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Blog Entries posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Everybody is sitting in the church, for Carly and EJ's wedding. Stefano smiles at EJ. Jeannie looks oddly at Carly.
    Jeannie: I thought you decided to do your hair curly.
    Carly: I changed my mind.
    Belle looks at Sami.
    Belle: What's wrong?
    Sami: EJ and I had a talk before the wedding. This is what he really wants and I'm happy for him.
    Belle: Is that the truth?
    Sami wipes her tears.

    Outiside, in a car, a blonde woman wipes her tears. The woman in the drivers seat holds a gun at her. Amanda wipes a tear.
    Amanda: I'm sorry.

    In the Church, Carly and EJ smile.
    Father Jansen: Do you Elvis take Caroline to be your wife?
    EJ: I do.
    Father: Do you Caroline take Elvis to be your husband?
    Carly smiles.
    Carly: I do.
    Father Jansen: Then by the power vested in me, I proununce you Mr. and Mrs. Elvis DiMera. You may now kiss the bride.
    EJ kisses Carly.
    Everybody gets up, and claps.

    Amanda injects a syringe into the blone woman's neck. She falls back. EJ and Carly come out of the church.
    Amanda: I'm sorry, Carly.
    A paraylzed Carly looks out the window, and watches her imposter and EJ kiss. Carly struggles to look at Amanda.
    Carly: Don't.
    Amanda leaves the car.

    Kimberly hugs EJ and Carly.
    Kimberly: Congraulations.
    Stefano comes. He hugs EJ and Carly.
    Stefano: Congraulations. I hope you two have a long and happy marriage.
    Carly: Thank you, Stefano.
    A sniper comes out of a window of a black limo. Amanda holds her gun at EJ. The sniper shoots!
    Kimberly: Oh my God!
    Blood pours out of Catly's stomach. Amanda looks shocked, realizing it wasn't her that shot. Bo takes out his gun, and looks around. Carly falls to the ground.
    EJ: Carly!
    EJ bends down to Carly.
    Carly: I'm sorry.
    Stefano looks at her, confused. Bo sees the sniper going back into the black limo. Bo goes after it, but the limo drives away.
    Jeannie: I got the license plate!
    Bo: Ok, everybody go back inside the church!
    Kimberly: I'm staying with Carly!
    EJ: Somebody call 911!

    Amanda drives off, with the real Carly in the passanger seat.
    Carly: Amanda, please.
    Amanda continues driving.

    Nicole puts some papers in a binder at the nurses station. Mike and Kayla rush in, putting on their lab coats.
    Nicole: What's going on?
    Carly is brought into the hospital on a stretcher. EJ, Kimberly, and Jeannie follow.
    Nicole: Oh my God.
    Sami, Will, Belle, Carrie, Eric, and Marleana come into the hospital.
    EJ: She's pregnant! She's pregnant!
    Diane walks into the hospital.
    Diane: EJ, we need you to wait here.
    EJ: I'm going with her!
    Diane: EJ, we can't let you come in. Please for Carly's own good, stay out here.
    Diane, Mike, and Kayla go with Carly into a room.
    Kimberly: EJ, did you say she's pregnant?
    EJ: Yes.

    Shawn and Caroline walk into the Pub with Johnny and Alexis.
    Shawn: I can't believe this happened!
    Caroline: Who do you think did this?
    Stefano walks into the Pub.
    Stefano: Surley, you don't think I had anything to do with it.
    Caroline: What are you doing here?
    Ciara comes down the stairs of the Pub.
    Ciara: Grandma, what's wrong?
    Caroline: Carly was shot after the wedding.
    Ciara: Oh my God! Is she ok?
    Shawn: She's in the hospital now.
    Ciara looks at Stefano.
    Stefano: Wow, Shawn, you have all the young Brady's trained well.
    Ciara: Don't worry, I made up my own mind about you. Now leave my grandparents, or I'll call the cops.

    The black limo that was at the wedding stops at a warehouse. Valeri gets out of the limo! She goes to the door, and unlocks it. Stefano grabs her arm.
    Valeri: Father! What are you doing here?
    Stefano: The next time you decide to shoot my son's bride, you inform me!
    Valeri: What the hell is your problem? You werent so keen on her!
    Stefano: Carly is pregnant.
    Valeri: What? Hold on a minute. You don't sound too dissapointed that one of your heirs was killed.
    Stefano: Because one my heirs wasn't killed.
    Valeri: What are you talking about?
    Stefano: We'll discuss it inside.

    Jeannie, Kimberly, and EJ are in the hospital waiting room. Mike comes out of a room.
    Kimberly: How was the surgery.
    Mike: We removed the bullet.
    EJ: Thank God. Is she awake?
    Mike: Not yet, but she should be in a couple minutes.
    EJ: What about the baby?
    Mike: I'm so sorry. Diane checked her uterus before surgery, and there was no fetus.
    Kimberly starts crying. Kimberly hugs EJ.
    Kimberly: I'm so sorry.

    Sami gets a drink at the vending machine. Ciara comes out of the elevator.
    Ciara: Sami!
    Sami: Hey Ciara.
    Ciara: How's Carly?
    Sami: I don't know. I haven't heard anything.
    Ciara: Do you know where my mom and dad are?
    Sami: Your dad and Abe are still at the church. How are you feeling?
    Ciara: A bit better than before.
    Sami: Good.
    Ciara: Stefano showed up at the Pub.
    Sami: Oh God. What the hell did he want?
    Ciara: He was trying to assure grandma and grandpa that he had nothing to do with the shooting.

    Stefano and Valeri are in the warehouse.
    Valeri: So you had Carly doubled? Why the hell would you do that?
    Stefano: I already had my suspicions that Carly was pregnant, so I decided to take the liberty of doubling her, and hiding her. When the time is right, this imposter "Carly" will be killed, and everybody will think Carly is gone.
    Valeri: And what is the point of all this?
    Stefano: So then Elvis will be free to be with Samantha.
    Valeri laughs.
    Valeri: If it takes a death to bring two people together-
    Stefano: Oh, theres more.
    Valeri: Oh, and what's that?
    Stefano: If all goes according to plan, in the comming year, Samantha will give birth to Elvis' child.
    Valeri looks at him, shocked.

    EJ is in "Carly"'s room.
    EJ: Carly, I'm so sorry this happened.
    She starts to wake up.
    "Carly": EJ, it's not your fault.
    EJ: I'm going to find whoever did this, and they are going to pay, Carly. I swear they will.

    Ciara unlocks the door to the Pub, and sees Stefano sitting at the bar.
    Ciara: Can I help you with something?
    Stefano: Yes, I would like to see my grandson.
    Ciara laughs.
    Ciara: Go ask Sami. He's her kid! I do not have time for this!
    He grabs her by the arm.
    Stefano: You listen to me, young lady.
    Ciara: Let go of me.
    Bo walks in.
    Bo: Let go of my daughter!
    Stefano lets go of her.
    Stefano: Detective, did you figure out who put a bullet in my daughter-in-law?
    Bo: Yes, actually. Where is your daughter, Valeri?
    Stefano stares at him, blankly.

    Valeri is sitting on a plane. A woman sits beside her.
    Woman: Hello.
    She smiles.
    Valeri: Hello.
    Woman: Do planes make you nervous?
    Valeri: I've been on a lot, I'm used to them.
    Woman: Well, this is going to be like no flight you've ever had.
    Valeri looks at her strangely.
  2. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Sami and EJ are in Sami's bedroom, making love.
    EJ: I only want you, Samantha.
    Johnny comes in.

    Johnny: Mommy, wake up!

    Sami wakes up from her dream, and Johnny jumps on her bed.

    Sami: Good morning sweetie. Where's Alexis?

    Johnny: Aunt Carrie is helping her get ready.

    Sami: Oh, the wedding. That's today. Is your aunt, Belle here yet?

    Johnny: No.

    Sami: Ok, lets get ready.

    They get out of the bed.

    Jeannie is sitting in the DiMera mansion living room. EJ comes in.

    EJ: Jeannie, what's wrong?

    Jeannie: Only a national emergency! You didn't get the right tie!

    She hands him a tie.

    Jeannie: Well, don't just stand there! Go get ready!

    EJ goes upstairs, and Jeannie goes into the foyer, ready to leave. Stefano comes down the stairs.

    Stefano: Why hello, Jeannie Dovonan. I don't think we've been formally inroduced, I'm Stefano DiMera.

    Jeannie: I know who you are, and quite frankly, I'm not a fan.

    Stefano: Well, I see the Bradys have you trained.

    Jeannie: Toodles!

    She leaves.

    Carly is in the bridal room at St. Luke's Church. She is on the phone.
    Carly: Jeannie, where are you and my dress?
    Jeannie: I'm on my way!
    Carly holds her stomach.
    Carly: Today's the big day.
    Kimberly walks in with Alex.
    Alex: Hi mommy!
    Kimberly: Do you have a stomachahe, honey?
    Carly: No, no, I'm fine.
    She smiles.

    Nicole is at the hospital in the nurses station. Diane comes to the station.
    Diane: Well, I'm gone for the day.
    Nicole: Going to the wedding?
    Diane: Yup.
    Nicole: Wish I could see my enemy get married.
    Diane: Oh come on, Nicole. Be nice.
    Nicole: Have fun. Oh, and take a video for me just incase theres fireworks again.
    Diane laughs.
    Diane: See you later.
    Diane leaves. Nicole leaves the station and goes into a room.
    Nicole: I think somebody owes my a thank-you.
    Kate looks at her, and rolls her eyes.

    EJ is in a limo with Tony.
    Tony: Well, Elvis, are you ready for the big day?
    EJ: Ready as I'll ever be.
    The limo door opens, and Stefano comes in.
    Stefano: You werent going to leave without me, were you?
    EJ: Father, please do not start anything today.

    Will, Sami, Carrie, Belle, and the twins are in Will's van driving to the church. A woman runs past Will's car, and Will hits her slightly.
    Sami: What kind of moron is she!
    Sami gets out of the van.
    Sami: What the hell is wrong with you?
    Kristen looks at her. Will and Carrie get out of the van.
    Sami: Oh God, she escaped from the crazy hospital.
    Kristen: I did not escape from the crazy hosital! I'm going to my brother's wedding! You wouldn't mind giving me a ride, would you?
    Valeri stops her car next to them. She gets out.
    Valeri: Kristen, what the hells going on?
    Kristen: Oh thank God! I need a ride to the church!
    Valeri: Get in.
    Will, Carrie, and Sami go back into the van.
    Sami: What a nutjob.

    Carly is in the bridal room, with her wedding dress on. There is a knock on the door.
    Carly: Come in.
    Stefano walks in.
    Carly: What the hell are you doing here?
    Stefano: It's my son's wedding. I don't like your attitude, Caroline.
    Carly holds her stomach as it starts to hurt.
    Stefano: Are you ok there?
    Carly: I'm fine.
    Stefano comes closer to her.
    Stefano: You shouldn't lie to me.
    He looks at her, and she realizes he knows.
    Carly: I'm pregnant, Stefano.
    Stefano looks at her, and smiles. Jeannie comes in.
    Jeannie: Are you-
    She realizes Stefano is in the room.
    Jeannie: What are you doing in here?
    Stefano: I'll leave you to your made of honour duties.

    Jack, Jennifer, and J.J. sit next to Bo, Hope and Ciara in the pew at St. Luke's Church.
    Jennifer: Is Stefano comming to the wedding.
    Hope: I hope not.
    Stefano walks by them, and sits in the front pew.
    Jack: You spoke too soon.
    Jeannie comes to their pew.
    Jeannie: You guys haven't seen EJ, have you?
    Bo: No, we haven't.
    Jeannie: Crap.
    She goes to Stefano.
    Jeannie: Where's your son?
    Stefano: I haven't seen him since we got out of the limo.
    Kristen, Valeri, Carrie, Will, Johnny, Alexis, Belle, Mike and Diane walk into the church.
    Will: This should be intresting.
    Belle: Where did Sami go?
    Carrie: I think she said she forgot something in the van.
    Valeri and Kristen sit in a pew.
    Kristen: If we were a normal family, we would be with Carly in the bridal room right now.
    Valeri: If is the key word.
    Dora walks in the church. She sits next to Stefano.
    Dora: Hello, uncle!
    Stefano: Where have you been?
    Dora: In Milan. In case you forgot, your sister is in the hospital.
    Stefano: Oh Lord, do not start this.

    Jeannie is outside. She is looking around. Steve and Kayla comes to the church.
    Steve: What's wrong, Jeannie?
    Jeannie: I can't find EJ! Where the hell is he?

    Sami and EJ are standing in the cemetary of the church.
    EJ: What is it you have to talk to me about, Samantha?
    Sami: EJ, remember that night when I brought you home from the Cheatin' Heart, and you were drunk.
    EJ: Sort of. Why?
    Sami: Do you remember what happened that night?
    Sami flashes back to her and EJ having sex.
    EJ: No. What happened?
    Sami: Ok, good. Maybe it's better you don't remember.
    EJ: Samantha, what happened?
    Jeannie listens to their conversation.

    Nicole tucks Kate into her bed.
    Kate: Stop it!
    Nicole: I still didn't hear a thank-you!
    Kate: For what, exactly? For asking me over and over again if I was ok instead of calling 911.
    Nicole: You know what, Kate? I could have left as soon as I heard the gunshot! But I didn't! I actually ran to you, and checked if you were ok! So I think that you can be a bit nicer!
    Kate: Thank you, Nicole for making sure I was ok, and calling 911.
    Nicole: Good, because theres something else I did.
    Kate: What?
    Nicole: I called Lucas.
    Kate: You called Lucas?
    Nicole: Philip is out of town on a business trip, but I'll inform him ask soon as he gets here.
    Kate: Nicole, what has happened to you?
    Nicole: Sorry?
    Kate: You are acting like you actually have a heart.
    Nicole: I know, it's so hard to believe.
    Kate: Well, I hope your not too soft.
    Nicole: Why?
    Kate: Because I can use your help.
    Nicole: With what?
    Kate: Bringing down Sami Brady.
    Nicole smiles.

    EJ walks back into the church, and is shocked by what Sami just told him. Jeannie follows, and looks confused. Father. Jansen stops Jeannie and EJ. Valeri leaves the church.
    Father. Jansen: You guys are late! The wedding needs to start now!
    Jeannie: Sorry Father.
    EJ: We'll start.

    Sami sits in the pew with Will, Belle, Carrie, Eric, Johnny, and Alexis.
    Sami: Eric, when did you get here?
    Eric: While you were outside.
    Sami: Oh.
    They stop talking as the wedding starts. Jeannie walks down the aisle. Carly comes to the doors, and everybody gets up. She smiles. She looks at her arm, and she rubs a scar. She walks down the aisle, and her and EJ join hands at the altar.
    Father Jansen: We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Elvis Junior DiMera and Caroline Colson.
    Everyone smiles, and Sami smirks. Will nudges her. EJ mouths to Calry "I love you" She mouths it back.

    Outside the church, in a car, we see the back of a blonde woman's head. She wipes her tears.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Amanda is in the car with the blonde woman, holding a gun at her.
    Amanda: I'm sorry, I didn't want to do this.
    They see EJ and Carly walk out of the church, happily.
  3. Daniel
    Announcer: This week, two people finally tie the knot!

    Clip of Carly and EJ at the altar of the church.

    Announcer: But where there's DiMera, theres a twist!

    Clip of everybody outside the church. A gun pops out of the window of a limo, and starts shooting! Carly falls to the ground.

    Announcer: But thats not the only twist!

    Clip of Valeri and Stefano in a warehouse.

    Valeri: You did what?

    Clip of Amanda in a car, holding a gun at Carly, who is in the passanger seat!

    Announcer: And this November, Salem

    Clip of Sami, EJ, Carly, Belle, Shawn, Nicole, Bo, Hope, Jeannie, Kimberly, Stefano, Valeri, Dora, and Adrianna.

    Announcer: Will be rocked! All this and more only on All the Days of Our Lives, only on SONBC!
  4. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives: 129 Mon 14
    Carly and Amanda are sitting at a table at Chez Rouge.
    Carly: Is she always this late?
    A woman comes to the table.
    Woman: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
    She extends her hand to Carly.
    Woman: Alexandra Jones.
    Carly shakes her hand.
    Carly: Carly Colson.
    Alexandra: Nice to meet you.
    Alexandra hugs Amanda.
    Alexandra: How are you sweetie?
    Amanda: I'm good. You?
    Alexandra: Never been better. Italy was wonderful. Anyway, what seems to be the problem, Ms. Colson?

    Kayla and Jennifer are in Kayla's office.
    Kayla: Jenn, I looked at your mamogram, and it appears that you could have breast cancer.
    Tears form in Jennifer's eyes.
    Kayla: Jenn, your going to be ok. It is very possible that it can be a false positive.
    Jennifer: What are the chances of that?
    Kayla: About 7%.
    Jennifer: Well, that doesn't give me much hope.
    Kayla: I still want to do a biopsy.
    Jennifer: Kayla, I might be pregnant.

    Sami opens the door to EJ's room, and he stumbles in.
    Sami: Good thing I got you out of The Cheatin' Heart before you made a mistake.
    EJ: I could have kept drinking. I was having fun.
    Sami: Ya, a little too much.
    EJ sits on his bed.
    EJ: If I was married to Carly right now, this wouldn't be happening.
    Sami: EJ, Carly isn't going to take you back.
    She kisses him. He goes on top of her, and starts making out with her.

    Carly sips some wine.
    Alexandra: Well, I heard about what happened, with your wedding and all.
    Carly: Those tabloids must have been really informing.
    Alexandra: Tabloids? No, my dear. I refuse to read that bull. I heard it on the news.
    Carly: Intresting.
    Alexandra: Ok, so what is the problem here?
    Carly: Well, I'm pregnant, and I don't want EJ part of this child's life. What do you suggest I do?
    Alexandra: Well, I would suggest not lying, switching paternity test results, or leaving town.
    Carly looks at her oddly.

    Kayla holds Jennifer's hand.
    Kayla: I'm going to get you do do a blood test to make sure that you are pregnant. And then we'll take it from there.
    Jennifer: Kay, if I'm pregnant, what's goign to happen?
    Kayla: Honey, don't worry about that now.

    Sami and EJ are making out on EJ's bed.
    Sami: EJ, make love to me.
    They take each other's clothes off, and start making love.

    Alexandra sips some wine.
    Alexandra: Those are just some of the things that have happened, here in Salem.
    Carly: Thanks. I'll be sure not to do any of those.
    Alexandra: Ok, Carly, is there any way yuo can forgive EJ for what he did?
    Carly: Absoutly not.
    Amanda: Why don't you listen to his side?
    Carly: His side? He took my son away from me!
    Alexandra: I would suggest listening to him, and getting all the facts before you attempt to cut him out of this child's life.
    Amanda: You should go over there now.
    Carly: Fine. I'll go over there.

    Sami is lying next to EJ, after making love. EJ is asleep. She gets up, and puts her clothes on. She goes into the hallway, and sees Carlo.
    Carlo: Good evening Sami.
    Sami: Oh great. What the hell do you want?
    Carlo: Did you have fun tonight?
    Sami: Stay the hell away from me.
    He grabs her arm.
    Carlo: How's my nephew?
    Carly comes around the corner. She hears Carlo and Sami talking.
    Carlo: Stefano and I haven't forgotten that little Johnny is our family.
    Carly continues listening.
    Sami: Stay the hell away from him!
    Carlo: You know we won't.
    Carly hols her stomach. She turns back, and leaves.

    Jennifer is in a hospital room. Kayla comes in.
    Jennifer: What did the blood test say?
    Kayla: Jenn, your pregnant.
    Jennifer holds her face in her hands.
    Kayla: Jenn don't worry, alright? Were going to do a biopsy.
    Jennifer: Is that safe during pregnancy?
    Kayla: Yes. Now the results might be a little hard to interpt since you are pregnant, so I'm going to send your biopsy information to a doctor in New York. He specializes in breast cancer.
    Jennifer: What is going to happen with the baby, if I am diagonsed?
    Kayla: Jennifer, let's not talk about that now. It's very possible that the lump you found could be from pregnancy.
    Jennifer: If I do have breast cancer, pleae Kayla, just tell me what you would suggest.
    Kayla: I would suggest terminating the pregnancy.

    Carly walks out of the elevator of her apartmnet. She sees Scotty standing outside her door.
    Carly: What the hell are you doing here?
    Scotty: I'm here to offer you joint custody; and the reason why I took Alex away from you.
    Carly unlocks the door.
    Carly: Come in.

    Sami unlocks the door to Roman's house. Johnny and Alexis run to her and hug her.
    Sami: Hey guys.
    Will comes out of the living room.
    Will: Hey mom. Where were you tonight?
    Sami: I was a little busy. Where's Eric?
    Will: He went out for a bit.
    Will looks at Johnny and Alexis.
    Will: Why don't you guys finish colouring that pictureand then show mommy?
    Alexis: Ok.
    They go into another room.
    Sami; What's wrong?
    Will: Dad called. He's comming back to Salem.

    Jennifer and Kayla are sitting in Kayla's office.
    Jennifer: Kayla, I can't terminate my pregnancy!
    Kayla: Honey, please don't worry about this!
    Jennifer: They told me when I was pregnant with J.J. that he was going to have defects, and look at him. He's fine.
    Kayla: This is different, Jenn.

    Scotty and Carly are sitting at the table in Carly's apartment.
    Carly: So Stefano forced you to take Alex from me?
    Scotty: Yes, and EJ wrote that letter under Stefano's orders.
    Carly: So then why are you here now? Why are you telling me this and why are you offering me joint custody?
    Scotty: Carly, it was wrong. Alex misses you. He needs his mother.
    Carly: I need to go talk to EJ.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Sami and EJ are in the DiMera mansion living room.
    Sami: So are you just going to forget that we had sex last night?
    EJ: I was drunk, Samantha.

    Nicole is sitting in the Penthouse Grill with a little boy. Eric sees them.
    Eric: Who's this?
    Nicole: This is my son, Cole.

    All The Days of Our Lives: 130 Tues 15
    The next morning...
    Sami is in the kitchen in Roman's house. She pours herself some coffee. Will comes in the kitchen.
    Will: Your up early, mom.
    Sami: I'm going to the DiMera mansion; I have to go talk to EJ.
    Will: Oh God.

    Jennifer is at her desk in the Spectator office. Joanne comes in.
    Jennifer: Can I help you?
    Joanne: Yes, I was wondering who runs this place.
    Jennifer: My husband and I.
    Jennifer holds her stomach in pain.
    Jennifer: Is there a problem.
    Jack comes into the office.
    Jack: What's wrong?
    Joanne: I used to read the Spectator, and I really liked it. It's been going downhill for a while.
    Jennifer: So, you don't like it. That's why you came here?
    Joanne: One of my reasons.
    Jack: What's the other one?
    Joanne: I plan on buying it.

    Nicole is sitting in the Penthouse Grill with a little boy. Eric sees them.
    Eric: Who's this?
    Nicole: This is my son, Cole.
    Eric looks shocked.
    Eric: Your son? I thought you couldn't have children.
    Nicole: Salem University also prounced a bunch of people dead who were very well alive.
    Eric: That's true.
    Eric looks at Cole.
    Eric: Hey buddy. How are you?
    Cole: I'm good.
    Eric: You mind if I join you?
    Nicole: Go ahead!

    Sami is in the DiMera mansion living room. EJ walks in.
    EJ: Good morning, Samantha.
    Sami: So are you just going to forget that we had sex last night?
    EJ: I was drunk, Samantha.
    There is a knock on the door. The maid lets Carly in.
    EJ: Carly. I'm suprised to see you.
    Carly: EJ, Scotty told me everything. About how Stefano forced you to write that letter.
    Sami has a look of disbelief on her face.
    Sami: I should leave.
    Sami opens the front door of the mansion, and sees Lucas standing outside the door. She looks shocked.

    Carrie opens a door in Roman's house. Tears flood her eyes. She goes inside Roman's room.
    Carrie: Daddy, I miss you so much.
    She lies on his bed, and hugs his piilow. Will walks by, and sees Carrie crying. He comes in.
    Will: You ok, aunt Carrie?
    Carrie: I miss him so much.
    Will hugs her.

    Jennifer, Joanne, and Jack are standing in Jennifer's office at the Spectator.
    Jennifer: Look, we really don't have time for this, so can you please just leave?
    Joanne: This place will be under my control soon, and you two will be the first two out.
    Jeannie comes in the room.
    Jeannie: what the hellare you doing here?
    Joanne: I was wondering the same about you.
    Jeannie: I work here.
    Joanne: I was just informing your bosses that I'm buying the building.
    Jeannie: Isn't controlling Anna's every move at the comapny enough for you?

    Carly and EJ are in the living room of the DiMera mansion.
    EJ: So Scotty told you about everything?
    Carly: Yes, EJ. We can't listen to everything Stefano says! We can't let him control out lives!
    EJ: I'm going to stand up to him.
    Sami and Lucas are standing in the foyer.
    Sami: What the hell are you doing her, Lucas?
    Lucas: I came back because I heard you never really died.
    Sami slaps him.
    Sami: So I die, and you decide to abandon our children?
    Lucas: It wasn't like that, Sami.
    Sami: Go to hell.
    Stefano comes down the stairs.
    Stefano: Lucas! I've been expecting you.
    Sami: I don't even want to know what's going on.
    She leaves the mansion.

    Eric, Nicole, and Cole are sitting at the Penthouse Grill, eating.
    Eric: So, Nicole, why didn't you tell anybody about Cole?
    Cole: I'm right here.
    Nicole: Oh God, I'm sorry, 8 year-olds these days.
    Eric laughs.
    Eric: It's ok.

    Jennifer is in her office, sitting at her desk. She holds her stomach, and starts crying. Jeannie walks in.
    Jeannie: Jennifer, I have these-
    She notices Jennifer crying.
    Jeannie: I'm sorry.
    Jennifer: It's ok.
    Jeannie: Are you ok?
    Jennifer: Ya, ya. I'll be fine.
    Jeannie: I know we don't know each other that well, but sometimes it helps to talk to somebody you don't know.
    Jennifer: Everything was going so good, and then I got some bad news.
    Jeannie: What kind of bad news?
    Jennifer: I found a lump on my breast, and I went in for a mamogram.
    Jeannie puts her hand on her shoulder.
    Jennifer: I also found out I was pregnant, and the mamogram was positive for breast cancer.
    Jeannie: I'm so sorry.
    Jeannie hugs her.

    Sami is in her car, driving to Roman's house. She turns the heat on.
    Sami: It's freezing in here.
    She turns on the heat, but cold air comes out instead.

    Lucas and Stefano are in the foyer of the mansion.
    Stefano: Now, remember what I told you.
    Valeri comes down the stairs.
    Valeri: Getting involved with my father isn't too smart.
    Stefano: Valeri, mind your own business.
    Lucas: I'll see you tomorrow.
    Lucas leaves the mansion.

    Carly and EJ are in EJ's bedroom. He starts kissing her.
    Carly: EJ, I love you so much.

    All The Days of Our Lives: 131 Wed 16
    Sami and Will are in Will's car.
    Will: So what did you do to the car now, mom?
    Sami: I didn't do anything! I turned the heat on, and freezing cold air came out! It wasn't my fault! Anyway, Will, theres something you should know.
    Will: What?
    Sami: Your father is already back.

    Jeannie is sitting with Carly at the Penthouse Grill.
    Carly: Jeannie, what's wrong?
    Jeannie: Nothing. I just have a lot on my mind right now.
    Carly: You ok?
    Jeannie: Ya, I'm fine.
    Carly: Good, because I have some news.
    Jeannie: What?
    Carly: EJ and I are getting married next week.

    Jennifer is on the phone, upstairs in her house. She is talking to Kayla.
    Kayla: Jenn, your biposy reasults are here. I want to go over them with you.
    Jennifer: Ok, I'll be right there.
    She hangs up. She starts to get a little dizzy. She goes to the stairs, and starts to shake. She takes a step, and tumbles down the stairs! She lies, unconcious at the bottom of the stairs.

    Will and Sami are in Will's car.
    Will: He's already back?
    Sami: Yup.
    Will: Did you talk to him.
    Sami: I slapped him, and told him to stay the hell away form me.
    Will: Good job, mom.
    Sami: Really?
    Will: Ya. And I'll tell him the same thing if he comes near me.

    Jeannie sips some coffee.
    Jeannie: I heard.
    Carly: Don't be too exicted, Jeannie.
    Jeannie: I'm sorry, Carly. Your weedding is not the most important thing on my mind right now.
    Carly: You don't always have to be so rude, Jeannie.
    Carly gets up.
    Carly: The rhersal is Tuesday. Call me if you want to still be my maid of honour.
    Carly leaves the restruant.

    J.J. opens the door to Jack and Jennifer's house.
    J.J.: Mom, there something-
    He sees Jennifer passed out at the bottom of the stairs!
    J.J.: Mom! Mom! Wake up!
    He bends down to her, and calls 911.

    Sami and Will walk into Roman's house. Eric and Carrie are on the couch with the twins.
    Eric: Did you guys hear?
    Eric: Hear what?
    Carrie: EJ and Carly are getting married next week.
    Sami: Wow what a suprise.
    Eric: Sami, I am so suprised that you can't be happy for them.
    Sami: It'll all blow up in their faces.

    Jennifer is brought in the hospital, on a stretcher. Hope see J.J. following. Hope goes to him.
    Hope: J.J.! What happened?
    J.J.: I don't know. I came home, and she was at the bottom of the stairs!
    Hope hugs him.
    Hope: It's going to be ok.

    John is walking on an island. He sees people sitting on the sand. Vivian, Adrianna, and Ivan turn around.
    Vivian: John! John! Oh my God! Your alive!
    She gtes up and hugs him.
    John: I'm sorry, who are you?
    Vivian: I'm your aunt, Vivian.
    John: Oh, yes, I've read up on you.
    Vivian: You don't remember me?
    Adrianna: We can have this talk on the plane!
    John: I've come to get something on the island. If you want to stay behind, just keep talking.

    Jeannie knocks on Carly's apartment door. Carly opens.
    Carly: Hey.
    Jeannie: Hey.
    Carly lets her in.
    Jeannie: I'm sorry about before, I just have a lot going on right now.
    Carly: It's ok.
    Jeannie: I just need to know that your doing the right thing, marrying EJ.
    Carly: Jeannie, I love him. He's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.
    Jeannie: And what about the pregnancy? Didn't you not tell him because of Stefano?
    Carly: Jeannie, I'm going to tell him.
    Jeannie: What about Stefano?
    Carly: We'll deal with that when it's time.

    Kayla walks into Jennifer's room. Jennifer is awake.
    Jennifer: Kay, whats going on?
    Kayla: I have some news, Jenn. You don't have breast cancer.
    Jennifer smiles.
    Jennifer: Thank you so much!
    She hugs her. Her smile fades.
    Jennifer: What about my baby? Is it ok?
    Kayla: Your baby is fine. But your going to have to be more careful.
    Jennifer: I will, Kay. I"m not going to let anything happen to my baby.
    J.J. and Hope come in.
    J.J. hugs her.
    Hope: You ok, sweetie?
    Jennifer: I'm fine.

    John, Vivian, Ivan, and Adrianna are on a jet.
    Vivian: What is it that you needed to get from her, John?
    John: It doesn't concern you.
    Vivian: Ok, ok, no need to be so hostile.
    John: I'm sorry. It's a personal matter.
    Adrianna: Has to do with my father, I bet.
    John: Your father put you on this island, correct?
    Adrianna: I guess so.

    Carly and Jeannie are in Carly's apartment.
    Carly: I was going to ask Nilan to watch Alex, but can you watch him?
    Jeannie: Sure. Where are you going?
    Carly: I have an appoimtent with my OBGYN. I won't be long.
    Jeannie: Ok. See you soon.
    Carly leaves.

    Stefano walks into Andre's jail cell.
    Andre: How nice of you to visit me, after you put me in here.
    Stefano: You went too far, Andre.
    Andre: Maybe I did. But it's no farther than you've ever gone.
    Stefano leaves.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Isabella hugs Adrianna.
    Isabella: I'm so happy your alright.

    Carly and EJ are in the DiMera mansion living room.
    Carly: EJ, theres something you need to know.
    EJ: What?
    Carly: I'm pregnant.

    All The Days of Our Lives: 132 Thurs 17
    John, Vivian, Ivan, and Adrianna are at the airport in Salem. Isabella, Anna, and Marleana are at the air port as they come out of the plane. Isabella runs to Adrianna, and hugs her.
    Isabella: I'm so happy your alright.
    Adrianna: I missed you so much.
    Marleana sees Vivian and Ivan.
    Marleana: Oh my God! Vivian, Ivan! How are you?
    Vivian: Were good.
    Ivan: Despite being trapped on an island for a couple months.

    Nicole walks into the Cheatin' Heart, and sits at the bar. Adrienne sees her, and goes to serve her.
    Adrienne: Hey Nicole. Why do you look so down?
    Nicole: You know, I'm so tired of all this. Should I tell the father of my child that he is the father?
    Adrienne: Your pregnant!
    Nicole: No, I'm not pregnant! I have a son.
    Adrienne: Oh, good. Now I can give you a drink. And to answer your question, you should tell the father.
    Nicole: What if he happens to be dead?
    Adrienne: Well, that might be a problem.
    Sami walks into the bar.
    Nicole: Well, looks like my day just got 1000 times worse.

    Carly is standing in the DiMera mansion living room. Tony walks in.
    Tony: Hello, Carly.
    Carly: Hey Tony. How are you feeling?
    Tony: Much better, thank you. What about you?
    Carly: I'm good.
    Tony: So tomorrows the big day.
    Carly: I can't wait.
    Tony: Well, EJ finally made a decision, as to his best man.
    Carly: Finally!
    She hugs him.
    Tony: So who am I paired with?
    Carly: My sister, Jeannie.
    Tony: I always liked her.
    Carly laughs.
    Tony: I like outspoken women.
    Carly: Well, according to her, every woman should be like her.
    They laugh.

    Sami sits beside Nicole. She looks to her side, and realizes Nicole is beside her.
    Sami: Oh God.
    Nicole: Hey best bud.
    Sami: Don't you have a son?
    Nicole: Not that it's any of your business, but he's with my mother for the week if thats ok with you.
    Sami: Some time away from you will do him good.
    Nicole: You know Sami, I honestly have no idea why EJ won't come back to you. What guy wouldn't want a bitch like you?
    Sami: I'm not suprised tha baby's daddy isn't around! Or can you not figure out who it is?!
    Sami gets up, and turns around to leave. Nicole throws a glass at her back. Sami turns around.
    Sami: You did not just do that.
    Nicole sips her beer.

    John, Marleana, Isabella, Adrianna, Vivian, and Ivan walk into the hospital.
    Adrianna: Is this really necessary?
    Isabella: We just need to make sure that your ok, sweetie.
    Vivian: I would love to see Andre.
    John: Don't you worry about Andre; I'm going to take care of him.

    Carly is standing in the DiMera mansion living room. EJ comes in.
    EJ: Hey beautiful.
    He kisses her.
    EJ: Isn't it bad luck or something to see each other the day before the wedding?
    Carly: I know, but theres something you need to know before we get married.
    EJ: What?
    Carly: I'm pregnant.

    Adrienne comes from behind the bar.
    Adrienne: Ok, lets cool it.
    Sami: I am going to kill you, Nicole!
    Adrienne holds her back.
    Adrienne: Sami, you do not want to get arrested!
    Sami: Nicole, you better stay the hell away from me!
    Sami leaves the Cheatin' Heart.

    EJ and Carly are in the DiMera mansion living room.
    EJ: Your pregnant?
    Carly: Are you not ok with it?
    EJ: No, no, it's not that! It's just unexpected.
    Carly: I know how you feel.
    EJ: Were going to have a great life together with our child.
    Carly: Theres just one thing I'm worried about.
    EJ: What?
    Carly: Stefano.

    Adrianna is in a hospital room. Andrew comes in.
    Adrianna: Oh my God!
    She gets, up, and they kiss.
    Andrew: I missed you so much.
    Adrianna: Me too.
    Andrew: I'm so happy your ok.
    Kayla walks in.
    Kayla: I hate to break this up, but I needs to run some tests.
    Adrianna: I'm fine! Come on!
    Kayla: It'll just be a minute.

    Sami walks into the DiMera mansion. She hears Carly and EJ talking.
    Carly: EJ, I'm scared about what Stefano wants with our baby. What is he going to do?
    Sami: She's pregnant!
    Valeri hears Sami.
    Valeri: She's pregnant?
    Sami: What the hell are you doing here?
    Valeri: I live here. Why are you here?
    Sami: I'm leaving.
    Valeri: You came here for a reason, didn't you?
    Sami: It can wait.
    EJ: You don't have to worry about Stefano.
    Valeri walks into the living room.
    Valeri: I should warn you two; he's comming to the wedding tomorrow.

    Nicole leaves the Cheatin Heart. It's dark, and she is a little drunk. She sees two people arguing.
    Nicole: Oh Lord.
    She realizes it is Kate and a person she doesn't recgonize.
    Person: Thats enough, Katie! It's done!
    He/she takes out a gun, and shoots her in the stomach! Kate falls to the ground.
    Nicole: Oh my God!
    The person turns, and Nicole sees it is man. He looks at Nicole, and runs away. Nicole runs to Kate. She bends down to her.
    Nicole: Kate! Are you ok?
    Kate: Call 911, you fool!
    Nicole takes out her phone, and calls 911.

    Sami is in the hospital lab. She prints something out. She looks it over, and it reveals Carly's pregnancy. Sami leaves the lab, and sees Kate being rushed in the hospital on a stretcher. Nicole follows. Sami takes her phone out. She dials a number.
    Sami: Will, it's me.
    Will: What's wrong mom?
    Sami: It's your grandmother, Kate. She was just brought in to the hospital.
    Nicole turns, and bumps into Sami. Sami drops the papers, and Nicole picks them up.
    Nicole: Well, well, what's this?
    Sami: Mind your own business.
    Nicole realizes what they are.
    Nicole: Oh my God.
    Sami grabs them from her, and leaves.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Carly and Stefano are in the bridal room at St. Luke's Church.
    Carly: I'm pregnant, Stefano.
    Stefano looks shocked.

    Jeannie is outside the church with Kimberly.
    Jeannie: I can't find EJ.

  5. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives
    Carly is in the birdal room at St. Luke's Church. Stephanie comes in.
    Stephanie: Wow, Carly. You look great.
    Carly: Thank you. I can't believe I'm going to be married soon.
    Stephanie: Are you getting married because you love EJ or because you want Alex back?

    EJ takes his shirt off in a room of the church. He takes his suit out of it's bag. Sami comes in the room.
    EJ: Samantha, what are you doing in here?
    Sami: Give me one kiss, and then tell me you don't want to be with me.
    Sami kisses him. He backs away from her.
    EJ: Samantha, stop this.
    Sami: Don't come to me, when you need somebody.
    She leaves the room.

    Carrie, Belle, Claire and Diane are sitting in a pew in the church.
    Carrie: So, Belle, your feeling better?
    Belle: Yes, finally. I just can't wait till Shawn comes home.
    Diane: He'll be home in November, right?
    Belle: Hopefully. So what's new with you guys?
    Carrie: Not much. What about you, Diane?
    Diane: Well, I have a date on Friday.
    Carrie: Really! With who?
    Diane: Mike Horton.
    Belle laughs.

    Scotty is outside St. Luke's with Alex.
    Alex: I want to see mommy.
    Jeannie comes outside.
    Jeannie: Scotty, leave him with me. Carly doesn't want you here.
    Scotty: I'm not leaving him here.
    Jeannie: Scotty, please stop being an ass for once, and just leave him with me.
    Jeannie bends down to Alex.
    Jeannie: Say bye to daddy, were gonna go see mommy.

    Carly puts on her vail.
    Carly: Stephanie, I love EJ, and I want custody of Johnny. So it's kinda like killing two birds with one stone.
    Stephanie laughs.
    Stephanie: Whatever you say.
    Jeannie comes in with Alex.
    Alex: Mommy!
    He runs to Carly, and Carly picks him up.
    Carly: Hey sweetie. How are you?
    Alex: Good. I miss you mommy.
    Carly: I miss you too, sweetie.

    Diane looks confused.
    Diane: Whats so funny?
    Carrie: Well, Belle here, dated Mike for a while.
    Belle: Oh, big deal, you married him.
    Diane looks shocked.
    Diane: Oh my God! If you don't want me to go out with him, I won't.
    Carrie: No, no, you go out with him! It's just funny.
    Diane: You know what's even funnier?
    Carrie: What?
    Diane: His son, Jeremy asked me out the same day Mike did.
    Belle: Now, thats funny.
    They laugh.

    Kimberly walks into Carly's bridal room.
    Kimberly: Honey, you look great!
    Carly: Thank you!
    They hug.
    Kimberly: You ready?
    Carly: More than I'll ever be!

    Outside St. Luke's, Billie is trying to calm down a crying Josh. Hope comes up to her.
    Hope: What are you doing here?
    Billie: I'm friends with EJ and Carly.
    Hope: I suggest you leave.
    Billie: Hope, I understand you don't like me, but you don't have the right to tell me where to go. Please just leave me alone, and don't start an argument for nothing.
    Hope goes inside. Kate comes to Billie.
    Kate: I'm proud of you Billie, standing up to Hope like that.
    Kate kisses Josh.
    Billie: Let's go inside, the cermony is going to start any minute.

    EJ is standing at the altar. Outside, Carly and Shawn are getting ready to walk down the asile.
    Carly: Thank you for walking me down the aisle.
    Shawn: It's my pleasure, Caroline.
    The doors open, and Shawn and Carly begin walking down the aisle.
    Father Jansen: Who gives away this woman?
    Shawn: I do.
    He kisses Carly on the cheek. Carly goes across from EJ.
    EJ: Your beautiful.
    Carly smiles.

    Time passes, and Father Jansen continues the cermony.
    Father Jansen: If anybody has any reason why this couple shouldn't be together, speak now or forever hold your peace.
    The church doors open, and a reporter walks in. Everybody looks back.
    Reporter: I might
    Everybody looks shocked.
    Shawn: What the hell is this?
    Sami smiles. Marleana notices Sami's smile.
    EJ: What the hell are you doing here?
    Carly: What do you want?
    Reporter: I have some information, that you should be intrested in, Ms. Colson.
    Hope gets up.
    Hope: You are interupting a wedding!
    Reporter: I'm sure that after Ms. Colson learns why I'm here she'll think twice about becomming Mrs. DiMera.
    Carly: What do you want!
    EJ looks at him, knowing whats comming.
    The reporter looks at Alex.
    Reporter: Ms. Colson, this is your son, correct, that was taken away from you.
    Carly: This is none of your business.
    Reporter: I'm here to tell you, and show you the reason why you don't have custody of your son any longer.
    He gives her a paper.
    Carly: What is this?
    Reporter: Read it! Outloud.
    Carly looks at it. She sees the bottom, "Signed, EJ DiMera". She looks shocked.
    Carly: EJ, is this true?
    He doesn't say anything. She starts crying.
    Carly: Oh my God!
    EJ: Carly, I can explain.
    Carly: No!
    EJ puts his hands on her shoulders.
    Carly: Let go of me!
    She slaps him. Everybody looks shocked.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Carly is sitting outside St. Luke's, crying. Paul comes behind her.
    Paul: You need a friend?

    Jeannie and EJ are in St. Lukes. Jeannie slaps him.
    Jeannie: Stay the hell away from her!

    EJ and Sami are in the DiMera mansion.
    EJ: I'm so sick of your stupid games, Samantha! Stay away from me.
    Johnny walks in the room.
    Johnny: Mommy, what's wrong?

    All The Days of Our Lives
    Carly stands at the altar, shocked at what just happened.
    EJ: Carly, I can explain.
    Carly: Of course you can.
    She slaps him.
    Carly: Stay the hell away from me.
    She walks down from the altar. She runs out of the church.

    Stefano is on the phone in the DiMera manison.
    Stefano: Ok, I'll see you tomorrow night.
    He smiles, and hangs up the phone.

    EJ follows Carly. Jeannie gets up, and stops EJ from leaving the church. Jeannie slaps him.
    Jeannie: Stay the hell away from her!
    EJ: Jeannie, you don't understand.
    Everybody is standing now.
    Bo: Leave Carly alone!
    Kimberly: I can't believe this, EJ. I thought you were different than that twisted family of your, but your all the same.
    Valeri goes closer to EJ.
    Valeri: Come on, EJ, let's leave.

    Carly is sitting in the back of the church, crying. Paul comes behind her.
    Paul: You need a friend?
    Carly turns around.
    Carly: Oh, hello, Doc.
    Paul: Are you ok?
    Carly: Well, I just found out my fiance was lying to me, and he did something horrible to me.
    Paul: What did he do?
    Carly: You'll read about it in the National Inquior.
    She gets up, and wipes her tears.
    Paul: I'm sorry, Carly.
    He hugs her.

    Valeri and EJ walk into the DiMera manion. He slams the door, and walks into the living room, throwing his tie on the ground.
    Valeri: EJ, I'm sorry this happened, but why the hell did you do it? Did you think Carly would be fine with you taking her son away?
    Stefano walks into the room.
    Stefano: Elvis, I heard what happened. I'm upset I wasn't invited, I could have kept the reporter out of the church.
    EJ: You did this? You bastard!
    Stefano: Don't be silly! I didn't do such a thing. But I know who did.
    EJ: Who did it, then?
    Sami walks in the room.
    Stefano: Your looking at her.

    Billie and Amanda walk into their hotel room.
    Billie: Wow, I can't believe what happened.
    Amanda: I feel so sorry for Carly.
    Billie: Well, EJ better do the right thing, and admit that he lied about what he wrote in the letter.
    Amanda: I hope so. Carly loves her son more than anything.

    Carrie unlocks the door to Roman's house, and her, Belle, and Diane go inside.
    Diane: Well, that was an intresting wedding.
    Eric comes out of a room.
    Carrie: Hey Eric. How's Alexis feeling?
    Eric: Still has a fever. The wedding's over already?
    Belle: Well, they didn't actually get married.
    Eric: What happened?
    Carrie: A reporter came into the church, and said that EJ wrote a letter to the judge saying that he saw Carly abusing Alex.
    Eric: What? And what happened?
    Belle: Carly asked EJ, and EJ admitted to writing the letter.
    Eric: Wow. Where's Sami?
    Carrie: She said she had to go to the mansion to clear some things up with EJ.

    Valeri and Stefano leave the living room.
    EJ: Is it true? You did this?
    Sami: Yes, EJ I did.
    EJ: What the hell is wrong with you, Samantha?
    Sami: What's wrong with me? Your the one that took away your fiance's son!
    EJ: I'm so sick of your stupid games, Samantha! Stay away from me.
    Johnny walks in the room.
    Johnny: Mommy, what's wrong?
    Sami: Nothing, honey. Say bye to daddy, were leaving.

    Carly and Paul are in a bar.
    Carly: I'm going to get my son back. I'm going to find a way to prove that EJ's letter was fake.

    Scotty is outside the DiMera mansion. Stefano comes out.
    Stefano: What the hell are you doing here?
    Scotty: I did what you wanted! Now where the hell is my money?
    Stefano: Keep asking me, and you won't see a cent! Get the hell out of here!

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Marleana and Sami are in Roman's house.
    Marleana: Sami, what you did was competly wrong!
    Sami: Oh, get off your high horse mom! Your the reason I'm so screwed up!

    Carly and EJ are in Carly's apartment.
    Carly: This is what I think of it all, EJ!
    She shows him her cut-up wedding dress.

    Jennifer is in a hospital room, with Kayla.
    Jennifer: Kayla, I'm worried.
    Kayla: Calm down, Jenn; just wait until the tests come back.

    All The Days of Our Lives
    The next morning...
    Jennifer is in the kitchen in her house. She is on the phone.
    Jennifer: Hi, this is Jennifer Deveraux. I was wondering if Kayla Johnson was in today.
    Nurse: Yes, she is.
    Jennifer: Ok, is it possible for me to see her today?
    Nurse: Umm, hold on, let me check.

    Sami is in Alexis' and Johnny's room.
    Sami: Alexis, sweetie, are you feeling better?
    Alexis: A little bit mommy.
    Johnny jumps on Alexis' bed.
    Johnny: Mommy, are we going to live in grandpa's house until he comes back?
    Sami: Honey, grandpa's not comming back.
    Downstairs, Marleana knocks on the door. Eric opens it, and lets Marleana in.
    Marleana: How are you, sweetie?
    Eric: I'm ok. What about you?
    Marleana: I'm ok, I guess.
    Eric: How are things going with John?
    Marleana: The same still.
    Sami comes down the stairs.
    Sami: Mom, hey.
    She hugs her.
    Marleana: Sami, we have to talk.

    Carly wakes up on the couch in her apartment. She sees Paul sitting on the recliener across from her.
    Carly: Paul?
    Paul: Good morning, Carly.
    Carly: What happened? Why are you here?
    Paul: After I saw you yesterday outside the church, you asked me to bring you to a bar, which was a mistake, and I think you can figure out the rest.
    Carly: But why are you still here?
    Paul: You told me you needed to get custody of your son back. I stayed to make sure you didn't do anything you would regret.
    Carly smiles.
    Carly: Thanks.

    J.J. comes into the kitchen, and sees Jennifer on the phone.
    Jennifer: Thank you, I'll be there soon.
    J.J.: Where are you going, mom?
    Jennifer: I have an appoitment, but I won't be long.
    J.J.: Is everything ok?
    Jennifer: Ya, ya. Don't worry sweetie.
    She kisses him on the cheek.
    Jennifer: I'll be back soon.

    Eric goes upstiars, and Sami and Marleana go in the living room.
    Sami: What's wrong, mom?
    Marleana: Sami, I saw you when that reporter came into the church yesterday.
    Sami: What are you talking about?
    Marleana: I saw you smile when the reporter walked in, and when he exposed EJ for writing that letter.
    Sami looks at Marleana, and doesn't say anything.
    Marleana: My God Sami! Why did you do that?
    Sami: Carly had a right to know that her husband-to-be kept her son away from her!
    Marleana: Come on, Sami! You didn't do it because you care about Carly!
    Sami: What is your point, mom? Would you rather I keep it to myself, oh, hold on a second, that would be a problem also. Because I'm Sami Brady! No matter what I do, it's always wrong!
    Marleana: Sami, what you did was competly wrong!
    Sami: Oh, get off your high horse mom! Your the reason I'm so screwed up!

    Paul goes into the washroom, and there is a knock on the door. Carly opens it, and EJ is standing outside.
    Carly: What the hell do you want?
    EJ: Can I come in?
    Carly: Yes, actually, you can get some of your crap that you left here.
    EJ: Carly, can you please let me explain why I did it? Then you can tell me what you think.
    Carly: This is what I think of it all, EJ!
    She shows him her cut-up wedding dress. EJ looks shocked.
    Carly throws a box outside her apartment.
    Carly: Theres your stuff, now get out!
    EJ: Carly, please-
    Carly: Leave me the hell alone!
    Paul comes out of the bathroom.
    Paul: Carly, is everything ok?
    EJ: Oh, now I know whats going on here.
    Carly: Oh shut up, I didn't do anything! Actually, it's none of your business.
    EJ looks at her.
    Carly: Get out!
    He leaves her apartment.

    Jennifer is sitting in a room in the hospital. Kayla comes in.
    Kayla: Hey Jenn, is everything ok?
    Jennifer looks up at her, and Kayla sees some tears in her eyes.
    Kayla: Oh my God, what's wrong?
    Kayla hugs her.
    Jennifer: This morning, when I got out of the shower, I noticed something on my breast. Theres a lump on my breast, Kay.
    Kayla: Jennifer, don't jump to any conclusions. Have you been stressed out lately?
    Jennifer: A little bit.
    Kayla: Ok, were going to do a mamogram.
    Jennifer: Kayla, I'm worried.
    Kayla: Calm down, Jenn; just wait until the tests come back.

    Marleana puts her purse down.
    Marleana: Why would you say that, Sami?
    Sami: You were in and out when I was growing up, and when you were around, you were cheating on dad!
    Marleana: Then why isn't Eric making these horrible choices that you are making?
    Sami: There we go again, comparing me to somebody else! Sorry mom that I'm not as perfect as Carrie or Belle or Eric!
    Marleana: I never said you have to be like Carrie or Belle or Eric! Do you not realize that what you didruined the lives of two people?
    Sami: Oh please, like EJ really loves her!
    Marleana looks at her shocked.
    Sami: He's in love with me!
    Marleana: Oh my God. Do you have any idea who you sound like?
    Sami: Let me guess, the devil?
    Marleana: You sound just like Kristen Blake.

    Paul hugs Carly.
    Carly: Thank you, Paul, for everything.
    Paul: It's no problem, Carly.
    Carly: You have been a huge help for me. And don't think your leaving soon. I'm making lunch for you.

    EJ is in the DiMera mansion living room with Mickey.
    Mickey: EJ, if you admit that what you wrote in that letter was fake, there will be legal reprecussions.
    EJ: I realize that.
    Mickey: Why did you do it anyway?
    EJ: To protect Alex.
    Mickey: How would taking away Alex from Carly protect him?
    EJ: Because thats what my father wanted.

    Sami and Marleana are standing in the living room of Roman's house.
    Sami: I can not believe you, mom.
    Marleana: I can't believe you, Sami. I thought you changed.
    Sami: I'm so sick of hearing this.
    Sami goes upstairs.

    Jennifer walks into her house.
    Jennifer: J.J. are you here?
    J.J. comes down the stairs.
    J.J: Hey mom, how was your appoitment?
    Jennifer: It was ok. You have any plans for today?
    J.J.: Well, just going to school to pick up my schedule.
    Jennifer: Oh, so the school is all clean now after the explosion.
    J.J.: I guess so.
    Jennifer holds her stomach.
    J.J.: Are you ok, mom?
    Jennifer: Ya, I'm ok. My stomach just hurts a bit.

    Mickey and EJ are in the DiMera mansion living room.
    EJ: My father told me that he wanted Carly to be the mother of the new DiMera generation.
    Mickey: So what does that have to do with Alex?
    EJ: My father said he didn't want Alex in the family, because he wasn't a DiMera.
    Mickey: So Stefano threatned Alex, and thats what made you write that letter.
    EJ: Yes.
    Mickey: So why didn't you tell Carly?
    EJ: I tried, but she won't give me a chance.
    Mickey: Well, you should call her, and tell her you need to explain everything to her.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Carly puts something down on the counter in her bathroom. She holds her head.
    Carly: Oh my God.

    Jennifer is in her bathroom. She starts crying.

    Kayla is in her office. She looks at Jennifer's test results. She picks up the phone.
    Kayla: Jenn, can you come to the hospital?

    All The Days of Our Lives
    The next day...
    Carly comes out of the washroom, holding her stomach. There is a knock on the door. She opens it, and lets Jeannie in.
    Jeannie: Hey sis. You ok?
    Carly: I'm trying.
    She holds her stomach.
    Carly: Oh God.
    Jeannie: Your not-
    Carly: What! No! I mean, I don't think so.
    Jeannie: I'll be right back with a test.
    Jeannie leaves.

    Kayla is filling out some papers at the hospital nurses station. A nurse comes to her.
    Nurse: Here are those test results, Dr. Johnson.
    She hands her a folder.
    Kayla: Thank you so much.

    Jennifer is in her bathroom. She holds up a pregnancy test.
    Jennifer: Oh my God.
    She sees that it is positive. She starts crying. Hope comes in the washroom.
    Hope: Oh sorry Jenn, I didn't know-
    Hope notices her crying.
    Hope: Jenn, are you ok?
    Jennifer looks at her. Hope sees the pregnancy test.
    Jennifer: I'm pregnant.

    Jeannie walks into Carly's apartment.
    Carly: That was fast.
    Jeannie: There's a convience store across the street.
    Jeannie hands her the bag.
    Jeannie: Here, go take it.
    Carly takes the bag, and goes into the washroom.

    Kayla is in her office. She takes Jennifer's test results out of the folder. She looks at them.
    Kayla: Oh God.
    She picks up the phone.

    Hope goes into the bathroom.
    Hope: You don't want to be pregnant?
    Jennifer: It's not that, Hope.
    Hope: What's wrong, honey?
    Jennifer: The other day, I found a lump on my breast.
    Hope: Oh my God.
    Hope hugs her.
    Jennifer: I had a mamogram.
    The phone rings.
    Jennifer: I'll go get that.

    Carly puts something down on the counter in her bathroom. She holds her head.
    Carly: Oh my God.
    Jeannie comes in.
    Jeannie: Well?
    Carly shows her the test. Jeannie takes it from her, and sees that it is positive.
    Jeannie: Oh boy.
    Carly: Get me the phone.
    Jeannie: What the hell is the phone going to do?
    Carly: Just get the phone!

    Anna walks in the DiMera living room, and sees Stefano sitting on a chair, smoking.
    Stefano: Anna, what a pleasant suprise.
    Anna: I just wanted to let you know that your son is fine, not that you really care.
    Stefano: I've been busy, Anna.
    Anna: I could see, all that smoking must really keep you busy.
    She coughs. Bello runs into the living room.
    Stefano: You forgot that rodent when you moved out.
    Anna: He is not a rodent! He is a cat!
    Stefano: Whatever! Just get him out of here!
    Anna leaves with Bello, and Stefano picks up his phone. He dials a number.
    Stefano: What do you have for me?

    Kayla is sitting in her office, on the phone.
    Kayla: Hey Jenn, it's me. Can you come to the hospital?
    Jennifer: Ya. I'll be right there.
    Jennifer hangs up.
    Hope: Who was that?
    Jennifer: It was Kayla. My test results are in.
    Hope: Do you want me to go with you?
    Jennifer: Please?
    Hope hugs her.
    Hope: Your going to be ok.

    Amanda is sitting at a table in the Java Cafe. Her phone rings. She answers it.
    Amanda: Hello?
    Carly: Amanda, hey, it's me.
    Amanda: Hey Carly. How are you?
    Carly: I'm not so good right now.
    Amanda: I can imagine.
    Carly: Anyway, you know that lawyer friend you mentioned to me?
    Amanda: Yes, what about her?
    Carly: I was wondering if you can set up a meeting with me and her.
    Amanda: Sure. What's wrong?
    Carly: I'll explain to you later.
    Amanda: Ok. I'll call her right now.
    Carly: Thank you.

    Stefano is in the DiMera mansion living room. Michelle walks in.
    Stefano: Michelle! How great it is to see you!
    Michelle: I'm here to tell you that we have your nephew in custody.
    Stefano: Ah, well that, I am happy about.
    Michelle: But there is something else that I need from you.
    Stefano smiles.
    Stefano: And what would that be?

    John walks into a dark room. He looks around, and he sees shackles on the walls. He sees a man handcuffed to the wall.
    Man: Well, well, what do I owe this pleasure to?
    John: You have something I need.
    Man: Yes, but the question is, do I want to give it to you?
    Peter Blake smiles as John looks at him, strenly.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Carly, Amanda, and a woman are sitting at a table at Chez Rouge.
    Woman: Well, I would suggest not lying, switching paternity test results, or leaving town.
    Carly looks at her oddly.

    Kayla and Jennifer are in Kayla's office.
    Jennifer: Kayla, I might be pregnant.

    Sami and EJ are in EJ's room at the DiMera mansion. EJ is drunk.
    Sami: EJ, Carly isn't going to take you back.
    She kisses him. He goes on top of her, and starts making out with her.
  6. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Scotty is in his apartment. Alex starts crying. Scotty goes to check on him.
    Scotty: Are you ok, Alex?
    Alex starts crying more.
    Scotty: Thats right, it's your check-up today.
    There is a knock on the door. Scotty picks up Alex, and goes to open the door. He opens it, and Carly comes in.
    Scotty: Carly?
    Carly: I'm here to see Alex.
    She holds him.
    Scotty: Carly, you can't just come whenever you want!
    Carly: did you forget he has an appoitment today?
    She kisses Alex.

    Kimberly is driving Jeannie to the Salem Spectator.
    Kimberly: Ok, so make sure you tell Jack that you will be paying for the damages to his car.
    Jeannie: Mom, I already told him, but he kept refusing me!
    Kimberly: Well, then keep telling him. And let him know that you can't start tomorrow, because tomorrow is Carly's wedding.
    Jeannie: Ok, so I'll call you to ask when I can go to the washroom.
    Kimberly: What? Sometimes you forget this stuff.
    Jeannie: Ok. So will Andrew make it back by tomorrow?
    Kimberly: I'm not sure. He hasn't called me back yet.
    Jeannie: Suprise, suprise.
    Kimberly: Jeannie, don't start.

    Nicole knocks on the door of Anna's office.
    Anna: Come in.
    Nicole walks in.
    Anna: Nicole; hi.
    Nicole: We didn't really get to finish our conversation last night.
    Anna: Sit down, sit.
    Nicole sits.
    Nicole: Who's my father? And do not say Roman Brady.

    Scotty tries to take Alex away from Carly.
    Scotty: Carly, stop this, right now.
    Carly: Can't you see that he misses me!
    Scotty: I told you we can arrange visits!
    Carly: I'm bringing him for his checkup.
    Scotty: No your not.
    Carly: You can't do this!
    Scotty: No, you can't. Put him in his playpen or I'm calling 911.
    Carly: I'll have him back soon, Scotty. And your going to be begging me t osee him, but you won't. You bastard.
    She kisses Alex.
    Carly: I'll see you soon sweetie.

    Jeannie changes the radio station.
    Kimberly: Please tell me you don't do this when you drive.
    Jeannie: Only at red lights.
    Kimberly turns, and parks in a parking lot.
    Kimberly: Well, here we are. Call me when your done, honey.
    Jeannie: Bye mom.
    Jeannie leaves the car.

    Anna sips some coffee.
    Anna: No, Roman is not your father.
    Nicole: Then who is?
    Anna: That isn't really important.
    Nicole: The hell it is!
    Anna: Your father is Don Craig.
    Nicole looks shocked.
    Nicole: Wow, from one pshysopath father to another.
    Anna: I'm sorry, Nicole.
    Nicole: So what made you tell me?
    Anna: I don't know. I mean when I heard you talk about your son, I just-
    Nicole: You just what? You think your going to be part of his life?

    Jeannie walks into the Salem Spectator office. Jennifer sees Jeannie.
    Jennifer: What are you doing here?
    Jeannie: I have a meeting with Jack.
    Jennifer: Really? He's going to be a little late, but he'll be back in about 20 minutes.
    Jeannie: Thanks.

    Carly walks into the DiMera mansion. She sees EJ and Sami in the living room.
    Carly: What's going on here?
    Sami: EJ and I were just talking about Johnny, and we were working out some sort of visitation.
    Carly: Thats good.
    Sami: Well, I was just leaving. Congraulations on the nuptials.
    Sami leaves.
    Carly: So are you ready for tomorrow?
    EJ: I wasn't at first, but now I see that is is the right thing to do.
    Carly: Good.
    They kiss.

    Nicole gets up.
    Nicole: Your not going to be a part of my son's life.
    Nicole leaves her office. Anna burries her face in her hands.

    Jeannie and Jack are sitting in Jack's office.
    Jack: Well, I have the perfect coloumn for you!
    Jeannie: Ok, what will I be writing about?
    Jack: Well, I already gave you a little hint on the side of the road, but yes, it will be sort of like "Sex and the City". You can choose a topic every week, and write.
    Jeannie: That sounds great, Jack! Thank you so much!

    Sami is in Roman's house. She is on the phone.
    Sami: Yes, be there. You know the signal.
    She hangs up, and smiles.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Scotty, Jeannie, and Alex are standing outside St. Lukes Church.
    Alex: I want to see mommy.
    Jeannie: Scotty, leave him with me. Carly doesn't want you here.

    EJ and Sami are in a room at the church.
    Sami: Give me one kiss, and then tell me you don't want to be with me.

    Billie is outside St. Luke's Church, holding Josh. Hope comes up to her.
    Hope: What are you doing here?
  7. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Jeremy sits down across from Valeri at Chez Rouge.
    Jeremy: Why's a beautiful woman like you sitting alone?
    Valeri: I sometimes ask myself the same question.
    Jeremy smiles.
    Jeremy: So, can I buy you dinner, or did you already eat?
    Valeri: Actually, I just sat down. Dinner would be great.
    Jeremy: Good.

    Jeannie is packing things at her desk.
    Jeannie: Stupid Joanne.
    Joanne comes out a of a room.
    Joanne: Did you say something, Jeannie?
    Jeannie: Yes, I did. I think you are an idiot! I have no idea why Anna brought you on to help her.
    Joanne: Well, it doesn't matter to you, now, does it? Anna fired you, so get yourself out of here.
    Jeannie: Go to hell. This company will fail because of you.
    Jeannie picks up and box, and goes into the elevator.

    Anna and Nicole are standing in the living room of the DiMera mansion.
    Nicole: What do you mean your my mother?
    Anna: I gave you up for adoption when you were born.
    Tears form in both their eyes.
    Nicole: What? I was too much of a burden to you?
    Anna: I gave you up to give you a better life, Nicole.
    Nicole: A better life! Are you kidding me? You wanna know the "better life" I had? My father drugged me, and made me do porn! Do you have any idea how that screwed up my life!
    Anna: I'm so sorry. If I knew-
    Nicole: Stop it!
    Nicole leaves the mansion in tears. Stefano is walking to the door of the mansion. He sees her.
    Stefano: What's wrong, my dear?
    Nicole: Leave me the hell alone.

    Jeremy and Valeri are dancing at Chez Rouge.
    Valeri: Mabye it's cuz I'm drunk, but you seem really sexy right now.
    Jeremy: Drunk or not, so do you.
    He kisses her.
    Jeremy: I have a place.
    Valeri: Then what the hell are we waiting for?
    Maggie sees Jeremy leave with Valeri.
    Maggie: Oh God.

    Jeannie is driving.
    Jeannie: Stupid bitch. Who the hell does she think she is anyway?
    She bumps into the car in front of her. She gets out.
    Jeannie: I'm so sorry!
    Jack comes out of the car.
    Jack: Are you ok?
    Jeannie: Me? I'm fine! What about you? Oh God your car! Jack, I'm so sorry. How much will it be?
    Jack: Jeannie, don't worry. It was an accident.
    Jeannie: Jack, it was my fault. I'm sorry. I've just been really stressed, I lost my job.
    Jack: Don't worry about it.
    Jeannie: Please, Jack, let me pay for this, it was my fault.
    Jack: Well, now that I think about it, there is something you can do for me.

    Sami walks into the mansion, and goes upstairs. Stefano comes out of the living room, and waits in the foyer. Sami comes back down the stairs with a luggage.
    Sami: Oh great.
    Stefano: Just here to collect the cheque. You've been living here expense-free for months.
    Sami: Go to hell.
    Anna comes down the stairs with a luggage.
    Stefano: What's going on? Why are all my guests leaving?
    Sami: Mabye because your such a great host!
    Stefano: Anna, I'm telling you from now, when Tony is better, he is comming back here.
    Anna drops her luggage on the ground.
    Anna: Would you just shut up! My lord, Tony has a brain! And if it works, he won't be comming here!
    Sami: It's been a pleasure, Stefano.
    Sami leaves the mansion, and Anna follows. EJ comes down the stairs.
    Stefano: What, you too?
    EJ: No. We have to talk.

    Jeremy unlocks the door to Sami's empty apartment. He and Valeri go inside, and start making out.
    Valeri: Your so hot.
    They start taking each other's clothes off.

    Jack gives Jeannie a klenex, and she wipes some blood off her forehead.
    Jeannie: What is it that I can do for you?
    Jack: Well, your out of a job, right?
    Jeannie: Yes.
    Jack: Well, the newspaper needs a coloumnist. I've seen what you've written in Anna's magazine, and I think you have what the Spectator needs.
    Jeannie: Me? Your asking me?
    Jack: Yes, and I think you'll love it. Think of it as a sort of "Sex in the City" coloum.
    Jeannie: Oh my God! Thats great!
    She hugs him.
    Jeannie: Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!

    Stefano and EJ go into the living room.
    Stefano: Elvis, if this is about the letter, it was for Alex's own good, not to mention your own.
    EJ: Really? Then why do I feel like Carly will find out sooner or later?
    Stefano: Everything will be fine Elvis. Scotty Banning will leave town soon. You and Caroline will get married soon, and have your own children.
    EJ: Carly isn't just going to forget about Alex! No matter where Scotty goes with him, she'll follow!
    Stefano: I can be very pursasive.
    Carly walks into the room.
    Carly: Really, Stefano?
    EJ looks at her, shocked.

    Sami unlocks the door to her apartment. She goes in and turns on the lights.
    Sami: Oh my God!
    She sees Jeremy and Valeri having sex on the floor.'
    Jeremy: Sami, what are you doing here!?
    Sami: You said you wouldn't be moving in until a couple weeks!
    Jeremy: Plans changed!
    Valeri: Isn't this against some sort of agremeent?
    Sami: Who the hell is this?
    Valeri extends her hand.
    Valeri: Valeri DiMera.
    Sami: DiMera?
    Valeri: Yes. EJ's sister. Did you bring my niece and nephew?
    Sami: No, thank God.
    Jeremy: Sami, you can go now.
    Sami: Let me know the next time you decide to do this before you actually move in.
    Sami leaves the apartment.

    EJ hugs Carly.
    EJ: How did you get out of the sanatirioum?
    Carly: I had my mother sign me out. EJ, I've decided something.
    EJ: About what?
    Carly: We need to get married as soon as possible.
    Stefano smiles.
    EJ: What?

    Jeannie and Jack are standing on the side of the road.
    Jeannie: Ok, so when would I start?
    Jack: Come by the Spectator tomorrow afternoon, and I'll get you settled in.
    Jeannie: Ok. That sounds good. Thank you so much!

    Nicole unlocks the door to an apartment. She goes in, and sees a woman sitting on the couch.
    Nicole: Lola, are you watching TV, or taking care of my son.
    Lola: Do not talk to me about taking care of your son!
    Nicole: Whatever. Your fired, I'll be taking care of him now.
    Lola: What! You can't do that!
    Nicole goes into a room. She picks up a baby.
    Nicole: Hey Ben. How are you honey?
    She kisses him.
    Lola: You can't just fire me like that!
    Nicole: Your services are no longer needed, which means you have nothing to do, which means I would pay you for nothing! Now leave, or I'll call the cops!
    Lola leaves the apartment.

    Carly pours herself some wine.
    Carly: I'll have a better chance at winning custody of Alex if I'm married to you.
    The smile on Stefano's face fades.
    Carly: Everything is ready. I mean we were supposed to get married a couple weeks ago.
    EJ: Carly, we can't just get married!
    Carly: EJ, if you love me, and if you want me to be happy, you will marry me.

    Sami is in Roman's house. She opens the file she stole from Scotty's apartment labeled "Alex's Custody". She opens it.
    Sami: Ok, let's see who wrote that letter.
    She looks through, and she sees an envelop labeld "Letter". She opens the letter, and finds the same letter she and Nicole read on the notepad.
    Sami: Ok, who wrote this?
    She looks at the bottom, and looks at the bottom. It says "Signed, EJ DiMera". Sami's jaw drops. Her cell phone rings. She answers it.
    Sami: Hello?
    Kimberly: Sami, it's your aunt Kim.
    Sami: Hey whats up?
    Kimberly: Not much, you?
    Sami: Just reading something really good.
    Kimberly: That sounds fun. Anyway, I'm calling to let you know about Carly and EJ's wedding.
    Sami: When is it?
    Kimberly: In two days.
    Sami: Really! Well, thanks for letting me know. I'll see you then I guess.
    Sami hangs up, and smiles.
    Sami: Get ready for the wedding of the century.
    She smiles.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Nicole and Anna are in Anna's office.
    Nicole: Who's my father? And do not say Roman Brady.

    Jeannie is in the Salem Spectator office.
    Jennifer: What are you doing here?
    Jeannie: I have a meeting with Jack.
  8. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Michelle is sitting at a table at Chez Rouge. Stefano comes into the restruant. Maggie sees him.
    Stefano: Maggie! It's so good to see you.
    Maggie: I can't say the same, Stefano.
    Stefano: I'm so happy that the renovations to your restruant happened so quickly. I don't know what I'd do without your food. Have they renovated your home yet?
    Maggie: No. Not yet. What can I do for you?
    Stefano: I have a date with someone, Michelle Robbins.
    Maggie brings him to her table.
    Maggie: Enjoy.
    Stefano: So, why did you ask me to dinner?
    Michelle: I want to offer you something.

    Sami is in the DiMera mansion. She comes down the stairs with a luggage. The doorbell rings. She opens the door, and Nicole comes in.
    Sami: What the hell are you doing here?
    Nicole: I'm here to see Anna. Not really any of your business, anyway.
    Sami: Oh just shut up.
    Nicole: Do you know where she is?
    Sami: Probaly hiding from you.
    Nicole: Ha ha, so funny, Sami.
    Nicole goes into the living room. She looks around, and sees a notepad on the desk. She picks it up, and reads it. Sami comes in.
    Sami: What the hell are you doing?
    Nicole: Oh my God!

    Scotty is in his apartment. He puts Alex in a crib, and there is a knock on the door. He goes to open it, and lets Julie in.
    Scotty: Hey Grandma.
    Julie: Hello Scotty.
    Scotty: Is something wrong?
    Julie: Yes actually. Scotty, I think you made a horrible mistake.

    Stefano sits down, and sips some wine.
    Stefano: What is it that you want to offer me?
    Michelle: Immunity.
    Stefano laughs.
    Stefano: Immunity! Oh please. You guys have nothing.
    Michelle: I can build a whole case against you based on circumstancial evidence. As well as conspiracy. So stop playing dumb, and either co-operate with me, or I will put you behind bars.
    Stefano: Ok, so what do I have to give you in return?
    Michelle: The location of Andre DiMera.
    Stefano: I have no idea where he is, sorry.
    Michelle: Oh come on! I am offering you immunity on all past crimes, and anything you could have been involved in with Andre! It's not like he's done you any favours.
    Stefano: I'll tell you again; I have no idea where Andre is.
    Michelle: Stefano if we find Andre, we will give him a deal, one in which he will give us information about you.
    Stefano looks at her, knowing it's the truth.
    Michelle: You know he will.

    Nicole puts down the notepad.
    Nicole: Oh my God, you helped Scotty.
    Sami: Your delousional!
    Nicole: Come on, Sami! I see what you wrote to the judge. Wow telling him that you actually witnessed Carly neglect and ignore Alex. Wow, I never thought it was possible, but Sami Brady has gone lower!
    Sami: I didn't write that! Let me see it!
    Sami looks at it.
    Sami: This isn't even my writing!
    Nicole: Well then, if it wasn't you, who wrote it?

    Scotty takes a water bottle out of the fridge.
    Scotty: What is the problem, grandma?
    Julie: Don't act like it's no big deal! You took a child away from it's mother!
    Scotty: You know why I did it.
    Julie: And I advised you against it. We all did, as a matter of fact. Including Mickey!
    Scotty: But I won custody, didn't I?
    Julie: Carly is going to attack you with everything she's got! And believe me, when she's done, you'll be lucky if you see Alex through a window!
    Scotty: I don't have to worry about that.

    Stefano pours more wine into a glass.
    Stefano: Andre is in Paris, France. That's all I know.
    Michelle: Thank you very much, Mr. DiMera.
    She gets up.
    Michelle: Your doing the right thing. He doesnt care about you.
    Stefano: Hold on, I need a favour from you now.
    Michelle looks at him, confused.

    Sami and Nicole look at the notepad. Nicole holds it up.
    Sami: How the hell do you expect me to see it like that?
    Nicole: Oh, yes, I forgot it's all about you.
    EJ walks in.
    EJ: Whats going on in here?
    Nicole drops the notepad, and it folds over to another page.
    Sami: I just came to get the last of my things.
    Nicole: I'm here to see Anna.
    EJ: Samantha, I need to talk to you later, if thats alright with you.
    Sami: Ya, ya it's fine. Just not here. I can't stay here any longer.
    EJ: Ok. I'll see you later. He leaves the room.
    Nicole picks up the paper.
    Nicole: Oh my God.
    Sami: What?
    Nicole: On this page, is EJ's resume. Any guesses to who's notepad this is?
    Sami's jaw drops.

    Juilie drinks some water.
    Julie: I don't even want to know what you meant by that.
    Scotty: Everything will be fine.
    Julie: You still fail to realize what you've done! You took a child away from his mother!
    Scotty: For a good reason, grandma.
    Julie: In the end of this all, Carly will have him back, and you'll be begging her to see him.
    She picks up her purse, and leaves.

    Michelle sits back down.
    Michelle: What is it now, Stefano?
    Stefano: Take away my daughter's visa.
    Michelle: I already told you, I can't do that.
    Stefano: I gave you the location of a wanted fugitive!
    Michelle: And I gave you immunity! Were even, and this conversation is over.
    She leaves Chez Rouge. Valeri comes behind Stefano.
    Valeri: Why so eager to get me out of town?

    Sami relooks at the notepad.
    Sami: Why would EJ send that to the judge?
    Nicole: How the hell would I know?
    Anna walks into the room.
    Anna: Nicole, sorry I'm late.
    She looks at Sami.
    Anna: What are you doing with my notepad?
    Sami and Nicole exchange shocked looks.
    Anna: Sami, Nicole and I have some business to discuss.
    Sami: Don't worry, I wouldn't want to be around her any longer.
    Sami leaves the room.
    Anna: So, I think your the perfect model for Anna DiMera house of Fashion.
    She smiles.
    Nicole: Thank you, I'm really looking forward to this.
    Nicole puts her purse on the table, but it falls. She picks it up.
    Anna: You forgot this.
    Anna picks up a picture. It is a picture of a baby.
    Anna: You have a son?

    Scotty is on the couch in his apartment. There is a knock on the door. He opens it, and Sami walks in.
    Scotty: Sami, what are you doing here?
    Sami: I was just curious.
    Scotty: Curious about what?
    Sami: How you got EJ to write that letter to the judge.
    Scotty: I'm sorry?
    Sami: The letter EJ wrote, saying that he saw Carly neglect Scotty.
    Scotty: EJ? EJ didn't write that!
    Sami: Then who did?
    Scotty: None of your business.
    Alex starts crying.
    Scotty: Leave, Sami!
    Scotty goes to check on Alex. Sami looks around. She sees a file, labeled "Alex's Custody". She picks it up, and leaves Scotty's apartment.

    Valeri sits across from Stefano.
    Stefano: How was your trip?
    Valeri: Unsucessful. Not that you care about Adrianna.
    Stefano: Don't start with me, Valeri.
    Valeri: Aww what's wrong? Daddy tired?
    Stefano gets up. Valeri sips some wine. Jeremy comes to her table.
    Jeremy: Why's a beautiful woman like you sitting alone?
    Valeri smiles.

    Nicole takes the picture from Anna.
    Nicole: Yes, actually. Not too many people know.
    Anna: Theres something I need to tell you.
    Nicole: Anna, I promise, I will be professional. He won't interfer in anything.
    Anna: No, it's not that. It's something else.
    Nicole: What?
    Anna: I don't know to say this, so I'm just going to say it. I'm your mother.
    Nicole looks at her, shocked.
    Nicole: What are you talking about?
    Anna: I'm your mother, Nicole.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Jeremy and Valeri walk into Sami's empty apartment. They start kissing, and start taking each other's clothes off.

    Nicole leaves the DiMera mansion in tears. Stefano sees her.
    Stefano: What's wrong, my dear?

    Jeannie is driving. She bumps into the car in front of her. She gets out.
    Jeannie: I'm so sorry!
    Jack comes out of the car.
    Jack: Are you ok?
  9. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Sami wakes up in the living room at Roman's house. Eric comes down the stairs.
    Eric: So, how was your night?
    Sami: Not the same without dad. It just feels so weird being in here without him here.
    Eric: I know how you feel.
    Sami: Well, at least the twins slept ok.

    Isabella knocks on the door of the DiMera mansion. Stefano answers it.
    Stefano: What do you want, Isabella?
    Isabella: Where the hell is Andre?
    Stefano: for the hundreth time, I do not know where Andre is!
    Isabella: Did you find Adrianna yet?
    Stefano: If I found Adrianna, you would know, Isabella.
    Isabella: Have you been looking!?
    Stefano: Yes I have! What the hell is wrong with you!
    Isabella: Try harder! Find her!

    Carly is in her room at Bayview Sanatirioum, dressed. EJ walks in.
    EJ: Whats going on?
    Carly: I'm getting out of here.
    She kisses him.
    EJ: What do you mean? Did Dr. Wilson ok this?
    Carly: I found out that you signed the papers to have me put in here. Now, all you have to do is sign papers to let me leave.
    EJ: Carly, I don't know if I should do that.

    Marleana is sitting on a couch at the sanatirioum. Kimberly sees her.
    Kimberly: Hey Marleana. I didn't know you worked here.
    Marleana: I see some patients that are her about three times a week.
    Kimberly: So how are you and John?
    Marleana: John is in love with Kristen. And now that she is "crazy" he feels more obligated to her.
    Kimberly: Because she saved him.
    Marleana: It's no coincidence that she found him right after the accident. And I highly doubt that she is crazy!

    The doorbell rings at Roman's house. Sami opens the door.
    Sami: Hey aunt Hope.
    Hope: Hey Sami, how are you?
    Sami: I'm good. Didn't sleep much, but I'm ok.
    Hope: The twins kept you awake?
    Sami: No, actually. They were ok. It was just hard sleeping in her without my dad.
    Hope hugs her.
    Hope: I'm so sorry honey.

    Carly puts down her purse.
    Carly: What do you mean?
    EJ: Look, there are some things going on now, and I think it's best if you stay here, and focus on getting better.
    Carly: EJ, whats going on? Your freaking me out! Please tell me!
    EJ: It's ok, I'm going to resolve it.
    Carly; EJ, is it Alex?
    Scotty comes into the room. He hands her a paper.
    Scotty: I have full custody of Alex.

    Isabella walks into her office at the hospital. A woman walks into her office.
    Isabella: Hey Lily, do I have any messages?
    Lily: Yes, actually. A Valeri called. She left a message saying she would be back in Salem soon.
    Isabella; Thank you, Lily.
    Lily leaves the room. Isabella sits at her desk.

    Marleana sits down next to Kimberly.
    Marleana: So, how are things going with Carly?
    Kimberly: The doctor said she's actually getting better.
    Marleana: Thats good.
    Marleana looks at her watch.
    Marleana: Oh, look at the time. I better get to work.
    They laugh.
    Marleana: I'll see you later.
    Marleana goes into an office.

    Carly reads over the paper.
    Carly: Wha tthe hell is this! Wh ythe hell did you do this?
    Scotty: Carly, I can't have Alex exposed to this, with you going in and out of concinoious.
    Carly: I'm his mother! I'm fine! He wants to be with me, Scotty!
    Scotty: Carly, we can arrange visits, mabye even nights when he sleeps over your-
    Carly slaps him.
    Carly: After everything I did for you, this is how you repay me! I agreed to joint custody for you!
    Scotty: Yes, after you got our son into an accident.
    Carly: You pushed me to leave town!
    Scotty: Thats right, Carly, blame everybody else but yourself.
    EJ: Stop!
    Carly looks at EJ.
    Carly: You! You just stood by, and let this happen to my son!

    Michelle is sitting in her office. Stefano walks in.
    Stefano: How are you, Michelle.
    Michelle: Mr. DiMera, if you don't leave, I'll call security.
    Stefano: How about dinner tonight?
    Michelle: Get out!
    She gets up.
    Michelle: Leave right now!
    Stefano: Fine, fine.

    Marleana walks into Kristen's room at Bayview Sanatiroum.
    Kristen: Hello, Marleana.
    Marleana: If I knew you were in this room, I wouldn't have come in.
    Kristen: Marleana, I want you to help me.
    Marleana: That won't be happening.

    EJ puts his hands on Carly's shoulders.
    EJ: Carly, I tried to stop this, but I couldn't.
    Carly starts crying.
    Carly: Do you have any idea what you've done, Scooty! Do you have any idea what you are doing to him? This is going to have long lasting effects on him!
    Scotty: Carly, please-
    Carly: Shut up! Get out! Both of you!
    EJ and Scotty leave the room. Carly wipes her tears. She throws a vase, and knocks over a desk. Kimberly comes in.
    Kimberly: Carly, whats wrong?
    Carly hugs her.

    Isabella sits at her desk. Her phone rings.
    Isabella: Hello?
    Nobody answers.
    Isabella: Hello?
    She hangs up the phone.
    It rings again. She picks it up.
    Isabella: Who the hell is this!
    Andre: Hello, Isabella, Andre here.
    Isabella looks shocked.
    Isabella: What the hell do you want?
    Lily comes into the room. Isabella writes down on a piece of paper "Call 911, to trace this call".

    Marleana is about to leave Kristen's room.
    Kristen: Marleana, your not being fair.
    Marleana: Actually, not only would it be a conflict of intrest, but I think that your faking this "crazy" state. Now, leave me the hell alone.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Stefano and Michelle are sitting at Chez Rouge.
    Stefano: So, why did you ask me to dinner?
    Michelle: I want to offer you something.

    Nicole is in the DiMera mansion with Sami.
    Nicole: Oh my God, you helped Scotty.
    Sami: Your delousional!

    Julie is in Scotty's apartment.
    Julie: Scotty, I think you made a horrible mistake.
  10. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Diane is at the nurse’s station at the hospital. Mike comes.
    Mike: Diane, has anybody come her to see me yet?
    Diane: No. Who are you expecting?
    Mike: My son.
    Diane: Wow, a junior Mike Horton, I bet.
    Mike laughs.
    Mike: Diane, what are you doing Friday night?
    Diane: Friday night? Umm I planned to sit in front of the TV with my cat and watch 90210.
    Mike: Well, I’d hate to disrupt that, but what do you say to dinner Friday night?
    Diane: I’d say that sounds good.

    Adrianna and Vivian sit down on the sand.
    Adrianna: Who are you, anyway?
    Vivian: I’m Vivian Alamain.
    She extends her hand.
    Adrianna: Oh God.
    Adrianna holds her head.
    Adrianna: I’m Adrianna DiMera.
    Vivian laughs.
    Vivian: Well, this is quite the coincidence, isn’t it?

    Sami walks into the Brady Pub, and sits at a table. Stefano sits across from her.
    Sami: Get the hell away form me.
    Stefano: I'm just going to cut right to the chase.
    Sami: Please do, and leave!
    Stefano: You let me see my grandson, or I make sure you loose custody of both your twins.
    Sami laughs.
    Sami: Oh, and your going to be awarded custody?
    Stefano: Of course not; Elvis will.

    A woman walks into the Salem PD. Abe turns around, and sees her.
    Abe: DA Robbins, it's good to see you.
    Michelle:Good to see you too, Cominsher.
    Abe: So, how's your new office?
    Michelle:It's ok. Still getting everything in order. How about you and Bo?
    Abe: Were doing ok.
    Michelle: There was something that I actually had to ask you.
    Abe: Ok, go ahead.
    Michelle: This Stefano DiMera guy, he wants to have a meeting with me today.

    Jeremy Horton is standing at the nurse’s station at the hospital. Diane is behind the desk.
    Jeremy: You look like an angel. No wonder you became a doctor.
    Diane: Sorry?
    Jeremy: Me, you, Friday night?
    Diane: I'm sorry, who are you?
    Jeremy: Jeremy Horton.
    Diane laughs.
    Jeremy: What's so funny?
    Diane: I have a date with your father Friday night.
    Jeremy looks shocked.

    Sami looks around.
    Sami: Stefano, leave me alone!
    She gets up, and leaves the Pub. Stefano gets up, and goes to the bar.
    Stefano: Caroline, how nice it is to see you.
    Caroline: Stefano, your not welcome here.
    Stefano: Is my grandson here by any chance?
    Caroline: Leave now or I'll call the cops!
    Stefano: Calm down, Caroline, calm down.
    Stefano walks out of the Pub.

    Vivian laughs.
    Vivian: I remember you as a little girl. So curious, and inqusitive. I liked you.
    Adrianna: How the hell did you get here?
    Vivian: I believe Stefano put us here.
    Adrianna: Us?
    Edmund Crumb comes out of behind a tree.
    Edmund: Hello.

    Abe puts down his cup of coffee.
    Abe: Well, you read his file, right?
    Michelle: Yes. I have no idea why he would want to see me.
    Abe: Probaly to make sure there are no charges brought against him.
    Michelle: Well, I'm trying to build a strong case against him. I just need something else that will implicate him.

    Stefano is on the phone outside the Pub.
    Stefano: How are my guessts doing on my beautiful island?
    Person: Mr. DiMera, somebody else joined them today.
    Stefano looks shocked.
    Stefano: Who?
    Person: Your daughter, Adrianna.
    Stefano: Damn it!
    John is standing outside the Pub.
    John: Problem, Stefano?

    Jeremy smiles at Diane.
    Jeremy: Well, I'm sure you will have a better time with me. What do you say?
    Diane laughs.
    Diane: First off, your too young. Second, your too cocky.
    She leaves the nurses station. Mike comes.
    Mike: Jeremy! You ready?
    Jeremy: I've been waiting for you.
    Mike: Ya, well-
    Nicole comes.
    Nicole: Mike! Mike! I need yout help!
    Diane sees Nicole talking to Mike.
    Mike: what can I help you with?
    Nicole: A voulenteer position. It's hard to get into the hospital.
    Mike: Nicole, we'll talk-
    Jeremy goes in front of Mike. He puts his hand out.
    Jeremy: Jeremy Horton.
    Nicole smiles.
    Nicole: Well, well, aren't you handsome?

    Carly wakes up in her room at Bayview Sanatorium. Paul is next to her.
    Carly: Get me out of here.
    Paul: I can’t do that, Carly.
    Carly: What the hell are you doing to me? Why aren't you letting me see my family?
    Paul: Carly, I'm going to let you see them as soon as I make sure you are ok.
    Carly: I'm fine! Let me out!
    She gets up fast, and starts feeling dizzy.
    Paul: Carly, calm down!
    EJ and Kimberly walk in.
    EJ: What the hell's going on in here?
    Carly: EJ!
    They hug.
    EJ: I have some good news for you.
    Scotty comes in with Alex.
    Carly: Alex!
    She holds him, and cuddles him.

    Adrianna laughs.
    Adrianna: Hold on, Edmund Crumb, right? EJ's adoptive father, well sort of.
    Edmund: Yes.
    Adrianna: What the hell is this? Stefano's version of the Surreural Life?
    Vivian laughs.
    Vivian: Thats funny.
    Adrianna: What the hell is wrong with you!?
    Vivian: I'm just trying to make the best of this!

    Jeremy kisses Nicole's hand.
    Jeremy: How's Friday night?
    Nicole laughs.
    Nicole: I'm kinda in something. Sorry.
    She picks up a binder, and walks away. Mike laughs.
    Mike: Lets get out of here.

    Stefano hangs up his phone.
    Stefano: John Black. How are you these days?
    John: I can't really compare it to any other days.
    Stefano laughs.
    Stefano: Let me tell you a story. About two Romans.
    John looks confused.
    Stefano: Drop by the mansion tonight.

    Paul is with EJ, Kimberly, and Scotty outside.
    Paul: Never, I repeat, never do that again!
    EJ: We heard Carly yelling!
    Paul: She just awoke from her unconcious state! She was confused! If things were worse, and you guys came barging in, it could have made her worse!
    Kimberly: Were sorry, Doctor. But we were just worried.
    Paul: I understand that, but next time, I'll let you know when you can go in.
    Scotty: So she's alright now?
    Paul: I'm going to keep her here a little while longer, get her some treatment for her breakdown.
    EJ: Will it be easy to overcome?
    Paul: It depends on the person. I'm going to do my best.

    Michelle knocks on the door of the DiMera mansion. Stefano opens it.
    Michelle: Wow, Mr. DiMera, I didn't expect you to open the door.
    Stefano chuckles.
    Stefano: Some things you need to do yourself. Come in, make yourself comfortable.
    He lets her in, and they sit in the living room.
    Michelle: Well, Mr. DiMera, what is the reason for this meeting?
    Stefano: I would like to ask for a favour.
    Michelle laughs.
    Michelle: What can you possible want from me?
    Stefano: Take away my daughter's visa.
    Michelle: Let me tell you something, Mr. DiMera.This may have worked for you in the past, using DA's to get what you want, but it's not going to work with me.
    Michelle gets up.
    Stefano: What about a gift?
    He takes out a check book.
    Michelle: I can't be bought.
    She leaves the mansion.
    Stefano: Playing hard to get, eh?

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Carly is in her room, dressed. EJ walks in.
    EJ: Whats going on?
    Carly: I'm getting out of here.
    She kisses him.

    Marleana is in Kristen's room at Bayview Sanatirioum.
    Kristen: Marleana, I want you to help me.
    Marleana: That won't be happening.

    Michelle is sitting in her office. Stefano walks in.
    Stefano: How about dinner tonight?
  11. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    The effects of the drug start to wear off of Stefano. Isabella helps him up.
    Isabella: Now tell me where my daughter is!
    Stefano: Andre did something. I have no idea where Adrianna is.

    Kristen is brought into the police station in handcuffs.
    Kristen: I don’t understand what’s going on!
    Bo and Abe come out of an office.
    Abe: Well, well, Kristen. What did she do?
    John and Scotty walk into the station.
    Scotty: They had Scotty in the park.
    John: She told me he was my son!

    Marleana sits beside Belle’s hospital bed. Belle starts to wake up.
    Belle: Mom?
    Marleana smiles.
    Marleana: Belle! Thank God you’re ok!
    Belle: What happened?
    Marleana: That isn’t important. What’s important is that you’re awake.
    Belle: I feel weird.
    Marleana: You’ve been in a catatonic state for a couple months.
    Belle starts to remember what happened.
    Belle: My baby! My baby!
    She holds her stomach, and tears form in her eyes.
    Marleana: I’m so sorry sweetie.
    Belle starts crying.

    Isabella lets go of Stefano’s arm.
    Isabella: What do you mean you don’t know where she is!
    Stefano: Andre did something!
    Isabella: Did Andre do this to you? Is this going to make you realize that he doesn’t give a damn about you? Or are you still going to treat him like he’s done nothing wrong?
    Stefano: I am going to make sure Andre doesn’t hurt anybody else.
    Isabella: If you don’t find out what he did to my daughter, I’ll not only kill him, but I’ll kill you!
    She picks up her purse, and leaves the mansion.

    Scotty is in the waiting room at Bayview Sanatorium. Kimberly sees him, and goes to him.
    Kimberly: Oh thank God he’s alright!
    She picks him up and hugs him.
    Scotty: Can we go see Carly now?
    Kimberly: I guess so.
    They walk to her door. Kimberly tries to open it, but it’s locked. Paul comes into the hall.
    Kimberly: Dr. Wilson, what’s going on? Why can’t we go in and see Carly?
    Paul: I’m sorry, but she can’t have any visitors.

    Kristen is in the interrogation room. She is crying. Abe and Bo come in.
    Kristen: I didn’t mean to do this.
    Bo: Give me a break!
    Kristen: I’m crazy Bo! I have a mental disorder! Sorry if that’s inconvenient to the general public.
    Bo: Inconvenient! You kidnapped a baby! His mother is having a breakdown because of you!
    Kristen: I’m crazy too! She having a breakdown, and I don’t know what I’m doing!

    Marleana gets up.
    Belle: Why did my baby have to die?
    Marleana: It was an accident!
    Belle: It wasn’t an accident! This is because of Kristen Blake! Where the hell is she? Did they find her?
    Marleana: Don’t think about that now, there’s someone important here to see you.
    John comes in the room. Belle looks shocked.
    Belle: Daddy?

    Kimberly and Scotty look at Paul.
    Kimberly: What do you mean? Her son is here! He will wake her up!
    Paul: Carly is not strong enough to have any visitors.
    Scotty: That’s crazy!
    EJ comes into the hall way.
    EJ: What’s going on?
    Kimberly: Dr. Wilson is saying that Carly can’t have any visitors.
    EJ: What? That’s insane!
    Paul: It’s for Carly’s own good.
    EJ: Her son is here! He’s been found! This will bring her out of her breakdown!
    Paul: I’m not going to argue this all day! Carly can’t have any visitors!
    Paul leaves.

    On a very hot island, boat is tied to the docks. Valeri walks to it.
    Valeri: Oh my God. It’s Adrianna’s.
    She takes her phone out, and dials Isabella’s number.
    Isabella: Hello?
    Valeri: Isabella, its Valeri!
    Isabella: Did you find Adrianna?!
    Valeri: I see her boat. I’m going inside it right now.
    Valeri goes inside the boat.
    Valeri: Oh my God.
    Isabella: What’s wrong?

    Andre is sitting in the warehouse. The door opens and Stefano comes in.
    Andre: Stefano?
    Stefano: Yes you fool!
    Andre gets up, and goes for his gun, but Stefano picks it up first.
    Stefano: You are going to tell me what you did to my daughter!
    Andre: Adrianna? Long story short, she is gone! You are never going to find her!
    Stefano aims the gun at him.
    Andre: You’re not going to shoot me! You don’t want to get rid of your only chance of finding your daughter!
    Stefano: Tell me where she is right now!
    Andre laughs.
    Andre: You won’t find her, Stefano. She’s gone forever.

    John walks into Belle’s room.
    Belle: How is this possible?
    Marleana: It doesn’t matter, honey.
    John: You’re my daughter; Belle?
    Belle: You don’t remember anything?
    John: No, but I plan to change that.

    Abe takes Kristen’s cuffs off.
    Kristen: Where’s John?
    Abe: He left.
    Kristen: No! John wouldn’t leave me!
    She gets up.
    Bo: Sit down!
    She starts shaking. She falls to the ground, and starts having a seizure.
    Bo: Call 911!

    Everything in Adrianna’s boat is on the ground, damaged.
    Isabella: Valeri, what’s wrong?
    Valeri: Everything is damaged! Adrianna isn’t in here.
    Isabella: Damn it!

    Stefano puts the gun at Andre’s head.
    Stefano: Where is she!
    Andre: Try one of your islands; then get back to me.
    Andre starts laughing.

    A body lies on the beach on an island. Adrianna gets up. She looks around, and notices that nobody is there.
    Adrianna: Help me!
    A woman comes out of behind two trees.
    Woman: Would you stop yelling!
    Adrianna: Who the hell are you?
    Vivian Alamain walks closer to Adrianna.
    Vivian: There’s no way out of here, so just enjoy it.
    Adrianna looks at her strangely.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Carly wakes up in her room at Bayview Sanatorium. Paul is next to her.
    Carly: Get me out of here.
    Paul: I can’t do that, Carly.

    Jeremy Horton is standing at the nurse’s station at the hospital. Diane is behind the desk.
    Diane: Sorry?
    Jeremy: Me, you, Friday night?
    Diane laughs.
  12. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Stefano is in the living room of the DiMera mansion, with Kristen.
    Kristen: Alex, John, and I are going to the park today.
    Stefano looks at her strangely.
    Stefano: Kristen, are you alright? You know that Alex is Carly’s son, right?
    Kristen: Sorry, what?
    Stefano: Alex-
    Kristen: Yes, Alex. Your grandson. What is the problem? What, is it because John is his father?
    Stefano: No, no of course not.
    Kristen: I’m going to check on him.
    She leaves the room, and Stefano looks at her, concerned.

    Marleana is in her office. Her secretary comes in.
    Marleana: Hey Liz. What’s going on?
    Liz: There’s somebody here to see you.
    Marleana: Is it a patient? I don’t have an appointment in another hour.
    Nicole walks into her room.
    Nicole: No, it’s me.
    Marleana: What can I do for you, Nicole?
    Nicole: I have something that will help Belle.
    Marleana looks at the LS-49 bottle in Nicole’s hand.

    Isabella unlocks the door to her new office. She goes in, and sees flowers on her desk. She reads the card.
    Card: Hope you find your new office here, comfortable- Hospital Administrator.
    Isabella puts it down. Her cell phone rings. She answers it.
    Isabella: Hello?
    Valeri: Isabella, its Valeri. I have some bad news.
    Isabella: What?
    Valeri: It’s about Adrianna.

    Andre walks into the DiMera mansion. He goes into the mansion, and doesn’t see anybody. Stefano walks into the living room.
    Stefano: You bastard!
    Andre: Nice to see you, uncle.
    Stefano: Tell me right now what the hell possessed you to potentially kill another one of my children!
    Andre: Stefano, your one weakness; your children.
    Andre pulls out a gun.
    Andre: A weakness that you’ll have to pay for.
    Stefano: What the hell do you think you’re doing?
    Andre shoots him.

    Liz leaves Marleana’s office.
    Marleana: What are you doing with that?
    Nicole: Before I go on with the story, you have to know something.
    Marleana: What is that?
    Nicole: The drug the Dr. Drake gave Belle was not this.
    Marleana: What are you talking about?
    Nicole: I found out that Stefano had him use another drug, so he can keep Belle in a coma. I went to Stefano’s warehouse yesterday, and I found this.
    Marleana: Why the hell would Stefano do that! And more importantly, why do you even care?

    Kristen, Alex, and John are sitting on a bench in the park.
    John: From what I know about myself before I lost my memory, I find it a little hard to believe that I would cheat on my wife.
    Kristen: Marleana kept you very unhappy. That’s why you came to me.
    John: When Marleana saw me she was very happy.
    Kristen: I don’t know. Maybe she realized something in the months you were gone.
    Scotty sees John, Kristen, and Alex sitting on the bench.
    Scotty: That’s my son!
    Kristen: What the hell are you talking about?

    Stefano pulls the dart out of his neck.
    Andre: Ah, too late Stefano. It’s already in you.
    Stefano: what the hell did you put in me?!
    Andre sits Stefano down on the couch.
    Andre: It is a drug, a very deadly one. Are you already starting to feel the effects?
    Stefano looks at him.
    Andre: Yes, your eyes; their burning, right? Anyway, pretty soon, you will become completely paralyzed. Then, when that’s done, all your organ systems will start shutting down. You will feel absolutely everything. And last, but certainly not least, your heart will fail, and you will go into cardiac arrest.
    Stefano: You bastard! I created you!
    Andre: Well, you know the story of Frankenstein.
    Stefano tries to move his legs, but they are paralyzed.
    Andre gets up.
    Andre: Oh, here’s the antidote. I’m going to leave it here, because I know it will kill you knowing that you can’t reach it.
    Andre laughs.

    Isabella sits down at her desk.
    Isabella: Valeri, what’s wrong?
    Valeri: I was looking for information, and I got a hold of a coast guard. I described the ship, and he told me that it sunk.
    Isabella: What! No! It couldn’t have!
    Valeri: I’m there now. I’m in Aruba. I showed him a picture, and he told me it is the one.
    Isabella starts crying.
    Isabella: It can’t be!

    Nicole sits down.
    Nicole: I know, I don’t have many friends, but Eric has been really good to me. If you don’t believe that I did this because anybody would, then it’s because I want to see Eric happy.
    Marleana: And you’re sure about this?
    Nicole: Yes, Marleana.
    Marleana: Thank you so much, Nicole.
    Nicole: I’m happy that I can help, Marleana.
    Marleana: And don’t worry; I’ll make sure Stefano doesn’t find out about this.
    Nicole: Thank you.

    Scotty picks up Alex.
    Kristen: What the hell are you doing! That’s my son!
    Scotty: You’re crazy!
    John: Give him back to her!
    Scotty: This is my son!
    Scotty hands him a picture of when Alex was born. John looks torn.
    Kristen: I- I don’t know what’s going on!
    Scotty: You’re going to get arrested! That’s what’s going to happen!
    Scotty takes his phone out, and dials 911.

    Isabella storms into the DiMera mansion, in tears.
    Isabella: You bastard! Where the hell are you!
    She goes into the living room, and sees Stefano on the couch.
    Isabella: You bastard! What the hell did you do with out daughter!
    Stefano looks at her with pain in his eyes.
    Isabella: What the hell is wrong with you!
    He tries to move his hand.
    Stefano (having trouble speaking): Andre- I can’t move
    Isabella: What the hell did he do to you?
    Stefano moves his eyes toward the antidote.
    Stefano (having trouble speaking): That- Please
    Isabella: Why the hell should I help you?!

    Marleana walks into Belle’s room, with a syringe.
    Marleana: Belle, I hope this works.
    She injects in into Belle’s IV.

    Isabella goes closer to Stefano.
    Stefano (having trouble speaking): I will forever be in debt to you.
    Isabella: You will tell me where Adrianna is!
    Stefano nods his head. Isabella picks up the syringe, and injects it into Stefano’s neck.

    A boat sails in the water. Inside, a young woman lies on the couch. She starts to move. Adrianna gets up!
    Adrianna: What the hell?
    She holds her head. She goes on the deck. She goes back in, and looks at the GPS.
    Adrianna: What the hell is wrong with this thing!
    She tries to turn it on, but it doesn’t work. She goes to her cell phone, but it is dead.
    Adrianna: Where the hell is the charger!
    She looks around and sees her charger broken in four pieces. She runs back on the deck.
    Adrianna: Help me! Help me!
    The boat continues sailing, and a frantic Adrianna tries to find a way off the boat.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Isabella and Stefano are in the DiMera mansion living room.
    Stefano: Andre did something. I have no idea where Adrianna is.

    Belle starts to wake up in her hospital bed.
    Belle: Mom?

    Scotty, Alex, Paul, and Kimberly are outside Carly’s room at Bayview Sanatorium.
    Paul: I’m sorry, but she can’t have any visitors.
  13. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    The next morning, Hope leaves Ciara’s room. Bo sees her.
    Bo: Is she feeling better?
    Hope: No. Her fever is getting worse. Any news on Alex?
    Bo: No. Kimberly called last night. Carly saw it on the news.
    Hope: Oh God. I can’t imagine what she’s going through.

    Kimberly is sitting on a chair in Bayview Sanatorium. Paul comes out of an office.
    Kimberly: Is she ok?
    Paul: She is in emotional shock. Her mind has detached her from everything else.
    Kimberly: How long is she going to be like this?
    Paul: Were going to try everything we can, but ultimately it’s up to her mind.
    Kimberly: What caused the breakdown?
    Paul: It was a combination of everything that was going on, but Alex’s kidnapping is what set her off.
    Kimberly: When Alex is found, will she be alright if we bring him to see her?
    Paul: That is possible. But the sooner, the better.

    Nicole is outside Stefano’s warehouse. She takes a hair pin out of her hair, and starts picking the lock.
    Nicole: Come on!
    She unlocks the door. She opens it, and goes inside.

    Bo and Abe are in the security office of the Penthouse Grill with a security guard.
    Security Guard: We have feed from about 8 minutes before the restaurant shook.
    Abe: The rest was all wiped out because of the shaking, right?
    Security Guard: Correct. Here are the pictures of everybody in the restaurant in that time frame.
    He hands them a folder.
    Abe: Thank you sir.
    Bo: If we need anything else, we’ll call you.
    Security Guard: No problem.
    Bo and Abe leave the office.
    Abe: Hopefully this will lead us to the kidnapper.

    EJ walks into the DiMera mansion and slams the door. He goes into the living room, and sees Stefano sitting on the couch.
    EJ: Tell me where Alex is!
    Stefano: I have no idea where he is!
    Sami runs into the room.
    Sami: Johnny is missing!
    EJ looks at her.
    EJ: What do you mean he’s missing!
    Sami looks at Stefano.
    Sami: You bastard! You did this!
    EJ and Sami leave the mansion. Stefano picks up the phone.
    Stefano: Andre! Was it you?
    Andre: Of course, Stefano. Little Johnny is on his way to the mansion.
    Stefano: Good job.

    Nicole rummages through a desk in the warehouse. She opens a drawer, and sees a bottle. The bottle reads “LS-49”
    Nicole: There you are.
    Andre: I wouldn’t touch that if I were you.
    Nicole turns around.
    Nicole: Andre, I’ll give it to you, if you put down the gun.
    He looks confused.
    Andre: Wait, what do you-
    Nicole looks in the drawer, and sees a gun. She quickly grabs it. She holds it at Andre. Andre is shot! Nicole looks shocked! She looks at the gun, and realizes she didn’t do it.
    She looks around, and sees a gun. She ducks as the shooter shoots.

    Valeri walks by Andre’s van outside the warehouse. She hears a baby cry. She opens the van, and sees Johnny.
    Valeri: Oh my God!
    She takes her phone out, and dials EJ’s number.
    Valeri: EJ, its Valeri! I found Johnny!
    EJ: Where is he!
    Valeri: He was in a van in front of Stefano’s warehouse.
    EJ: Samantha and I will be right there.

    EJ and Sami are driving in EJ’s car. He hangs up the phone.
    Sami: Who was that? Where’s Johnny?
    EJ: Valeri said she was in a van outside Stefano’s warehouse.
    Sami: That bastard! I’m going to kill him!
    EJ: Let’s just focus on getting to the warehouse.

    Nicole leaves the warehouse. She sees Valeri outside, holding Johnny.
    Nicole: Hey!
    Valeri: Who are you? Hey you just came out of that warehouse! What were you doing in there!
    Nicole: That’s none of your business.
    Nicole leaves, and goes into her car. She drives off.

    Kimberly and Paul are outside Carly’s room.
    Kimberly: When will I be able to see her?
    Paul: Once Carly is settled in, you will be able to see her. I’ll go check now, and see if everything is ready.
    He goes into Carly’s room. Carly stares out the window with a blank expression. He looks around. He goes outside.
    Paul: Kimberly, you can go in now.
    Kimberly: Thank you.
    She goes inside, and tears form in her eyes.
    Kimberly: Oh, Carly. Everything’s going to be ok. Were going to find Alex.

    Jeannie knocks on Carrie’s apartment door.
    Jeannie: Hey Carrie.
    Carrie: Come in.
    Jeannie; You ok after last night?
    Carrie: I hardly slept. I can’t even imagine what Stefano has done with Alex.
    Jeannie: Me either. Poor Carly. She’s trapped in her own body.
    Carrie. I’m sure that once Alex is found, everything will be ok.
    Jeannie: I hope so.
    Jeannie and Carrie sit on the couch.
    Jeannie: So how are things going with you and Brady?
    Carrie: Were going good. He is so good to me.
    Jeannie: So when can I expect a wedding invitation?
    Carrie laughs.
    Carrie: A wedding invitation? I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.
    Jeannie: Why? Is something wrong?

    EJ and Sami get out of the car in front of Stefano’s warehouse. Sami runs to Valeri and Johnny.
    Sami: Oh thank God your ok!
    Valeri hands him to Sami. EJ kisses Johnny.
    Valeri: EJ, something happened in the warehouse.
    EJ: What?
    Valeri: I heard a gunshot.
    EJ: In the warehouse?
    Valeri: Yes.
    EJ looks at Sami.
    EJ: I’ll be right back Samantha.
    EJ and Valeri go into the warehouse.
    Sami: Oh thank God your ok, Johnny.
    A man touches Sami’s shoulder.
    Man: He’ll be fine with me.
    She turns around.
    Sami: No!
    Andre smiles.

    In the warehouse, EJ and Valeri see someone on the floor.
    Valeri: It’s Andre!
    EJ bends down, and checks for a pulse. He notices a mark on his wrist.
    EJ: Oh my God. It’s not Andre. It’s Tony.
    Valeri: What? How can you be sure?
    EJ: Tony got a tattoo on his wrist, so we can distinguish between the two.
    Valeri: Oh my God.
    Valeri takes her phone out, and dials 911.

    Carrie pours Jeannie some tea.
    Carrie: I’m not saying something’s wrong. I’m just saying I’m just not ready to get married again.
    Jeannie: Is it because of everything that happened with Austin?
    Carrie: I’ve tried it before. With Mike, Austin, Lucas. I mean I sometimes wonder that if Austin would have lived, would we stay together? Or would it end up like my other marriages?
    Jeannie: Your other marriages ended because they obviously weren’t the right choices.
    Carrie: And how do I know that Brady is right for me?
    Jeannie: I don’t know. When I see you and Brady together, you just look right.
    Carrie: I don’t know. I mean, he’s divorced too. Right now, I think what we both want is to just be in a relationship like this. If we get married down the road, then we get married. If we don’t, we don’t.
    Jeannie: I guess that makes sense.

    Sami cuddles Johnny.
    Andre: Come on! I’m not going to hurt him.
    EJ and Valeri rush out of the warehouse.
    EJ: Stay away from them!
    Andre: Ah! Not so fast!
    He pulls out a remote.
    Andre: Anybody moves, I blow up the warehouse with Tony in it.
    He looks at Sami.
    Andre: Now hand me little Johnny.
    Sami: No!
    Andre puts his finger on the button.
    Valeri: Give us Alex, and we’ll give you Johnny.
    Sami: No! I’m not going to let you kidnap my son!
    The paramedics bring Tony out of the warehouse.
    Valeri: Didn’t expect that, did you?
    Andre: Well, this was fun.
    He pushes Valeri to the ground, and gets in his van. He drives off.

    Kristen and John are in the DiMera mansion. They are upstairs, in a hallway. They hear a baby crying.
    John: I hear a baby.
    Kristen: Follow me.
    They go into a room, and see Alex in a crib, crying. She picks him up.
    John: Who is this?
    Kristen: This is our son.
    John: Son?
    Kristen: Before your death was faked, we reconnected. This is your son, John.
    She hands Alex to John.
    Kristen: Hug your son.
    John hugs him, and Kristen smiles.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Nicole walks into Marleana’s office.
    Nicole: I have something that will help Belle.
    Marleana looks at the LS-49 bottle in Nicole’s hand.

    Kristen, Alex, and John are in the park. Scotty sees them.
    Scotty: That’s my son!
    Kristen: What the hell are you talking about?

    Stefano and Andre are in the DiMera mansion.
    Stefano: Tell me right now what the hell possessed you to potentially kill another one of my children!
    Andre: Stefano, your one weakness; your children.
    Andre pulls out a gun.
    Andre: A weakness that you’ll have to pay for.
  14. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Carrie gets out of her car at the Penthouse Grill. She takes Alexis and Johnny out of the car, and puts them in a stroller, and goes into the elevator. Upstairs, Jeannie and Jeff sit down at their table.
    Jeannie: I’m hungry, what about you?
    Jeff: Yup. I could have made you whatever you wanted.
    Jeannie: Oh boo-hoo I didn’t come to your house! Put on your big boy pants and get over it!
    Brady walks by, and laughs. He sees Carrie coming out of the elevator.
    Carrie: Hey!
    Brady: Hey.
    He kisses her.
    Brady: How are the twins?
    Carrie: Their good. They’ve been really good today.
    Brady: That’s good. I’ll bring them to the table.
    Carrie: Thanks.

    Carly is in her hospital room with Kimberly.
    Carly: I really don’t like being pumped full of drugs all the time, mom.
    Kimberly: They are keeping you from hallucinating; which is what we have to talk about.
    Carly: What do you mean?
    Kimberly: Dr. Wilson, EJ, and I have decided its best if you go to Bayview Sanatorium for a little while.
    Carly: What? I’m not crazy!
    Kimberly: We didn’t say you’re crazy. You just need to go somewhere where they can properly help you.
    Carly: Mom, I’m fine here! Dr. Wilson said I was doing better!
    Kimberly: He thought that, but he concluded that it was because of the drugs.

    Bo, Hope, and Abe are at the police station.
    Hope: Is there any word on how long it will take for the city to clean up?
    Abe: Mayor Jenkins has already started the clean up crews, and he said they should be done by next weekend. Then they will start with the rebuilding.
    Hope: What about asbestos?
    Bo: They will be looking, and then determining whether it is safe or not to rebuild.
    Hope: Ok, do we have any leads on Andre?
    Abe: Nothing. He just disappeared from the hospital. Nobody saw him.
    Bo: Who was his last visitor?
    Abe: Carlo DiMera.
    Hope: Well, I guess we have our accomplice.
    Bo: Was Carlo questioned?
    Abe: Yes. We have nothing to implicate him.
    Hope: Well, Andre might get away with just another crime.

    Brady and Carrie are sitting at their table with the twins.
    Brady: So the seat detaches from the stroller?
    Carrie: Yes, so if one of them has to go to the washroom, then I only bring one.
    Brady: Don’t speak too-
    Johnny starts crying.
    Carrie: Surprise! Ok, I’ll be right back.
    Carrie takes out Johnny’s seat, and goes to the washroom.

    Kimberly gets up from the chair in Carly’s room.
    Carly: Please, I really don’t want to go there!
    Kimberly: Carly, it’s what’s best for you!
    Carly: No it isn’t!
    Kimberly: I’ll be back later.
    Kimberly leaves the room, and tears form in Carly’s eyes.

    Scotty gets out of the elevator at the Penthouse Grill. He sees Carrie holding Johnny.
    Scotty: Hey Carrie. How are you?
    Carrie: I’m good. How about you?
    Scotty: I’m good. Alex is really fussy today.
    Carrie: Same with Johnny. What is it a full moon out tonight?
    Scotty laughs.
    Scotty: I wouldn’t be surprised.
    Nicole watches from a corner. Carrie puts Johnny back in the seat.
    Carrie: Well, it was nice seeing you again.
    Scotty: Same-
    They hear a noise. The restaurant shakes, and they fall to the ground.

    Bo and Hope unlock the door to their house. They see Julie sitting on the couch with Ciara.
    Hope: Hey Julie. How was she tonight?
    Julie: She finished her whole steak! She’s getting big!
    Ciara runs to Hope and hugs her.
    Ciara: I missed you mommy.
    Hope: I missed you too sweetie.

    A nurse comes into Carly’s room.
    Carly: Can you turn the TV on please? I’d do it myself, but as you can see, I’m strapped to the bed.
    Nurse: Sure. What channel?
    Carly: The news is fine.
    The nurse turns on the TV, and puts it on the news.
    Reporter: Please, anybody if you have seen this child, please contact the authorities right away.
    A picture of Alex comes on the TV screen. Carly sees it.
    Carly: Alex! Alex!
    The nurse looks.
    Nurse: What’s wrong?
    Carly: That’s my son! Take these straps off of me!

    Stefano opens the door of a warehouse, and lets Nicole in.
    Nicole: I did it, happy?
    Stefano looks inside the seat.
    Stefano: What the?
    Nicole: What?
    Stefano: This isn’t Johnny!
    Nicole: Oh no; it’s Alex!
    Stefano: What the hell do you mean it’s Alex!
    Nicole: The restaurant shook! I was in panic; I grabbed the first seat I saw!
    Stefano: You fool!
    Andre comes in the warehouse, with a gun.
    Andre: Maybe this time I shoot you, you’ll die.
    Nicole looks at him, scared.

    Carrie gets up off the floor at the Penthouse Grill. She helps Scotty up.
    Carrie: Where’s Alex!?
    Scotty: He’s gone!
    Brady and Jeannie come outside the restaurant, and see Scotty and Carrie.
    Brady: Are you guys ok?
    Carrie: Alex is missing!

    EJ comes into Carly’s room.
    Carly: Let me out of here! My son!
    EJ: Carly, Carly! Calm down!
    Carly: My son! Somebody kidnapped him!
    Paul comes in the room with a sedative.
    Carly: No! Don’t give that to me! No!
    Paul injects it into her IV.
    Carly: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Please! Let me out!
    She starts shaking violently.
    Paul: Carly, I’m so sorry.
    He looks at EJ.
    Paul: This might send her over the edge.

    Bo and Hope are at the Penthouse Grill with Scotty and Carrie.
    Hope: Are you sure that’s all that happened?
    Carrie: Yes. The place started shaking, and we fell.
    Scotty: When we got up, Alex was gone.
    Bo: Don’t worry. Were going to find him.
    Scotty: Carly can’t find out about this.
    Hope: We hope she didn’t.

    Stefano looks at Alex.
    Stefano: Maybe I should get to know my future step-grandson.
    Andre looks at Nicole.
    Andre: Get out of here!
    Nicole: Stefano, we made a deal.
    Stefano: And you brought the wrong child!
    Nicole: But you’re still holding him!
    Stefano: When you bring me Gianni, I will give you the antidote.
    Andre: Leave! Or do I have to shoot you again?
    Nicole leaves the warehouse.
    Stefano: Maybe this wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
    Andre: What do you mean?
    Stefano: This might sent Carly off to the loony bin, which will stop their marriage.
    Andre: And you think that EJ will just come back to you?
    Stefano: With guidance from me, and I have no doubt. Plus, I know her doctor pretty well; Paul Wilson.
    Stefano smiles.
    Stefano: I am going to make sure that once Carly enters Bayview, she will never leave.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    EJ and Stefano are in the DiMera mansion.
    EJ: Tell me where Alex is!
    Stefano: I have no idea where he is!
    Sami runs into the room.
    Sami: Johnny is missing!

    Nicole is in Stefano’s warehouse. She picks up the antidote.
    Andre: I wouldn’t touch that if I were you.

    Paul and Kimberly are at Bayview Sanatorium.
    Paul: Once Carly is settled in, you will be able to see her.
  15. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Nicole is in her apartment. She flashes back to when her and Stefano were talking in the police station.
    Stefano: I don't think boy wonder over there would like it very much if he found out you kept his sister in a coma.
    Nicole looks out the window, and sees Eric. Nicole comes back from the flashback.
    Nicole: I have to get Belle out of that coma.

    Kimberly sees EJ outside Carly’s room.
    EJ: Kimberly! What happened?
    Kimberly: They were keeping me for tests and observation and all that. I’m ok now; I heard what’s been going on with Carly. Is she ok?
    EJ: She’s been dealing with some post traumatic shock from being trapped in the elevator.
    Kimberly: Have they brought any doctors in?
    EJ: Actually, one of Carly’s friends is friends with a doctor at Bayview Sanatorium. He specializes in this.
    Kimberly: A sanatorium? They think this is serious?

    John and Marleana meet in the hospital parking lot.
    John: Hello.
    Marleana: Hi John.
    John: Marleana, I’m sorry about last night.
    Marleana: I don’t understand why you would rather be with Kristen- the woman who has tried to ruin our life dozens of times, and the reason why we are visiting our daughter in the hospital right now- instead of trying to reconnect with your family.
    John: This is all to confusing to me, Marleana.
    Marleana: But it’s ok to start this thing whatever it is, with Kristen?
    John: Can we just go visit Belle?

    Sami walks into the DiMera mansion living room. She sees Stefano sitting on the couch.
    Stefano: Good morning Samantha.
    Sami: What? You’re here!
    Stefano: Yes. Have been all night.
    Sami: Well, I won’t be here much longer.
    She leaves the living room. The doorbell rings. Stefano opens the door, and lets Kristen in.
    Stefano: Kristen! How was your visit to the sanatorium?
    Kristen: Wonderful. I need to go to the bathroom.
    She goes. Stefano turns around, but the door opens. Nicole comes in.
    Nicole: We have to talk.

    Paul is standing outside Carly's room with EJ and Kimberly
    Paul: She's getting worse.
    EJ: I thought you said she was doing better.
    Paul: It must have been because of the drugs. She needs help that I can’t give her here.
    Kimberly: What do you suggest?
    Paul: To put her in the sanatorium.
    EJ: What? No!
    Kimberly: I really don’t like the idea of her being locked up in some room!
    Paul: At the sanatorium, she will get the proper care she needs. She isn’t going to be in there forever.
    EJ: How long will she be in there?
    Paul: If things go well, and I really stress if, it can be no more than a month. I can’t guarantee anything, but she has a much better chance of recovering there instead of here.

    John and Marleana are in Belle's hospital room.
    Marleana: This is your daughter, Belle.
    John: You say Kristen is the reason she’s here, but what did she do? Why is Belle in a coma?
    Marleana: Kristen kidnapped her, because she wanted Belle’s baby. Belle got away, but got in a car accident. The stress put her in this catatonic state.
    John: Where is the baby?
    Marleana: Belle lost it.
    John: Oh. I’m sorry. Marleana, you have to understand, that Kristen had a mental disorder.
    Marleana: She is a DiMera. She could have paid off 20 doctors to say that.
    John: This is no use, trying to convince you.

    Stefano and Nicole walk into the living room.
    Stefano: What is it that you want, Ms. Walker?
    Nicole: I have decided that I don’t want Belle in this catatonic state anymore.
    Stefano laughs.
    Stefano: Why would you want to do that? Oh, because of Eric Brady? Or is it Shawn Brady?
    Nicole: Stop this! Where the hell is the antidote?
    Stefano: When the hell did you grow a heart?
    Kristen listens from outside the living room.
    Nicole: I can’t live knowing that Belle is in a coma because of me!
    Stefano: So now that you have Eric Brady back, you’ve decided to let go of Shawn, so it’s ok for Belle to wake up?
    Nicole: That’s not why Stefano!
    Stefano: I’ll tell you what; you bring me Gianni tonight, and I will give you the antidote!
    Nicole looks at him, torn.

    Jeannie leaves Carly’s hospital room. Her phone rings. She answers it.
    Jeannie: Hello?
    Andrew: Hey Jeannie. It’s me. How’s Jeannie?
    Jeannie: Maybe if you came to see her, you would know how she is.
    Andrew: You know that I’m stuck out of town. Why can’t you just not be a bitch for once?
    Jeannie: Wow, and you want information out of me? Anyway I just wanted to let you know that your girlfriend is missing out at sea. People think Stefano had something to do with it.
    Andrew: What?
    Jeannie: Sorry, can’t talk anymore. My bill will have too many long-distance charges.
    She hangs up. She bumps into Jeff.
    Jeannie: Hey. What are you doing here?
    Jeff: I came to see if you were ok.
    Jeannie: I’m fine. I get to go home today.
    Jeff: That’s good. How about dinner tonight?
    Jeannie: That sounds great. How about the Penthouse Grill?
    Jeff: I was thinking my place.

    Eric lets Marleana into his apartment.
    Marleana: How are you honey?
    Eric: I’m good.
    She hugs him.
    Eric: How’s Belle?
    Marleana: Still the same.
    Eric: How did it go with John today?
    Marleana: John has decided that he should be with Kristen.
    Eric: Isn’t there anything that will get his memory back?
    Marleana: I don’t know. But this is Kristen, a DiMera. I want to see if he is being drugged, like I was with Alex North.
    Eric: Do you really think that’s a possibility?
    Marleana: I would put it past that crazy family.

    Nicole puts her purse down.
    Nicole: I’m not going to kidnap Johnny!
    Stefano: Fine then. Let me change it up a bit. You kidnap Gianni, and I give you the antidote. You don’t kidnap Gianni, not only do I not give you the antidote, but I will make sure that you get caught.
    Nicole: You bastard!
    Kristen comes in the room.
    Kristen: Father, I’m going to leave now.
    Nicole looks at her.
    Stefano: Bye Kristen.
    She leaves.
    Nicole: Where do you want me to bring him?
    Stefano smiles.

    Sami knocks on Carrie’s apartment door.
    Sami: Hey Carrie.
    Carrie: Sami, you’re going to be late for your appointment!
    Sami: Ok, everything’s in the bag. Alexis is a little sick, but it’s nothing serious. Johnny is fine. Make sure they sleep, after they have their milk.
    Carrie: Sami, their going to be fine.
    Sami: Thanks.
    Carrie: Ok, so you’ll be at the Penthouse Grill at 8:30 to pick them up?
    Sami: Yes. Thank you so much.
    Sami kisses the twins, and leaves.

    Jeannie smiles.
    Jeannie: I think the Penthouse Grill will be better.
    Jeff looks confused.
    Jeannie: Pick me up at 8?
    Jeff: Sure.
    Jeannie leaves.

    Stefano pours himself a glass of wine. He smiles.
    Stefano: Oh, the plans I have for you, Gianni.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Carrie gets up off the floor at the Penthouse Grill. She helps Scotty up.
    Carrie: Where’s Alex!?

    Andre and Nicole are in a warehouse.
    Andre: Maybe this time I shoot you, you’ll die.
    Nicole looks at him, scared.
  16. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Dr. Wilson is in Carly's hospital room. A confused Carly looks at him.
    Carly: I'm confused. I can't feel much. It's really blurry.
    Dr. Wilson. Thats because they gave you a sedative.
    Carly: Why? I don't understand why.
    Dr. Wilson: I'm going to give you something that will wake you up a little bit.
    He injects a syringe into her IV.

    John and Marleana get out of the elevator at the Penthouse Grill.
    Marleana: Do you remember this place at all?
    John: No. Nothing has triggered anything.
    Marleana: Mabye seeing Belle will trigger something.
    John: If I didn't remember anything from seeing those two girls I raised, and my own son, why would I remember this Belle?
    Marleana: I'm sorry. I just was hoping something would make you remember. Theres something I have to ask you.
    John: Go ahead.
    Marleana: Were still married.
    John: Yes?
    Marleana: Are you willing to come back to me?
    John: Theres somebody else.

    Valeri is in the DiMera mansion living room. She is on the phone.
    Valeri: Are you sure you couldn't find anything?
    Person: Yes, there is nothing on our radar. I'm sorry. We'll call back if we find anything.
    Valeri: Thank you.
    She hangs up. Stefano walks in.
    Valeri: I'm not suprised your out of jail.
    Stefano: Who were you on the phone with? Sounded important.
    Valeri: What the hell did you do with Adrianna?

    Amanda walks into her hotel room with chineese food. Billie comes out of the room.
    Amanda: Did you get him to sleep?
    Billie: It took him a while, but I finally did. Whats that?
    Amanda: Chineese food. You like it, right?
    Billie: Ya, I love it.
    Amanda: I love to cook, but today I'm too tired.
    Billie: I know how that feels.
    Josh starts crying again.
    Billie: Oh God!
    Amanda: You start eating, I'll go check on him.
    Billie: Are you sure?
    Amanda: Of course!
    Billie: Thank you so much.

    Carly starts to snap out of it.
    Dr. Wilson: Do you see anything?
    Carly: Just you, Doctor.
    Dr. Wilson: Please, call me Paul.
    Carly: Ok, Paul. Am I good, or what?
    Paul: You've been seeing things, correct?
    Carly: Yes, does that give them the right to strap me to a bed?
    Paul: You were throwing things, and shaking violently. They did it for your own good.
    Carly: Well, I fell great now, so why don't you unstrap me, and let me out of here?
    Paul: As much as I'd love to do that, your not ready.

    Marleana and John sit down at a table.
    Marleana: What do you mean theres somebody else?
    John: A woman saved me after the accident at the ISA.
    Marleana: What do you mean? The ISA didn't save you?
    John: If it wasn't for her, the ISA wouldn't have found me.
    Marleana: Who is this woman?
    John: She's right over there.
    Marleana looks behind her, and sees Kristen. She looks shocked.

    Stefano pours himself a glass of wine.
    Stefano: What makes you think I had something to do with Adrianna's dissapearance?
    Valeri: Is that a serious question?
    Stefano: Why do you care so much anyway? If I remember correctly, you were the kone that wanted to be sent away from her.
    Valeri: Oh shut up.
    Stefano: Oh, this is one of those things where you feel guilty, and you want to make up for it?
    Valeri: You wouldn't know how that feels.
    Stefano: And look at me now.
    Valeri: Yes, look at you now. Your family has turned their back on you and the cops are looking for any excuse to throw you in jail.
    Stefano: Oh, but they won't.

    EJ walks into Andre's empty hospital room.
    EJ :Why am I not suprised?
    Carlo comes in.
    Carlo: Where's Andre?
    EJ turns around.
    EJ: Oh, don't pretend little brother.
    Carlo: What are you talking about?
    EJ: Tell Andre that if he doesnt anything to hurt anybody else, I will kill him with my bare hands.
    EJ leaves the room.

    Carly rolls her eyes.
    Carly: Ok, so whats going on with me? Am I crazy?
    Paul: Your not crazy.
    Carly: Come on! I see fire that isn't really there. I feel like I'm still trapped in that elevator.
    Paul: And when has that happened?
    Carly: Every time I've woken up.
    Paul: It didn't happen this time.

    Marleana gets up.
    Marleana: Do you have any idea who this is!
    John: She's the woman who saved my life.
    Kristen: Hello Marleana.
    Marleana: She is the reason our daughter is in a coma!
    Kristen: Marleana, I know it seems that way, but-
    Marleana: Why the hell aren't you in jail?!?
    Kristen: If you let me talk, I would explain.
    Marleana: Oh, I'm going to love this one.
    Kristen: I was checked into a sanatorium, and they concluded that I had a mental illness. I was treated for it, and then I found John.
    Marleana: And what? You forgot that John and I love each other?
    Kristen: I was confused! I had no idea what happened with the ISA!
    Marleana: This is insane! She didn't tell you about our past?
    John: What are you talking about?

    Kate knocks on Amanda's hotel room. Billie answers the door.
    Billie: Hey mom.
    Kate: Hey. How are you?
    Billie: I'm good. You?
    Kate: I'm ok. How's Josh?
    Billie: He's ok.
    Kate: Wheres Amanda?
    Billie: She's checking on Josh.
    Kate: Oh really? Thats nice.
    Amanda comes out of Josh's room.
    Amanda: Hi Kate! It's good to see you.
    Kate: Good to see you too. I'm actually here to see the both of you.
    Amanda: Whats going on?
    Kate: I'd like to open the hotel a little bit earlier.

    Carly laughs.
    Carly: Well mabye it's because of all the drugs pumped into me.
    Paul: Mabye. Or mabye your getting better.
    Carly: I really don't like being in here.
    Paul: We are going to see if you continue to progress well, and when you do, you will be out of here.

    Kristen sits down.
    Kristen: Marleana, I had a serious disorder! Do you really think I would have done those things if I wasn't sick?
    Marleana: How much did you pay off the doctor to write that up?
    Marleana gets up.
    Marleana: John, call me tomorrow, and we'll go to see Belle. You can see what this wench did to your daughter.
    Marleana leaves.
    Kristen: John, you know that it wasn't my fault, right?
    John: Yes.
    She kisses him.

    EJ opens the door of the DiMera mansion, and slams it shut. He goes into the living room and sees Stefano and Valeri arguing.
    EJ: What the hell did you do with Adrianna?
    Stefano: My lord! Can I not get a moments peace!
    EJ: Where is she!
    Stefano: Why would I do something like that to my own daughter!
    EJ: If she isn't found by next week, I am going to make sure you pay!
    Stefano: Do not talk to your father like that!
    EJ throws his chess set on the ground!
    EJ: Thats enough!

    John stops kissing Kristen.
    Kristen: Whats wrong?
    John gets up, and looks for Marleana.

    Marleana gets in her car, and starts crying. She wipes her tears and drives to her Penthouse.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Paul is standing outside Carly's room with EJ and Kimberly
    Paul: She's getting worse.
    Kimberly: What do you suggest?
    Paul: To put her in the sanatorium.

    John and Marleana are in Belle's hospital room.
    Marleana: This is your daughter, Belle.

    Nicole is standing in the DiMera mansion living room with Stefano.
    Nicole: Where the hell is the antidote!
    Stefano: When the hell did you grow a heart?
    Kristen listens from outside the living room.
  17. Daniel
    Michael Graziadei In!

    Michael Grasiadei has been cast to play the son of Samantha Brady and Lucas Roberts, Will Roberts. He first airs on Thursday October 9! He comes to Salem with a three year contract.

    Brandon Buddy In!

    Brandon Buddy also joins the cast as Jack and Jennifer Deveraux's son, J.J. He first airs October 9, on recurring status.

    Drake Hogestyn Back In!

    Drake Hogestyn made his return to All the Days of Our Lives last week! He comes back in his famous role of John Black. He has a three year contract!
  18. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Valeri gets out of the elevator at Salem General Hospital. She goes to the nurses station.
    Valeri: Hi, can you tell me what room Andre DiMera is in?
    Nurse: He's in room 688.
    Valeri: Thank you.
    She turns around and bumps into Brady.
    Valeri: Oh, I'm sorry- oh hey Brady.
    Brady: What are you doing here?
    Valeri: I'm suprised you didn't hear; I shot my cousin.

    John walks into Stefano's room at the police station.
    John: I understand you have ruined my life a couple times.
    Stefano laughs.
    Stefano: I knew about you all along.
    John: Knew about what, exactly?
    Stefano: What the ISA had planned for you. To fake your death, and return to take me down, so to speak.
    Outside the room, Marleana is on her cell phone.
    Marleana: Brady, it's Marleana. Please come to the police station when you get this.
    Abe comes to Marleana.
    Abe: Marleana, I'm sorry.

    Hope is in a hospital room, with Bo.
    Bo: I'm so glad your alright.
    Hope: I knew I would be ok.
    Bo: How did you know that.
    Hope: My mom told me.
    Bo: Your mom? What do you mean?
    Hope: When I was strapped to that hospital bed, I saw my mom. She told me everything was going to be ok, and it is.
    Bo kisses her.
    Bo: I love you.

    Valeri walks into Andre's room.
    Andre: I am going to make sure you die.
    Dora comes in the room.
    Dora: Leave her alone, Andre.
    Andre: I haven't forgotten about your involvment with Don.
    Valeri looks at Dora.
    Valeri: What's he talking about?
    Andre: Why don't you bitches leave?
    Valeri: You bastard!
    She rushes to him, and starts choking him.
    Dora: Hey! Stop!
    She grabs Valeri off of him.
    Dora: You already shot him! You want to go to jail?

    Marleana looks at Abe.
    Marleana: I lost so much time with John! Now he doesnt remember me!
    Abe: I'll see what the ISa can do about that, Marleana.
    John comes out of Stefano's room.
    John: I want to press charges against the ISA.

    Carly is in her hospital room. She sees fire all around.
    Carly: Help me! Help me!
    She starts crying loudly. EJ comes in.
    Carly: Help me! Please!
    She starts shaking violently, and she starts throwing things off the table. A doctor rushes in with two nurses.
    EJ: Whats going on!
    The doctor injects a syringe into her.
    EJ: What are you doing?
    Doctor: We need to sedate her.
    Carly starts to calm down, and she falls asleep. The nurses strap her arms and legs to the bed.
    EJ: No! Why are you doing this!
    Doctor: She has become a danger to herself.

    Valeri unlocks the door to the DiMera mansion. She closes the door, and goes into the living room. Somebody comes into the door.
    Valeri: Who's there?
    Isabella walks into the living room.
    Isabella: Valeri?
    Valeri: Isabella? Oh my God it's been so long.
    Isabella: Where is that bastard?
    Valeri: Stefano is in jail right now. But he won't be there very long. Why? Is something wrong?
    Isabella: Adrianna went on a trip with her boat to go see my father. He called and said she hasn't come yet. Valeri, she's missing.
    Valeri: Are you sure she didn't get off at some other island?
    Isabella: I know Adrianna, she would have called as soon as she got to the island, whicherver island she would get to.

    Abe puts his cup of coffee down.
    Abe: John, I'm afraid you can't to that.
    John: What do you mean I can't do that! They took away my life!
    Abe: The ISA has a sworn statment by you before your death was faked, allowing them to train you to take down Stefano.
    John: So they erase my memories!
    Abe: That wasn't part of the plan. There was an accident, causing you to loose your memory.
    Marleana: So can't we press charges for that?
    Abe: In the statment that John gave, he said that anything that could happen was not their responsibility.
    Carrie and Brady walk into the station.
    Brady: Oh my God.
    Carrie: It's true.
    Abe, Marleana, and John turn around.

    Carlo walks into Andre's room.
    Andre: It's about time.
    Carlo: Shut up.
    Carlo uncuffs Andre. Andre gets up. Carlo gives him a bag.
    Carlo: Here, get dressed.
    Carlo goes outside. Andre starts getting dressed.

    Amanda sees EJ outside of Carly's room.
    Amanda: Hi, EJ, right?
    EJ: Yes. Amanda?
    Amanda: Yes. How's Carly?
    EJ: She's not doing to good.
    Amanda: I heard she was trapped in that elevator. That must have been horrible.
    EJ: When she wakes up, she thinks she's in the elevator. The doctors had to give her a sedative and strap her down.
    Amanda: Oh my God. It's post traumatic shock, or what?
    EJ: Thats what the doctor thinks.
    Amanda: Look , I don't know if this is any help, but I have a really good friend who works at Bayview Sanatorium. He's a doctor, and he specializes in this.
    EJ: Thank you. Thats very helpful.
    Amanda: Ok, I'll call him right away.
    EJ: Thank you so much.

    Valeri pours Isabella a drink.
    Valeri: I'm going to do everything I can to find her.
    Isabella: Thank you.
    Valeri: Isabella, before you leave, I just want to say I'm sorry.
    Isabella: About what?
    Valeri: Isabella, I wasn't very nice to you when you married my father. You remember, that a little while after Adrianna was born, I was sent away.
    Isabella: Yes, that was because of your father.
    Valeri: No, actually, it was because of me. I told him I wanted to go away.
    Tears form in her eyes.
    Valeri: It's my fault that I don't have a solid relantionship with my siblings.
    Isabella: Valeri, you made a mistake.
    Valeri: A mistake that ruined my entire life.

    Brady hugs John.
    John: Who is this?
    Brady: Dad, it's me, Brady!
    Carrie: He doesn't remember, does he?
    Marleana: No, he doesnt.
    Carrie: What happened?
    Marleana: His death was faked, by the ISA.

    Carly wakes up in her room, straped to her bed. She sees blurry, and she doesn't know whats going on. A doctor comes in.
    Doctor: I'm Dr. Wilson. I'm here to help you.
    Carly: Please, unstrap me.
    Dr. Wilson. I can't do that, Carly.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Dr. Wilson is sitting beside Carly in her room.
    Dr. Wilson: I'm going to give you something that will wake you up a little bit.

    Marleana and John are at the Penthouse Grill.
    Marleana: Are you willing to come back to me?
    John: Theres somebody else.
  19. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Nicole sits across from Stefano in the police room.
    Nicole: What the hell do you want Stefano?
    Stefano: I told you, a favour.
    Nicole: Why the hell should I help you?
    Stefano: Don't forget my dear, your the reason that Belle Black is still in a coma.

    Valeri unlocks the door to the DiMera mansion. She walks in, and sees Tony sitting in the living room.
    Tony: Valeri, it's been too long.
    Valeri: Tony?
    They hug.
    Valeri: I've missed you so much.
    Tony: You know who's fault that is.
    Valeri: Well, Stefano's in jail. And, Andre is in there too.
    Tony: Andre? How did they get Andre?
    Valeri: I shot him.
    Tony laughs.
    Tony: You shot him! And your still walking.
    Valeri: It was in self defence.
    Tony: Well, Stefano will never forgive you for wounding his precious Andre.

    Eric and Sami walk into the police station.
    Eric: It doesnt look much different than the other one.
    Sami sees Bo.
    Sami: Uncle Bo! Did you find my mom and aunt Hope?
    Bo: We haven't found them yet, but don't worry Sami.

    Carly is in her hospital room, alone. She starts to wake up.
    Carly: Where am I?
    She starts to have flashes of being trapped in the elevator.
    Carly: No! Help me!
    EJ comes in the room.
    EJ: Carly!
    She starts yelling and crying.
    Carly: Get me out!
    EJ: Carly, your ok!
    She starts moving violently. A doctor and a nurse come in.
    Doctor: I'm sorry, but were going to have to ask you to leave.
    EJ: Is she ok?
    Doctor: Please leave.
    EJ leaves the room.

    Nicole puts her purse on the table.
    Nicole: What the hell do you want?
    Stefano: I need you to delevir something to somebody.
    Nicole: What?
    Stefano takes a key out of his pocket. He hands it to Nicole.
    Stefano: Give this to Scotty Banning.
    Nicole stares at him in shock.
    Nicole: I knew he was working with you guys.
    Stefano: And now you are.
    Nicole looks at him, scared.

    John unstraps Marleana and Hope.
    Marleana: It can't be you.
    John: I'm sorry; is there a problem?
    Marleana: John?
    John: Yes, I'm John Black. I was told you are Marleana Evans (he looks at Hope) and your Hope Brady.
    Hope: John, you don't remember us?
    John: I'm sorry, why would I remember you?
    Marleana looks at him with tears in his eyes.
    Marleana: You died.
    John: I'm sorry. I don't know what your talking about.
    Hope: Who sent you here? Why are you rescuing us?
    John: I was sent by the ISA.

    Valeri goes into the DiMera garage. She looks around, and sees a motorcycle. She smiles.
    Valeri: There it is.
    She gets on it, and drives off. Inside the mansion, Tony picks up the phone. He dials a number.
    Tony: Hello, this is Tony DiMera. I was calling to see how Anna DiMera is doing.
    Nurse: She's resting now, but she's doing much better.
    Tony: Thank you very much.
    He hangs up.

    Nicole is about to get up to leave, but Stefano stops her.
    Stefano: One more thing.
    Nicole: What?
    Stefano: I need you to kidnap my grandson, Gianni.
    Nicole looks at him in shock.
    Nicole: Are you crazy! I drew the line at being your personal mail woman!
    Stefano: I don't think boy wonder over there would like it very much if he found out you kept his sister in a coma.
    Nicole looks out the window, and sees Eric.
    Nicole: Oh, but he'll love it if I kidnap his nephew and hand him over to a nut job!
    Stefano: Your hands will be clean in all of this!
    Nicole: I am not going to kidnap a child!
    Stefano: Oh get off that moral high horse, you kept a woman in a coma.
    Nicole: How many more times are you going to being that up?
    Stefano: As many more as it takes to convince you.

    Marleana and Hope walk into the police station.
    Bo: Marleana! Hope!
    Bo, Eric, Marleana, Sami, and Hope hug.
    Bo: How did you guys get out?
    John comes in.
    John: With a little help from me.
    Bo: John?
    John: I'm sorry, who are you?
    Abe comes out of his office.
    John: Abe! It's good to see you.
    Marleana looks in shock.
    Marleana: Abe, you knew about this?

    Valeri parks her motorcycle at the Penthouse Grill. Brady gets out of his car.
    Brady: Nice bike.
    Valeri: I forgot how much I love riding it.
    They shake hands.
    Brady: I'm Brady Black.
    Valeri: Valeri DiMera.
    They look at each other, knowing about their families.
    Valeri: Ok, this is awkward.
    Brady: Well, it shouldn't be. You have nothing to do with what went on between my father, and your-
    Valeri: He's my father. Although, sometimes it doesn't feel like it.
    Brady: Well come in, I'll buy you breakfast or something.
    Valeri: Thank you. I'd like that.

    The doctor comes out of Carly's room. EJ goes to him.
    EJ: Whats wrong?
    Doctor: She seems to be having persistant reexpierence of what happened to her in the elevator.
    EJ: Is she going to be ok?
    Doctor: Well, this is something we would expect her to be going through after a trauautic event like that.
    EJ: How long will this last.
    Doctor: Were not sure, but we want to treat her early, to prevent post traumatic depression.

    Nicole gets up.
    Nicole: I am not going to take a child away from it's mother.
    Stefano: Oh, because Samantha is one of your most cherished friends.
    Nicole: That isn't the point.
    Stefano: Do it, or we'll share a jail cell.
    Nicole: Where do you want me to bring him?
    Stefano: His aunt, Carrie is picking him up next week. She's going to have a little car trouble. Thats where you come, and take Gianni.
    Nicole: She'll notice!
    Stefano: Your clever, come up with something!

    Valeri and Brady are sitting at the Penthouse Grill.
    Valeri: So how long till you ask me out on a date?
    Brady laughs.
    Brady: I have a girlfriend.
    Valeri: Oh. I'm sorry!
    Brady: It's ok.
    Valeri: Now that I think about it, it's no suprise your taken.
    Brady smiles in embarasment.
    Valeri: I have to use the washroom. Excuse me.
    She gets up, and goes to the washroom.

    Marleana goes closer to Abe.
    Abe: The ISA faked John's death. They told me and Roman in February that they were using him to take down Stefano.
    Tears flood Marleana's eyes.
    Marleana: They took my husband away from me to turn him into a machine!
    John looks on, confused. Marleana turns around.
    John: Is this why I don't remember anything? They told me I had an accident while I was in training.
    Marleana: And you knew! You were supposed to be my friend!
    Abe: I was sworn not to say anything, Marleana.
    Marleana leaves the station in tears. John follows her.
    John: I'm sorry about this.
    Nicole opens the door to leave Stefano's room, and sees John. She looks at Stefano.
    Nicole: Your not going to believe this.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    John walks into Stefano's room.
    John: I understand you have ruined my life a couple times.
    Stefano laughs.
    Stefano: I knew about you all along.

    Valeri is in Andre's hospital room.
    Andre: I am going to make sure you die.
    Dora comes in the room.
    Dora: Leave her alone, Andre.
    Andre: I haven't forgotten about your involvment with Don.
    Valeri looks at Dora.

    Carly is in her hospital room. She sees fire all around.
    Carly: Help me! Help me!
    She starts crying loudly.
  20. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Valeri and Andre are in the DiMera mansion, in the room with Andre's TV's. Andre holds his gun at Valeri.
    Andre: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your brains out!
    Valeri: Andre, don't do this.
    Andre laughs.
    Andre: Why not? You have proof now, don't you?
    Valeri: Andre, you don't want to shoot me.
    He shoots, and the bullet goes right past Valeri. Valeri takes out a gun, and shoots!

    Hope and Marleana are in the warehouse, strapped to their beds.
    Marleana: Hope, are you ok?
    Hope: Ya, what about you?
    Marleana: I'm ok. I can't stay in here anymore.
    Hope: Don't worry. Were going to get out.
    Marleana: How can you be so sure?
    Hope: Don't worry.

    Eric sees Nicole, Scotty, and Sami screaming.
    Sami: Wha tthe hell is wrong with you!
    Eric: Whats going on?
    Sami: Eric, I had Andre!
    Eric: What happened?
    Everybody looks at Scotty.
    Nicole: Why don't you ask Scotty, here?
    Eric: What the hell happened?
    Nicole: Sami had Andre at gun point! She was about to shoort him, but then Scotty pushed her and she missed him.
    Eric: Why would you do that?
    Scotty: So Sami wouldn't go to jail for murder!
    Sami: What? Thats nuts!

    Andre falls over, as Valeri shoots him in the stomach. She runs out of the room, and calls 911.
    Valeri: Hello, someone was just shot at my house. I'm not sure of thbe address, it's on Lakeview Drive, the DiMera mansion.
    She hangs up, and looks at Andre, on the ground.
    Andre: You made a mistake, darling.

    A man is outside the warehouse that Hope and Marleana are in. He sees the lock, and tries to pick it. Inside, Hope and Marleana hear him.
    Marleana: Hope, I think theres someone here to save us.
    Hope: Were getting out of here.

    Eric looks at Sami.
    Eric: Ok, Sami, lets just get out of here.
    Sami: I'm going to see Uncle Bo, and see if they have anything yet.
    Eric: I was going to do the same thing.
    Sami: Ok, lets go.
    Eric: Nicole, I'll call you later.
    Nicole: Sure. Umm if you guys need a place, my apartment is ok.
    Eric: Thanks.
    Eric and Sami leave.
    Nicole: So, Scotty, why did you save Andre DiMera?

    Bo and Abe are in the DiMera mansion, with Valeri.
    Bo: Why did you shoot him, Valeri?
    Valeri: He shot at me! He missed, so I did what I thought would save me.
    Abe: And he admitted to you that he caused the explosions?
    Valeri: Well, he admitted that he caused the hospital explosion, but not the two other ones, but I'm sure he did it.
    Abe: Ok, we'll need you to come down to the station and give a statment.
    Valeri: No problem.

    EJ walks into Carly's room. He sits beside her, and holds her hand. He kisses it.
    EJ: Carly, please wake up. Your son needs you. I need you.
    Jeannie comes in the room.
    Jeannie: Hey. How is she?
    EJ: The doctor said she's doing better.
    Jeannie sits beside her.
    EJ: Did you see your mom yet?
    Jeannie: Their still not letting me see her.
    EJ: I'll go see if I can get you in there.
    Jeannie: Thanks.
    EJ leaves the room, and goes to the nurses station.
    EJ: Hi, can you tell me which room Kimberly Brady is in?
    Nurse: She's in room 658, but she isn't allowed to have any visitors.

    Scotty unlocks the door to his car.
    Scotty: I told you why, Nicole.
    Nicole laughs.
    Nicole: Thats bull, and you know it.
    Scotty: Why don't you go get checked out? I think you hit your head too much.
    He gets in the car, and drives away. She smirks, and turns around. A man is standing behind her.
    Man: Nicole Walker?
    Nicole: Yes?
    Man: Stefano DiMera wants to see you.
    Nicole: I don't want to see him.
    She turns around, but another man is standing there. He grabs her by her arm.
    Nicole: Ok, ok. I'll go!
    They put her in a van.

    Valeri walks out of an office at the station. She sees Stefano sitting at a desk, handcuffed.
    Stefano: You dissapoint me, Valeri.
    Valeri stares at him in disbelief. She starts yelling.
    Valeri: Your a fool! He killed Renee! He killed Lexie! He killed Benji! And you still hold him so high! Screw the rest of your family! Your children, your grandchildren! Your an idiot!
    She picks up a cup of coffee, and throws it on him. She leaves. Stefano sits there, thinking.

    Hope and Marleana are sitting in their beds, waiting for the door to open. The door opens, and Hope and Marleana look. Marleana stares in disbelief.
    Marleana: Oh my God.
    Hope: Oh my God.
    Tears start to form in Marleana's eyes.

    The men bring Nicole to the station, and into the visitors room to see Stefano.
    Nicole: What do you want, Stefano?
    Stefano: A favour, from you.

    Marleana: It can't be you.
    Hope: John?
    John Black looks at them.
    John: Thats a fact.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Nicole sits across from Stefano in the police room.
    Nicole: Why the hell should I help you?
    Stefano: Don't forget my dear, your the reason that Belle Black is still in a coma.

    John unstraps Marleana and Hope.
    Marleana: It can't be you.
    John: I'm sorry; is there a problem?
  21. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Bo and Valeri are in Bo's car.
    Valeri: Don't you get tired?
    Bo: What does that have to do with anything?
    Valeri: Well, it's 6:30 in the morning. I assume you havent't slept all night, and you don't look the least bit tired.
    Bo: I guess it's the adrelyin pumping.
    Valeri: Well, I'm tired as hell. I havent slept in so long.
    Bo: Where were you comming from?
    Valeri: Italy. Jet-leag, plus landing in the wrong place, plus hitchiking has made me nuts.

    Eric gets up from the waiting room.
    Nicole: Eric, what are you doing?
    Eric: I have to go talk to my Uncle Bo, and find out where they are.
    Nicole: Eric, you can't do anything!
    Eric: I have to.
    He goes in the elevator. Nicole sits back down.
    Jeannie: You really care for him, don't you?
    Nicole: Eric and I have been through a lot. He's very important to me.
    Jeannie: Do you feel guilty?
    Nicole: About what?
    Jeannie: Breaking his heart? Marrying some other guy for 5 million dollars?
    Nicole: I was stupid back then. I'm not going to make that mistake again.
    Jeannie: Assuming that Eric makes it possible for you to make that mistake.

    Carly is brought into Salem General, on a stretcher. EJ follows.
    Doctor: Is she a victim of the explosion?
    Paramedic: Yes, we found her under the rubble. Her blood pressure was below normal, but we stabalized her.

    Sami leaves Bo and Hope's house, and goes into her car. She starts driving. Her phone rings. She answers it.
    Sami: Hello?
    Eric: Sami, it's me.
    Sami: Eric, your ok, right?
    Eric: I'm fine. Why didn't you tell me about mom and aunt Hope?
    Sami: Eric, I didn't want to worry you anymore than you already were.
    Nobody says anything.
    Sami: Eric, where are you going?
    Eric: Sami, I have to go.
    Sami: Eric! Eric, don't do anything!

    Eric bumps into somebody in the hospital parking lot.
    Eric: Andre!
    Andre: Eric Brady! What a pleasure to see you!

    Bo stops the car at the DiMera mansion. Bo and Valeri get out.
    Valeri: Why are you here, anyway?
    Bo: Your father kidnapped my wife and my friend.
    Valeri: Look, Bo, it wasn't my father. This is all Andre!
    They go to the doors. Bo opens the door.
    Valeri: I forgot something in your car.
    She goes to the car, and Bo goes inside the mansion. Bo sees Steve and Stefano in the living room.
    Stefano: Well, well, this is turing out to be a real party, isn't it?
    Bo: Where the hell is my wife?

    Jeannie gets up from the chair, as she sees Carly being brought in. They bring her into a room.
    Jeannie: EJ, is she ok?
    EJ: They said they've stabalized her.
    Jeannie: Don't worry; she's going to be ok.
    EJ: Hows your mom?
    Jeannie: She's ok. They stil haven't let me see her yet, though.
    The doctor comes.
    Doctor: EJ, you can see Carly now.
    Jeannie: What about my mother!

    Eric looks at Andre.
    Eric: Where the hell is my mother?
    Andre takes a folded up piece of paper out of his pocket.
    Andre: Heres a map.
    Eric opens it, and a gas comes out. He throws it on the ground, and covers his nose.

    Stefano sighs.
    Stefano: I have no idea where anybody is. However, if you need any help finding them, I'd be glad to help.
    Valeri comes into the room.
    Stefano: Valeri!
    Valrti: Hello father.
    Stefano hugs her.
    Stefano: It's been to long, sweetie.
    Valeri: Well, I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere.
    Steve and Bo sneak off into the mansion.

    EJ is in Carly's room. Carly is still unconcious.
    EJ: Carly, are you ok?
    Scotty comes in her room with Alex.
    Scotty: How is she?
    EJ: The doctor said she's stabalized, but she's still not waking up.
    Scotty lets Alex kiss Carly.
    Scotty: Do you want me to leave him here for a while?
    EJ: I think Carly would l;ike that very much.
    Scotty hands Alex to EJ.
    Scotty: I'll be back later.
    Scotty goes into the waiting room, and sees Nicole sitting.
    Scotty: Hey Nicole. I see you've survived the explosion.
    Nicole: We got out jut in the nick of time.

    Sami gets out of her car in the hospital parking lot. She sees Andre.
    Sami: Andre! You bastard!
    Andre: Why doesn't anybody confuse me with Tony anymore?
    Sami: Shut up! Where's my mother?
    Andre: You better leave my dear, or there will be hell to pay.
    Sami takes out a gun.
    Sami: Tell me where my mother is!

    Stefano looks around.
    Stefano: Where the hell did they go?
    Steve and Bo are in a room, where they see a TV showing the hospital, and a warehouse, with Marleana and Hope in it. Stefano and Valeri come into the room.
    Stefano: What the hell are you doing!
    Bo: Stefano DiMera, you are under arrest.
    Valeri: What!
    Bo: These camaras prove that you had something to do with the explosions!
    Bo handcuffs him.
    Valeri: This is insane! I told you, it was Andre! He told me at the hospital!

    Scotty and Nicole walk into the hospital parking lot. They see Sami and Andre.
    Sami: Tell me where they are now!
    Sami holds her gun at Andre's heart.
    Andre: I have no idea what you are talking about, Samantha.
    Scotty runs over to Sami.
    Scotty: Sami, whats going on!
    Sami: He has my mother!
    Andre laughs.
    Andre: Thats insane! Where is she? In my pocket.
    Sami: Go to hell!
    She shoots at him, put Scotty pushes her. Andre runs away.
    Nicole: What did you do that for! Now he's gone!

    Bo walks into the new police station with a handcuffed Stefano. Abe comes out of an office.
    Abe: Whats going on?
    Bo: There were camara's of the explosion sites, in the mansion. Theres our proof that he's behind this.

    In the mansion, Valeri looks at the camaras. She looks at the warehouse one, and sees Hope and Marleana being brought back into it.
    Valeri: Oh my God.
    She takes her phone out, but then puts it back in. Andre comes in the room.
    Andre: I see you've found my secrete.
    Valeri: My father has been arrested, because of you!
    Andre: Stefano won't tell them a word about me, but I'm not so sure about you.
    He takes out a gun. Valeri stares at him.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Andre holds his gun at Valeri.
    Andre: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your brains out!

    Eric, Nicole, Sami, and Scotty are in the hospital parking lot.
    Sami: Eric, I had Andre!
    Eric: What happened?
    Everybody looks at Scotty.
  22. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Billie and her baby, Josh walk into the Salem Inn. She sees Sami sitting in the lobby.
    Billie: Hey Sami.
    Sami: Billie, hi. Oh my God, is our apartment ok?
    Billie: Ya, it's fine, we just had to evacuate because the air might be toxic.
    Sami: Well, your going to be waiting here a while.
    Billie: I guess so. I heard on the news that your mom, and Hope are missing. Was there any change?
    Sami: No, there wasn't. And I'm scared that this explosion could have hurt them.

    EJ, Abe, and Bo are at the demolished hospital.
    EJ: We have to go in there, and get Carly!
    Abe: EJ, it's not safe to go in there!
    EJ: Carly's in there!

    The elevator doors open at Salem General Hospital. Jeannie, Nicole and Eric walk out of them.
    Jeannie: I must say this hospital is much cleaner.
    Eric: Jeannie, did you get checked out?
    Jeannie: Yes, I did I'm fine. What about you two?
    Nicole: Ya, were ok.
    Jeannie: I still can't believe this happened. Half of Salem is destroyed.

    Stefano pours some brandy in a cup in the DiMera mansion living room. He hears pounding on the door.
    Stefano: Who the hell is that?
    He goes to the door, and Steve comes bursting in.
    Steve: What the hell is wrong with you?
    Stefano: Steven, I'm in no mood for this right now!
    Steve: You bastard! Everybody could have died in that hospital!
    Stefano: I had nothing to do with that!

    Firemen are looking around the demolished hospital.
    Fireman: I think I found something!
    EJ, Abe, and Bo look. The fireman lifts the rubble, and pulls out Diane. They put her on a stretcher. Bo takes his phone out. He dials a number.
    Bo: Carrie, hey it's Bo.
    Carrie: Uncle Bo, is everything ok?
    Bo: The firemen found a friend of yours, Diane.
    Carrie: Oh my God! She's being brought to Salem General?
    Bo: Yes.
    Carrie: Thanks.

    Amanda walks into the lobby at the Salem Inn. She sees Billie sitting with Josh. She goes to talk to her.
    Amanda: Hi, Billie, right?
    Billie: Yes.
    Amanda: I'm Amanda.
    Billie: Hi, nice to meet you.
    Amanda: Look, I see that it's going to be a while until you get a room, so would you like to come up, you and your son can stay there.
    Billie: Oh no, I don't want to bother you.
    Amanda: No, you won't be bothering me at all! Come, please, you and your baby don't deserve to stay here for the whole day.
    Billie: Thank you so much.
    Amanda: No problem.
    She smiles.

    Tony walks into Anna's hospital room with flowers. Anna wakes up.
    Anna: Tony?
    Tony: Yes, darling it's me.
    Anna gets up with tears in her eyes. He runs to her, and they kiss.
    Anna: Where on earth were you?
    Tony: That doesnt matter. I'm here now.
    Anna: I've missed you so much.
    Tony hugs her.
    Tony: I'm not going to go anywhere ever again.

    Sami walks into Bo and Hope's house, where she sees Mickey, Maggie, Alice, Jack, Jennifer, J.J, Alexis and Johnny. She runs to Alexis and Johnny and hugs them and kisses them.
    Sami: Oh thank God you guys are ok.
    Maggie: The house must be destroyed.
    Sami: I'm so sorry.

    Andre is at the demolished hospital. He looks around, hiding from everyone. A woman comes behind him.
    Woman: How much would I get paid for turning you in?
    Andre turns around. He smiles.
    Andre: Valeri! Nice to see you.
    Valeri: I'd say the same, but I hate you.
    Andre: Oh, and why is that?
    Valeri: Umm, lets see. You've killed two of my sisters, you've taken my brothers life for 20 years, lets see, there must be more.
    Andre grabs her arm.
    Andre: You keep your pretty little mouth shut.
    Valeri: Or what?
    Andre laughs.
    Andre: Mabye I'll set up another explosion, and you'll blow up with it.
    Valeri: I don't think my father would like it very much if you threatned me.
    Andre: I don't really care.

    Diane wakes up in her hospital room as Carrie walks in.
    Carrie: Hey, you ok?
    Diane: I'm a little sore, and my heads killing me, but I'm ok.
    Carrie: Thank God your ok, Diane.
    Diane: What about your family; how are they?
    Carrie: Marleana and my aunt Hope are missing, and Carly is missing in the hospital.
    Diane: Oh my God! Thats horrible. I can't imagine what she must be going through.

    A hand starts moving in the rubble.

    Jeannie, Nicole, and Eric are sitting in the waiting room. A doctor walks by.
    Jeannie: Hey, do you know if I can see my mom? Her name is Kimberly Brady.
    Doctor: Let me check, and I'll be back in about five minutes.
    Jeannie: Thanks.
    Jeannie sits down again.
    Jeannie: Eric, I'm suprised your not worried or anything.
    Eric: Why would I be worried?
    Jeannie: You didn't hear about your mom and aunt Hope?
    Eric: What happened?
    Jeannie: Their missing.
    Eric and Nicole exchange shocked looks.

    Valeri: What are you going to do Andre? The cops are all over the place. All I have to do is yell Andre, and they'll be here in a second.
    Andre: You see what I did here, this explosion? This took nothing. Now, if I put just the smallest amount of effort into it, I could have made it look like an accident. Now, we wouldn't want any accidents happening to you, now do we?
    Andre leaves. Valeri turns around to leave, but somebody grabs her by the arm.
    Bo: Wha tthe hell are you doing here?

    EJ runs into the demolished hospital, and starts looking around.
    Fireman: Hey, your not supposed to be in here!
    EJ: I need to find my fiance!
    The fireman grabs him by his shoulders.
    EJ: Let go of me!
    EJ sees a hand moving.
    EJ: There! Theres a hand moving!
    The fireman looks, and sees it. He lets go of EJ, and calls other firemen to help.

    Stefano puts his hand on Steve's shoulder.
    Stefano: I suggest you leave before theres trouble!
    Steve: Oh, I'm just here for a friendly visit.
    Andre comes through the door. Steve looks back, and sees him.
    Steve: You did this!
    Andre: Steve, how nice it is to see you.
    Andre runs out the door, and Steve chases after him.

    Valeri squirms as Bo holds her arm.
    Valeri: Let go of me!
    Bo: Why are you here?
    Valeri: I just got back in town, and I was looking for somebody!
    Bo: A plane landed in Salem?
    Valeri: If a plane landed in Salem, do you think I would be here in one piece? The plane landed in Colarodo, and I hitchiked here! I regret it, but I did it.
    Bo: And you didn't hear that Salem had a massive explosion?
    Valeri: Hmm, mabye if the radio was on in the car I would have known! What the hell is with the interogation? I've done nothing wrong!
    Bo: Then why are you here?
    Valeri: Oh, if my father found out about this!
    Bo: Oh, and who might that be?
    Valeri: Stefano DiMera!

    The firemen lift more of the rubble, and lift somebody out of the rubble.
    EJ: Carly!
    Abe comes.
    Abe: EJ, come on, you can go in the ambulance with her.
    The paramedics hook her up to an IV.
    Paramedic: Her blood pressure is low, but she's ok. Lets get her to the hospital.

    Bo lets go of Valeri's arm.
    Bo: Well then, it doesnt suprise me anymore that your here!
    Valeri: What! I had nothing to do with this! I had a little tip for you, but you can forget it!
    Bo: Oh really, and what was that?
    Valeri: My cousin, Andre was here, and practically admitted that he did this.
    Bo: Where did he go?
    Valeri: How the hell am I supposed to know?
    Bo: I'm going to the DiMera mansion, is that where your going?
    Valeri: Give me a ride.
    They leave.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Bo is in the living room of the DiMera mansion.
    Bo: Where the hell is my wife?

    Eric bumps into somebody in the hospital parking lot.
    Eric: Andre!

    Sami is with Andre in the hospital parking lot.
    Andre: You better leave my dear, or there will be hell to pay.
    Sami takes out a gun.
    Sami: Tell me where my mother is!
  23. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Stefano comes into the living room of the DiMera mansion. He looks at Andre.
    Stefano: Valeir was going to come to Salem tonight, but her plane had to land somewhere else.
    Andre: Well, sure, I don't think they would have wanted the plane to blow up.
    Stefano: If Elvis gets hurt there, I will make sure you die.
    Andre: Elvis will be fine.

    Eric and Nicole fall as they run. A small explosion happens, and they are pushed. Kimberly yells, and she starts crying.
    SWAT Team Member: Don't worry! Were here to get you out!
    Kimberly, Anna, and Jeannie get out from under the desk.

    Outside, EJ, Sami, Tony, Caroline, Shawn, and Isabella are pushed back while another explosion occurs.
    Isabella: Oh my God!

    Kimberly, Jeannie, and Anna are being helped outside.
    Kimberly: No! My daughter! Shes in there!
    SWAT Team Leader: We'll get her out.
    They are brought out of the hospital.

    Hope wakes up in the hospital bed. Her vision is blurry, and she sees somebody standing over her. She realizes it is a woman.
    Woman: Hope, darling, your going to be ok.
    Hope looks at her, squinting. Tears form in her eyes.
    Hope: Mom?
    Addie: Yes, it's me honey.
    Hope: But your-
    Addie: Yes, honey, I'm gone, but I'm here to help you.
    Hope: How?
    Addie: Clairvoyance.
    Hope: What? I must be dreaming.
    Addie: You are going to see something that will give you some peace for this situation.
    Hope: Mom, what are you talking about?

    Carly sits in the elevator, scared.

    Addie holds Hope's forehead.
    Addie: Close your eyes, sweetie.
    Hope closes her eyes. She opens her eyes, and looks around. She sees Marleana standing.
    Marleana: This is impossible.
    Tears are in Marleana's eyes, as she looks at somebody.
    In reality, Stefano comes in the room.
    In Hope's mind, everything starts fading, and everything starts reapearing, damaged. Hope sees restruants destroyed, homes burnt to the ground, and people joining together to help rebuild.
    Hope opens her eyes, and sees her mother again.
    Addie: Hope, there will be trouble, there will be destruction, but during times like those, we show a side of us that is so strong, an nd helpful.
    Hope: Mom, whats going to happen?
    Addie: Hope, everything will be ok.
    Addie starts to fade.
    Hope: Mom! Please! Don't go!
    Addie: I love you.
    Addie dissapears, and Hope wakes up. She sees Stefano.

    Eric and Nicole get up, and see a SWAT Team Member.
    SWAT Team Member: Come with me!
    They follow him, and he gets them out of the hospital. Sami runs to Eric.
    Sami: Eric! Thatnk God your ok!
    Kimberly: Carly's still in there!
    EJ: I'm going in there!
    Sami: EJ, you can't do that!
    Abe comes to EJ and the others.
    Abe: EJ, we have tried everything to get the elevator down.
    EJ: You obviouslly didn't if she's still in there!
    Kimberly: Please get her out of there!
    Abe: I'm afraid that at this point, there is nothing we can do. We tried using some left over power to power the elevator, but it didn't work.
    Kimberly: Whats going to happen?
    Abe: We are certain that the rest of the propane tanks are going to blow up.
    Caroline: What! She's going to blow up with the hospital!
    Abe: She is safe and secure in the elevator. The elevator will come down, and once the explosion is over with, we will be able to get her out.

    Jennifer turns on the TV at Mickey and Maggie's house.
    Maggie: Oh, I hope everybody is ok.
    They turn it on the News.
    Reporter: We have just recieved word from police commander Abe Carver, that the hospital will indeed explode! Police are now going to surrounding neighbourhoods, and evaucating homes close to the hospital, which will be damaged by the explosion.
    Jennifer: Oh my God!
    Mickey: We need to leave the house.

    Hope, Marleana, and Stefano watch the TV in the warehouse.
    Marleana: You bastard! Your going to destroy the whole town!
    Stefano: This is all Andre.
    The reporter on the news gets back to the camara.
    Reporter: In a shocking move, EJ DiMera has ran into the hospital! We are told that his fiance is trapped in an elevator there.
    Stefano looks at the TV, shocked.
    Marleana: Now Andre will claim the lives of Renee, Lexie, and EJ!
    Stefano storms out of the warehouse.
    Marleana looks at Hope.
    Hope: Marleana, were going to be ok.

    EJ runs through the hospital.
    EJ: Carly! Carly!
    A SWAT Team Member pulls EJ.
    EJ: No! Carly!
    The SWAT Team Member brings EJ out of the hospital.
    EJ: No!

    Stefano storms into the mansion. He goes into the living room and sees Andre.
    Stefano: My son is in there!
    Andre: Stefano, he got out! He's fine!
    Stefano: If my son dies I will kill you with my bare hands!

    Everyone is standing far from the hospital. Abe looks at Bo.
    Bo: It's comming any time now.
    Abe: Carly will be ok.
    In the elevator, Carly cries.
    Carly: Please! Help me!
    Power comes back to the elevator. Carly starts smiling, and she wipes her tears.
    Carly: I'm in here!
    The elevator stops, and the doors open.

    Outside, everyone has left the hospital area.
    Carly: Is anybody there?
    The hospital is engulfed in flames, and it blows up! The windows of Mickey and Maggie's deserted house are blown in, and the house in engulfed in flames. Salem Place's windows are blown in. Signs fall, benches are turned over, and trees are ripped out of the ground. The windows of Chez Rouge are blown in, and tables are turned.
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