside with Diane.
    Diane: Mr. Brady, I didn't want to talk about it with Carrie yet about the fetus.
    Roman holds back tears.
    Diane: Have you guys decided to bury her?
    Roman: Yes, yes, Carrie wants her burried.
    Tears start to form in Roman's eyes.
    Diane: I'm so sorry.

    Tony and Dora are sitting in the DiMera living room.
    Tony: What do you mean? Eric Brady set up the bomb.
    Dora: As you know, I've taken over the illegimante business part of the DiMera family. I wanted to show another family who's boss around here.
    Tony: You set off the bomb! Do you have any idea what you've done? Two women are in a coma and one lost her baby because of you!
    Dora: I know! I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen!
    Tony: Well it did! Now look! You said you hated Stefano for what he did to your family, but you are exactly the same!
    Tears from in her eyes, and she shakes her head.
    Tony: Yes! Yes! It's your fault Dora!
    Dora: Shut up! Shut up!
    She holds her head. She gets up.
    Tony: What the hell is wrong with you?
    Dora: Shut up! Shup up!
    She throws her drink, and runs out of the mansion.

    Kimberly: Well, I'd tell you something but you probaly won't listen.
    Carly: What? The DiMera's are dangerous, yadayada.
    Kimberly: It's not a joke Carly!
    Carly: I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself!
    Kimberly: Ok, I just want to let you know what your getting into.
    Carly: I know. I'll be fine. Now lets pick up Alex, and go get some lunch.
    They leave the room.

    Roman is about to go back into Carrie's room, when Kate comes.
    Kate: Hey Roman.
    Roman hugs her.
    Roman: I'm sorry Kate.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Isabella and Anna are at the Cheatin' Heart.
    Isabella: What do you mean?
    Anna: I'm sick of this life I have with Tony! I miss the way I am with Roman!

    All The Days of Their Lives

    Shawn and Belle walk into Carrie's room. Belle hugs her, and she starts crying.
    Belle: Carrie, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.
    Carrie: No it isn't. Please Belle, don't blame yourself.
    Shawn hugs her.
    Carrie: So is it coincidence that you guys came to my room at the same time?
    They smile.
    Belle: Shawn and I are working things out.
    Carrie: Good. I'm really happy for you guys.
    Diane comes in,.
    Diane: Ok, Carrie you just need to sign a few papers, and you can go.
    Carrie: Thanks.

    Isabella and Anna are at the Cheatin' Heart. Anna downs a shot of vodka.
    Isabella: Wow Anna, I didn't know you were that kind of woman.
    Anna: You know, I am so sick of everything! I'm so sick of waking up in the morning, leaving my bed, and then when I come back, it's all fixed!
    Isabella: What a horrible life you lead!
    Anna: I'm with the wrong man!
    Isabella: What do you mean?
    Anna: I'm sick of this life I have with Tony! I miss the way I am with Roman!
    Isabella almost chokes on her drink.
    Isabella: Excuse me?
    Anna: I'm sorry, but when was the last time you guys went on a date?

    Carly is asleep on the couch, with her baby monitor. The phone rings. She slowley awakens, and gets the phone.
    Carly: Hello.
    Mike: Hi Carly, it's Dr. Mike Horton. How are you?
    Carly: I'm good how are you?
    Mike: Good. Can you come to the hospital, theres something we need to discuss about Alex.
    Carly: Is everything ok?
    Mike: Don't worry, just come, and we'll talk.
    Carly: Ok, I'll be there in about half an hour.

    Roman and Carrie go into the elevator.
    Carrie: Thank you so much dad.
    Roman: No problem sweetie.
    He hugs her. She starts crying.
    Roman: I'll bring you home, and get you some lunch. Are you going to be ok to stay alone for a while?
    Carrie: I'll be fine. Thanks.

    Isabella drinks another shot.
    Isabella: He's been a little busy with his family. And you should be too!
    Anna: Oh shut up! Roman would choose me over you in a heart beat!
    Kate and Martha go up to the bar.
    Kate: Oh please!
    Anna: What Kate? Jealous? After being married to you five minutes, he probaly welcomed death!
    Kate: Oh shut up Anna! I have a much better chance than you do!
    Joanne walks in, and sits at the bar with Anna.
    Joanne: You know, I have worked so hard-
    Anna: Joanne, would Roman choose me, Isabella, or Kate?
    Nicole: You guys don't stand a chance against me!
    Kate spits out her drink laughing.
    Kate: Roman would rather have the electric chair than spend the night with you!
    Nicole: Oh really? Thats funny, because I could have sworn that we had some fun right before I left Salem.
    Kate: No!
    Roman walks in.
    Roman: Hello ladies.
    Everybody smiles.

    The elevator dooes of the hospital open, and Carly exits with Alex. She goes to the nurses station.
    Carly: Hi, I'm here to see Dr. Horton. Do you know-
    Mike comes.
    Mike: Hi Calrly. Come with me.
    Carly: Ok, thanks.
    They go into his office.
    Carly: Well, what is it?
    Mike: Carly, I'm very sorry to tell you this, but Alex's blood condition is worsening. The disease is in his heart now, and if we do not do something soon, all of his blood will be infected.
    Carly looks at him blakly.
    Carly: Are you saying he's going to-
    Mike: Carly, I won't let that happen.
    Carly: So what can we do?
    Mike: There are a couple things, but I think what will work best is a heart transplant.

    Roman is at the other side now.
    Kate: There is no way what so ever that Roman ever would even look at you!
    Nicole: Well, he looked at you, theres hope for all women!
    Kate throws a drink in her face!
    Nicole: Oh, when I'm done with you!
    Nicole grabs the fountain pop, and starts spraying it at Kate!
    Anna: Stop!
    Isabella just sits there and sips her drink, rolling her eyes. Kate grabs peanuts and starts throwing them at Nicole!
    Nicole: Wow! Peanuts! You like the coke, or should we switch to Iced Tea? You know what? Your just jealous! I got your ex-husband Victor is the sack, then Roman!
    Kate: You slut!
    Nicole continues spraying! The bartenders come around the bar, and take the nozzel away from Nicole.
    Bartender: Both of you leave!
    Nicole: If anybody should leave, it should be the whore!
    Nicole faces everybody at the Cheatin' Heart.
    Nicole: Just to let all you guys know, Kate charges $50 bucks!
    Kate pushes her, and the bartenders bring them out of the bar.

    Carly stares at Mike.
    Carly: A heart transplant? He's just an infant.
    Mike: We'll be extra careful with him. I've done this before, and they have been living very good lives. They youngest was 1 years old.
    Carly: He's not even 1 yet.
    Mike: There are other procedures we can take, but the heart transplant is sure tostop the flow of the infected blood. Carly, in the end, it's your decision, but I'm just letting you know that the transplant is the best way to go.
    Carly: Thanks. I'll think about it. When do you need to know by.
    Mike: As soon as possible. The faster we can get it going, the faster we can get him cured.
    Carly: Thank you so much. I"ll call you tomorrow.
    Mike: Thank you. And I assure you, I'm going to make sure Alex is ok.
    Carly: Thanks.
    She leaves his office in tears. She hugs Alex tight.

    Kate comes back in the Cheatin' Heart.
    Bartender: Hey, I told you to get out!
    Kate: Relax, I just forgot my purse! Trust me I wouldn't want to stay in this dungy place much longer.
    She gives Anna dirty look.
    Anna: You know Kate, jealousy is a very unattractive quality.
    Kate: Well, you'd know all about unattractive qualities, now wouldn't you.
    Isabella laughs and almost chokes on her drink.
    Kate: Roman would never go back to you. You've treated him like crap too many times.
    Anna: Too many times? That would mean that he kept comming back.
    Anna smiles.
    Martha: She has a point.
    Kate: Shut up.
    Kate leaves, and Martha follows.
    Martha: Bye.

    Carly puts Alex in his crib. Nilan is in the living room.
    Carly: Thank you so much. This means so much to me.
    Nilan: Thats what friends are for.
    Carly: Thanks. I'm just goiung to bring out a garbage.
    Nilan: No problem.
    Carly goes into the hall, and pushes the button for the elevator. The door opens, and EJ is about to come out.
    EJ: Carly! I was just comming to see you.
    Carly: I'm just bringing the garbage down.
    He smiles.
    EJ: What's wrong?
    Carly starts crying. EJ hugs her.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Anna and Roman are at Carrie's apartment.
    Anna: Umm, I'm going to order some dinner. When Carrie wakes up, she'll probaly be hungy.
    Roman: Are you hungry, or are you just trying to avoid what almost happened?
    Roman kisses her passionatly.
  2. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    5 stretchers are brought into the hospital. They are carrying Belle, Jeannie, Carly, Jennifer, and Carrie. Jack, Bo, Hope, Kimberly, Shane, Roman, Marleana, and Anna follow.
    Anna: I knew this was going to happen!
    Hope: Ok, everyone just calm down. Everyone will be ok.
    Kimberly starts crying, and Shane hugs her. Dr. Stewart comes.
    Diane: Carrie has waken up, but she's still very fragile. I only want two people in there.
    Roman and Anna follow Diane to Carrie's room. Roman and Anna stand beside her bed. Carrie opens her eyes.
    Anna hugs her.
    Carrie: What happened?
    Roman: The bomb went off, and everyone was brought to the hospital. Execpt for Eric. They haven't found him yet.
    Carrie: Is everyone else ok?
    Roman: We don't know yet.
    Carrie grabs her stomach, and starts yelling in pain.
    Anna: Carrie, whats wrong! Nurse, nurse!

    Jack and Hope go into Jennifer's room.
    Jack: How is she?
    Nurse: She hasn't waken up yet, and her vitals don't look too good. The doctor will be in to talk to you shortly.
    They go to her bedside.
    Hope: I hope she's ok.
    Jack kisses her forehead.

    Carly wakes up in her room. Scotty, and Kimberly come in, Kimberly holding Alex.
    Kimberly: Hi sweetie. I brought someone to see you.
    Carly: Hi honey! How are you?
    She hugs him, and kisses him.
    Scotty: How are you doing?
    Carly: I'm ok. How's everyone else?
    Kimberly: I haven't heard anything yet. Their still checking out Jeannie.
    Carly: I can't believe you guys did this! What if someone dies!
    Kimberly: Everyone will be fine. Don't worry. Please.

    Marleana and Eirc walk into Belle's room.
    Belle: Hi mom. Hi Eric.
    Marleana hugs her.
    Marleana: Oh my God! Thank God your ok! Your father was watching you.
    Belle: I know.
    Eric: How are you feeling?
    Belle: My arms and legs hurt, but I'm ok. Did they find Eric?
    Marleana: No. They think he's in the remains.

    Kimberly and Shane walk into Jeannie's room. She is still unconcious. Dr. Burban comes in.
    Kimberly: How is she?
    Dr. Burban: It doesn't look too good. Her vitals aren't strong. If she doesnt wake up soon, she may fall into a coma.
    Kimberly starts crying, and Shane hugs her. Dr. Burban leaves the room.
    Shane: She'll be ok.

    Scotty walks in Carly's room with some coffee. Carly is hugging Alex.
    Carly: Thanks for the coffee.
    Scotty: No problem. How are you?
    Carly: I'm fine, I'm fine! I just want to go home!
    Scotty: Just be happy that this is all over, and your ok.

    Diane rushes into Carrie's room with the ultrasound equiptment.
    Diane: Carrie, what are you feeling?
    Carrie: My stomach! It's cramping really bad.
    Diane starts getting the equitment ready, and Carrie starts to calm down.
    Carrie: It's slowing down a bit, but it still hurts a lot.
    Carrie holds her stomach. Diane starts the ultrasound, and looks at the screen. Anna and Roman hold her hand. Diane's face saddens.
    Diane: I'm so sorry Carrie.
    Carrie starts crying, and holds her head in her hands. Anna hugs her.
    Carrie: I want to be alone now.
    Anna: Are you sure?
    Carire: Yes.
    They all leave the room, and Tony and Eric are outside the room with flowers.
    Eric: What's wrong?
    Anna slaps Roman, and she starts crying.
    Anna: This is your fault! It was on you to protect her!
    Hope turns the corner, and sees what is going on.
    Anna: It's your fault our daughter is going through-
    Hope comes.
    Hope: Anna, I'm sorry, but you of all people shouldn't be talking about being a bad parent!
    Anna stares at Hope.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Shawn is in Belle's room.
    Shawn: I'm sick of not being with you. I love you, Belle.
    Cathy walks in.
  3. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    The next morning...
    Jack, Jennifer, and Carrie are sitting at a cafe in Salem Place.
    Jennifer: Carrie, are you sure you want to do this?
    Carrie: Yes, let's stop talking about that now.
    Carrie holds her stomach.

    Anna walks into the Pub, and sees Roman, Shane, and Bo sitting at a table.
    Anna: Oh I see. While Carrie jepordizes her life and her baby's life, you guys just sit here, and do nothing.
    Roman: Were waiting until they give us the ok.
    Anna: I still don't understand why Carrie has to do this!
    Bo: If you came to bother us, and tell us what we talked about over and over, then you can leave.
    Anna sits at the bar.

    Carly, Jeannie, and Belle are sitting in the room.
    Jeannie: I can't sit here anymore! I'm going to go crazy.
    Belle: We just have to calm down, and figure a way out of here.
    Belle turns and looks at the small TV which shows the docks. She looks closer.
    Belle: Oh my God.
    Carly: What?
    Belle: Carrie's here!
    Carly: What?

    On the docks, Carrie takes out her phone.
    Carrie: Ok, it's clear.
    She hangs up, and calls another number.
    Roman: Carrie, is everything ok?
    Carrie: Everything's fine. I just called for the building their in.
    Roman: It's the one with one door.
    Carrie: Ok.
    Roman: Are Jack and Jennifer there yet?
    Carrie: I just called them. Their on their way.
    Roman: Ok, be careful.
    Carrie: Bye.
    Jack and Jennifer get on the docks. Carrie meets them.
    Jack: Ok let's get started.

    Kimberly and Hope come out of the kitchen.
    Hope: Anna, don't worry. Carrie will be fine.
    Anna: I want to believe that.
    Kimberly: You have to. Everyone is going to be ok!

    Jack, Jennifer and Carrie move closer to the building.
    Jack: Jennifer...
    Jennifer: What is it?
    Jack: I forgot my jacket at the cafe. My gun is in there.
    Jennifer: My God Jack!
    Jack: I'll be right back.
    Jennifer: I can't believe this.

    Jeannie: Are they trying to rescue us?
    Belle: It looks like that.
    Eric comes in the room, and they turn away from the TV.
    Eric: How did you guys sleep?
    Carly: Shut up.
    He notices movement on the TV. He moves to it, and Jeannie hits him on the head with a chair! He falls to the ground.
    Belle: Oh my God!
    Carly gets his gun.
    Carly: Let's get out of here!
    They run out of the room, and Eric starts getting up.

    Jack goes into the cafe, and goes to the counter.
    Jack: Hi. I was here earlier. I left my jacket. It's brown, with-
    Waitress: I have it. I'll be right back.
    She leaves, and comes back with the jacket.
    Jack: Thank you so much.
    He puts it on, and checks for the gun.
    Jack: Thank God.

    Carly, Jeannie, and Belle are running through the warehouse, looking for the exit. Eric comes running after them.
    Eric: Your not getting out!
    He grabs Carly by the hair!
    Carly knocks him over with the gun, and he tumbles down the staires. She notices him going into his pocket.
    Carly: Hurry!
    They get to the door.
    Jack arrives at the docks, and sees a timer. In the warehouse, Eric pushes a button. The timer starts counting down from 5 seconds.
    Jack: Jennifer!
    Carly opens the door.
    Carly: Get out! Get out!
    Timer: 1.. 0
    The docks is engulfed in flames, and it blows up.
  4. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Kimberly picks up her phone.
    Kimberly: Are you there?
    She closes the phone.
    Hope: Who is it Kimberly?

    The scene changes to Bryan holding a gun on the three girls.
    Kimberly: It's Eric.
    Bryan looks at Carly.
    Bryan: It's so good to see you all grown up.
    Carly: Who the hell are you?
    Bryan: I"m your mother's uncle; more importantly, your father.
    Carly looks shocked, and he holds his gun to Belle.
    Bryan: Well, I don't need you anymore.
    He is about to shoot.

    At the Kirikas mansion, the doorbell rings. Henderson opens the door, and Nicole walks in.
    Henderson: Nicole? Your not welcome here.
    Nicole: Won't be long.
    She gives him her jacket. She walks in the living room, where Victor is reading the newspaper.
    Nicole: Good evening Victor.
    Victor: Heard you were back in town. What the hell do you want?
    Nicole: Money actually.
    Victor: Wow you cut right to the chase.
    Nicole: Ok, heres the deal. You give me a large amount of money, or I tell the whole world about Brady's bastard child.

    Roman: Kim, what are you talking about?
    Kimberly starts to cry.
    Kimberly: It's that bastard! I know it is!
    Hope gets up.
    Hope: Come on, lets get some water.
    They go into the kitchen.
    Marleana: We have to find them!
    Carrie: Were doing this tomorrow morning!
    Bo: I still don't think thats a good idea.
    Carrie: Do you want them to be saved? It's the only way.

    Belle looks at him.
    Belle: Oh my God. Your Eric Brady!
    Eric: So you've heard of me huh? Why am I talking to you?
    He points the gun at her.
    Carly: Leave her alone you bastard.
    Eric: No, I think that term is for you.
    Carly slaps him.
    Carly: Put down that gun, and leave her alone.
    Eric: Why do you even care about her? She's not needed!
    His phone rings. He leaves the room, and locks it.
    Belle: Thank you so much Carly.
    Carly: None of us are going to die.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Jack, Jennifer, and Carrie are on the docks.
    Jack: Damn it.
    Jennifer: What?
    Jack: I left my gun.

    Kimberly and Marleana are sitting in the Pub.
    Kimberly: What if they don't make it?
    Marleana: Don't worry Kimberly. Their going to be ok.

    Jack sees a timer. The docks blows up!
  5. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Carrie walks into Diane's office.
    Diana: Hey Carrie. How are you feeling?
    Carrie: Great actually.
    Diane: Your stomach has grown since the last time I saw you.
    Carrie: It's great. It's so wonderful having a person growing inside you.
    Diane: I'll bring you into a room, and we can get started.

    Bo, Hope, Shane, Kimberly, Marleana, and Roman are at the Brady Pub. The phone of the Pub rings, and Roman answers it.
    Roman: Hello.
    Carly: Roman, it's me, Carly.
    Roman: Carly! Are you guys ok? Where are you?
    Carly: Were at the docks in a warehouse.
    Roman: Where? We'll be right there!
    Carly: No, please, you guys can't come.
    Roman: What do you mean?
    Carly: The stalker has a bomb connected to the docks. If he ses anyone trying to rescue us, he'll set off the bomb. Were scared. We don't know what to do!
    Roman: It's ok, were going to get you out of there!
    He hears a gunshot in the background.
    Roman: Carly!
    The line dies.

    The phone is on the floor, and Bryan is standing there with a gun.
    Bryan: That's enough phone time.
    Belle: What the hell do you want with us?
    Bryan: Funny you should ask. That's why I came. Let's just cut to the chase. Which one of you is Kimmie's daughter?
    Jeannie: I am. What the hell do you want?
    Bryan: I know you are, you little brat. I'm talking about you two.
    He looks at Belle and Carly.

    Carrie is lying on a hosital bed, and Diane is showing her her ultrasound.
    Carrie: Wow. I can't believe it. This is so wonderful.
    Diane: Just 4 months to go!
    Carrie: How is everything? Is the baby healthy?
    Diane: Carrie, everything looks great. Would you like to know the sex?
    Carrie: Sure!
    Diane: Carrie, your baby is a girl!
    Carrie smiles, and tears start to form in her eyes.
    Carrie: I wish Austin were here to see his little girl.
    Diane: He will. He's with you every step of the way. He'll be there when she's born, when she takes her first steps, her wedding.
    Diane hugs her.

    Kimberly: Roman, what happened?
    Roman: There was a gunshot. And the line went dead.
    Marleana: Where are they?
    Roman: In a warehouse.
    Bo: Let's go!
    Roman: We can't! There is a bomb on the docks. If he recgonizes anybody there, he'll blow the place up.
    Kimberly: We need someone who he won't recgonize!
    Jack and Jennifer walk in the Pub.
    Jack: We can help.
    Shane: We can't put anybody at risk!
    Jennifer: We need to help them before it's too late!
    Carrie walks in the Pub.
    Carrie: I can help too.

    Carly stands up, and is face-to-face with Bryan.
    Carly: I'm her daughter. What the hell do you want?
    Bryan smiles.
    Bryan: Call your mother.
    He gives Carly the phone, and Carly dials the number. He takes the phone.

    Roman: Carrie, your not getting in this, it's too dangerous!
    Carrie: I'm the only one that can! He won't suspect a little pregnant woman!
    Jennifer: We'll do it with her! Come on Roman! It's the only way.
    Roman: Fine! But you guys listen to me! If I tell you to get out of there, you get out!
    Jennifer: Of course!
    Carrie: We'll be fine! We'll rescue them!
    Kimberly's phone rings.
    Kimberly: Hello.
    Bryan: Hey Kimmie. How have you been?
    Kimberly drops the phone.
    Roman: What's wrong?
    Kimberly: I know who the kiler is!

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Bryan has a gun on Belle.
    Bryan: Well, I don't need you anymore.
    He is about to shoot.

    Nicole is in the Kirikas mansion.
    Nicole: Victor, just shut up, and give me the money!

    Anna, Kate, and Carrie at at Chez Rouge.
    Anna: Your not doing this Carrie!
    Kate: I agree.
  6. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Anna is sitting at the Penthouse Grill, alone. Joanne comes to the table, and sits with her.
    Joanne: Hey Anna. Sorry I'm late. Where's Jeannie?
    Anna: I have no idea where Jeannie is! I tried calling her 5 times!

    Carly wakes up in a dark room. She is dizzy. She sees Belle and Jeannie unconcious next to her.
    Carly: Oh my God!
    The door opens, and the killer comes in.
    Carly: What the hell is wrong with you!?
    Killer: I'm so tired of being refered to as a who. My name, well my new name, is Bryan.
    Carly: I don't care what your name is!
    Bryan: You should. Were gonna get to know each other very well.
    Jeannie starts to wake up.
    Bryan: Good morning Jeannie!
    Jeannie looks confused.

    Kimberly and Shane are at the bar in the Pub.
    Shane: I want to be a part of my kid's lives. Unless you have a problem with that.
    Kimberly: Of course I don't have a problem with that! Your their father. I actually would encourage this relantionship. But they might not want it after all these years.
    Shane: I understand. Well, I have to go. I have to go meet Abe, Roman and Bo.
    Kimberly: Ok. I'll see you later.
    Shane: Bye.
    He leaves the Pub.
    Kimberly: Mom, I'm going to go for a walk. I'll be back soon.
    Kimberly leaves the Pub, and goes around. She sees Carly's car still in the parking lot. She goes to the car, and sees Carly'y phone and keys on the ground.
    Kimberly: Oh my God! Carly!
    Kimberly's phone rings. She answers it.
    Kimberly: Hello!
    Anna: Hi Kimberly. This is Anna DiMera. I don't want to worry you, but Jeannie was supposed to meet me at the Penthouse Grill, and she hasn't shown up yet. Do you know where she is?
    Kimberly drops her phone.

    Anna: Hello?
    Joanne: What's wrong?
    Anna: I don't know. I heard a noise, then the line went dead.
    Joanne: I hope nothing's wrong.
    Anna: I have a feeling there is.

    Belle, Jeannie, and Carly are all awake.
    Belle: What the hell is wrong with you?
    Bryan: I would tell you, but it might take too long.
    Jeannie: Please, let us go. We'll give you whatever you want!
    Bryan smiles.
    Bryan: But I already have what I want.
    Carly spits in his face.
    Bryan: Bitch.
    He slaps her. He gets up.
    Bryan: I'm going to give you a test.
    He takes a phone out of his pocket.
    Bryan: Here's a cell phone. You can call whoever you want. Don't get too exicted, theres a catch.
    He turns on a TV, and it shows a bomb on the docks.
    Bryan: If anyone tries to rescue you, these bombs go off. The hero, you three, and anyone else on the docks blows up. Have fun.
    He leaves, and locks the door.

    Marleana sees Kimberly in the parking lot. Marleana goes up to her.
    Marleana: Hi Kimberly. Is something wrong?
    Kimberly: Where's Belle? Have you heard form her?
    Marleana: Why? What's wrong?
    Kimberly: Carly and Jeannie are missing. Anna DiMera called me, and told me that Jeannie didn't show up to lunch. And I found Carly's phone and car keys on the ground! Marleana! He's got them!
    Marleana: Calm down. It's going to be ok. .
    Marleana hugs her.
    Kimberly: I'm going to call Roman.
    Marleana: I'm going to call Belle.

    Roman, Bo, and Abe are sitting at Chez Rouge. Shane comes to their table.
    Shane: Hello gentlemen.
    Roman: Shane! Good to see you.
    Shane shakes hands with Bo, Roman, and Abe. Roman's phone rings.
    Roman: Hello. Ok, we'll be right there!

    Carly, Belle, and Jeannie sit around the phone.
    Jeannie: What are we waiting for!
    Belle: You heard them, he's going to blow up the place!
    Jeannie: There cops! They'll think of something to either stop the bomb, or get us out another way!
    Carly: Ok, we have to stop fighting! I get it! Were all nervous, but fighting won't do anything!
    Belle: I agree.
    Carly: I thnik we should call them, and tell them what's going on, and tell them about the bomb.
    Jeannie: I agree.
    Belle: Me too.
    Carly: Ok, I'll call.

    In another room, Bryan touches his face.
    Bryan: It's perfect.
    He takes out a gun.
    Bryan: Now I just have to figure out which bitch is Kimmies.
    He leaves the room.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Roman is on the phone in the Brady Pub.
    Roman: It's ok, were going to get you out of there!
    He hears a gunshot in the background.
    Roman: Carly!

    Carrie is in the hospital with Dr. Diane Stewart.
    Diane: Carrie, everything looks great. Would you like to know the sex?
    Carrie: Sure!
  7. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Scotty and Carly walk in the Pub with Alex. Roman sees them.
    Roman: I'm so sorry about the flight. I'll try and get you guys another one.
    Carly: No, actually. I'm happy it was cancelled.
    Roman: What do you mean? I don't want to leave Salem.
    Shane walks in the Pub. Roman sees him.
    Roman: Shane! It's good to see you! This is-
    Shane: Yes, we've already met
    Kimberly comes out of the kitchen. Shane and her meet eyes.
    Shane: Hello Kimberly.

    A doctor stands outside Belle's room. He has a doctor mask on. He moves it to scratch his mouth, and we see that it is the killer. He puts the mask back on, and goes in Belle's room.
    Killer: Hi Belle. How are you feeling?
    Belle: Better actually. When can I get out of here?
    Killer: Oh, you don't have to worry about that much longer.
    He starts moving things.
    Belle: What are you doing?
    Killer: I'm just moving you to another room.
    She looks at his eyes.
    Belle: No! Help!
    He injects something into her IV, and she falls asleep. He takes her out of her bed, and puts her in a wheelchair.

    Chelsea and Nick are at the Penthouse Grill, eating pancakes.
    Nick: So your stil leaving?
    Chelsea: Yes Nick. That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
    Nick: What?
    Chelsea: I don't want you to wait for me.
    Nick: What do you mean?
    Chelsea: I"m going to be gone for I don't know how long. I don't want you sitting here, and waiting for something that might never happen.
    Nick: Are you using that as an excuse to save me some heartache?
    Chelsea: What the hell are you talking about?
    Nick: Come on Chelsea! These past couple of months we haven't been that close.
    Chelea: I'm sorry Nick. With everything happening with my family, you weren't the most important thing on my mind!

    Kimberly: I need to move some stuff in the kitchen.
    Shane: I'll help you.
    Kimberly goes in the kitchen, and Shane follows her.
    Kimberly: so how have you been Shane?
    Shane: Good you?
    Kimberly: Good.
    Shane: So how are you and Philip doing?
    Kimberly: I really don't know.
    Shane: You don't know?
    Kimberly: I haven't seen him in months. Everytime I ask him to come back to Salem, he's too busy with something.
    Shane: So Carly brought you back to Salem.
    Kimberly: Yup. What brings you back?
    Shane: This stalker.

    The killer wheels Belle through the parking lot, until he gets to a van. He puts her in the van. He goes in the drivers seat, and starts driving. Belle starts to wake up.
    Belle: Where am I?
    Killer: Your ok baby.
    Belle turns her head, and sees Jeannie.
    Belle: Jeannie! Oh my God.

    Chelsea gets up.
    Nick: Chelsea, I'm sorry.
    Chelsea: Nick, don't start. I don't want a boyfriend right now, and even if I did, it wouldn't work with us.
    Chelsea turns around, and walks in the elevator. The doors close, and she starts crying. The doors open on another floor, and a man comes in.
    Man: Are you ok?
    Chelsea: I'll be fine.
    He takes out a tissue.
    Man: Here.
    Chelsea: Thanks umm
    He strteches his hand.
    Man: Jeffery.
    Chelsea: Chelsea.
    The doors open.
    Chelsea: Well, here's my stop. Thanks.
    Jeffery: No problem.

    Kimberly turns around, and starts chopping some carrots.
    Shane: Well, there is another reason.
    Kimberly: What?
    Shane: Our children. I haven't seen them in so long. I want to be a part of their life.
    Kimberly: It's a bit late for that, don't you think?
    Shane: I know I wasn't there when they needed me. I can't change that. But I can start now.

    The killer is in the Pub, sitting at a booth, reading the newspaper. Carly comes from upstaires, with Alex.
    Carly: Can you believe theres no baby food in this place?
    Scotty: I don't think it's their most popular entree.
    Carly: It's ok. Mommy is gonna get you some food!
    The killer looks shocked.
    Carly puts on her jacket.
    Carly: I'll be right back. His bottle's in the fridge.
    She goes out the door, and the killer follows!

    Chelsea unlocks the door to Billie's apartment. She goes in.
    Chelsea: Mom, are you here?
    Chelsea opens Billie's bedroom door, and doesn't see her. She goes to the kitchen and gets some water. She accidently kicks over the garbage can. She picks everything up, and sees a positive pregnancy test.
    Chelsea: Oh my God.

    Caroline and Kimberly are at the bar.
    Caroline: Come on Kimberly. He's trying to be there for his kids!
    Kimberly: It't too late now.
    The killer walks in, and gets his jacket, which he forgot. Kimberly looks at him.
    Kimberly: That guy looks familiar.
    Caroline: I was just about to say the same thing. Mabye he comes here often.
    Kimberly looks uneasy.
    Kimberly: Mabye.
    The killer goes outside, and Carly gets out of her car. The killer goes behind her, and chlroforms her. He puts her in a van.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Anna and Joanne are sitting at the Penthouse Grill.
    Anna: I have no idea where Jeannie is. I tried calling her 5 times!
  8. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Shane wakes up in bed with Dora.
    Dora: Last night was great baby.
    Shane: Your telling me?
    Dora: Lets orders some pancakes. I'm hungry.
    Shane: That sounds great.
    Dora gets up, and puts a robe on. She goes in the washroom. Shane picks up the phone, and there is a knock on the door. He hangs it up, and puts a towel around his lower body. He answers the door, and Carly is standing outside.
    Carly: Oh I'm sorry.
    Shane: How can I help you?
    Carly: I'm in the room next door, and my friend is trying to use the shower, but it's not working. We called room service, but they said it won't be fixed until tomorrow, and I was wondering if he can use yous.
    Shane: Sure, just wait till my friend gets out of the washroom.
    Dora(yelling from the washroom): Baby, did you order them yet.
    Carly smiles.
    Carly: Sure she's just a friend?
    Shane laughs.
    Carly: I'll go tell my friend.
    Shane: I'll tell mine.

    Chelsea walks into Shawn's hospital room. He is still unconcious.
    Chelsea: Hey Shawn. I know we aren't as close as a brother and sister are, but I hope that when you get through this, we are. I'd really like to have a relantionship with you.
    Cathy walks in.
    Chelsea: Hey sis.
    Cathy: I really don't need to hear your sarcasm every time you see me.
    Chelsea: Sorry, I just don't like you too much.
    Cathy: What the hell is your problem?
    Chelsea: My problem? You followed my brother to Vegas, then got him all drunk, then dragged him to the alter, and then you suggest to have a "real marriage"! Oh please!
    Cathy: Shut up Chelsea, you don't know anthing.
    Chelsea: No you shut up! Your nothing! Your his rebound! He loves Belle, and when he gets out of this, and realizes that he almost died, he's not going to waste another second with you!
    Cathy: Oh, so you would rather have your brother with a cheater?
    Chelsea: Rather that a liar, and a manipulatir? Yup.
    Cathy: Why is it that people like Belle can get away with bloody murder?
    Chelsea: Oh shut up! God I hate whiners! All you've done is try to take Shawn away from his family.

    Dr. Woods is on the phone in the hospital.
    Dr. Woods: I can't get you anymore surgery!
    A man in a motel room is on the phone.
    Man: Do it! I'm not finished! How can I go to Kimmy with this face? She'll recgonize me you idiot!
    Dr. Woods: You don't look as recgonizable! There's a slight resemblence, but it's ok!
    He looks at the pictures with Kimberly with Jeannie, Carly, and Belle.
    Man: Have you figured it out yet?
    Dr. Woods: No. But I looked in some files. Kimberly gave a large amount of blood to save her grandson.
    Man: Ok. Figure out which one has a baby boy, and get back to me.
    He hangs up.

    Eric walks in Belle's room with Alexis and Johnny.
    Belle: Hey Eric! How are my little wonderful niece and nephew?
    Eric: Their doing good. They know their mom isn't here.
    Belle: They must.
    Alexis starts crying.
    Eric: I'm going to take her to get some milk. Can you stay with Johnny.
    Belle: Of course.
    Eric hands her Johnny.
    Belle: Aww your so cute honey.
    Eric leaves, and EJ comes in the room.
    EJ: Hi Belle. How's my son?
    Belle: Good.
    Dr. Woods is outside of Belle's room looking thorugh the window. He sees EJ kissing Belle on the cheek. He kisses Johnny.
    EJ: What can I get you?
    Belle: Actually, I was hoping that someone would ask me that! Can you get me a muffin please?
    EJ: Sure.
    EJ leaves the room, and Dr. Woods sees him.
    Dr. Woods: That's your son?
    EJ: Yes.
    Dr. Woods: Your a lucky guy.
    EJ: I know.

    Scotty and Carly come into Shane's hotel room. Scotty is just wearing a robe. Carly sees Dora.
    Carly: Sorry about this.
    Dora: No problem.
    Dora looks at Scotty, and smiles. He smiles back. Carly looks at Dora.
    Carly: You look familiar.
    Dora: You too. You live in Salem?
    Carly: I do. You?
    Dora: Yes. We probaly saw each other somewhere.
    Carly: I guess.
    Carly goes back to her room. Shane watches as she leaves.
    Shane: I'll go get a table for us downstaires.
    He leaves the room, and sees Carly in the hall, struggling with her key card.
    Carly: Consuela! You know I'm having a hard time, you could just open the door.
    Shane rubs her back.
    Shane: You need to be more gentle.
    He takes the card, and slides it in gently. The door opens.
    Carly: Thanks.
    She smiles.
    Shane: What do you say you and your "friend" join me and my "friend" for breakfast?
    Carly: That sounds great.

    Cathy: Why don't you just shut up for once?
    Chelsea: Not something I really like to do.
    Cathy grabs her by the throat, and starts chocking her! Hope comes in.
    Hope: Hey! Stop!
    Hope grabs Cathy off of Chelsea.
    Hope: What the hell are you doing!?
    Cathy: Your bitch of a step daughter doesnt know how to keep her mouth shut.
    Hope: Get the hell out of here! When Shawn wakes up I'll make sure that he throws you away like the trash you are!
    Cathy leaves the room.
    Hope: Are you ok Chelsea?
    Chelsea: Ya. I'm fine. But she won't be if I see her again.

    Carly, Scotty, and Shane are sitting at a table.
    Carly: Where's Dora?
    Shane: Her plane came in. She's going to Milan.
    Carly: Oh, that sounds exicting.
    Shane: So are you guys waiting for a flight?
    Carly: Yes. We need to get out of here as soon as possible.
    Shane: Wait a minute. Your Carly Colson right?
    Carly: Yes, how did you know?
    Shane: I saw you on the news. It's actually why I came to Salem. I know a couple people on the police force, and was wondering if I can help.
    Carly: How would you help.
    Shane: Well, since your involved, I guess I can tell you.
    Carly takes a sip of her drink.
    Shane: I'm in the ISA.
    Carly's eyes widen.
    Carly: Hold on! Shane Donovan!
    Shane: So you've heard.
    Carly: Kimberly Brady's ex-husband! Oh wow! Your my ex-stepfather!
    Shane: Ok, you lost me there.
    Carly: Let me explain the story to you.
    Scotty smiles.

    Dr. Woods dials a number. The man answers.
    Man: Do you have something?
    Dr. Woods: Yup. It's Belle. She has a son; she's Kimberly's daughter.
    Man: Good.
    The man smiles, and laughs.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    A doctor enters Belle's room.
    Doctor: I'm just going to take you to another room.
    He injects something into Belle's IV.

    Carly is in the Brady Pub. The killer sees her holding Alex.
    Carly: It's ok. Mommy is gonna get you some food!
    The killer looks shocked.

    Shane and Kimberly are talking in the Brady Pub kitchen.
    Shane: So how are you and Philip doing?
    Kimberly: I really don't know.

    Chelsea and Nick are at the Penthouse Grill.
    Nick: What?
    Chelsea: I don't want you to wait for me.
  9. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Shane Donovan is outside a hotel. He is on the phone.
    Shane: I already told you that wasn't me! DiMera created somebody to look like me! I need to go.
    Shane hangs up his phone, and goes in the hotel. He goes into the hotel restruant, and sits at the bar.
    Shane: Vodka on the rocks please.
    Dora orders a drink, and looks to her right. She sees Shane, and smiles.

    Belle yells as she tries to regain control of the car. At Marleana's penthouse, she looks confused.
    Marleana: Belle,are you there? These stupid cell phones. She hangs up.
    Belle: What the hell do you want from me?
    Killer: Just shut up and drive.
    Belle wipes a tear, and feels her phone vibrating. She secretly opens it. At the Brady Pub, Shawn is on his phone.
    Shawn: Belle, are you there? We need to talk about Claire.
    Belle: Help! Help me!!
    The killer puts the gun to her head.
    Killer: Shut the hell up! Give me the phone!
    Belle: I'm near the docks!
    The killer hangs up the phone.
    Shawn hangs up, and Cathy comes out of the kitchen.
    Shawn: Wait here!
    Cathy: Where are you going?
    Shawn goes out the door.

    Tony is walking around the mansion. He opens a door, which he realizes is Stefano's bedroom. He closes it. Anna comes with coffee.
    Anna: Tony, come in the living room, I made some coffee and cookies.
    Tony: Since when did you make cookies?
    Anna: Oh just shut up and eat them!
    They go into the living room.
    Tony: You know Anna, I've been thinking about it.
    Anna: Thinking about what Tony?
    Tony: Stefano isn't dead.

    Shane smiles at Dora, and she moves closer.
    Shane: What are you in town for?
    Dora: What makes you think I just got in?
    Shane: Well, you are at the closest hotel near the airport.
    Dora: Wow, handome and smart.
    Shane: Thank you.
    Dora: Well, I'm actually leaving town. I got to the airport, and my flight was delayed, so I"m spending the night here.
    Shane: Where are you going?
    Dora: Milan.
    Shane: Most people say a reason for going.
    Dora: I'm not most people.
    He smiles.

    Belle is crying.
    Belle: I know you won't shoot me as long as were driving.
    Killer: Sure about that?
    Belle: You wouldn't want to risk your own life.
    They hear cop cars, and he looks out the window.
    Killer: Keep going!
    The cops drive right past them.
    Killer: Stop at the next right. I need to get something in my warehouse.
    Belle stops.
    Killer: And don't even think about getting out! I swear to God if you do, I'll get you kid and the next time you see the brat it'll be in the mourge.
    He gets out of the car. Shawn is frantically walking on the docks. Cathy comes behind him.
    Cathy: Shawn, what the hell is going on!
    Shawn: I told you to wait at the Pub!
    Cathy: What's going on?
    Shawn: Fine I'll tell you.

    Anna picks up a cookie.
    Anna: What do you mean Stefano isn't dead?
    Tony: Stefano wouldn't leave all this to me if he was dying! He has a plan up his sleve! He wouldn't end everything with me at the head of the DiMera family!
    Anna: Mabye he felt that he didn't care. Mabye he felt that he had no family left that cared about him, so he left it to you because he thought you would destroy it.
    Tony: I know Stefano better than that, Anna. He'll be back, and with a vengance.
    Anna: Ok then, I see there on changing your mind. Let's lighten the mood.
    Tony: How?
    Anna lets out a big kiss.
    Tony: What was that for?
    A black and white cate runs in the room, and jumps on Anna. Tony flinches.
    Tony: What the hell is this?
    Anna: This is Bello. He's a cat I bought!

    Dora sips some of her drink.
    Dora: So what are you in town for?
    Shane: A case of mistaken identity, and I have some family in town. Two kids who don't think very highly of me.
    Dora: Well, they only have one father, so they should try and appreciate that.
    Shane: It get's better. They have a stepfather who has been with them since they were babies, and they don't think very much of him either.
    Dora: A little picky aren't they?
    Shane: Doesn't really bother me that they hate them.
    Dora laughs. Shane gets up. He bends down to her ear. He gives her a key.
    Shane: Be sure to use it.
    He kisses her cheek, and leaves. She smiles.

    Shawn: I see him! He just walked in that warehouse! I'll go after him.
    Cathy: Be careful! I'll look for Belle.
    Belle is sitting in the drivers seat, scared to death.
    Cathy comes. She opens the door.
    Cathy: Are you ok?
    Belle: What are you doing here! Get out before he sees you! He'll kill you!
    The killer comes behind them.
    Killer: She's right, you know. Your boyfirned's in there, bleeding to death by the way.
    Cathy: Oh my God!
    The killer takes out a gun.
    Killer: Get in the car!
    Bo: Stop!

    Tony: You know how I feel about felines.
    Anna: Oh shut up! You'll love him!
    Bello rubs his head against Tony's arm.
    Anna: Aww he likes you!
    Bello licks Tony's hand.
    Tony: Ok, ok, that's enough!

    The elevator doors open, and Dora gets out. She goes to room 331, and unlocks the door. Romantic music is playing, and the lights are dimmed. Shane comes out in a bathrobe.
    Dora: Sure your wife won't mind?
    He shows her his empty ring finger, and pushes her against the wall. He kisses her. She undoes his robe, and it falls off, leaving Shane in boxers. He rips off her dress, and she rubs her leg on his. He kisses her down he neck, and takes off her bra. She pushes him on the bed.
    Dora: Don't think your doing all the work.
    Shane: I can share baby.
    He turns her over, and starts rubbing her legs. They start to make love.

    Bo holds his gun at the killer.
    Bo: Who the hell are you?
    The killer holds his gun at Belle.
    Killer: Get out of the car!
    Belle doesn't move. The killer grabs her by the shoulder, and gets her out. He pushes her on the floor, and gets in the car.
    Bo: Belle!
    The killer drives away.
    Bo: Where's Shawn?
    Cathy: He's in the warehouse!
    Bo runs in the warehouse, and sees Shawn on the floor, shot in the stomach.
    Bo: Shawn!
    Cathy calls 911. She finishes with 911.
    Belle: Thank you, Cathy.
    Cathy: Your welcome.

    Shane is lying in bed with Dora in his arms. They are both sleeping. In the hall, Carly unlocks the door to the room, 332. Scotty is in there with Alex.
    Scotty: Look how roomy it is in here.
    She looks around the room, and there is one bed, and a desk.
    Carly: My uncle could have done a hell of a lot better. Whatever, I'm getting the bed.
    Scotty comes closer.
    Scotty: I don't see why we can't share.
    He smiles, and kisses her. Carly stops the kiss.
    Carly: I don't think so Scotty. Call room service, and ask for a sleeping bag.
    She goes in the washroom.

    The paremedics bring Shawn out in a stretcher. Roman is standing with Belle and Cathy.
    Roman: Did you guys get a good look at his face?
    Belle: No; he made it a mission to hide it.
    Cathy: I didn't see anything either.

    The killer opens the door of a motel room. He throws his bag on the bed. He takes out a picture of Belle talking to Kimberly. He takes out another one of Kimberly talking to Carly. He takes out another one of Kimberly talking to Jeannie. He sticks a knife of the one with Belle in it.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Shane and Carly are staning in the hotel hallway.
    Shane: What do you say you and your "friend" join me and my "friend" for breakfast?

    Cathy is choking Chelsea in Shawn's hospital room. Hope comes in.
    Hope: Hey!
  10. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    The lawyer stands up, as Tony remains shocked about the news.
    Tony: There must be a mistake. Stefano hated me. He didn't want me as his son. Hell, he brought in my cousin to replace me!
    Lawyer: Theres no mistake. I went over it with Mr. DiMera very carefully, and he made it very clear.
    Anna: Well, I don't think we should be sad about this Tony. Do you have any idea what this means?
    Tony: There is a reason that Stefano gave me all of this, and it's not because he wanted to make amends.
    Bo: I'm still wondering why the rest of us are still here.
    Lawyer: Mr. DiMera has left something for all of you also.

    Carly and Nilan stand up.
    Nilan: Well, I guess I should get back. Please be careful.
    Carly: I will. Thank you.
    Nilan leaves, and Carly locks the door. Carly sees the letter on the floor. She picks it up, and reads it. The letter reads, "Very Soon".
    Carly: Oh my God.
    She gets the phone, and dials a number.
    Carly: Roman! It's me. I just got a letter from the killer.
    Roman: I'll be right there.

    Belle and Mike are sitting at Chez Rouge. Belle looks back.
    Belle: Does that guy really have to follow me everywhere I go?
    Mike: It's for your protection, Belle.
    Belle: Well, it's kinda creepy.
    Mike: Ok, lets stop talking about the creepy bodyguard, and lets talk about what were going to eat.
    Belle: I want the lobster and steak.
    Mike: Sounds good.

    Hope: Well do you plan on giving it to us tonight, so we can get the hell out of here?
    The lawyer opens a briefcase.The lawyer hands everyone is the DiMera living room an envelop.
    Lawyer: In the envelope, there is a letter from Mr. DiMera, as well as a key.
    Marleana: What is the key for?
    Lawyer: I don't know. Well, I'm done here. Good luck everyone, and congraulations Mr. DiMera.
    He leaves, and Susan looks at EJ. A tear forms in her eye.
    Susan: Your my little Elvis.
    She hugs him.
    Kristen: I don't have the stomach for this.
    Kristen leaves the room.
    Isabella turns to Marleana, Bo, and Hope.
    Isabella: Well, I see no reason to continue staying here.
    Marleana: I agree.
    They leave.

    Carly lets Roman in her apartment.
    Roman: Are you ok?
    Carly: Ya, I'm fine.
    Roman: Where's Alex?
    Carly: Caroline's watching him. I"ll go get the letter.
    Carly comes back with the letter. Roman reads it.
    Roman: Your not staying here anymore. He knows where you live.
    Carly: Roman, he's going to know where I am wherever I go! He's stalking me!
    Roman: Your going to go somewhere where there is protection.
    Carly: Fine. Can you do me a favor?
    Roman: What?

    Belle is sitting at Chez Rouge alone now. Maggie comes.
    Maggie: Hey Belle. Where did Mike go?
    Belle: There was an emergency with Jeremy. He had to go.
    Maggie: I hope nothing's wrong.
    Belle: Don't worry. It happens often, and he's fine.
    Maggie: He's always getting into trouble.
    Belle: Well, I guess I shoould go. Eric's watching Claire.
    Belle gets up, and looks at her guard. He follows. Belle goes outside, and goes into her car. The guard goes into another car, and she turns it on. Her phone rings.
    Belle: Hello.
    Marleana: Hey sweetie. How are you?
    Belle: I'm fine. How are you?
    Marleana: Good. I just got back home.
    Belle: What happened at the will reading?
    Marleana: I got a letter and a key. From Stefano. Is your guard with you?

    Bo unlocks the door, and he and Hope go into their home.
    Hope: I wonder what the key is for.
    Bo: Probaly for some stupid wild goose chase Stefano wants us to go on.
    Hope: It could be exicting.
    Bo: Your not really thinking of unlocking whatever this key unlocks are you?
    Hope: I don't know. It's a little intruiging.
    Bo: Well, I think we should just stay home with our baby girl.
    Julie comes down the staires.
    Julie: Your baby girl is refusing to sleep!
    Hope: That's Ciara.
    Bo, Hope, and Julie go upstairs.

    Carly: My neighbour saw the killer banging on my door. I was wondering if you can get her protection incase the killer tries to targer her.
    Roman: Sure. Now go sit on the couch, and relax. I"ll make some coffee.

    Belle: He's in the car behind me.
    Marleana: I told you to let him be in the same car with you!
    Belle: Mom, I'm fine. Please don't worry.
    A gun is held to her head! Belle feels it, and drops her phone.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Shane Donovan is sitting at a bar. He smiles at Dora.

    The killer looks out the window.
    Killer: Keep going!
  11. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives 53:

    Kimberly is sitting at the bar in the Brady Pub. She stares into the distance, thinking about her past. Caroline comes.
    Caroline: Kimmie, what's wrong?
    Kimberly: Nothing. Just tired. Wheres Pop?
    Caroline: He went to go get some food.
    The door of the Pub opens, and Shawn Sr., Chelsea, and Nick come in carrying bags of bread and meat.
    Shawn: Look who I found in the Parking lot!
    Kimberly: Hey Chelsea, hey Nick.
    Chelsea: Hey Aunt Kim.
    Caroline: You guys want something to eat?
    Chelsea: No it's ok.
    Caroline: No! I'll go make you guys a sandwich!

    Marleana enters the DiMera living room, where she sees Susan Banks!
    Marleana: Oh my God! Susan!
    Susan: Hello Marleana.
    Marleana: When did you get back to town?
    Susan: A couple days ago.
    Isabella, Adrianna, Bo, Hope, Roman, Tony, and Anna walk into the living room.
    Anna: God this place is cold.
    Hope: Susan Banks?
    Roman: Oh God.
    Anna: I thought there was no will. Thats why Isabella had the choice to kill him.
    Kristen walks in.
    Kristen: There was a will.
    Dora walks in.
    Dora: Shut up, Kristen.

    Brady wakes up in bed. He gets up, and sees Chole making coffee.
    Brady: Good morning Chole.
    Chole: Whatever.
    Brady: I see you slept on the couch again.
    Chole: Good you notice some things.
    Brady: When is this going to end?
    Chole: Shut up, I'm not in the mood for another one of these conversations.
    Brady goes into the bedroom, and gets dressed.

    Chelsea and Nick are sitting at the Pub.
    Nick: Oh crap.
    Chelsea: What?
    Nick: I have something I need to do, and I tottaly forgot. Can we talk later?
    Chelsea: Sure.
    Nick leaves. Chelsea goes to the bar.
    Kimberly: Whats wrong honey?
    Chelsea: I got a job offer; in Paris.
    Kimberly: That's great!
    Chelsea: But I don't know if I should take it. And I've tried to tell Nick so many times, but every time I try, he goes off somewhere, and I don't have a chance to tell him.
    Kimberly: Is it also part you?
    Chelsea: I think so. I don't want to be in a long distance relantionship, and I don't want Nick to wait for something that might never come back.
    Kimberly: Is it what you want?
    Chelsea: I would like to get away. I mean so much has been happening lately, and I don't know if I should leave with everything going on with our family.
    Kimberly: Don't think about family now. You need to think about what you want.
    Chelsea: But-
    Kimberly: No buts! You need to think this through, and you need to decide what is best for you at this time.

    Dora, Isabella, Lexie, Tony, EJ, Susan, Bo, Hope, Marleana, Kate, Anna, Adrianna, and Kristen, are sitting in the DiMera living room. A lawyer walks into the room.
    Lawyer: I assume you all know why your all here.
    Anna: Stefano's will, and all the cash that comes with it.
    Isabella: I thought no will was found!
    Lawyer: There was always a will that Mr.DiMera kept, and updated. He told me his reasons for doing so were that if he passed, then he wouldn't want a situation like yours happen.
    Isabella: What situation?
    Lawyer: Where you realized you were married to Mr. DiMera; he didn't want anyone keeping his poessions execpt fot the people he left it to.
    Isabella: Don't worry, I don't want any of this junk.
    Anna: Oh God Isabella! If I were you, I'd forget who's house you were in, and roll in all the dough!
    Susan: I like her!
    Kristen rolls her eyes at Susan.
    Kristen: I think that I should get everything since I was the most devoted daughter.
    Dora: You wanted him to live and suffer till he died! Some devoted daughter!
    Kristen: In the end, I forgave him.
    Lawyer: I was going to ask why Mr. DiMera didn't inform everyone in person, but now I guess I don't have to.
    Lexie: Oh Lord! Just get on with it!
    Hope: I don't even know why Bo and I are here!

    Brady walks into Chez Rouge, and sits at the bar. He orders a drink. He looks around, and sees Carrie sitting at a table. Brady gets up, and gets his drink.
    Brady: Dining alone Carrie?
    Carrie: Brady! Hi. It's so good to see you. Yes actually. I was meeting a friend, but she can't make it.
    Brady: Mind if I sit with you?
    Carrie: No, not at all. Is Chole with you?
    Brady: No just me. So how's the baby?
    Carrie: Great. I found out the sex.
    Brady: Really! What?
    Carrie: The baby is going to be a girl!

    Carly is outside her apartment. She takes out her keys. A woman comes up to her.
    Woman: Hi, Carly right.
    Carly: Yes, hi. Your my neighbour right?
    Woman: Yes, I'm Nalin.
    Carly: It's good to meet you. I'd invite you in, but I'm just here to get something, and I'm on my way out. We'll have dinner some time.
    Nalin: That would be nice, but thats not the only reason I came to talk to you.
    Carly: Oh. Is something wrong?
    Nalin: Earlier, when I brought down my laundry down, and there was a man wearing a hood, banging on your door. When he saw me, he left, and went down the stairs.
    Carly: Oh God. I hope your not in danger.
    Nalin: Why would I be in danger?
    Carly: Come inside, and we'll talk.

    The lawyer pours himself a drink, and sits down.
    Lawyer: If everyone would settly down, I would like to begin.
    He takes out a file.
    Lawyer: Alexandra?
    Lexie: I'm Alexandra.
    Lawyer. Mr. DiMera didn't include you in his will.
    Lexie: Figures.
    Lawyer: But he included your son, Theo.
    Lexie: Well, you can shove whatever he gave him.
    Lawyer: He has left your son a trust fund. Since were on the topic of children, Mr. DiMera has instructed that once all of his grandchildren are over 21, they will attend a meeting.
    Lexie: About what?
    Lawyer: I don't know. I'm not holding it.
    He looks at Tony.
    Lawyer: Mr. DiMera has left everything to you, Tony DiMera.
    Anna's face brightens up. Adrianna's jaw drops.
    Lawyer: He has left you his estate, his money, everything execpt for the few things he left for everyone else in this room.
    Anna: How much money are we talking about sir?
    Lawyer: In the billions. I dont have-
    Anna: Wow! Tony were rich!

    Carly and Nilan finish their coffee.
    Nilan :You need to go to the police about this.
    Carly: I did. My uncle's the police chief! Oh God. None of us are safe!
    Outside Carly's apartment, the stalker slips a note under her door.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Belle is in her car on the phone.
    Belle: Mom, I'm fine. Please don't worry.
    A gun is held to her head!

    The lawyer hands everyone is the DiMera living room an envelop.
    Lawyer: In the envelop, there is a letter from Mr. DiMera, as well as a key.
  12. Daniel
    Announcer: This week, on All the Days of Our Lives, Belle is targeted!

    Clip of Belle in her car, on her cell phone.

    Belle: Mom, I'm fine. Please don't worry.

    A gun is held to her head.

    Announcer: What does he want?

    Clip of the killer looking at pictures of Kimberly.

    Announcer: Plus, a man in love with a woman-

    Clip of Shane and Kimberly at the Pub

    Announcer: But leaning on somebody else.

    Clip of Shane and Dora having sex in a hotel room.

    Announcer: All the Days of Our Lives is back Monday June 23rd! Be sure not to miss the exictment!

    Announcer: Action!

    Clip of the docks exploding!

    Announcer: Blackmail!

    Nicole: You give me a large amount of money, or I tell the whole world about Brady's bastard child.

    Announcer: And next month, death!

    Clip of somebody holding a gun to someone. The person shoots!

    Announcer: All this and more, on All the Days of Our Lives, only on SONBC!
  13. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Kristen and EJ walk out of Stefano's hospital room. They see Lexie.
    Kristen: Going to say goodbye?
    Lexie: Starting again, Kristen?
    Kristen: He is your father, who loved you so much-
    Lexie: Kristen, just shut up!
    Kristen and EJ leave, and Lexie goes into Stefano's room. She starts crying.

    Belle is sleeping on the couch in Marleana's penthouse. Marleana comes in with pancakes ad coffee. Belle wakes up.
    Belle: Hey mom. Thanks.
    Marleana: How are you?
    Belle: I'm ok.
    Marleana: I"m going to the hospital soon. And your comming with me.
    Belle: Mom!
    Marleana: Do you think I'm leaving you alone here? Don't argue with me.
    Belle: Fine.

    Anna and Jeannie walk into a building. A woman runs to Anna, and hugs her.
    Woman: Anna!
    Anna: Joanne! It's so good to see you! What are you doing here?
    Joanne: I heard you were looking at this builing, and I thought I'd suprise you! Is this Carrie?
    Anna: Oh, no! Carrie's older than her. Thie is my protege, Jeannie; Carrie's cousin actually.
    Joanne: Your very lucky to have Anna as your mentor, Jeannie.
    Jeannie: I know.
    Anna: This girl has some great designs. I'm also bringing in Angela's daughter. The two of them together would be great.
    Joanne: That girl really has a gift.
    Anna: She does.
    Joanne: So, I was thinking that I can help you with your little project.
    Anna: That sounds great! Lets have lunch when were done here.

    Lexie sits next to her father.
    Lexie: You deserve what is going to happen to you Stefano.
    She looks at Stefano as he is unable to respond.
    Marleana walks into the room.
    Marleana: Hi Lexie.
    Lexie: Hey Marleana.
    Marleana: How are you?
    Lexie starts crying, and Marleana hugs her.

    Dora is sitting on a bench at the park. She stares at the snow falling on the ground, until Isabella comes.
    Isabella: Hi Dora.
    Dora: Wow thats the nicest tone you've ever used with me.
    Isabella: I really appreciate what you did. With the will.
    Dora:Ya, well, I didn't do it for you. I did it for my mom. She's been through a lot.
    A tear forms in Dora's eye.
    Isabella: Is there something you want to talk about?
    Dora: We were so happy. My family was happy. My parents actually loved each other. Sure, we had fights, but what family doesn't? We were so happy. Then Stefano had to change everything. He killed my dad. My mom was locked up in the mental hospital. My brother overdosed on something, and died. I can't remember the last time I saw my sister. Wow; everything turned into such a mess.
    Isabella: Dora, if you need somene to talk to, you can come to me.
    Dora: I was never really into talking to people about this stuff.
    Isabella: Whatever you want to do is fine with me; but I really hope that you do come to talk to me.
    She hands her a card.
    Isabella: Here's my card. I have to go now. Bye.

    Anna, Jeannie, and Joanne walk into the Penthouse Grill. They sit at a table, and wait for the waiter.
    Anna: Jeannie, what are you having?
    Jeannie: I'm not sure yet.
    Kate comes to their table.
    Kate: Anna, how great it is to see you here.
    Anna: I was just thinking the same thing!
    Joanne smiles at Kate.
    Anna: Oh, Joanne; this is Kate Roberts. She ran Basic Black, and Mythic Communications. They weren't fashion companies, because as you can see Kate isn't really into fashion.
    Kate: Jeannie, you would do well to steer clear of Ms. Flashy over here.
    Kate leaves.

    Bo, Hope, Marleana, Isabella, Lexie, Roman, Shawn Sr, and Caroline are in a comatose Stefano's room.
    Marleana: This is the end, Stefano. When we leave this room, you will fall to your death.
    Kristen comes in the room.
    Kristen: Ok, you all can leave now!
    Nobody moves.
    Kristen: GET OUT! We are going to say goodbye to our father in a proper way. And I want none of his enemies in his room when he dies!
    Everyone leaves, and Lexie, EJ, and Tony walk in.
    Tony: Bye. Can I leave now?
    Kristen: God Tony your so different from when we were in love.
    Tony: And once again, that was Andre. I was on an island thanks to dear old dad.
    Lexie: Ok lets get this over with.
    Lexie goes to his bedside.
    Lexie: I am so happy you didn't raise me. I'm so happy that in the end of all of this, I am only related to you by genes.
    Lexie leaves the room.
    Tony: Same goes for me, well, execpt we don't share genes. Bye now. See you in- oh nevermind guess your not going there.
    Tony leaves.
    Kristen sits by his bedside.

    Dora is in the DiMera mansion.
    Dora: I want the next flight to Milan, Italy.
    A woman comes in the house.
    Woman: And miss Stefano's will reading?
    Dora turns around.
    Dora: Who are you?
    Susan Banks smiles!

    Kristen and EJ leave Stefano's room. Kristen looks at everyone staring at her.
    Kristen: What the hell are you looking at?
    Dr. Woods goes in Stefano's room, and closes the door. He unplugs Stefano's life support, and his blood pressure starts to go down. Dr. Woods leaves the room, and Stefano flatlines. Marleana comes inside, and sees that Stefano DiMera is dead.
    Marleana: The pheonix does have an end after all.
    She looks at him, and realizes that his eyes are closed.
    Marleana: I'm suprised. They say when you die with your eyes open, you deserve it. Why aren't yours open?
    She closes the light, and leaves the room. The number which indicates the heart rate slowely increases. The line starts going up. Stefano DiMera's eyes widen, and he flatlines once again. The screen fades to black.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Dora, Isabella, Lexie, Tony, EJ, Susan, Bo, Hope, Marleana, Kate, Anna, Adrianna, Kristen, and Roman are in the DiMera mansion living room. A lawyer walks in.
    Lawyer: I assume you all know why your all here.
    Anna: Stefano's will, and all the cash that comes with it.

    Kimberly and Chelsea are sitting at the bar at the Brady Pub.
    Kimberly: Don't think about family now. You need to think about what you want.
  14. Daniel
    Megan Ward In!

    Megan Ward is comming to All the Days of Our Lives as a woman named Joanne, an old friend of Anna's. The role is reccuring right now, and she will be with the show until October. She first airs Wednesday March 5!
  15. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Belle is at Marleana's penthouse.
    Belle: So mom, Eric's comming with the twins?
    Marleana: Yup. God I miss Sami so much.
    Belle: So do I mom. I forgot Claire's bear in the car. I'm going to go get it.
    Marleana: Ok. I'll go check on her.
    Belle goes out the door. She goes into the elevator. Her phone rings, because she has a text message. She opens her phone. Text-"This isn't over bitch" The doors close, and Belle looks scared.

    Kristen gets up, as Lexie comes in the room.
    Lexie: I"m suprised to see you here. I thought you hated him.
    Kristen: He's my father. In the end, I do love him.
    Lexie: This man ruined your life! He turned you from a nice person, into a monster!
    Kristen: Come on Lexie! Tell me you don't feel anything for our father! Tell me that tomorrow when they pull the plug, you won't feel an ounce of sadness.
    Lexie: I'm not here to talk about that.
    Kristen: Then why are you here, Lexie?
    Lexie: To change his water.
    Kristen leaves the room.

    Carly's doorbell rings, and she opens it to see Roman.
    Carly: Hey Roman. Whats up?
    Roman: We need to talk.
    Carly: Come in.
    Roman: This is about the accident.
    Carly: Roman, that wasn't my fault. It was Carlo DiMera's! He's the one that pushed Hope onto the road.
    Roman: We know, and were looking for Carlo; but you were going way over the speed limit.
    Carly: Sorry, we were trying to get away from Scotty, but thats all ok now, and everythings resolved.
    Roman: Carly, you went over the limit. You could have hit another car. They might have to take your license away.
    Carly: What!?! Well at least I'm not going to jail.
    She smiles.
    Carly: You want coffee?
    They go into the kitchen, and Roman sees the package on the floor. He picks it up.

    The elevator stops, and opens to the parking lot. She slowely goes out, and goes to her car. The stalker comes up, and puts his hand around her mouth! Belle tries to yell. She starts crying.
    Stelker: It hurt when you kicked me.
    She gets hger keys, and tries to stab him with them, but he stops her. He laughs.
    Stalker: You won't be that lucky this time.
    Nicole comes out of her car. He takes his hand away from her mouth, and holds her arms.
    Belle: Help! Help me!
    Nicole hears her. Belle yells out in fear! Nicole gets a bat out of her car, and looks around. She sees the stalker trying to strangle Belle! She goes behind him, and hits him on the head with the bat! He falls back.
    Nicole: Belle! Are you ok?
    Belle can't talk. Nicole hugs her. Nicole takes out her phone. The stalker gets up, and Nicole tries to stop him from going, but he pushes her.

    Jeannie is in Tony and Anna's penthouse.
    Jeannie: This place is great!
    Anna: Thanks Jeannie. Lets go in the kitchen, and talk about the company.
    Jeannie: Thats a good idea.
    Anna: So I have an old friend, and she has a daughter, about the same age as you, anyway, her daughter has some great designs. You two together would be great.
    Jeannie: Sounds good. So do you have a place yet?
    Anna: I have an appoitment, to look at a building tomorrow. You want to come with me?
    Jeannie: Sure.

    Roman sees the pictures.
    Roman: Oh my God.
    Carly: Oh, I didn't get a chance to look at that. What is it?
    She comes, and sees the pictures of herself.
    Carly: What the hell are these?
    Roman: Damn it.
    Carly :What?
    Roman: Jeannie got the same thing, only pictures of her. Belle Black got the same thing too, and tonight she was almost strangled to death.
    Carly: Oh my God.
    Roman: Don't worry. Were going to stop him. I'm putting a guard outside your door.
    Carly: Thanks.
    Roman: Don't worry about it, ok?
    Carly: Wheres Jeannie staying?
    Roman: She's with Tony and Anna tonight.

    Nicole gets off the phone with 911.
    Nicole: Are you ok?
    Belle: My neck hurts.
    Nicole: Come on, I'll bring you back up.
    Belle starts crying.
    Belle: He's going to come again! Nicole you have to watch out! He's going to go after you.
    Nicole: Don't worry.
    Eric gets out of his car, with the twins.
    Eric: What happened?
    Nicole: Belle was almost strangled.
    Eric: What? Are you ok?
    Belle: Ya.
    Marleana comes into the parking lot with Claire.
    Marleana: Belle? What happened?
    Nicole: She's ok. Somebody tried to strangle her.
    Marleana: What? Oh my God!
    She hugs her.
    Marleana: Do you know who did this?
    Belle: No mom. Theres a reason I came to stay with you tonight.
    Marleana: What?
    Belle: He tried earlier to kill me.
    Marleana: Oh my God!

    Kristen knocks on the door of the DiMera manson. EJ opens the door.
    Kristen: Just as I suspected.
    She smiles.
    EJ: Come in.
    EJ closes the door, and the screen fades to black.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Bo, Hope, Marleana, Isabella, Lexie, Roman, Shawn Sr, and Caroline are in a comatose Stefano's room.
    Marleana: This is the end, Stefano.

    Anna and Jeannie walk into a building. A woman runs to Anna, and hugs her.
    Woman: Anna!
  16. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Jeannie looks scared, and dials a number. Roman sees the broken glass as he walks by. His phone rings. He goes in the Pub. Jeannie hangs up, and hugs him.
    Jeannie: Uncle Roman! Thank God your here!
    Roman: What's wrong? What happened?
    Jeannie: A guy was knocking on the door, and I told him it was closed. Then he broke the glass, and thre in this box, with these pictures of me!
    She shows him the pictures.
    Roman: What the hell? Who's doing this?
    Jeannie: I don't know.
    Jack and Jennifer walk into the Pub.
    Jennifer: We know who's doing this.

    Frank walks into Chez Rouge, and sits at a table with Kristen.
    Frank: Hello Kristen.
    Kristen: Frank! It's so good to see you.
    Frank: So why did you want to meet me here?
    Kristen: Theres something you need to know; about your identity.
    Frank: What about my identity?
    Kristen: You are not Frank; your EJ.

    Belle is on the phone, walking on the pier.
    Belle: As long as that slut is around you, you won't be around Claire!
    Shawn: How come it's ok for you to be with Philip?
    Belle: I'm not seeing Philip anymore!
    Shawn: Thats what you said before, then you ended up sleeping with him conuntless times!
    Belle: Stop Shawn!
    The stalker comes up behind Belle, and takes out a wire. He puts it around Belle's neck, and starts strangling her!

    Roman: Jack, Jennifer, we closed the case. That guy is in jail!
    Jeannie: And it's not possible that you got the wrong guy? It wouldn't be the first time the police locked up the wrong guy for something.
    Jennifer: Jeannie's right. This is the same thing he was doing to those other girls that he raped and killed, Roman!
    Jack: We need to stop him before he does it again.
    Roman: Fine, but let's get one thing straight. There is no "we". There is the Salem PD. Not you two.
    Jennifer: Thats fine. Right Jack.
    Jack: Of course.
    They smile.
    Roman: Ok, Jeannie Your not staying alone tonight.
    Jeannie: My mom is busy tonight.
    Roman: I know. You can stay with someone else.

    Bo knocks on the door of Billie's apartment. Billie answers, and lets him in. They sit on the couch.
    Bo: Whats wrong?
    Billie: It's over Bo.
    Bo: What do you mean?
    Tears form in Billie's eyes.
    Billie: I had an abortion.
    Bo: What?
    Billie: We can't do this anymore. You have a family. Now I want you to go, and be with them.
    Bo: How can you do this?
    Billie: I'm sorry.
    He gets up, and goes out the door. Billie starts crying, and holds her stomach.

    Frank: What do you mean I'm EJ?
    Kristen: A couple years ago, Stefano wasn't sure if you were going to be helpful to him. So he created another one of you. But once you did prove helpful, he put the clone away, and you went on until you died.
    Frank: You just made no sense.
    Kristen: I arranged for the clone and you to be switched. You were supposed to be my baby. Me and John's baby.
    EJ stand up, and throws his hankierchief on the table.
    EJ: This whole family is crazy! Brainwashing, kidnapping, killing, cloning, and thats just the start of it! I want nothing to do with it!
    He is about to walk away.
    Kristen: I know the special bond you had with father. And now he's going to die. You go now. Do whatever you have to do. But think about never seeing the man you loved so much ever again.
    EJ walks away.

    Belle drops her phone, and tries to stop him. Her faint voice yells for help. The stalker smiles. Belle kicks him in the stomach, and he yells in pain! He loosens his grip, and she gets away from him. She runs.
    Belle: Help me! Help!
    She gets to the Pub, and sees Roman and Jeannie comming out.
    Roman: Belle, what happened?
    Belle: Someone tried to kill me!
    Roman: What?
    Belle: He was on the pier! He was trying to strangle me! I got away. I don't know if he's still there.
    Roman: Don't worry your going to be ok. Look, I'm going to bring you to your mom's, but don't tell her what happened. Ok?

    Kristen walks into a comatose Stefano's hospital room. She just sits down beside him, and doesnt say a word. She puts her head on his shoulder.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Belle gets a text message on her phone. Text-"This isn't over bitch"

    Jeannie is in Tony and Anna's penthouse.
    Jeannie: This place is great!

    Kristen and Lexie are in Stefano's room.
    Kristen: Come on Lexie! Tell me you don't feel anything for our father!
  17. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    The next day...
    Carly is in Alex's hospital room. Scotty comes in.
    Scotty: I'm suprised you called me. How is he?
    Carly: He's fine.
    Scotty: How are you?
    Carly: I'm ok. Look, I didn't only call you here because of Alex. Well it's about Alex, but you know.
    Scotty: What is it Carly?
    Carly: Can we just end all of this? For our son?

    Bo is waiting outside Hope's hospital room. Dr. Woods comes out.
    Dr. Woods: You can go inside now.
    Bo goes inside, and Hope has bruises all over her. Shawn, Chelsea, Doug, and Julie come inside.
    Doug: My little princess.
    Julie: Please tell us the doctor told you differently.
    Tears start to form in Bo's eyes.
    Bo: He didn't. She's going to die tonight.
    Chelsea looks shocked, and Shawn goes to her bedside.

    Stefano is lying in his bed, motionless. Marleana comes in.
    Stefano: What do you want?
    Marleana: Because of you and your stupid plots, one of my best friends is going to die today.
    Stefano: Mabye I'd be able to do something if your son-in-law didn't throw me out of a helicopter.
    Marleana: Oh shut up!
    Stefano: So, who's dieng?
    Marleana: Hope.
    Stefano: What a tradgedy. I'd come to the funeural, but you understand don't you?
    Marleana: I can't wait until you become a vegetable, then Isabella deicdes to kill you.
    Stefano: Why would Isabella have any say?
    Marleana smiles as she gets up.
    Marleana: You two are still married!
    She leaves his room.

    Scotty looks at Alex.
    Carly: I'm willing to give you shared custody of Alex. While lying in that car, I realized that lifes too short to fight over stupid things. Alex needs both his parents.
    Scotty: I agree with you. Can we also try to make us work?
    Carly: I don't know Scotty.
    Scotty: Well, I need to be somewhere now. I'll see you later.
    Carly: Ok.
    He leaves, and Carly smiles at Alex.

    Bo is alone with Hope in her room.
    Hope: Bo.
    Bo: Hope. How are you feeling?
    Hope: Weak. Theres something I need you to know.
    Bo: What?
    Hope: I know about you and Billie. I'm not upset. Please be with her when I"m gone.
    Bo: Hope I'm so sorry.
    Hope: Shh. Call everyone in. I don't think theres much time left.
    Bo goes outside her room.
    Bo: She wants everyone to come in.
    Marleana, Chelsea, Shawn, Doug, Julie, and Ciara come in.

    Stephanie is in the hospital. She walks into Gina's room.
    Stephanie: Aunt Hope?
    She looks around.
    Stephanie: Oh.
    She is about to leave, but Gina wakes up.
    Gina: Stephanie!
    Stephanie: What?
    Gina: I'm not Gina.
    Stephanie: What?
    Gina: I'm Hope. They switched us. Please tell everyone!
    Stephanie: I'll be right back!
    Stephanie opens the door, and Carlo is in the doorway.
    Carlo: Going somewhere?

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Jeannie and Stephanie are tied together to two chairs.
    Jeannie: Go in my pocket; theres a lighter.

    Isabella, Adrianna, and Dora are in the DiMera manison.
    Isabella: Well, I'm going to make sure that the source of this is cut off.
  18. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Kate is in here apartment, sitting on the couch, reading a book. The phoe rings.
    Kate: Hello.
    Man: Katherine! It's so good to hear your voice!
    Kate: Ya. Who is this?
    Man: Franco!
    Kate: Oh. Hi.
    Franco: Did you find anyone for that job yet?
    Kate: My grandaughter is thinking about it.
    Franco: Ok. Call me when you have an answer. Bye.
    Kate hangs up.
    Kate: Who the hell is up at this time?
    Her doorbell rings.

    Carly looks at Jeannie's phone.
    Carly: It's charged!
    She calls 911.
    Carly: Hi, I just got in an accident. I'm on route 66. My car went into a ditch, and I accidently hit somebody.
    Operator: Is anybody hurt?
    Carly: We just have some scratches, but were ok.
    Operatior: Ok I'm sending someone there right now.
    Carly: Thanks.
    Carly dials another number.

    Kimberly is eating some chowder.
    Bo: She's fine Kim.
    Kimberly's phone rings. She answers it.
    Kimberly: Hello.
    Carly: Hey it's me. There was an accident.
    Kimberly: An accident! What happened?!
    Carly: A woman darted into the road, and we hit her, and the car spun and we went into a ditch.
    Kimberly: Oh my God! Oh my God! Is everyone ok?
    Carly: Ya, everyone's fine. Ok, I'll call you later. We will be at the hospital soon. Bye.
    Kimberly: Bye.
    Bo: What happened?
    Kimberly: A woman ran out on the road, and Carly hit her accidently! Then her car went into a ditch!
    Bo: They're ok right?
    Kimberly: Ya.
    Bo: Ok, then calm down.

    Gina is on the phone with Carlo.
    Gina: Make sure that she isn't found!
    Carlo: I'm there right now, but she isn't here anymore.
    Gina: Damn it!

    Kate opens her door, and Martha comes in with Chineese food.
    Martha: You still like Chineese don't you?
    Kate: What are you doing here? Do you not sleep?
    Martha: I could ask you the same thing.
    Kate: Well, I"m hungry, so we might as well eat.
    They sit at the table, and start eating.
    Martha: So you still like that cop?
    Kate: What?
    Martha: That cop you were married to.
    Kate: I don't know what your talking about.
    Martha: Come on! I see your eyes every time he's around you!
    Kate: Shut up, Martha.

    A couple cops come to Carly's car.
    Carly: Oh, thank God.
    They take the door off, and get Jeannie and Carly out of the car. A cop hands Alex to Carly.
    Carly: Thank god your ok!
    She kisses him.
    Cop: I have to talk to you for a minute.
    Carly: Sure.
    Cop: My men searched the whole area, and we didn't find anyone on the road, or anywhere near.
    Carly: What? I hit someone! I know it.
    Cop: Are you sure?
    Carly: Ya my sister was in the car with me, and she saw her too.
    Cop: We didn't find anybody.
    Carly: Well, you need to look harder! There is a poor woman lying somewhere, probaly bleeding to death!

    Kate drinks some of her water.
    Martha: Come on. You want him don't you?
    Kate: yes! Yes! I love Roman Brady! Happy?
    Martha: Yes, actually. Now I'm going to help you get him.

    Bo, Kimberly, and Andrew walk into the hospital.
    Kimberly: Where are they?
    Bo: Calm down, they'll be here soon.
    The hospital doors open, and Hope is brought in on a stretcher!
    Kimberly: Oh my God.
    Carly, Jeannie, and Alex come after her.
    Kimberly: Are you guys ok!?!
    She hugs them
    Jeannie: Ya, but why was Hope on the road?
    The elevator doors open, and Gina comes out! Bo looks at her, and Gina knows that he knows. She quickly pushes the elevator button.
    Bo: Wait! Your not going anywhere!
    The doors open, and there is no elevator! Gina runs in, and falls down the elevator shaft! Bo rushes over there, and hears Gina yelling!

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Scotty is in Alex's hospital room with Carly.
    Carly: Can we just end all of this. For our son?

    Bo walks into Hope's hospital room.
    Bo: I love you Fancy Face.
    Hope: I love you Bo
  19. Daniel
    Jennifer Bransford Out; Sarah Brown In!

    The role of Dora DiMarino has been recast! The role goes from Jennifer Bransford to Sarah Brown! Sarah Browns first airdate as Dora DiMarino is Wednesday March 5! She has a 6 month contract with the show, and will be extended if the show decides the character is needed!
  20. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    The next night...
    Anna and Tony are sitting at the Pub. Anna drinks some of her water.
    Tony: So you want to go see that show tonight?
    Anna: I'm not sure, Tony. I'm tired today.
    Jeannie comes with a pen and a pad.
    Jeannie: Hey Tony, hey Anna. What can I get you guys?
    Anna: You work here now?
    Jeannie: No, I'm just helping my grandparents. They're really busy, and are going hrough a lot.
    Anna: Thats so sweet of you. Umm... I'll have a club sandwich.
    Tony: I'll have the same.
    Jeannie goes to the kitchen.

    Bo walks into Hope's room. He sits beside her bed, and kisses her hand.
    Bo: Please wake up, Fancy Face. I was going to bring Ciara, but she's sick. She probaly misses her mommy.
    Hope's head starts to move. Bo looks in shock.
    Bo: Hope?
    Hope's eyes open.
    Hope: What happened?
    Bo: Don't worry. Your ok.
    Hope: Carlo. Gina. They-
    Bo: It's ok Hope. Gina's dead. She's not going to hurt us again.

    Carly is in her apartment. She goes to the kitchen where Scotty and Alex are sitting.
    Scotty: Are you sure your ok with this?
    Carly: What?
    Scotty: Me being around you and Alex.
    Carly: It's fine. He's your son. I want you to be a part of his life. You want some french toast?
    Scotty: It's dinner Carly, and are you sure you can make it?
    Carly: Shut up! I've learned a lot while I was pregnant.
    They laugh, and she gets some eggs out of the fridge.

    Tony: So, any new ideas lately?
    Anna: Actually, I've deicided to open a company; Anna DiMera House of Fashion!
    Tony: Are you serious?
    Anna: Whats the problem?
    Tony: You? A company?
    Anna: Again, whats the problem? I ran a company before.
    Tony: Let's not get into that.
    Jeannie comes and brings their food.
    Anna: Jeannie, do you think I could run a company?
    Jeannie: If I say yes, would you give me a job?
    Anna: Be serious.
    Jeannie: No really, I have some designs.
    Jeannie goes behind the bar, and gets a notbook.

    Hope tries to sit up.
    Hope: Bo, I want to go home.
    Bo: Your not strong enough yet. Don't worry. Your going to go home soon Fancy Face.
    Hope: I miss Ciara so much.
    Bo: Your going to see her soon. I have some good news.
    Hope: What?
    Bo: Stefano is going to die. For good this time. Soon, he will be taken off of life support.

    Carly is watching TV on the couch. She looks at Alex sleeping in the playpen, and smiles. There is a knock on the door. Carly goes to get it. She opens the door, and sees that nobody is there.
    Carly: Hello?
    She is about to close the door when she sees a package on the floor.

    Anna is flipping through Jeannie's book.
    Anna: Jeannie, these designs look great!
    Jeannie: Thanks!
    Anna: give me your number, when I get the company started up, I'll call you.
    Tony: Anna, come on!
    Anna: What is your problem, Tony? I'm a woman, and I should sit home and knit?
    Jeannie: Ya Tony, what is your problem?
    Tony: Your going to start this company, then a month later your going to get bore dwith it, and hire someone else to take care of it.
    Anna: Thanks for believing in me Tony!
    Anna gets up.
    Anna: I'm sick of you always putting me down!
    She turns to leave. She turns back, and gets her purse.
    Anna: I'll call you, Jeannie.
    She leaves and Jeannie smiles.

    Lexie is in Hope's hospital room.
    Lexie: Well, Hope. Ecerything seems to be ok. I'm sure that you can leave tomorrow.
    Hope: Please! I can't spend another night in here!
    Lexie: Sorry.
    Bo: Don't worry Fancy Face, I'll spend it with you.
    Lexie and Hope talk, and Bo getsd a text message on his phone. It's from Billie. It says "We need to talk. Come to my apartment."
    Bo: Hope, I'll be right back.
    Hope: Ok.

    Jeannie locks the door of the Pub, and turns the sign to "Closed". She goes to the counter, and pours herself a drink. There is a knock on the door.
    Jeannie: Were closed. Sorry.
    He knocks louder.
    Jeannie: Were closed!
    She goes to the door, and he breaks the glass! Jeannie yells! He throws a package in, and runs.

    Carly closes the door, and opens the package. Alex starts crying. She puts the package on the edge of the table, and she goes to him. The package falls, and pictures of Carly fall out. There are pictures of her at home, and out. She picks up Alex, and goes in her bed with him.

    Jeannie looks at the pictures of herself in horror. She gets out her cell phone, as the stalker watches her.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Belle is walking on the pier. Somebody comes behind her, and strangles her!

    Bo is in Billie's apartment.
    Billie: It's over Bo.
    Bo: What do you mean?
    Tears form in Billie's eyes.
    Billie: I had an abortion.

    Kristen and Frank are at Chez Rouge.
    Frank: So why did you want to meet me here?
    Kristen: Theres something you need to know; about your identity.
  21. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Stephanie wakes up, tied to a chair. She realizes someone is tied to the other side, on another side.
    Jeannie: Are you up yet? Finally.
    Stephanie: Jeannie?
    Jeannie: Ya. They put us ere because we found out about Gina.
    Stephanie: I kinda figured that.
    Jeannie: Ok, we have to figure out a way out of here.

    Isabella and Adrianna are standing in the DiMera mansion.
    Isabella: Adrianna, I'm not going to let you embrace this DiMera lifestyle!
    Adrianna: Why not? I'm a DiMera, aren't I?
    Isabella: Well, I'm going to make sure that the source of this is cut off.
    Dora walks into the living room.
    Dora: Don't be so sure.

    Kimberly and Roman are in the Pub.
    Roman: When was the last time you saw them?
    Kimberly: At the hospital. I looked for them all over the hospital before they left, but they werent there. I went home, and they werent there. Roman, I'm scared.
    Roman: Don't worry, we'll find them.
    Kimberly: Where the hell are Steve and Kayla!?! And why aren't they answering their phones?
    Roman: Were on that too. Don't worry.

    Stephanie: Oh God. It's cold in here.
    Jeannie: I have an idea! Go in my pocket; theres a lighter.
    Stephanie: Why is there a lighter in your pocket?
    Jeannie: Who cares? Just get it!
    Stephanie: Which pocket?
    Jeannie: Right.
    Stephanie goes into her pocket, and gets the lighter. She gives it to Jeannie.
    Stephanie: What are you going to do with it?
    Jeannie sets the rope on fire.

    Isabella: You have no claims to his life, Dora. You either Adrianna, so both of you get out, before the lawyer comes!
    Dora: Oh please! I'll decide whats best for him!
    Adrianna: I'm his daughter!
    Isabella: I'm his wife!
    Dora: I'm in his will!
    Kristen DiMera walks into the mansion.
    Kristen: Actually, I have his revised will, and none of you are in it.

    Kimberly and Caroline are sitting in a booth at the Pub.
    Kimberly: So when should we have the funeural for Hope?
    Caroline: A couple days? Oh God. This family has been through so much. We just lost Sami, and now we loose Hope. Steve and Kayla are missing, Jeannie and Stephanie are missing! This family is falling apart!
    Kimberly: Don't worry mom. It's all going to be ok.
    Kimberly hugs her.

    Jeannie and Stephanie get up.
    Jeannie: Ok, lets get out of here.
    She sees a bat lying aganinst a wall, and grabs it. The door opens, and a man come in!
    Man: Hey!
    Jeannie hits him over the head with the bat!
    Stephanie: Come on, lets go!
    They open a door, and realize they are on a boat!
    Jeannie: Crap! Are we sailing?
    Stephanie: I don't think so. Lets go to that guy, and see if he has a phone.
    Jeannie: Good idea.

    Dora: Kristen?
    Kristen: Thats right. I'm making sure that Stefano is never going to wake up, and he is going to suffer for the rest of his life!
    Isabella: Come on! We all want the same thing, well in different ways. Well, execpt for Adrianna. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, lets just end his life! Please!
    Dora: No! I want that bastard to suffer!
    Isabella: Id your mother still alive?
    Dora: Ya, what is it to you?
    Isabella: So what if Stefano ends up waking up? Then he will take revenge on you, and your whole family! Even though you two are family. Please, lets just do what is right.
    Adrianna: Were not killing him!
    Kristen: Shut up! You have no say in this!
    Isabella: Don't talk to my daughter like that!
    Dora: All of you stop! Kristen, has the will been brought to anyone yet?
    Kristen: No.
    Dora grabs it, and throws it in the fireplace!
    Dora: Hope you made an extra copy!
    Kristen: No! You bitch!
    Isabella looks at Dora in shock. Dora looks at Isabella. She takes her coat and leaves.

    Kimberly's phone rings. She answers it quickly!
    Kimberly: Hello! Jeannie?
    Jeannie: It's me mom.
    Kim: What the hell happened?
    Jeannie: We were kidnapped, and but on a boat, but were off now. Were on the docks. We'll be at the Pub soon.
    Kim: Thank God!
    Jeannie: This phone is going to die, so we'll talk when we get there.
    Kim: Thank God you two are alright!

    Jeannie throws the phone in the water. A man in a black cloak is watching Jeannie and Stephanie. We only see his mouth, and he smiles.

    Jeannie and Stephanie arrive at the Pub. Kim and Caroline get up, and hug them tight.
    Caroline: Thank God you guys are ok!
    Jeannie: Look, theres something you all need to know.
    Caroline: It can wait. You two need to eat!
    Stephanie: No! It can't. It's about Hope.
    Bo walks in the Pub.
    Kim: Steph, not now.
    Stephanie: She's alive! It was really Gina that died!
    Bo looks shocked.
    Bo: What?
    Jeannie and Stephanie turn around.
    Jeannie: We'll tell you everything.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Bo is in Hope's room.
    Bo: Please wake up.

    Anna and Tony are at the Pub.
    Anna: I've deicided to open a company; Anna DiMera House of Fashion!
    Tony: Are you serious?
  22. Daniel
    Preemption Notice

    Due to a trip I have planned, "All the Days of Our Lives" will not air from Thursday March 6, and it will return on March 17

    Casting Updates:

    Joseph Mascolo's last airdate has been changed to Wednesday March 5, while Rachel Melvin's has changed to March 21.
  23. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Carly's damaged car lies in the ditch. Inside, Carly starts to move. Her head is bleeding. She starts waking up. She looks around. She touches her head, and realizes what happened. Alex starts crying, and she realizes who is in the backseat. She looks back.
    Carly: It's ok honey. Were going to get out. Jeannie. Jeannie, wake up.
    Jeannie lies there, unconcious.
    Carly turns back around, and tries to take off her seatbelt, but it is stuck.
    Carly: Crap. Come on.
    She tries to get it off, but she can't. She turns around, and tries to hold Alex, but it is too tight.

    Bo walks into the Pub, and sits with Andrew and Kimberly.
    Bo: Whats wrong Kim?
    Kimberly: Carly, Jeannie, and Alex left town a while ago. I told them to call me. I"m worried. She hasn't called yet.
    Bo: Why did they leave town?
    Kim: So Scotty wouldn't have a chance to bring up a lawsuite
    Bo: But doesnt she know she would win? Theres no way in hell he would get custody of Alex!
    Kim: I know, but she said he had some papers, and she said he would get custody.

    Carlo opens the door of the cabin. He is holding his stomach in pain. He takes his phone out, and dials a number.
    Carlo: Gina!
    Gina: What?
    Carlo: There was an accident.
    Gina: What happened?
    Carlo: Hope got hit by a car.
    Gina: What do you mean she got hit by a car! How did she even get out of the cabin?
    Carlo: Who cares how she got out? What do I do?
    Gina: Where is she?
    Carlo: She's on the roadside.
    Gina: Where are you?
    Carlo: At the cabin.
    Gina: What!

    Alex starts crying louder.
    Carly: Shh honey.
    She turns the radio on to calm him down. She looks for her phone, and sees that it is on the floor of the passenger side. She tries to get it but the seatbelt is too tight. Jeannie starts to move her head.
    Carly: Jeannie! Jeannie wake up!
    Jeannie: What happened?
    Carly: The car went into a ditch. Are you ok?
    Jeannie: I think so.
    She tries to move, but the seatbelt is too tight.
    Jeannie: I can't move too good.
    Carly: It's ok. Were gonna get out. Do you have your cell phone?
    Jeannie: Ya.
    She goes in her purse, and gets it out.
    Jeannie: Crap. It's dead.

    Bo: Did you try calling her?
    Kimberly: I called both of them. Carly's kept ringing, and Jeannie's went straight to voicemail.
    Bo: Ok, it doesnt mean something is wrong.
    Kimberly: I know, but I feel something is wrong.
    Bo: Don't worry. They'll call, and everything will be fine. Why are you still up anyway? It's almost 2:00 am!
    Kimberly: I'm waiting for her to call me. And Pop wasn't feeling that good, so I offered to stay with mom.

    Carly tries to honk her horn, but it is broken.
    Carly: Oh God. I hope that woman is ok.
    Jeannie: What the hell was she doing on the road in the middle of the night?
    Carly: I don't know. Hold on a minute. You brought your charger right?
    Jeannie: Ya. Let me see if its in one of these bags.
    She opens a small bag, and looks through it. She takes out her charger.
    Jeannie: Here.
    Carly takes it, and plugs it into the socket. She gets Jeannie's phone, and starts charging it.

    Hope is lying motionless on the roadside. There is blood all over her, and she is all wet from the rain. Her hand starts to move a bit.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Kimberly's phone rings.
    Kimberly: Hello.
    Carly: Hey it's me. There was an accident.

    Gina is on the phone with Carlo.
    Gina: Make sure that she isn't found!

    Kate is in her apartment. The doorbell rings, and Martha comes in with Chineese food.
    Martha: You still like Chineese don't you?
  24. Daniel
    Announcer: On All the Day's of Our Lives, a tragic death rocks Salem.

    Clip of Hope dying in the hospital.

    Announcer: But is it Hope?

    Gin(in her head): I'll die knowing these two will never be together!

    Announcer: Meanwhile, the DiMera women finally decide on who gets control of Stefano!

    Clip of Adrianna, Isabella, Kristen, and Dora.

    Announcer: Plus, two Brady women are kidnapped!

    Clip of Jeannie and Stephanie tied to two chairs, tied together.

    Stephanie: We have to get out of this!

    Announcer: And next week, evil takes it's last breath.

    Clip of Stefano alone in his hospital room. The heart monitor starts beeping.

    Announcer: All this and more on All the Days of Our Lives, only on SONBC!
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